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Something Blue

Page 16

by Sean Ashcroft

  He was expecting to sleep for a couple of days, maybe. Declan had given him as much time as he needed off, and he’d quit his job at the bowling alley. He’d been grateful for it, but he didn’t like it the way he liked working in the bookstore.

  Thanks to Connor, he only needed the one job, now. Not even that, for a while at least, but he would have missed his customers if he stayed away more than a few days.

  Max looked around the apartment, peeking into the kitchen to search for Connor. When he didn’t find him, he headed for the bedroom instead, figuring he had to be in there.

  As predicted, Connor was curled up under the blankets, fast asleep.

  Max stared at him for a few moments, his heart swelling at the thought of how lucky he was to have Connor in his life. He’d almost lost him, but Connor had come back.

  Max never intended to risk losing him again.

  He kicked his shoes off, and then stripped down to his underwear as quietly as he could. He didn’t want to assume anything, and a nap was more than enough for him right now.

  Besides, he could always take his underwear off later, if he needed to.

  Max climbed into the bed, being careful not to disturb Connor too much. If he was completely asleep, Max didn’t want to wake him. They could talk later. They had all the time in the world.

  As soon as Max had settled next to him, curled up to face him, Connor’s eyes fluttered open. He smiled a small, warm smile that spread over his features slowly as he woke, and then yawned widely.

  “You’re here,” Connor said, awe in his voice.

  “I promised,” Max responded, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. Connor’s hair was getting long, but Max kind of liked the look on him.

  “I would have waited,” Connor murmured. “However long it took.”

  Max’s heart clenched hard in his chest. Connor would have waited for him.

  “I missed you.” Max traced the shell of Connor’s ear, wanting as much contact as he could get right now. He wanted to be close to Connor more than anything. “What about your clients?”

  “I’ve decided to decline their offer,” Connor said.

  Max’s stomach sank. “Don’t give up your career for me. I don’t need you to do that.”

  Connor shook his head. “I’m not. Or at least… it’s mostly not for you. It’s for me. And I’m not quitting. I just… don’t want to do big, fancy weddings anymore. I got into this to share people’s joy, to make their wedding a day they didn’t have to worry over, and I lost sight of that. But people here have already been asking me about planning their weddings, and this place is a wedding destination for queer couples, and… I want more of that. I was gonna talk to Riley about leasing the barn from him, doing sweet little bespoke weddings with a ton of handmade touches.”

  A smile spread over Max’s face as Connor explained what he wanted to do, a bubble of excitement swelling up in his chest. “Tell me how I can help,” he said, his mind already swirling with possibilities.

  Connor laughed. “Haven’t you worked hard enough for a lifetime?” he asked.

  Max shrugged. “I’m starting to get into this wedding thing. I can lift heavy stuff and I’m an expert at getting glitter all over myself. If it encourages you to stay, I wanna help.”

  “I’m staying,” Connor confirmed. “I think this is what I was supposed to find out here. You, and a chance to start over. Go back to what I love instead of being blinded by ambition.”

  Max grinned, darting close to kiss Connor, parting his lips and just gently nibbling on Connor’s lower one. He was still experimenting with exactly how he wanted to kiss Connor, but Connor didn’t seem to mind being experimented on.

  Connor laid a hand on Max’s hip, toying with the waistband of his underwear. Max hadn’t been able to tell before he got under the covers, but Connor apparently slept naked.

  “You’re overdressed,” Connor murmured against his mouth, hooking his thumb into the elastic.

  Max swallowed. Blood was already rushing to his cock, just from the lightest touch of Connor’s fingers against his skin.

  “You could fix that,” he said, his voice breaking.

  He knew what he wanted this time, all he had to do was work up the nerve to ask for it.

  Connor smirked, pulling Max’s underwear down, the palm of his hand grazing Max’s cock as he shoved it aside. Max wriggled to help him, pushing them down past his knees and then kicking them off, losing them somewhere under the covers.

