The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3 Page 4

by A. K. Michaels

  Jaxon sank onto a chair, his breath leaving him in a sharp exhale. “My Goddess, you have never joined us in battle. What on earth has caused you to decide to do so now?”

  “Because, my dear, this is a battle for the survival of everyone who inhabits the human realm.” Zeeandra sighed. “I’m afraid Basilius, the Demon King, is waging war on this realm and it is him that we will be facing. I suspect he will not come alone. My friend has asked for my aid and I will not deny him.”

  Jaxon reeled with shock. “Basilius is waging war? Why? Was he not content with running the Council?”

  “No, he was not.” Zeeandra reached over to pick up a delicate china cup, sipping and staring at him over the rim.

  “I will be by your side,” Jaxon said forcefully. “We cannot allow him to win or all the work we have done will be for naught.”

  “Indeed.” Lowering the cup, she smiled. “Who shall you bring with you? Can you spare even one warrior to help us?”

  Jaxon thought on the rest of the Guild of Dragon Warriors, of which he was Master. “I should be able to bring two with me, Goddess. Terigan has just finished a mission and Allyssa will also be free to accompany us.”

  “Terigan is a brave and strong Warrior, I’m glad he will be available to join us.” Zeeandra cocked her head to the side. “Allyssa, is still young, Jaxon. Is she strong enough for this? It will be a brutal fight to the death with Demons doing everything in their power to overthrow us.”

  “She’s far fiercer than people imagine.” Jaxon chuckled. “She gives all of us a run for our money when we spar in training. I’m certain she’ll be more than capable of helping us defeat Basilius.”

  “As usual,” Zeeandra bowed her head, “I shall agree with whomever you decide to bring. You are, after all, Master of the Guild for a reason.”

  “Thank you.” Jaxon sat forward, his eagerness showing. “When will this take place? I’d like to go back and prepare them, as well as myself, for battle.”

  “Soon.” Zeeandra looked up at the sky. “I can feel them invading this realm. The Demons, they are amassing, Jaxon, and we will meet them on the field of battle within a day or two.”

  “Where?” Jaxon pressed.

  “Kuan will be the one to decide, but I suspect I know where he will choose.” Zeeandra smirked. “He said you were the fiercest Warrior and is very pleased that you will be joining us.”

  “I look forward to seeing him again, although I wish it were under different circumstances.”

  “I understand, Jaxon, now go, prepare and I’ll let you know the when and where as soon as I know for definite.”

  “I’ll await your instructions, my Goddess.” Jaxon rose before bending down on one knee and clasping his hand over his chest once more.

  “I have one further instruction.” Zeeandra looked far more serious. “Kuan is not like us. He does not wave death, or killing, off as easily as we do. So, if at all possible, I think we should try and ease his burden and take out as many of the enemy as possible.”

  Jaxon smirked roguishly. “Now that’s something I look forward to. My Warriors and I will do all we can to save Kuan the unpleasantness of doling out death by his own hands.”

  “Thank you, I knew I could depend on you.” Zeeandra gave him another of her glorious smiles and once again, he thought how luscious and ripe her lips were.

  She winked at him cheekily and his face flushed. “I’ll go now and prepare.”

  “I shall see you soon, Jaxon, goodbye for now my ferocious and loyal Warrior.”

  “Always.” He inclined his head as he turned to leave.

  His stride widened as he broke into a run, morphing mid-step, and his enormously wide wings lifted him effortlessly into the air. He allowed his beast a roar as he flew higher and higher, on his way home to the Guild’s sanctuary. His beast eager with anticipation at the coming battle.

  Seth had enjoyed listening to the Vampire’s stories as they sat around drinking, some of them funny at the same time as extremely vicious. However, he’d had enough, and wandered outside to calm his soul. The thought of the fight preying heavily on his mind. This was going to be the most important moment in his life, and he knew things were not going to be won easily. Sighing heavily, he realized that some of the men he’d spent the last couple of hours getting to know, would perish. He might not make it out alive himself, but so long as Rose did, that was all that mattered.

