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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

Page 11

by A. K. Michaels

  “This looks really bad, Cass.” Rose held her hand firmly over the bleeding and torn skin. “What do you need to help heal it?”

  Cassius cocked his head to the side. “It can wait. You’re still shaking, darling, why don’t you lie down for a bit?”

  “Lie down?” Rose shrieked. “Are you shitting me? How can I lie down when you’re bleeding all over the place? Tell me how to help, Cass. Now.”

  “I said, later. I want to make sure you’re all right.” Cassius started to take his torn clothes off. “I need to clean up, and then I’m going to check on you again.”

  “Check on me?” Rose huffed. “I’m fine, more than fine, I’m fucking fantastic. So, buster, stop mucking around and let me know how I can help you heal.”

  His shirt fell to the floor, blood from his neck now freely dripping down his chest. Rose’s eyes followed each fresh addition of blood, her eyes narrowing as she bit her lip. “Blood,” she whispered softly.

  Her head shot up, their eyes locking. “You need blood, don’t you?”

  “Yes, but there’s no rush.” Cassius tried to calm the panic he saw brewing in her eyes.

  “How much do you need to heal?” Her voice a whisper.

  “Not much more than I would normally take to feed.” Cassius shrugged. “I’m ancient Rose, I don’t need a lot to survive, you know that, and I don’t require much more to heal.”

  “Okay.” Rose slid off the counter, starting to strip. “Get the shower on, you know I like it nice and hot.”

  “What are you doing?” He switched the shower on and turned the temperature up.

  “I’m going to join you.” Rose was down to her underwear. “You’ve only fed on me a couple of times, but when you have, well, it’s been while we were enjoying ourselves in bed. So, I guess we’ll be having hot shower sex and we both win. You get my blood and heal, and I get mind-blowing orgasms. Please note, that was plural, so you better be up for it,”

  “I can wait, Rose.” Cassius tried again, knowing how upset she’d been earlier, it seemed wrong for him to feed right now.

  “I can’t.” Rose’s sad eyes gazed into his. “I want you healed and back to normal. So, join me, my Vampire, and let me do this for you.”

  Cassius clearly heard the plea in her voice and he couldn’t deny her. He took her outstretched hand and followed her into the water. Her fingers entwined in his hair, roughly pulling his lips to hers, and when her tongue darted inside his mouth, he knew he was lost.

  Rose pulled away, tilting her head to give him clear access to her neck, her vein pulsing beneath her skin and causing his fangs to erupt. Cassius picked her up in his arms, beneath the cascading water, her legs encircling his waist as he backed them up so she was firmly against the tiled wall. Her body quivered as the head of his cock found her opening, thrusting up hard. Rose gasped as she tightened her grip, her nails digging into him.

  The pull to her blood drew him in, piercing her skin quickly and drawing her healing blood inside him. Cassius gulped his mate’s life source, his wounds already beginning to heal. He took only what was required to heal him and then tugged his canines free, snapping them back into his gums.

  Rose was writhing beneath him, his bite and his thrusts, taking her to heights he knew would leave her weak and sated beyond measure. His own orgasm chased hers, her mouth searching for his, their lips joining with a brutal force as her sheath contracted around him.

  Cassius thrust harder as Rose’s body shuddered in his arms, his seed exploding from him with such force it took his breath away. “Fuck!” Rose shrieked as she continued to ride the last waves of ecstasy, her head falling forward to rest on his chest.

  “This just gets better and better,” Rose mumbled quietly.

  “Thank you.” Cassius kept her in his arms, reluctant to release her.

  “For what? Mind-blowing sex?” Rose giggled. “If so, then no thanks necessary.”

  “You know what for.” Cassius squeezed her ass. “For allowing me to feed so I could heal quicker.”

  “Shoot.” Rose lifted her head to look up at him. “Anytime, Cass, I’m your mate and this is how it’s supposed to be. Isn’t it?”

  “We are very newly bonded, darling, it can be difficult for some to come to terms with feeding a Vampire on a regular basis.” Cassius finally placed her back onto her feet, picking up soap and starting to wash Rose. “I have to say, you’ve taken to it far better than I’d expected.”

  “Yeah, well . . .” Rose smirked at him, “when a feeding goes hand in hand with those kind of feelings, shit, I’m surprised people don’t get hooked on it.”

  “Some do,” Cassius admitted. “It’s why we have so much donor blood. Humans will donate regularly if they are bitten every once in a while. It’s not ideal, but it negates the need for us to hunt for food and take it against the will of people.”

  “Hell, I’m not surprised you have lots of donors.” Rose sniggered. “But, from now on, you only feed from me, right?”

  “Yes, I only feed from you,” Cassius confirmed.

  “Good,” was all she said but that one word spoke volumes.

  “Once we’ve showered, I think we should go to bed because I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a busy day.”

  “I think that’s an excellent idea.” Rose took the soap from his hand and started to clean him. “And if tomorrow is going to be busy, then you’ll need to keep your strength up. So you should probably have a little snack to keep you going.”