  “I want, uh…” he began, his ears burning with embarrassment. He knew Connor wouldn’t laugh at him, but he was still new to this. Still unused to asking for anything, let alone what he was about to ask for. “Umm. To… feel you inside me.”

  His whole face felt hot, especially since he couldn’t think of a worse way to phrase that, but it was out in the open now. Connor would either say yes or no.

  “Do you?” Connor asked, raising an eyebrow. His eyes lit up, sparkling in the low light of the bedroom. He searched Max’s face, wetting his lips slowly.

  Warm arousal pooled in the pit of Max’s stomach. He liked it when Connor looked at him like that.

  Max nodded, his heart hammering in his chest. He wanted this a lot. He’d been thinking about it since he’d watched Connor do it.

  Connor grinned again, rolling over and opening the drawer of his nightstand. He rummaged in it for a moment, and Max heard the crinkle of a foil packet.

  His stomach bottomed out. Connor was going to do this for him.

  Nerves and excitement swirled in his gut, both feelings making his skin tingle, his pulse pound.

  “If you need me to back off at all, there’s no shame in it,” Connor said seriously. “You don’t have to go all the way your first time.”

  Max nodded in understanding, some of the knots in his stomach easing off. He wanted this, but he’d never tried it before.

  He trusted Connor, though. Connor had come through for him over and over. He’d take care of Max in this, too.

  “Do you need me to move?” Max asked, all the possible positions they could do this in running through his mind.

  To his surprise, Connor shook his head. “No. You’re perfect just the way you are, and I’m too exhausted to do anything other than lie down.”

  “We don’t have to do this now,” Max said.

  “I’d like to,” Connor responded softly, reaching out to stroke Max’s thigh. “I almost lost you. I’m still terrified by the thought that I might have. Sex would make me feel better.”

  Max nodded, his throat suddenly dry. It’d make him feel better, too. “Okay.”

  Connor smiled at him, soft and slow but with so much love in his eyes that it was almost enough to knock the breath out of Max’s lungs. He grabbed Max’s knee, hitching it up over his hip and holding it in place with his elbow.

  Max shifted a little closer, eager for the warmth of Connor’s body. Every moment he was with Connor made all the anxiety of the last few days melt away.

  Max listened as Connor uncapped the lube, closing his eyes in anticipation. He had no idea how this was going to feel, but he knew Connor would have warned him if it was going to hurt.

  “Stop me if it’s too much,” Connor murmured after a moment, sliding lube-slicked fingers between Max’s ass cheeks. Max squirmed as Connor’s fingers brushed over his hole, his heart pounding in his chest.

  This was it. Connor was going to be inside him, and he couldn’t wait. His heart was already pounding, deafening in his ears, but he was more than ready for it.

  He hissed as Connor pushed a fingertip inside him. It didn’t hurt, not at all, but it was weird.

  Not bad weird, but weird all the same. New.

  He’d done a lot of new things with Connor, and they’d all worked out just fine.

  “You need to keep breathing,” Connor said softly. “No passing out on me.”

  Max nodded, letting out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding and feeling his body relax aroun
d Connor’s finger at the same time. His head spun as it did, as he really let himself feel Connor inside him, instead of letting the thought of it overwhelm him.

  This was fine. Good, even. He hadn’t realized how sensitive he was until now, when every nerve ending lit up with sharp pleasure. He gasped and squirmed, trying not to be too loud so Connor wouldn’t stop.

  The last thing he wanted was for this to stop.

  “You’re doing great,” Connor purred, sliding his finger further inside. “We just need to warm you up a little, okay? That’s all this is.”

  “Okay,” Max responded, his voice already rough. “I trust you,” he added, wanting Connor to know that instead of just thinking it to himself.

  “Yeah?” Connor asked, sliding his finger in and out slowly. Tiny sparks of pleasure followed his touch, making Max squirm. Now that he was used to this, he already wanted more.