  He would do anything, anything at all, to ensure she survived and he knew that Cassius and Brendan were one hundred percent with him on that point. His lips tugged up at the sides as he saw in his mind, the way his little Flower looked at the ancient Vampire. Love shining in her eyes and although it hurt, it made him happy at the same time. She deserved to find her soul mate, and he’d known for a long time that person wasn’t him.

  He loved her, but, slowly, he was realizing that the pain inside his chest was easing, replaced with happiness for her. A Vampire wasn’t exactly his first choice for her, but that’s whom she’d ended up with, and he’d support and love her, no matter what.

  Seth had to admit that Cassius was perfect for Rose. A weaker man would never stand up to his Flower, and she would never respect any man that couldn’t do that. No, Cassius Allarde was the ideal match for the strong-willed assassin. If only they can achieve their goals and win the fight against Basilius, and ensure Rose’s survival.

  A hand on his shoulder jerked him from his musings, Sue’s voice soft as a whisper, “Are you all right?”

  Seth turned, smiling down at the woman. “Yes, just thinking about everything that’s happened lately, and what’s to come.”

  “You don’t seem so sad.” Sue cocked her head to the side, gazing up into his eyes. “Are you coming to terms with Rose and Cassius?”

  “You’re very astute, Sue.” Seth inclined his head. “I guess I am. They are perfect for each other and I’m happy for them both.”

  “I’m sure you are.” She nodded to the street. “Walk with me?”

  “Sure.” Seth followed her down the steps and over into Central Park.

  “I love walking here. It soothes my beast.”

  “I’m sure it would.” Seth nodded.

  “So, Witch, have you really accepted Rose’s pairing with Cassius? Or are you just saying what people expect you to say?”

  Seth chuckled at her forthrightness. “I’m happy for them, honestly, but I’d be lying if I said I won’t miss her. We’ve been together since she was a child and although our relationship was unconventional, I still love her deeply. The pain has lessened somewhat and I’m sure it will ease further as time passes.”

  Sue patted his arm gently. “I’m sure you will recover from this unexpected blow, Seth. I’m also sure you will find your own happiness in due time.”

  “I’m not looking for happy ever after,” Seth admitted quietly. “I guess I’m anxious about being on my own again. It’s been me and my little Flower for so long that it’ll be hard to return home alone.”

  “You don’t need to.” Sue stopped, plucking a flower and sniffing it before tucking it into her hair. “The world is going to change, Seth, and Cassius will need good men around him who can help. You can stay here and make a new life for yourself.”

  Seth stopped, looking off into the woods, pondering Sue’s idea. She prodded him and he realized he’d been standing for a few minutes. “I’m not sure. I’m used to being self-sufficient and alone, well, apart from Rose, but you know what I mean. I’m not sure if I could put up with all the other people that are here. Not for long anyway.”

  “You could try it out and see.” Sue smiled, her eyes twinkling. “You never know, you might come to like staying here, and make new friends. It could be good for you, Seth.”

  “Maybe,” he conceded. “I know one thing for certain,” He smirked down at her, “I’d definitely miss your cooking.”

  Sue’s eyes widened as she pushed him hard. “Hey, I’m not just a little woman who cooks and cleans. I’m a Wolf, a
strong one too, so don’t go mistaking my love for taking care of people as me being the ‘homey’ type. I also know how to take care of myself, Witch, so you better behave or I might have to show you just how tough I am.”

  Laughing, he pulled her in for a one-arm hug. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.”

  She pushed herself away, her back stiff and her head high. “Hmm, I think you and I need to go a round or two in the gym. That’ll show you what I’m made of. Also, I could do with a hand in the herb garden. You’re not too manly for that, are you?”

  “I apologize.” Seth could still feel her upset at his words. “And I’ve already told you I garden back home. I love tending things and watching them flourish and grow. So, Sue, yes, I’d love to help you. Why don’t we go up now and you can let me know what you need doing and I’ll get started.”

  “All right.” Sue’s face softened, slightly. “Let’s go but don’t think I’ll forget to take you into the gym and knock you on your ass, Witch.”

  “I look forward to that,” Seth replied with a straight face.

