The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3 Page 5

by A. K. Michaels

  Rose tapped her chin, looking thoughtful. “Darn, that’s a good trick about transforming with clothes on. I wonder if I could try to do some kind of spell for that. It’d be far less embarrassing if I could.”

  “I am sure you could,” Cassius said before turning back to Kuan. “So, do they breathe fire?”

  “Some do, some do not.” Kuan smirked. “However, it depends on what kind of Dragon they are. There are quite a few different kinds. Zeeandra and Jaxon can both breathe fire, and although Jaxon’s beast is larger than Zee’s, make no mistake, she is the more powerful. There are some rare Ice Dragons, and they can launch an icy liquid that freezes on impact, quite a good trick that can immobilize almost anything. There are also Fire Dragons, they actually transform into a flaming beast who are lethal and very strong. There are more, but you get the gist, there are different ones and they have unique abilities and powers.”

  “Holy crap.” Rose shook her head. “I had no idea and I thought I’d seen just about everything. Heck, I’ve even been to Hell and back, but Dragons, damn, I can’t wait to see them.”

  “Unfortunately,” Kuan sighed heavily, “you will see them soon enough. I just wish it were under different circumstances.”

  Valentine’s shocked voice caused them to turn, Rose laughed at his stunned look. “Dragons, is this a joke?”

  Cassius smirked at his friend. “No, indeed it is not, and I think they’re going to prove extremely useful, Valentine.”

  “Fuck me.” Valentine strode over, sinking down onto a sofa. “How many are there? Dragons I mean, are there a lot, like other supernaturals?”

  Sadness washed over Kuan’s face. “I’m afraid not. Their numbers have dwindled over the centuries so there are only a few hundred dotted around the world. They are governed by the Goddess, Zeeandra, and the Guild of Dragon Warriors. Jaxon, the Guild’s Master, doles out any punishment if a Dragon misbehaves or breaks their strict code of conduct.”

  “Hundreds,” Valentine huffed out. “That’s a shock. To think they’ve been around and we knew nothing of them means they’re very careful and secretive.”

  “Indeed,” Kuan confirmed. “The seriousness of this situation is the only reason Zeeandra is now revealing herself, and her Dragons.”

  “Kuan,” Rose stared over at him. “Can you tell her how grateful I am? I understand this couldn’t have been easy for her. To reveal their secret that they’ve kept for so long, well, I’m sorry that it’s come to this. I’m sorry for all of this but I don’t know how I could’ve stopped it, and trust me, if I could, I would have.”

  “I am well aware of that, Rose.” Kuan inclined his head, his voice soft and tender. “I also know how hard it is for you to accept help. You are used to dealing with things on your own, but this is not one of those times, my dear. We will only defeat Basilius if we have a small army behind us.”

  “Fuck!” Rose cursed, a hand shooting to her mouth. “Sorry, that just kinda popped out. I’m so frustrated and angry about all of this. I don’t want anyone to be hurt because of me.”

  “That is, unfortunately, inevitable, Rose.” Kuan’s eyes filled with sadness. “I am under no illusions about what is coming. There will be casualties and, most probably, deaths. Basilius will not come alone and we have to be prepared to fight ferociously, not only for you, but for the whole of humanity.”

  “No pressure then,” Rose mumbled quietly.

  Cassius reached for her hand, squeezing it. “None of this is your fault, baby. None of it. So don’t beat yourself up. Basilius has to be taken care of and not one of us could do that alone. And yes, that pains me to admit. I’d much rather it was just me against him, but I’m not a fool, I know that would be folly.”

  Valentine sat forward, his elbows on his knees, still looking a little shocked. “So, boss, what’s the plan?”

  “We meet him two days from now, so get your best men battle ready. Also, can you send a message to the Fairy King and tell him to be outside an hour before noon. Kuan will take us all to the area we’re going to do this and I’d like to get there with plenty of time to scope the area out and organize everyone.”

  “Sure, I’ll do that.” Valentine looked around as if seeking someone. “Where’s Calix? Shouldn’t he be here for this?”

