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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

Page 9

by A. K. Michaels

  Francois jolted forward, his eyes wide as saucers. “What did you just say?”

  “What?” Valentine smirked. “Oh, you mean the Dragons? Yeah, they are apparently real and Kuan has a friend who’s their Goddess and she’s coming and hoping to bring one or two others with her. Isn’t that something?”

  Rose couldn’t hold in her laughter at Francois’ shocked expression. Cassius leaned back in his chair smiling. “Yes, Francois, we’ll have some Dragons along for the ride.”

  “Is this a joke?” Francois looked around at them. “Yes, you’re trying to make a joke, aren’t you? You want me to tell my men we’ve got Dragons coming and then you’ll have a good laugh at me for believing they’re real.”

  Cassius shook his head. “No, that’s not what’s happening, the Dragons are real, although they’ve kept themselves hidden until now, but they’re coming to help us. I have no idea what they look like, or size, but Kuan assured me they are large and deadly. There are, apparently, a lot of different kinds too. Not just the fire-breathing ones from fairy tales, no, there are many others. So, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what turns up. I, for one, am pretty damn happy that we’ll have them.”

  “Me too.” Rose sat back down on the arm of Cassius’ chair. “I mean, hell, who doesn’t want to see a real live Dragon. Well, when they’re on our side that is. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be happy if we had to fight them.”

  “I can’t believe it,” Francois whispered.

  “It’s true, so you can let your guards know, just so they don’t get freaked out when they arrive.”

  “I’m not quite sure how that conversation will go, but I hope they don’t think I’m playing a joke on them.”

  “If they do then they’ll be in for a surprise.” Rose giggled. “I’m kinda itching for this to happen just so I can see them.”

  “I think I feel the same too.” Francois’ face still showed his astonishment at the revelation.

  “We don’t have long to wait now.” Cassius sighed. “I think the men should have an evening of R and R tonight.”

  “Sounds good.” Valentine agreed. “Everyone is a little wound up so some fun tonight will be good for moral. I’ll make sure everyone gets plenty of rest tomorrow night so they’re nice and fresh the following day.”

  “I’ll leave it in your capable hands.” Cassius waved them away. “Now leave me in peace to sort through this mountain of paperwork. If we’re successful then we have the Crowning Ball coming up.”

  “I forgot about that.” Rose frowned. “Can’t say I’m looking forward to it.”

  Valentine and Francois headed to the door, Valentine throwing over his shoulder. “I can’t wait to see you in a ball-gown, Rose.”

  “Shut up!” she snarled. “I could always go as a guard and wear my fighting gear.”

  “No,” Cassius said sharply. “You’ll be by my side, as will Valentine. We have to show everyone that we are together, united, and a force to be reckoned with. That way when I start to enforce some of my new ideas there won’t be as much resistance. In fact, I’m hoping there won’t be any, but I’m realistic and know that some of the old school Vampires may not be quite as welcoming to my plans. That’s where our united strength comes in, with Valentine on one side, and The Black Rose on the other, anyone who contemplates defying my orders will think twice.”

  “Good thinking, boss,” Valentine said as he left.

  “Do I really need to wear a gown?” Rose mumbled unhappily.

  “Yes.” Cassius grinned. “I can’t wait to see you in one either. You’ll be the most beautiful creature attending, and I want to show you off, baby.”

  “Hmm.” Rose puffed out. “I guess we better make sure we survive Basilius and his Demons then.”

  “Well, yes, that is the plan.” Cassius looked thoughtful for a moment, a far-away look in his eyes. “I can’t even think of you being hurt, Rose. It makes my stomach clench and my heart actually aches. I feel a stabbing pain every time I think of you being near that Demon and his kind.”

  Rose chuckled. “That’s just gas.”

  “Don’t be facetious, you little minx.” Cassius looked back at the pile of paperwork on his desk. “I have to get to this, Rose. I’m sorry if you had other plans, but I’ll try and get through it as quickly as I can.”

  “My plans can wait.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “I’m going to go for a wander and see if I can scrounge some food from Sue. I’m hungry, again, and then I’ll try to have a word with my dad. I can’t wait to tell him about the Dragons.”