  “Rose!” Cassius laughed loudly. “You are a little minx.”

  “Yeah, so what’s your point?” She grinned up at him cheekily.

  “All right.” Cassius grabbed her hand, leading her out of the large shower. “I think I could do with another small snack.”

  Rose’s grip tightened in his as he quickly snatched a large towel, her voice asking, “Hey, aren’t you going to dry me?”

  “No.” Cassius tugged her back into their bedroom, throwing the towel on the bed. “I’m going to lick every part of you, the towel is just to make sure the bed doesn’t get soaking wet. I wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.”

  “I’m very thankful for your thoughtfulness, but go back to the part about licking me all over.”

  Cassius picked her up and tossed her onto the towel. “I’m getting to that part.”

  “Good.” Rose managed to get out before she was no longer capable of stringing a word together as his hands and tongue lavished pleasure over her entire body.

  Kuan was lost in thought as he wandered the forest surrounding his home. He’d left Shawndra cleaning in the kitchen, something he knew she did when she was upset, or worried. He could feel her unease as the deadline to meet with Basilius loomed.

  He couldn’t blame her for worrying. He was concerned too, not a state he was familiar with, but one he was reluctantly becoming acquainted with.

  “Here you are.” The familiar voice interrupted his musings.

  Kuan stopped his wandering, turning to face the huge being now leaning against an old tree. “Nem, I assume you’ve been looking for me?”

  “Yes.” The Angel nodded, looking a little put out. “I’ve been all over this realm, and several others, trying to find you. You don’t make it easy, old man.”

  “Maybe that’s because I cherish peace and tranquility, and you, Nemamiah, usually bring turmoil and angst.” Kuan sighed. “How did you find me and what do you want?”

  “I managed to hone in on something I’ve never before encountered.” Nemamiah frowned, his perfect features marred by the action. “I could sense your unease, Kuan, definitely not an emotion I’ve ever felt from you before. What’s the source of that?”

  Kuan shook his head slowly. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “I wonder if it’s connected to my reason for seeking you out.” Nemamiah stepped away from the tree, towering over Kuan. “I’ve heard about this problem with the Witch, and that you’ll be having a confrontation with Bas. Something that I’m a
little concerned about, seeing as he’s the King of Hell.”

  “I’m not exactly thrilled with the prospect of what’s to come.” Kuan sighed. “I can see a hundred different outcomes and it’s starting to give me a headache. I’ve not had one of those in over a century, Nem.”

  “I know you’ll have some help, but I was wondering if you’d mind if I showed up and leant a hand.” Nemamiah gave a lop-sided grin. “You know how much I dislike Basilius, and if I can help, then I’d like to offer my services.”

  Kuan stared at the Angel, “You rarely interfere, in fact, you usually tell me not to, now what’s the word you love to use? Oh, yes, meddle, you tell me over and over not to ‘meddle in the affairs of these lesser beings.’ That’s what you’ve been telling me for as long as I can remember, so, why the change of heart?”

  Nemamiah shrugged, his hands rising and falling quickly. “I can’t stand the thought of Bas winning and if I can make a difference, then I’d like to help. You don’t know this, but I’ve kept an eye on Rose since she was born. I knew then that she was special and I’ve kept tabs on her. She’s a rather remarkable woman and let's be honest here, Kuan, we can’t allow Basilius to get his hands on her. He could twist her power and all hell would break loose, literally.”

  “I’m aware of that,” Kuan replied curtly. “I’ve been going over and over things and I know she can’t fall into his hands.”

  “I’m glad we agree on that.” Nemamiah nodded. “I hope things go our way, old man, if not then,” he paused, “well, I don’t need to tell you, do I?”

  “No.” Kuan turned back toward his cabin. “I’ll see you tomorrow at noon on the Great Plains. I know it’s a big area but I’m sure you’ll be able to find us.”

  “Sarcasm doesn’t suit you,” Nemamiah said tartly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, but I think you need to go and rest, old man. You look tired.”

  “Thank you for pointing out the obvious.” Kuan continued walking, his back to the Angel. “I’m grateful for your help, but I don’t need your smart mouth today, Nem.”

  “Pardon me for trying to look out for you.” Nemamiah huffed. “I’ll leave now, before you insult me even more.”

  “Good idea,” Kuan mumbled as he walked on, sensing the very moment the Angel left, but pleased the powerful being would be joining them in their fight against the Demon King. “The more the merrier,” he thought as his cabin came into view, Shawndra standing at the door waiting for him.

  “Everything all right?” she asked as he drew closer.

  “Yes.” Kuan gave her a tight smile. “I just needed some solitude, but unfortunately it was disturbed by Nem.”

  Shawndra raised an eyebrow. “What did he want?”

  “He’s going to help us tomorrow.” Kuan raised his own eyebrow. “He and Basilius have knocked heads many times in the past and looks like he wants to go another round.”