  Rose glanced at Cassius, raising an eyebrow. Cassius shook his head. “I’d rather he was given only the bare minimum of information. There’s something off about him at the moment, and I’d rather take no risks. However, can you sound out Francois? Try to get a read on him? See if there is anything that sets your alarm bells off and if there is, come and let me know.”

  “What?” Valentine’s face closed down, a hard look taking over his handsome features. “Do you suspect him of something, boss?”

  “Let’s just say I have a feeling that all is not as it seems.” Cassius exhaled. “It pains me to voice this concern, Val, you know Calix and I have been friends for a long time, but, something is not right. I need to know he’s with us. I refuse to rely on someone in battle when I have doubts.”

  “Shit.” Valentine ran a hand through his hair. “If he’s a traitor, I’ll rip his heart out. I swear it, Cass, I’ll end the fucker.”

  Cassius gave his friend a small, sad smile. “I know you would, my friend. But, be careful, I am not certain, it may be nothing, but we need to know.”

  Rose stood, her unease clear for them all to see. “I told you I felt something wrong with him. I can’t put my finger on it, but I’ve no doubt he’s hiding something. No doubt at all. I’d rather we didn’t have his men with us, than worry that they’ll stab you in the back.”

  “We need his men, Rose,” Cassius admitted. “His elite guard is strong, brutal, and more deadly than most other Vampires. If we have to leave them behind, it will affect our chance of success, and that’s something I’d rather not have to contemplate.”

  Valentine almost growled, anger in every word as he spat out. “If they’re a bunch of traitors then taking them could be the biggest mistake we make, boss.”

  Cassius gave Valentine a cold look. “That is why I’m asking you to go and sound out Francois. Although I have some doubts about Calix, Francois has always been an honorable man. I have no idea what’s going on but I’d like to try to find out if Francois knows what’s going on. Just be discreet, Val, and see what he says.”

  “All right.” Val stood, his body thrumming with barely concealed fury. “I’ll have my men on alert and ready to take them out if need be, but it’ll be bloody, boss. We’ll probably lose some of ours if that happens.”

  Rose turned to Valentine and held a hand up. “Wait. Valentine, why don’t you go and talk to Sydney first. I liked her and I definitely didn’t get any wrong vibes from her. See if you can pump her for information before you speak to Francois.”

  “I’ve already been talking to her.” Valentine’s face blushed. “That’s why I was a little late for our meeting. She is nice, and I absolutely didn’t get any indication that she’s concealing anything. But, I’ll go again, and try and find out some more, before I tackle Francois.”

  “Good idea.” Cassius had to agree. “If there’s a chance we can avoid bloodshed then that’s the route we have to take. We can’t afford to lose any of your men right now, Val. We’ll need them for the true battle we face.”

  “I’m aware of that, boss,” Valentine said coldly. “But if I find out any inclination of deceit or treachery, then I’ll be locking their asses up and we can then decide what to do with them. If they don’t come voluntarily then that’s not my fault and they’ll be dealt with accordingly.”

  Cassius nodded curtly. “That’s acceptable, just try and do it peacefully, if at all possible.”

  “Right, I’m going to find Sydney now.” Valentine strode quickly to the door, pausing for a moment. “I’ll let you know how things go, boss.”

  “Good luck,” Rose said to Valentine’s back as he left.

  “I hope he doesn’t need luck.” Cassius smirked. �
��I’d much rather he depended on his abilities, senses, and years of training, to weed out any possible problems.”

  “I liked Sydney.” Rose said quietly. “I hope she’s not up to anything ‘cause I think Val liked her too, and definitely not in the same way I do.”

  Cassius grinned cheekily. “I did see the attraction between them so I hope you’re right and nothing is untoward with her. It’s about time Valentine had some fun.”

  “No time for fun right now,” Kuan said sadly. “But I’ll leave this in your capable hands and I shall be back when it’s time to leave. Take care and be careful, Basilius could have spies anywhere, so it may be prudent if Rose didn’t parade around outside. If word gets back to him that she is here then he’ll be here in a flash and take her again. We cannot allow that to happen.”