  “I think you’ll find him in Valeria’s suite.” Cassius stared at her, obviously looking for a reaction.

  “I don’t have a problem with them being together, but jeez, he’s my dad, I don’t need to be seeing all that lovey dovey stuff.” Rose shivered in mock disgust. “And if I can’t find him I’ll go and speak to them in her rooms. I’ll ask Sue how to find it if I need to. See you later, sexy.”

  “Don’t stay away too long.” Cassius warned. “Just in case we have a situation with Calix.”

  “Hell, right, I won’t be long then.” Rose grimaced as she thought on the probable traitor. “I’ll just read when I come back, so I don’t disturb you. Where’s that thingie you gave me? The one with the books uploaded on it.”

  “The e-reader is on the side table next to my chair.” Cassius smiled. “It’s charged up so you’ll have plenty of reading time.”

  “Thanks.” Rose gave him a wave. “Be careful while I’m gone.”

  “I will,” he replied as she left.

  Rose hummed as she wandered down to the kitchen, her nose twitching as she grew nearer. Something smelled good and she hoped there was plenty to go around because her belly felt as if it hadn’t seen food in days. Just before she pushed open the door she paused, hearing voices inside, then laughter.

  She could hear Seth and Sue, apparently having a good time together. If not for her hunger, she would’ve been tempted to just sneak away and leave them in peace. Rose was well aware how difficult things were for Seth when he realized she was now with Cassius. Her sorrow at being the cause of his pain ate away at her, but it appeared that he was getting over her loss if the sound of his laughter was anything to go by.

  Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders and pasted a smile on her face as she went inside. Their heads turned in her direction and for a brief moment she saw a flicker of the pain in Seth’s eyes. “Hi,” she said cheerfully, taking a deep breath. “Something smells delicious, is there any spare?”

  Sue shot a glance at Seth then turned, beaming at Rose. “Of course there is. Come and sit down and I’ll get you a plate. There’s even a nice chocolate dessert if you’re interested.”

  “I feel so hungry I think I’ll eat anything I can get.”

  Seth shifted on his stool, motioning for her to join him. “How’s things upstairs? Any news?”

  “Yes.” Rose sat down, checking to see where Sue was before going on. “We’ve got a location and time, day after tomorrow at noon, and Kuan will come here and move us all to the Great Plains.”

  “Really?” Seth raised an eyebrow. “He can take us all?”

  “Yup.” Rose nodded, leaning closer and whispering. “And he’s also got us some extra help but you won’t believe me when I tell you who, or rather, what.”

  Seth frowned, whispering back, “What? That’s rather intriguing, tell me.”

  “Dragons,” Rose mumbled as quietly as she could. “And before you say anything, yes, I’m telling the truth, and yes, there’ll be at least a couple of Dragons joining the fight.”

  “Feck me.” Seth sat back, stunned.

  “I know.” Rose giggled. “I was surprised too, but I was more excited than anything else. I can’t wait to see them.”

  “I’m more fascinated in how they’ve managed to keep their existence a secret.”

  Rose nodded. “They are magical beings, apparently, and hide themselves with their Dragon magic, or s
o Kuan said.”

  “Amazing.” Seth looked as if he were about to say more but stopped as Sue joined them, placing a full plate in front of Rose.

  “What’s amazing?” Sue asked as Rose made an ‘mmm’ sound toward her plate.

  Seth looked at Rose who shrugged. “Hey, they’re gonna be ‘out of the closet’ soon enough.”

  “Who are?” Sue looked between them, questioningly.

  “Dragons.” Seth laughed as Sue’s hand flew to cover her mouth.

  “No!” she exclaimed.

  “Yes.” Seth nodded. “And Kuan’s managed to get some to join us for our little dance with Basilius.”

  “Oh my good grief!” Sue plonked down on the seat next to Seth. “Tell me everything you’ve heard.”

  Rose gave Seth another nod as she tucked into her food, watching as her mentor relayed what she’d said. When Sue’s hand landed on Seth’s hand, and he didn’t pull away, Rose watched them more closely. The way Sue leaned into Seth, and he smiled down at the woman, a look that Rose knew well.