  “Obviously,” Max said, finally brave enough to open his eyes again. He found himself looking straight into Connor’s, close enough to see every detail in the fading afternoon light peeking through the curtains. “You’ve only ever looked out for me.”

  Connor smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “I’m so lucky I found you,” he said, brushing the tip of his nose against Max’s.

  “I’m lucky I get to keep you,” Max murmured.

  He wasn’t letting Connor go ever again.

  “How does this feel?” Connor asked, still working his finger in and out of Max’s body.

  “Good,” Max said, blushing. “Better than I thought, honestly.”

  Connor chuckled, pressing the tip of a second finger against him. Max closed his eyes again, his breath catching as Connor pushed it in, a hot rush of arousal making him jerk his hips.

  “You like this,” Connor murmured, brushing his lips against Max’s ear. “Wait until you’ve got a whole cock inside you. You’ll love it.”

  Max bit down on his lip, rocking his hips back against Connor’s fingers. He definitely wanted more of this. His nerves had been replaced by arousal, his skin getting hot and tight as Connor brushed against sensitive spots inside him.

  Stars burst behind his eyes as Connor’s fingers made contact with what Max assumed had to be his prostate. He’d heard all about it, and been curious, but never brave enough to explore on his own.

  “Wow,” he gasped, his hips rocking by themselves, his body eager for more of whatever he’d just gotten.

  Connor laughed softly. “Good, right?”

  Max nodded eagerly. It was good, and he was so ready for more.

  “I want you,” he said softly. “Please.”

  Connor leaned in, kissing him so gently it made Max’s heart clench.

  “Patience,” he purred, rocking his fingers in and out again. Max gasped as he pulled them all the way out, missing the touch immediately.

  Max wasn’t feeling all that patient. His cock was hard and heavy, brushing against Connor’s stomach and leaving a trail of precome. His skin felt too tight, too hot, arousal making him want to squirm and buck and get off any way he could.

  He knew how good this was going to feel. He could tell.

  “I need you,” he murmured, hoping to get the point across.

  He heard Connor swallow thickly in response. “You’re so hot like this. I should tease you more often.”

  “No more teasing,” Max gritted out. He’d beg if he had to. He wanted Connor now.

  “No more teasing,” Connor promised, brushing his lips against Max’s. “But if you need to stop, you just let me know, okay?”

  “Will you stop trying to take care of me and fuck me?” Max demanded, need suddenly overwhelming. He knew he could stop whenever he wanted, but he’d have to start first, and he wanted Connor. All of him, right now.

  Connor laughed again, but tugged on Max’s knee, hitching it up higher, right over his hip. “You’re gonna turn out to be a bossy bottom,” he said. “I can’t wait. You’re adorable.”

  Max squirmed at that, his breath hitching as he felt the head of Connor’s cock pressing against him.

  His heart pounded, blood rushing in his ears drowning everything else out for a handful of seconds. This was it. He was as close to Connor as he’d ever been, and he was about to feel closer.

  All his nerves faded away as though they’d never been there in the first place. An overwhelming sense of being loved, and wanted, and cared for washed over him, making his stomach swoop.

  This was sex with someone he loved, and it was so different this time. Already so much better.

  “Okay?” Connor asked softly.

  Max nodded. “I’m okay,” he said, struggling to get his breathing under control. This was exciting, and he was more than ready for it.

  “I love you,” Connor whispered, pulling Max even closer than he already was.

  Max opened his mouth to respond, but whatever he’d been about to say turned into a groan as Connor pushed the head of his cock inside him. Max’s stomach clenched, his vision swimming at the overwhelming pressure, not like anything he’d ever felt before.

  Connor shushed him, stroking his cheek softly. “It’s okay,” he said. “Breathe.”

  Max closed his eyes, focusing on one breath after another, fighting the urge to push back against Connor’s cock, buck and writhe against him, beg him for more of this.

  He definitely wanted more. He understood why Connor had taken complete control last time.

  “I can stop,” Connor said softly.

  Max’s eyes widened. “No!” he objected, his pulse pounding in his ears at the thought. “More.”