  Cassius hissed. “He’s not getting his filthy hands on her again. I’ll make sure of that.”

  “I guess I’m staying indoors,” Rose conceded.

  “Yes, that would be best,” Kuan agreed. “Now, I must leave you. I’ll see you both in two days.”

  Cassius didn’t get the chance to say goodbye as Kuan disappeared. “That’s some trick.”

  “Guess that’s the perks of being a God.” Rose shrugged.

  “I . . .” Cassius stopped as a large figure appeared before them. “What the fuck?”

  Rose already had her katana in her hands, holding it before her in a fighting stance. Her eyes locked on the man before them. He was tall, much taller than Cassius, which put him near seven foot, with almost white gold hair, and eyes that shone like silver. The power that emanated from him causing Cassius to mirror Rose, standing ready for a fight.

  “Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?” Cassius snarled viciously.

  The man looked around, puzzled, then back at Cassius and Rose. “I assume you’re the hybrid Witch that’s been causing such a ruckus.”

  His voice firm and musical at the same time, which caught both Cassius and Rose off guard. Her voice calm, but cold as ice as she stared intently at the man. “What if I am? I’ll ask the same as he did, and I’ll even give you a few seconds to answer. If you don’t, or your words are not what we want to hear, I guess I’ll be taking your head, big guy.”

  His head fell back, a rumble of laughter erupting from him. Cassius glanced at Rose who raised an eyebrow, whispering urgently, “What is he?”

  “No idea,” Cassius confessed.

  “I’m Nemamiah, I’m a friend of Kuan’s. Well sort of. I’m an Angel.”

  “A fallen?” Rose queried, surprised. She could usually sense them and this one was not the usual fallen.

  “No.” He looked disgusted as he stared at her. “I’m an Angel, a full Angel, and I am most definitely not a fallen.”

  “Sorry, was that an insult, big guy?” Rose smirked.

  “It was.” He glowered down at her. “Now, can you lower your weapon? It would be useless against me and I don’t want to have to take it from you.”

  “Just try,” Rose spat out but lowered the katana to her side.

  Cassius looked Nemamiah over, from head to toe and back again, noting the casual jeans and tee. “You’re dressed rather differently to what I would’ve expected.”

  “What? Did you expect me to be wearing a toga and have my wings on display?” The Angel chuckled. “Centuries ago that may have been the case, but things are a little more relaxed nowadays.”

  “I’ll bet,” Rose sneered. “Is there a particular reason you just dropped by today? I’m not saying a visit from an Angel isn’t welcome, but it’s never happened before, and I’m just curious as to why it has now.”

  “Where is he?” Nemamiah looked around again. “I was sure he was here.”

  “Who?” Cassius asked, every nerve in his body tense and waiting to see if the Angel was a threat.

  “Kuan.” The Angel looked down at them both. “I sensed him here and I make time to come and see him and now he’s gone.”

  “He was here but he left,” Cassius said quietly, wondering what business this huge being would have with Kuan.

  “Damn it to hell.” Nemamiah shook his head. “He’s as slippery as an eel. Every time I think I’ve got him, he goes and disappears on me again. He must be using his damnable magic to mask where he is.”

  Rose took a step forward, smirking up at the Angel. “You telling us you don’t ‘see all’ down here? I always thought you Angels were omnipresent and saw everything.”

  “No.” He shook his head and gave her a look as if she were an idiot. “That would be impossible, even for Angels. We’re powerful, but there’s not a being alive that is capable of that.”

  “Hey, no need to get your toga in a twist, was just asking.” Rose frowned at his condescending tone.

  “So you have no idea where he is?” The Angel asked curtly.

  “No.” Cassius had no idea if this Angel was telling the truth or not. He wouldn’t give him any indication that they were expecting Kuan back in a couple of days.

  “Fine.” Nemamiah huffed and promptly disappeared.

  Rose turned to Cassius, placing her katana back in its sheath. “What the heck was that about?”

  “I’ve no idea.” Cassius shook his head. “Now, come here and we can get back to what we were doing when Kuan interrupted.”

