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The Wedding Planner

Page 3

by GA Hauser

Her sweet smile made him chuckle. “No. I agree with that.”

  She continued eating, her painted lips smiling at him while she did.


  Fawn shrieked in glee when she noticed her mother at the entrance of the restaurant. Jordon looked around to see if anyone heard the abrasive sound. He stood up as Blithe Lea approached their table. Jordon reached for her kiss and pecked her cheek. “Hiya, Blithe, how are you?”

  “I’m fine, Jordon, dear. Don’t you look smart?” She tugged at his shirt collar. “Always the beautiful movie star.”

  “Ma, sit down.” Fawn yanked her mother’s arm.

  Jordon smiled sweetly. He did adore Fawn’s family. “Have you done something different with your hair, Blithe?” He clasped her hand. “You look radiant.”

  Blithe kissed Jordon’s hand. “I adore you. Don’t you love him, Fawn?”

  “Are we ordering now? Or waiting for Tyler?” Fawn bit at one of her painted nails and peeked at the main entrance.

  “Yes, we’ll wait.” Blithe released Jordon’s hand. “This wedding planner… he came recommended by a dear friend.”

  “He’s gay, Mom. All gay guys do these girly things well.”

  Jordon tried not to scowl at Fawn’s stereotyping. It was beginning to get on his nerves.

  “Let’s wait for him, Fawn. It wouldn’t be polite to start eating without him.” Blithe looked over her shoulder at the entrance.

  “But I’m hungry,” Fawn whined.

  “Dear, have you put on some weight?” Blithe asked her. “You know, if you get too heavy, you’ll have problems being an attendant. Aren’t there rules about weight, dear?”

  Jordon bit his lip. The glare Fawn gave her mother was murderous.

  “I’m not putting on weight. I never put on weight.” Fawn sipped her ice water. “Listen, Mother, just don’t embarrass me if the guy’s like really feminine or something. I mean, we’ve never met him. He could be one of those real limp-wristed, lispy queers.”

  “Fawn,” Jordon growled.

  “Sorry. I keep forgetting your brother is gay,” Fawn replied, looking over her shoulder again.

  “Yes, Jordon, how is Bryan doing?” Blithe touched Jordon’s hand.

  “Well. He’s doing great.”

  “Is he going to be in any plays?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact he’s got a part in--”

  “Is that him?” Fawn interrupted. “There’s a guy there asking the host something.”

  Jordon raised his head to the entrance. A man who appeared to be about six foot two inches tall, solidly built, with a full head of black hair and a clean-shaven, chiseled jaw, scanned the restaurant. He wore a dark business suit and held an expensive-looking leather briefcase.

  Fawn waved at him. The handsome man acknowledged her and approached. “Ms. Lea?”

  “Yes. You must be Tyler Holliday.”

  The man shook Fawn’s hand.

  When Tyler’s brilliant sky-blue eyes met his, Jordon felt like someone had opened the door to a kiln. The blast of heat on his face from this man’s good looks floored him.

  “You must be Jordon Buck. Nice to meet you.”

  Jordon took his hand, felt the firm, masculine shake, and shivered at his deep voice. Limp wristed? Holy Christ. Not even close.

  “This is my mom, Blithe.” Fawn gestured to her mother.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Sit, please.” Blithe pointed to the open chair.

  “I’m sorry I’m late. I had trouble hailing a cab. Has that ever happened to you?”

  When Tyler looked at him, Jordon felt completely tongue-tied and shook his head.

  “Must just be bad luck then.” Tyler set his briefcase down. “Have you ordered?”

  “No. We were waiting for you,” Fawn said.

  Tyler waved to the waiter. When the man approached, he said, “We’re ready to order.”

  “Yes, of course,” the waiter replied.

  Jordon was instantly impressed by his confidence. “Just some lemonade,” Jordon requested when it was his turn.

  “That sounds good,” Tyler said. “Lemonade for me as well.”

  “Very good. I’ll be right back with your drinks and to take your order.”

  After the waiter left, Jordon stared at Tyler for a moment, for no other reason than to admire his good looks.

  “Right.” Tyler addressed the women. “What date were you thinking about?”

  Blithe and Fawn exchanged glances. “What did we say, Fawn?” Blithe touched her lip in a gesture of concentration. “Near Christmas?”

  “Yes, Christmas. Is that okay, Jordon?”

  “Hmm?” He broke his trance on Tyler. “Sorry?”

  “When did you want to get married?” Fawn asked.

  “It’s up to you. I’m open to suggestions.”

  The waiter returned with a tray, setting down their drinks. “Were you ready to order?”

  “Not just yet,” Tyler said. “Can you give us a minute?”


  Jordon knocked his straw on the table, sliding it out of its paper cover. After he stuck it into his glass to suck, he stared at Tyler again. He looked like someone… who did Tyler look like? A celebrity? Sports hero? Who? Christ, Tyler looked like someone he’d seen before somewhere.

  “You want my opinion?” When Tyler sipped his lemonade through his straw, his cheekbones appeared high and angular. “You’re cutting it way too close for a Christmas wedding. What about spring?”