  “Somehow I think you’re humoring me, but that’s okay, I’ll show you soon enough.” Sue gave him a push and stalked off back toward the Plaza.

  As she walked away, he couldn’t help but notice the curve of her hips encased in tight denim. “What the hell?” he thought, shaking his head and following slowly behind.

  Shawndra read the encrypted email, sighing then slowly rising, her feet slowly making their way to Kuan. She found him in the middle of the floor, deep in meditation, and was loathe to interrupt him. However, she knew she must, so she stopped in front of him, her voice soft as she gave him the news. “Kuan, they’ve responded.”

  She waited as he opened his eyes, untangled his legs, and stood. “I assume by your expression that the news is not good?”

  “Afraid not.” Shawndra sighed. “Basically he’s reiterated what he said before, but more forcefully and crude. He’s said fuck off and where do you want to meet to settle this.”

  “As I thought.” Kuan looked out the window, across into the tranquil forest. “Reply and advise that we shall meet him two days from now at noon, and we’ll do battle on the Great Plains. It’s a big enough area that’s not populated so we don’t need to worry about innocents being dragged into this abysmal battle.”

  “All right, I’ll pass that along.” Shawndra felt the deep sadness in Kuan, with an undercurrent of anger. “Is there anything else you need me to do?”

  “I’ll let Zeeandra know and I’ll go and pass on the details to Cassius now. I won’t be too long, I hope. When I get back, we can have a meal and, if you don’t mind, I’d like to discuss some things with you.”

  “Of course I don’t mind.” Shawndra smiled sadly. “You know I’m always here for you.”

  “What I’m more concerned with is if I don’t return from the battle. What would you do? Where would you go?”

  Shawndra stepped back as if hit by a blow, her eyes widening in shock. “Don’t say that. You’ll be back, you’re stronger than any other being I know, Kuan.”

  “I may not be strong enough against the Demon King, Shawndra.” Kuan’s eyes found hers and she could see the pain, anguish, and doubt in his. “What if this is a battle I cannot win?”

  Shawndra straightened her shoulders, her voice steady even if her insides were quaking. “I don’t want to hear you say that. You will defeat him and a few days from now we’ll be celebrating his death.”

  “I hope so.” Kuan’s eyes still locked on hers. “However, I still want to discuss some contingency plans, just in case. Please, Shawndra, I cannot do this if I don’t know you’ll be all right.”

  “You never have to worry about me, ever.” Shawndra’s voice now barely a whisper. “Although it would pain me greatly if you did not return, I would survive. I would stay here where it’s safe and live off the land. My garden already provides us with much that we need, and I can hunt wildlife for meat. I’m an Elf after all.”

  “You cannot stay here alone, not long term. The isolation would be devastating in the future.”

  Shawndra shook her head. “I’d be fine. Trust me, Kuan, you do not have to worry about me. I promise.”

  “You always know how to ease my soul, Shawndra.” Kuan gave her a small smile. “Thank you.”

  “Shush,” She waved his comment away. “Now go and sort out the details and I’ll see what we’ll have to eat later. I think I may even open a bottle of that wine you brought me last week.”

  “Okay, I’ll be as quick as possible, my dear.”

  With that, Kuan winked out of existence and she knew he was on his way to see Cassius Allarde. Zeeandra he’d talk to with their weird mind-link thing, something that always kinda freaked Shawndra out. He’d even tried to get her to agree to him doing some spell or something, so they could do it, but she’d refused. It was scary enough in her head without having Kuan able to talk to her in there.

  No, that was just too creepy for her liking.

  Her heart finally slowed, her fear for Kuan had it beating like a drum, but she knew he’d be all right. He was a God. Surely no Demon could harm him. She hoped not, because if something happened to him she wasn’t sure what she’d do.

  He was her companion, and she his, but there was so much more to their relationship. She cared for him deeply, like a father, and if she lost him, she knew she would be distraught with grief and anger. Hell, she’d probably do something stupid like hunting down Basilius and trying to kill him herself.

  Damn, that would be the most foolish thing she could think of, but people acted rashly in anger, and she was no different to anyone else. If her “father” was taken from her by the Demon King, then she knew she would try and wreak revenge. No doubt it would be a suicide mission, but that wouldn’t deter her. Not one bit.