  “Well, I’m not so sure about that.” Rose side-stepped out of his way. “I think I’ll make you work for it.”

  “Is that so?” Cassius crossed his arms. “I think I may just go back to work then. If you’re not interested, that is.”

  Rose’s frowned. “Reverse psychology? Dirty trick, Cass.”

  “I’m just saying that if you don’t want to spend some time with me making you scream like a banshee in ecstasy, then I’ll go and do some work.”

  “Scream like a banshee?” Rose cocked her head to the side. “That sounds interesting. So, lover boy, just how do you plan on doing that?”

  Cassius quickly closed the distance between them, pulling her into his arms with one hand tangled in her hair. His lips covered hers in a scorching kiss as he held her in place. Rose’s hands moved, one cupping his ass, and the other at the base of his neck, tugging him in even closer. He could hear her pulse quicken, her soft gasps as his tongue invaded her mouth, and when he pressed his hard, thick, cock against her belly, she pulled away.

  Her lust-filled eyes gazed up into his, her tongue darting out to lick her bottom lip. “I think I’ll take you up on the offer.”

  “Good.” Cassius grinned wickedly before picking her up and carrying her to their bed.

  Valentine rapped on Sydney’s door impatiently, forcing himself to calm down so she didn’t guess anything was wrong. The thought of the elite guards being against Cassius had his stomach clenching with anger, and if he was being honest, a frisson of fear. He and his men would be able to take them down, but he knew there’d be a cost, and that cost wasn’t something they needed right now.

  No, he needed his own guards for the battle against Basilius. Even thinking of fighting his own kind at a time like this caused his ice-cold blood to boil. Tamping down his feelings quickly when the door opened a crack, Sydney’s face peeking around.

  “What?” she asked with a smile. “You were here just a little while ago. I thought we were meeting up later?”

  Valentine shrugged, nonchalantly. “What can I say? I missed you. Can I come in?”

  “I’m just out of the shower, let me find some clothes first.”

  “You don’t need to dress on my account,” Valentine quipped.

  “Hell yeah, I do.” Sydney shook her head before closing the door.

  Valentine leaned against the wall, going over in his head how he’d play this out. Casually, yeah, that’d be best, get her comfortable and at ease, and wheedle any information she had out of her. This was something he was good at, and he’d use every trick in his book if it got him the details they required.

  Sydney’s soft padded footfalls alerted
him a moment before she opened the door, holding it wide and waving him inside. “In you come.”

  “Thanks.” Valentine peeled himself away from the wall, striding inside and over to one of the armchairs set over at the large window. Sitting down he stared at Sydney as she towel dried her blonde hair. “The room all right for you?”

  She laughed, looking around the lavish suite he’d given her, only a few doors from his own. “It’s lovely, thank you. I’m not used to such luxury while away from home. Hell,” she sniggered, “I’ve not got this at home either.”

  “Calix doesn’t have nice rooms for his guards?” he asked surprised.

  “No, afraid not.” She shook her hair loose, finger combing it. “We’ve got a room to ourselves, well most of us have, but it’s basic and only has the bare necessities. Apparently, all we should be focusing on is being the toughest Vampires and thinking about his safety at all times.”

  “Really?” Valentine asked incredulously.

  “Yeah, really.” Sydney carried on talking as she took the damp towel back to the bathroom. “I’m all for doing my duty and training, but hell, a girl could have some luxuries. For instance, we have those old army cot things to sleep on. Damn, but they are uncomfortable. I don’t see why we can’t have a nice, normal, comfy bed to rest on. I sure as hell don’t understand it ‘cause I, for one, would be more alert if I’d had a good night’s rest.”

  “Me too.” Valentine shrugged. “All my men have decent rooms, and beds, and I don’t think they’re any less loyal, or focused, because of it.”

  “Exactly.” Sydney reappeared, coming over and taking the second armchair. “I’ve only been in the guard for a little while. I’ve been training and fighting to get in for years, but now I’m in, I’m wondering if it was the right choice for me.”


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