  “Damn, they’re attracted to each other,” she thought as she watched them interact, and the more she saw, the more she was convinced. Sue was definitely hot for Seth, and he was showing signs he was interested too, but he was being more reticent. Hopefully he’d come to his senses soon and snap the woman up.

  As they continued to talk, Rose ate her food, finishing it quicker than she would normally, and then sneaking out silently. She snuck one last glance before she closed the door behind her, and yup, they were still engrossed with each other and hadn’t even noticed her departure.

  “I hope you find happiness,” she whispered so quietly that she doubted either of them heard her.

  Valeria shrugged a dark green velvet robe on, Brendan’s growl of annoyance causing her to smile. “I have to see who is at the door, Wolf. Behave yourself.”

  “Can’t a man get a little peace and quiet before he’s gotta go and rumble with Demons?”

  “Brendan, we’ve been holed up in here for almost twenty four hours.” Valeria put a little extra sashay into her steps, exaggerating her hips movement from side to side.

  “Damn, woman, if you keep that up I’ll padlock the damn door closed and put a sign up, ‘Disturb under fear of death.’”

  “You’re so dramatic, now shush, and let me see who’s come to visit.” Valeria left the bedroom and rushed through the lounge to open the door a crack and on seeing Rose she pulled it wide. “Come in, Rose. Are you looking for your father?”

  Rose looked her up and down, taking in her state of undress. “Hmm, yeah, but I don’t want to interrupt anything. I can come back later.”

  Valeria reached forward, grabbing Rose’s arm and tugging her inside. “Nonsense, come on in.” Raising her voice she as she led Rose to the sofa, she called out, “Brendan, come out here, Rose is here to see you.”

  Both she and Rose could hear him grumbling before he appeared, thankfully, with clothes on. Well, not exactly fully dressed, but he did have jeans on and a t-shirt. “Hello, honey, is everything okay?”

  “Yes.” Rose looked embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you, but I thought you’d want to be kept up to date with everything that’s going on.”

  Brendan ran his hands through his mane of hair, obviously trying to tame it. Valeria fought to contain a smile as she remembered pulling on it rather vigorously earlier. Pointing to the seating area, Valeria asked, “Please sit, can I get you anything?”

  “No.” Rose sat at the very end of the largest sofa. “I’m fine. I’ve just eaten and was on my way back upstairs when I thought I’d stop in and let you two know what’s happening.”

  “Thanks, honey.” Brendan sat in a large armchair opposite his daughter. “So, anything exciting to tell us?”

  Rose nodded, laughing for a moment. “Yeah, you could say that, but I really do need to get back to Cass, so I’ll make it quick. If you’ve got any questions, give Valentine a call and he’ll fill you in. Okay?”

  “Sure.” Valeria perched on the edge of the sofa a little way from Rose.

  “You look excited, Rose, what’s got you all fired up?” Brendan cocked his head to the side, smiling over at Rose.

  “Right, let me start by saying that the time has been decided. We meet fuckface and his shits on the Great Plains, the day after tomorrow at noon.”

  Brendan sat forward. “What? How the hell are we supposed to get there for then?”

  “Don’t worry, Dad,” Rose sat back against the plus cushions. “Kuan is going to transport us all, but we’re going an hour earlier. They want to suss out the lay of the land and all that stuff. But, this is the exciting part, and guess what? I’m gonna just lay it out and then I’m getting up and leaving.”

  Brendan frowned as Rose laughed, Valeria not quite sure what was going on. “Rose, what is it?”

  “Kuan has a friend coming along to help, and she’s . . . wait for it . . .” Rose paused, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “She’s a Goddess, a Dragon Goddess and she’s bringing some help along with her.”

  Rose sprang up as Brendan shot to his feet, holding her shoulder to keep her in place. “What? Are ye kidding me, lass?”

  “Nope.” Rose giggled. “It’s all true but if you want any more information then talk to Valentine. Though to be honest, there’s not an awful lot more to be told, we’ll just have to wait and see with our own eyes. Now, I’ve gotta run. See ya.”

  “Rose Marie,” Brendan growled. “You can’t land a bombshell like that and run away, lass. Tell me more!”