  “Spring?” Fawn blinked.

  “Spring.” Tyler nodded. “Tulips, lilacs… spring.”

  “Mother? Spring?” Fawn appeared disappointed.

  “Sounds lovely!” Blithe clapped.

  “Jordon?” Fawn asked skeptically.

  “Hmm?” He sat up, away from his straw, which he had been sucking and gnawing on as he gazed at Tyler.


  “Up to you.” Jordon shrugged.

  “Are you in a rush?” Tyler’s expression became serious. “I mean, no reason to hurry it up… you know.”

  Fawn waved at him as if he was silly. “No. I’m not pregnant.”

  “Good girl.” Tyler winked.

  “Oh, heavens no! Fawn is not pregnant.” Blithe shook her head in terror.

  “Good. The more time we have, the more spectacular it’ll be.” He picked up a menu. “We should order. I have to be at another appointment in an hour.”

  There’s no way he’s gay. Jordon had his doubts. This man was nothing like what he'd expected. With all of Fawn’s disclaimers about Tyler being a queer wedding planner, Jordon couldn’t find the signs. Even his brother had “signs.” Little things, like Bryan giving another man an extended ogle in admiration or Adrian looking at him with leering glances.

  The man was crisp, masculine, powerfully built, and big! And not a hint of anything else to give anyone the impression he was gay. Other than his profession. Did that make him gay on its own?

  “What are you having, Jordon?” Blithe inquired.


  “For lunch?” Blithe clarified.

  “Oh, uh…” Jordon studied the menu more closely. When he glanced up, he caught Tyler’s curious eyes. The light sky blue of Tyler’s irises contrasting with his jet black hair was nothing less than astonishing. Holy shit! Christ, you’re gorgeous.

  “Are you ready to order?” The waiter appeared with a pad and pen.

  “I’ll have the Greek salad with chicken.” Blithe handed him the menu.

  “Me too.” Fawn smiled.

  “I’ll take the turkey club,” Tyler requested. “Fries on the side.”

  “Very good. Sir?”

  “Huh?” Jordon found all of their attention on him. “Same as Tyler. The club with fries.”

  “I’ll be right back.” The waiter took all the menus and left.

  Tyler gave Jordon another quick glance. Jordon lowered his gaze, instantly shy. His cheeks heated up at being caught staring at this man.

  “Anyway,” Tyler began, looking at Fawn, “I’ve brought a list of reception halls and hotels that do the best job with catering. Is it a church wedding?”

  “No. Civil ceremony,” Blithe whispered as if it were confidential information.

  “Not a problem. Actually, it makes it slightly easier because there’s no shuffling to and from a church.”

  “I’m so glad you’re helping us, Tyler,” Fawn said. “I travel a lot with my job and I’m really leaving a lot of this with Jordon.”

  Jordon slowly met Tyler’s eyes again.

  “What do you do, Fawn?” Tyler asked.

  “I’m a flight attendant.”

  “I see. Yes, you will be out of town a lot. Jordon?”

  “Huh?” Jordon felt his skin go cold.

  “I hope you don’t mind being involved. I know most of the grooms couldn’t give a…” he lowered his voice and smiled, “…shit.”

  Blithe laughed and blushed as Fawn giggled.

  Jordon smiled at him. “Yeah. Pretty much.”

  “I’ll try and make it as painless as possible, Mr. Buck.”

  “I’d appreciate that.” Jordon felt his cheeks go red again. Christ, what is this man doing to me? I must be so pent up sexually that anything is turning me on. This is absurd.

  The meal appeared. Jordon tried to busy himself with eating it but kept being distracted by the way Tyler devoured his food. He ate like a man. Big bites, no dainty pinky finger poking up, and took his fries two at a time.

  Jordon had to keep scolding himself on his own preconceptions. Bryan didn’t eat with a dainty pinky finger. What the hell’s the matter with me?

  Once the table was cleared, Tyler set his briefcase on the tablecloth and opened up the zipper. He removed several lists and business cards. “Here. These are some of my recommendations for the reception. I assume you have a computer.”

  “Yes,” Fawn said.

  “Look them up. They have their menus on line. Here’s my card.” He handed one to each of the women. When he came to Jordon, he paused with it in his hand. “And you, Mr. Buck...”

  “Yes?” Jordon chuckled nervously.

  “Think of it as the red bat phone. When you’re dying and can’t take it anymore. Call me.”

  Jordon reached for the card slowly. As he touched it and they were connected by the tiny piece of paper, for some reason Jordon’s cock went rock hard. Motherfucker, what’s wrong with me? Jordon met Tyler’s baby blues.

  “For emergencies only,” Tyler added impishly.

  Jordon was so stunned he was excited, he almost cried out from the shock. Jordon nodded his head, forcing himself to accept the card without looking like he was in pain,

  “I can’t believe how wonderful you are,” Fawn said. “Tyler, I am so happy we found you.”