  Cassius jumped away from Rose when Kuan appeared, his lips still feeling hers after their brief contact. He couldn’t keep his annoyance from showing. “Kuan, can’t you appear outside the door and knock like everyone else?”

  “My apologies for startling you.” Kuan bowed his head once. “But I have news that you should be aware of.”

  Rose peeked around Cassius’ body, waving at Kuan. “Hi, Kuan, what’s up?”

  Kuan’s face looked grim as he started to pace. “The day, time and location has been arranged for our showdown with Basilius.”

  Rose reached for Cassius’ hand, holding it tightly as she asked, “Details?”

  “Two days from now at noon on the Great Plain. It is a large enough area that is barren and devoid of inhabitation so there should be no unexpected casualties.”

  “Good choice,” Rose agreed.

  Fear lapped at Cassius’ insides, not for himself, but for the woman he loved. “I don’t suppose you’ll reconsider and stay home?”

  Rose shook her head firmly. “Not a chance. Now, Kuan, I assume you’ll be taking us there?”

  “I will,” Kuan confirmed. “I also have some news that may be encouraging. I have an old friend and she has agreed to join us. She will be bringing at least two of her Warriors with her and they very well might be the key to defeating Basilius.”

  Rose stepped toward Kuan, her eyes bright with inquisitiveness. “Who is she and why would you think that? Is she powerful? A God like you?”

  Kuan gave a short nod. “She is very powerful. Her name is Zeeandra and she is the Dragon Goddess. The Master of the Guild of Dragon Warriors, Jaxon, will be joining us too and hopefully he’ll be able to bring at least one other Dragon with him. They will be . . .”

  Rose dropped Cassius hand as her mouth fell open. Cassius reached up, a finger under her chin and pushing up to close her mouth but she slapped his hand away. Her eyes almost popping out as she fastened her eyes on Kuan. “You’re shitting me, right? Dragon Goddess, that’s just a title, right? She’s not an actual Dragon?”

  Cassius was also shocked but he managed to hide it better. “Dragon’s don’t actually exist, they
are surely a myth?”

  Kuan’s lips tugged up at the side and he took just a moment too long to answer. Rose rushing forward and insisting. “Tell me, Kuan! Dragons aren’t real, are they?”

  “Calm down, Rose.” Cassius tried to pull her away as she towered over the smaller man.

  She turned, pushing him away. “Will you stop doing that?”

  Kuan interrupted them. “Rose, Cassius, my friend, Zeeandra is only allowing their secret to be revealed because of the serious nature of what we are facing. So, to answer your question, yes they are real. They are very secretive and only those they are tasked with guarding, know of their existence. Zeeandra is very powerful and Jaxon is the Master of the Guild. In other words, he is their leader, and reports directly to Zee. He is a warrior of epic proportions and he is, hopefully, going to bring at least one more with him. Having them fighting alongside us will be a pivotal moment in history when they reveal themselves. I can’t say how relieved I was that Zee has agreed to assist us.”

  Rose ran in small circles, clapping her hands and grinning widely. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it. Dragons! I never thought for a moment they were real. Kuan, tell me, are they big, small, and do they breathe fire? Or is that a myth? Jeez, I can’t wait to see them. Do they fly? Or are they a hybrid sorta thing? Tell me.”

  Cassius chuckled as Kuan held a hand up. “Rose, if you would be quiet for a moment, I will tell you what you want to know.”

  “Oh, yeah, sorry.” Rose stopped in front of Kuan. “Why don’t we sit down and you can tell us everything.”

  “Certainly.” Kuan picked an armchair and sank into it as Cassius sat in his favorite chair, Rose on the arm. “Now, technically they are Dragon Shifters. They are similar to Wolves but they are much larger. Enormous is the word I’d use and they are immensely powerful. They have the added bonus of Dragon magic, which means they can shift to human form dressed however they wish. They can also hide themselves from human, and most other species, that is why any sightings of them are so rare. Rare enough that anyone who has purported to have seen one is easily disproved and cannot corroborate what they’ve reportedly seen.”


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