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by Katie Dowe


  He's looking for that someone to give birth to his heirs

  A sexy BWAM Quadruplet romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Feisty and beautiful Caitlin has found success in the publishing world, but not necessarily her love life.

  Enter Matthias, the wealthy Chinese-American who buys out her publishing house!

  One look at Caitlin he knows he wants her to have his children!

  When Caitlin agrees to undergo IVF she never thought she’d fall for the billionaire…

  But his handsome looks and charming personality makes him impossible to resist!

  Yet despite their sexual relationship Matthias has never told her he loves her back.

  To make things worse, they never thought that having quadruplets would bring an awful amount of uncertainties…

  Some of which are life-threatening!

  Will Caitlin and Matthias make their relationship work through all of life’s trials?

  Or will she lose who she thought was the love of her life?

  Find out in this emotional yet sexy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll start dreaming about your own billionaire!

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2019 to Katie Dowe and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

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  Chapter 1

  Caitlin put aside the manuscript she had been reading for the past three hours in resignation. She had been up half the night trying to find what was wrong about the damned thing and had yet to come up with the answer. Viola Brooks was one of their top authors and her detective series were usually gritty and fascinating, but this book that was up for publication had fallen short and Caitlin had no idea how she was going to confront the eccentric author and tell her that she needed to do a massive rewrite before they could even consider going to press with her work. The woman was egocentric and it was not helped by the fact that she had been on the top of New York bestselling list for the past three years successively. Worldwide Publishing House had been her home ever since she was a struggling writer and now that she was an established one, she was making noise about going to one of the other publishing houses. Worldwide was in trouble and on the verge of going bankrupt, but there had been talk about a big name taking them over and saving their asses! The publisher in charge, Michael Vern, had been making a lot of bad decisions lately, bringing in books not because of their ability to generate sales but mainly because of his personal relationships with the people who wrote the damned books! No amount of talking to him by Caitlin had made him change and now they stood the chance of being taken over by another company. She had heard it during a board meeting and knew it was going to happen by the end of June which meant it would happen in the next three weeks! Caitlin loved her job and had gotten her own imprint five years after joining the publishing house and she worked damned hard to make sure the authors she signed lived up to the usual criteria. She went to bat for her authors, always seeking out young talent, millennials who made a difference. The world was changing and they had to change with it. She was sharp and cutting edge and spoke her mind no matter how much it hurt. She was like a whirlwind as her dad had affectionately told her over and over again and would breeze into the large towering glass and chrome building, early in the mornings and leave late at night, sometimes crashing in a room with a cot and just sleeping for a couple of hours before getting back up to start all over again. She did not have time for a social life and her best friends, Valerie and Yvonne, had given up on her ever finding anyone to settle down with. She had not been on a date in years and had told them quite firmly that she was married to her work.

  “What about sex?” Valerie had asked her in bewilderment as if she had committed the worst offense.

  “There are ways of having sex without a man involved,” Caitlin had told her in amusement.

  Yvonne had stared at the beautifully chic thirty-year-old woman and had shaken her head. “One of these days you are going to meet someone who changes that mind of yours.”

  “Maybe,” Caitlin had said in an off-handed manner.

  Now inside her very ultra-modern apartment, Caitlin glanced at the bedside clock and saw that it was almost two AM. She had promised her dad that she would come over for a visit and help him with his dissertation that was due at the end of the month. Her father was a literature professor at the local university and had passed on his creative talents to his only child. From the very tender age of four years old, Caitlin had been reading voraciously and had never stopped. Her mother, who had died when she was fifteen of a brain aneurysm, had told her husband and daughter that she often felt left out whenever the two of them were in a room together! She reached for the manuscript again and then with a firm shake of her head, she swung her legs off the bed and went into the kitchen to make a pot of herbal tea. She had to get some sleep, even if it meant taking a dozen or more pills!