  Connor made a soft, pleased sound, shifting his weight and then pushing further inside. Max let his eyes fall closed again, biting his lip as Connor’s cock stretched him full, pressing on all the newly-discovered sensitive places.

  The position was awkward, but Max liked it. He was close to Connor, and he could see him, and touch him, and that was everything he wanted.

  Besides, Max was planning on doing this a lot more.

  Max wriggled closer to Connor, angling his hips to get as much of his cock as possible. His own cock caught against the soft skin of Connor’s stomach, precome leaking freely from it now, slicking the way.

  “Oh, honey,” Connor murmured, a smile in his voice. “You’re even more perfect than I thought you were.”

  “You feel so good,” Max said, his voice starting to fail him. This was overwhelming, every sensation new and exciting and too much, but he wanted more of it.

  Connor rocked his hips, and Max saw stars all over again. The slow drag of Connor’s cock inside him made him gasp, his head spinning as a wave of arousal shuddered through his whole body.

  He made a soft, needy noise, reaching out to curl his hand around Connor’s arm, to have something to hold onto.

  Connor hummed, tucking Max’s knee under his arm, stretching his muscles to their limits.

  He’d have to take up yoga. Then he’d be able to do this all day.

  Connor rocked against him, every thrust sending waves of pleasure through Max’s body, heat pooling deep in his gut. He could barely hear himself think over the sounds escaping him, one needy groan after another, desperation for everything Connor was willing to give him filling his mind.

  Connor felt so damned good in him, like nothing else, better than Max could even have imagined.

  The familiar urgency of an orgasm built inside him, his hips rocking back and forth, his cock pressing into Connor’s stomach, the underside rubbing against him when Max got the angle just right. His balls ached with the need to come, even though he didn’t want this to be over.

  There’d be a next time. That was one thing he was sure of. He was never letting Connor go again, not for anything.

  “I wanna…” Max grunted as Connor hit just the right spot inside him, a spurt of precome leaking out of his cock. He was painfully close now, teetering on the edge of coming.

  “It’s okay,” Connor murmured. “I’m close too.”
r />   Hearing that made Max’s head spin, the words going straight to the base of his cock, adding to the almost unbearable tension there. He needed to come so badly, and Connor was getting off on this, and…

  It was all too much. Too much, and not enough, and so much more than he’d ever thought he could feel.

  Love was amazing.

  Connor’s slow, lazy thrusts started to speed up, his cock driving as far inside Max’s body as it could go with each one now, sending sparks of pleasure bouncing up Max’s spine.

  He couldn’t hold out much longer, not like this. Not when Connor’s cock felt so good inside him, hot and thick and satisfying in a way Max didn’t even know he needed to be satisfied.

  His hips jerked against Connor’s stomach, his balls aching with the need to come, a white-hot knot of pleasure sitting heavy in the pit of his stomach, every movement of Connor’s cock inside him pushing it lower.

  Max’s toes curled as his orgasm hit, his vision whiting out for a moment as he came with a low, embarrassingly loud groan. All the tension that had been building flowed out of him, his hips rocking deep against Connor’s stomach as he spilled all over him, wave after wave making his thighs tense up, his ass clench, every part of him tingling with the relief of coming.

  His felt amazing, better than any orgasm he’d had before by a long, long way.

  Connor gasped just as Max thought he was coming down, his cock pushing all the way inside Max, as far as it could go in this position. The feeling of Connor coming inside him, the way his cock twitched, the way his whole body tensed made Max gasp again, a final spike of pleasure finishing an orgasm that felt as though it’d gone on for hours.

  If he’d thought he was exhausted before, he knew what real exhaustion felt like now.

  None of his muscles were in the mood to cooperate, so he stayed where he was, clinging to Connor’s warm, familiar body and breathing in his scent, waiting for his higher brain functions to come back.

  A soft, satisfied hum from Connor made his heart clench.

  “That was good,” Connor mumbled after a moment, his voice rough.


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