  “I hope I can make this day the happiest for you. I’ll try my best. Honest.” Tyler closed his briefcase and zipped it. “I have to go. Look, you have some homework now. When you make a firm decision on a date and a hall, I’ll get you going on everything else. Okay?” Tyler took out his wallet and began counting out cash.

  Jordon stopped him. “No. Tyler, lunch is on me.”

  “Thank you. That’s very generous, Mr. Buck.”

  “My pleasure, I assure you.” Christ, do I sound like an idiot? Jordon caught a mischievous sparkle in Tyler’s eyes and loved it. As their connection lasted longer, Jordon grew shy and turned away.

  “Thank you, Tyler.” Blithe reached out her hand.

  “You’re very welcome, Blithe. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  He shook Fawn’s hand, reaching for Jordon’s. “‘Til we meet again?”

  Jordon took that man’s hand and felt it squeeze his. A sweat broke out on his skin. “Yes,” was all Jordon managed to say in reply. As Tyler left, Jordon watched his ass and admired the width of his shoulders from behind, which was impressive. The man was a linebacker.

  Wow. You are hot, Tyler Holliday, and I can’t believe I am even looking at you like you are! Goddamn you, Fawn. Jesus, fuck me will ya? I’m about to attack just about anyone, and this isn’t good.

  “Well.” Fawn exhaled. “I feel so much better after meeting him. He’s amazing.”

  “I think he’ll do an excellent job, Fawn. I have faith in him. What about you, Jordon?”

  “Yes.” Jordon had to calm down. This was insane.

  “Maybe you can introduce him to Bryan,” Fawn said. “He’s really good looking.”

  “Was he?” Jordon knew he sounded like a liar.

  “Yes, indeed, Jordon. He’s a very nice looking man. I bet he’s taken. I wouldn’t get involved with setting him up, Fawn.”

  “No. You’re right, Mom. Are we ready? Pay the bill, will you, Jordy?”

  Jordon robotically obeyed Fawn’s orders, used to her bossing him around. He took out his wallet and found his credit card.

  “We’ll wait outside and try to get a taxi. Come on, Mom.” Fawn led the way to the door.

  After they left, Jordon was glad. He needed to take a moment to recover. He paused, envisioning Tyler’s features and impish smile, and lost himself.

  “The check, sir?”

  Jolted out of his stupor, Jordon woke up. “Yes. Sorry. Here you go.” Jordon put his credit card on the man’s tray.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Jordon watched him go, removed the business card from his pocket, and read the details. Tyler M. Holliday, Designs On You.

  It included a website, email, MySpace, and three phone numbers. Jesus. Sure is easy to contact you.

  “Here you go, sir.”

  Jordon signed the credit card slip and handed the man a twenty dollar bill.

  “Thank you. Have a good day.”

  “Thank you.” Jordon stood and slipped his wallet back into his pocket with the business card. His head was spinning.

  Never in his life had he reacted that way to another man. And he’d seen plenty of pretty gay boys hanging around his brother.

  Once he was outside on the sidewalk he found Fawn about to get into a cab. “I’ll just head out to meet Camisha from here. See ya tomorrow!”

  As she vanished in a yellow taxi, Jordon stood next to Blithe, still in a daze. Jordon tried to remember if he and Fawn had planned to spend the rest of the day together. After the shake up of his nerves over Tyler, he didn’t remember a thing at the moment.

  “She continues to be too much of a party girl, Jordon. When are you going to rein her in?”

  “I don’t know if I can, Blithe.” Jordon attempted to flag down another cab.

  “You don’t mind that she’s out with the girls so much after being away?”

  “She enjoys it.” A taxi pulled up to the curb. Jordon opened the back door for Blithe.

  “Thank you, Jordon.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Take care, Blithe. Say hello to Jonathan and the family.”

  “I will.” She sat in the back seat.

  Jordon closed the door for her and waved as she left. He straightened his back and walked the few blocks home. It gave him time to think, clear his head.

  The streets were packed with a mixture of scantily clad young professionals and sophisticated, upscale West Side couples strolling arm in arm as the afternoon waned and the summer evening began to loom. Jordon felt slightly lonely. What he craved was a quiet life, cuddles on the couch. He’d done the dance club scene to death in his twenties. He had no interest in it any longer.

  Ironically, it was where he’d met Fawn. At a nightclub.

  What lured him originally was the wild night of sex with her at his condo. She was drunk and uninhibited. They screwed for hours. He remembered them being up all night and into the morning, giggling, playing, teasing each other. Fawn was like a flame and he felt like a moth. She was crazy, sexy, and fun.

  The memory was a good one. But his smile faded as he entered his building and stood at the elevator. Jordon got in as the doors opened, facin
g outward as they closed. The elevator stopped at the next floor, the doors opened, and two men entered. They had been kissing or pawing at each other, because when the doors parted Jordon caught the tail end of something naughty. They gave him a seductive smile and stood quietly as the doors closed and the elevator rose. He noticed them holding hands. One of them realized he’d seen it. The man met Jordon’s eye. Another sensual smile was aimed his way. “Hey.”


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