  Matthias Li Jing Zeng wandered over to the mantle with a drink in his hand and a report in the other, his brow etched in a frown as he read the detailed summation. It was worse than he had first imagined when he thought about acquiring the chain. The finances were a mess and the company on the verge of bankruptcy. The board members had been cautiously advising him against the takeover, but as it was his company and he had the controlling interest, he had just heard them out and told them emphatically that he would be standing by his decision. It would mean leaving his corporate offices in New York and spending time at the publishing house to get things started. Matthias was into arts of all sorts and had proven his worth by turning even a simple art gallery into one that churned out the best pieces and the most talented artists. He could not write or carry a note, but he certainly knew the value of the art world and made a difference to it. He employed the best people and put them in the key areas, and within a few months, results would be visible. He had hoped to keep the takeover of the publishing house a secret until the deal was tied up, but somehow it had been leaked to the press which meant that he would have to go in on Monday and meet with the management staff. The publisher, Michael Vern, would definitely have to go because he was the one who had practically run the company to the ground. Caitlin Sharpe, who had been given her own imprint some years ago, had a great deal of potential and he would have to meet with her. He
sipped the cognac and looked up at the woman who came towards him, her body a study of seduction and allure. He had been seeing her for the past three months and was aware that the passion had sizzled out to almost nothing; she was going to have to go as well.

  “Are you coming back to bed?” she purred as she stood in front of him. Her dark blue eyes wandered over his smooth muscled chest hungrily. Matthias Zeng was Chinese who had been born in America thirty-two years ago by traditional Chinese parents who had come to the States and made their living by running a convenience store. They had hoped that their only child would have followed in their footsteps, but on their death ten years ago, Matthias had sold the store and invested his money into paintings and artworks which had paid off for him in more ways than he had ever expected. He was tall, topping six-feet three-inches, with golden brown skin, thick dark hair and eyes, and sported a beard which he kept neatly trimmed and which suited his handsome face to perfection. He was all about work and made no apologies for the time he spent doing so.

  “No.” His deep cultured voice was brief and his eyes barely took in the seductive curves outlined by the thin nightgown Sylvia was wearing. “I have to finish reading this and make some notes.” He moved away to go over to the table where his phone was resting. He made the call, knowing that his able assistant would not find it inconvenient to be woken up at such a late hour. Maxine was used to his hours and he paid her enough for her not to mind his calls at various hours of the day and night.

  “I need the financial report duplicated and sent to Barrington.”

  “Already done. I have made the arrangements for your plane to be fueled and ready for you first thing in the morning.”

  He did not thank her for her efficiency because it was already implied. “I have a conference call from China tomorrow-“

  “I will forward it to you as soon as it comes in.”

  “Good.” He hesitated as his gaze skimmed the pages. He had already forgotten that Sylvia was in the room. “I will call you if I need you for anything else,” he added before hanging up the phone. He turned in annoyance at the woman still standing there. “Go back to bed, Sylvia, I have things to finish up.”


  “You brought your work,” Calvin Sharpe noted in disapproval as soon as his daughter came around the bend and came towards him. He was seated at the pool with a thick volume opened up on his lap. She had managed to sleep after all, waking up some minutes to eleven and after making a quick oatmeal breakfast and a cup of very strong black coffee, she had hurriedly taken a shower and dragged on faded denims, a thin cotton blouse, and scraped back her thick dark hair streaked liberally with blonde highlights and headed out. There was a jug of lemonade on the table with glasses next to it and salad inside a bowl. Caitlin planted a quick kiss on his forehead before flinging herself into the opposite chair, placing her pocketbook and the manuscript next to her on the manicured lawn. She sniffed the fragrant aroma of freshly cut grass and flowers and closed her eyes.

  “I wanted you to have a look at it when we are finished with your notes,” she told him. She wrinkled her nose at him. “You know I am always working, Dad.”

  “You are too young to be so mired down in your career,” he told her reproachfully, taking off his glasses and rubbing the lenses on his light blue sweater.

  “So you keep telling me.”

  “What’s wrong with the book?’

  “Too pedestrian, not enough flash, and the storyline is too flat. Usually, when I read her work, I can hardly put it down, but now I find myself practically falling asleep when I read it.”

  “So have her do a rewrite.”

  “She is going to blow a fuse. She thinks she is the greatest writer ever,” Caitlin said wryly.

  “You are never usually shy when it comes to telling others what you think, no matter what,” her father pointed out.

  “I am not, but the publishing house is in trouble and we happen to need her.”

  “And she has a signed contract. She does not get to break it on a whim.”

  “That is exactly what I am going to remind her of,” she said with a laugh. “Now enough about me! What do you have for me to do?”

  He handed her his notes and she opened the pages and saw the lines that he had drawn through them and the notes scribbled to the sides. Her father had decided to do his dissertation on the entire works of Shakespeare and was determined to make sure it was an exceptional one. She shook her head as she realized that she had gotten her sense of perfection from him! It made it harder for them to accept the tiniest mistake and also made it very hard for people to live with them. Her mother had been the exception, giving them both space so that they could work!