  Valeria’s head was spinning from the revelation. “Dragons are real?” she mumbled in disbelief.

  “Yeah.” Rose nodded as she sped for the door. “And I can’t wait to see them. Okay, folks, I’m off, see you later.”

  “Rose!” Brendan shouted as Rose ran out the door chuckling.

  “Damn it to hell,” Brendan huffed. “Do you think she’s pulling our chain?”

  Valeria shook her head. “I don’t think so. There was no sign of deceit in her, Brendan, and I’m rather excited at the prospect of seeing something that none of us believed existed. Aren’t you?”

  Brendan scowled. “To tell the truth I’m a little anxious. I assume they’ll be powerful beings or else they wouldn’t be coming. But what if they aren’t on our side? What if Basilius has got to them in some way and they attack us? We wouldn’t stand a chance, Val.”

  “I’m sure that’s not the case.” Valeria gazed over at the uncertain Wolf. “Kuan would not risk Rose in any way, he would definitely not bring Dragons to the fight unless he was sure where their loyalty lay.”

  “Hmm,” Brendan didn’t look convinced. “I hope you’re right.”

  “Kuan has always done what he can to help your daughter. I can’t see him changing that now, so stop worrying.”

  “Stop worrying?” Brendan gasped. “Are you nuts? I’ll not stop worrying until this is over and Basilius is dead. Then, maybe, I might relax a little.”

  “I’m uncertain what is to come, but I do know that we’ll all do our part in trying to take him down.” Valeria turned to stare out over the park. “Have you thought of what you’ll do after the fight is over? If we succeed, what are your plans?”

  Brendan didn’t answer for a moment, his face lost in thought. “I’m not sure. Since I left Rose with Seth all those years ago, I’ve focused entirely on finding and eliminating the Witch-Hunters. If they are still around, then I guess I’ll still try to find them. They are scum who deserve to die.”

  “I see.” Valeria sighed. “So you won’t be sticking around in one place?”

  Brendan eyed Valeria intently. “What? Are you implying you might want me to ‘stick around’?”

  “Maybe,” Valeria mumbled.

  “Val–” Brendan came over and joined her on the sofa. “I’ve been a wanderer for so long that I’ve never thought of staying in one place for long. But,” his hand reached for hers, “I think I’d like to see mor
e of you after all this shit is over with. I can’t promise anything, not right now. Val, if there’s ever been a woman who could make me think of even trying, it’s you.”

  “Really?” Valeria asked softly, hope in her eyes.

  “Yes.” Brendan pecked her on the cheek. “I’ve no idea what the future holds, or even if we’ll survive what’s coming, but I’d like to think we can discuss this again afterward. Is that okay?”

  “Sure.” She smiled up at him. “I’ve never quite felt like this before, Wolf. So, I guess we’ll just have to take things slowly and see where it leads us.”

  “I think that’s a great idea.” Brendan sidled up closer to her. “You are beautiful, sexy, intelligent and feisty, just my kind of woman.”

  “Thank you.” Valeria felt her face blushing. “I’ve never gone for a gruff Wolf before, but you appear to be growing on me.”

  “Gruff?” Brendan smirked.

  “Yes, gruff, and a little over-bearing too, but there is something about you, Brendan, and I hope we can continue this once all the drama is over.”

  “I’d like that too.” Brendan leaned down, his lips crushing hers briefly. “Can you guess what I’d like right now?”

  Valeria giggled, pushing him away as she jumped up. “I most definitely can, but you have to catch me first.”

  “Oh, nice, a chase,” Brendan growled. “I’m a Wolf, babe, and we Wolves do like to hunt.”

  Valeria shrieked as he lunged for her, barely escaping his grasp as she used her Vampire speed to run rings around him. Brendan stopped dead in the middle of the bedroom, crossing his arms and scowling.

  “Not fair,” he grumbled as she eyed him cautiously.

  “I’m faster than you, deal with it.” She laughed.

  “I’ll deal with it all right.” Using a burst of speed, he managed to get hold of her robe, tugging hard to bring her to him, nuzzling her neck. “I think we should have a nice long shower together.”


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