  Matthias sat in the large sparsely furnished dining room, his simple meal of thinly baked asparagus and creamy lobster of little interest to him. He concentrated on the rich burgundy wine in his glass as he leaned back against the straight back chair and sipped the wine, savoring its rich blend. He had sent home Sylvia and had ignored her pleading looks deliberately. He wanted to be alone to think and to finish working, but he had not been working for the past two hours. He had not gotten much sleep but then again he was used to it. He could survive on little or no sleep especially when he was caught up in a project. Besides, he had been doing a lot of thinking for the past several months. He was all alone in the world. His parents had been his last remaining relatives and they had both died. He had had an uncle who had died when he was fifteen years old and he was an only child. He stood the chance of having no on to pass on his vast fortune to and that did not sit well with him. He had come up with a plan that had been formulating inside his mind for months now and only gaining strength. He wanted multiple children and he was thinking of four. He had no idea how he had come up with that particular number and he realized that number meant that he would have to find someone and convince that someone to go through IVF and the risks surrounding multiple births, but he was more than willing to compensate the one chosen. He had discarded the women he had been seeing in the past as not suitable enough and knew that he would know her when he saw her. He wanted to surround himself with children, with heirs who would take over when he was no longer around. He did not necessarily need a woman for the long-term, but he certainly needed children. He had spoken to his best friend, Kane Takahashi, about it and the man had looked at him as if he had gone insane.

  “Go the normal way, Matt,” he had said in his brusque manner.

  “You mean courting a woman and asking her to marry me?” he had asked him sardonically. “I don’t have the time to court anyone and you know it. It is simpler this way: enter into a business arrangement and make the rules clear. I am more than willing to pay.”

  “You are insane if you think it will be that simple.”

  “I know it will not be that simple,” he had said with a shrug. “I have no one to call family, Kane,” he had said quietly. “Everyone in my family is dead and if I stop to think about it, I am going to break down. I need to find a way to build a family and this is the only way I know how to do it.”

  And it was true. He needed it badly enough to put his excess amount of fortune into getting what he wanted! He just had to find the woman and to get her to agree first!


  Caitlin smoothed her hand over her hips and studied the effect of the dress she had decided to wear to work that morning in a critical manner. It was powerhouse red and flattered her curves effectively. There was a jacket to go with it and she added a multicolored silk scarf to the ensemble to give it a pop! She dressed in the very height of fashion, not only because she loved clothes and knew very well that statements were made when the attire was well chosen, but she also believed that when one dresses for success, it is usually achieved. Her hair was coiled at the nape of her neck in an elegant chignon. Gold knobs glinted at her lobes and there was a matching gold necklace around her neck. Today was the day when it would be decided who was staying at the publishing
house and who would be going. She knew she was very good at her job, but she had learned not to take anything for granted. Taking a very deep breath, she stepped back and went to get her pocketbook and her keys before heading out.


  Michael Vern forced himself to unclasp his hands and rubbed them on is pants to get rid of the moisture there. Matthias Zeng himself had come along for the meeting, which meant that the rumors had been right: Worldwide Publishing was being taken over by the man himself. The members of the board of directors sat around the large table looking forlorn and lost as the man took a seat next to Michael and indicated that the meeting should commence. Michael had had his secretary prepare a detailed report which was being shown on the large multimedia in front of them, but after a few minutes of reading the boring and inane report, Matthias held up a hand to stop it. “I already know what the report says.” His deep, no-nonsense voice sliced through the room like a sharply honed blade and had everyone staring at him. “The publishing house is bleeding money and has been doing so for the past two years.” He shook his head as Michael opened his mouth to say something. “The last three books that have been published by the company barely scraped through and are nothing but trash done up in pretty covers. They should not have been published in the first place.”

  “We have a lot of competition-” Michael began weakly but was rudely cut off.

  “I am assuming you are talking about the other traditional publishing houses and the kindle areas of publishing. That is no excuse. Worldwide Publishing has a reputation to uphold and the longstanding deal of always making sure a manuscript is up to par before taking it to publishing has been ignored over the past two years.” Matthias’ dark eyes pinned Michael’s and caused him to squirm. “That will have to be enforced again in order to get us out of this mess that we are in.” He glanced down at his notes even though he knew it by heart. “The imprint, Young Blood Press, seems to be holding its own and the person in charge, Ms. Caitlin Sharpe, seems to have a knack of pulling the best from her authors. Is she here yet?”


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