  “That’s good.” Shawndra clapped her hands. “He’s an Angel! That must help the odds of success. Does it not?”

  “If he appears,” Kuan said quietly. “He may be an Angel, but he’s let me down in the past, my dear, and I won’t count on him until I see him with my own eyes.”

  “Surely he wouldn’t offer his help and then let you down?” Shawndra asked shocked. “He’s an Angel, are they even allowed to lie?”

  Kuan chuckled at her innocence. “An Angel can lie just as well as a Demon can. Trust me, I’ve had quite a few lie to my face and I’ve learned never to depend on them. Not fully anyway.”

  “Well,” Shawndra huffed indignantly. “That’s just wrong.”

  “That may be, but it’s fact,” Kuan advised grimly.

  “I hope he does show up,” Shawndra muttered, turning to go back inside. “I’ve made us some food and then I think you should have an early night.”

  “Don’t tell me, you think I look tired?” Kuan murmured.

  “Now you come to mention it, yes, I do.”

  “Everyone’s a critic,” Kuan complained as he followed her inside. “All right, I’ll have an early night, but you do realize I’m a God and don’t require rest in the same fashion as most other beings.”

  “Pfft,” Shawndra looked over her shoulder at him. “A God you may be, but you still look tired.”

  Kuan’s lips tugged up in a smile at her concern for him. She a mere Elf and he a Chinese God. It should be the other way around, but Shawndra had always been the same, her worry for him causing a familiar warmth inside him. “I’ll make sure to rest later,” he appeased her quietly.

  Jaxon glided on the warm currents of air, his huge dark wings making the smallest of movements. His Dragon hidden from prying eyes with his magic as he drew nearer to his home, his sanctuary. A village he’d built up since before the inter-species war. A place that they’d needed to keep people safe, ones that were hunted, and ones that the Guild vowed to save.

  It was nestled within a lush valley, mountains on all sides, with the only way in via air, or a treacherous journey that even the most experienced climbers would have difficulty scaling. He’d picked this spot so the Guild’s charges would be safe from those that hunted them. He and his Dragon Warriors forever on watch, alert for any danger and on the rare occasion they’d been discovered they’d dealt with the interlopers with deadly force.

  Jaxon spied Katarina, on guard duty and alert as always. Although her magic kept her cloaked from prying eyes, he saw her clearly due to their blood bond. All members of the Guild were bonded by blood and able to see one another, even when hidden from others. Her large beast’s head nodded as she let out a small rumble of welcome which he returned as his beast changed direction, dropping down into the green valley below.

  As he neared the ground, he waited until the last moment, then transformed, landing gracefully on his human legs. A few people were out in the fields, harvesting some of their crops, and most of them lifted their hands, waving. Jaxon raised his hand in answer as his eyes sought out the two members of the Guild he was looking for.

  He saw Allyssa first, ‘playing’ with some of the children. What the little ones thought of as playing, was in fact, training them to run and hide in the face of danger. Allyssa had taken it upon herself to teach them from a young age and the kids were now so well versed in their games that he had no doubt they would react in the way she’d ‘trained’ them.

  Jaxon shouted, “Lyssa, I need to speak to you. It’s urgent.”

  Allyssa’s white blonde hair flew over her shoulder as she spun around. “All right, be with you in a second.”

  He saw her motion for one of the other adults to come and take charge of the little ones and only when she was satisfied they were safely under the care of an adult, did she turn to jog over. Her lithe body seemed to eat up the ground as she sped up, meeting him as he’d continued walking.

  “What’s up, Jax?” Allyssa asked, not even out of breath after her run.

  “I’m looking for Terigan, have you seen him?”

  “He’s over at the weapons maker,” Allyssa sniggered. “Even though he has about a thousand swords, he’s decided he needs a new one. He’s been there most of the day badgering the poor man to design him something ‘spectacular.’ His word not mine.”

  “Lyssa, I’m pretty sure he’ll never have enough weapons.” Jaxon shook his head. “I think he feels the need to have so many because he stays in his human form longer than the rest of us. If he didn’t then this place would be burnt to the ground in no time.”

  “I get that,” Allyssa sighed. “I sometimes feel sorry for him, not being able to transform as often as the rest of us. It must be difficult for him.”

  “I agree.” Jaxon kept on walking towards the edge of camp, where he hoped to find his Second in Command.

  “I’m getting a kinda weird vibe from you, Jax.” Allyssa kept pace with him, even though her legs were far shorter. “Is there something wrong?”

  Jaxon heaved out a huge sigh.” You could say that but I’d rather tell you and Terigan together

  “Okay, then let’s hurry, ‘cause I’m curious to find out what’s going on.”

  Allyssa broke into a jog and he had to speed up considerably to keep up. She may be much smaller than him, but damn was she fast. Something he hoped would help them in the battle they’d be facing very soon. She looked over her shoulder, smirking. “Can’t keep up, old man?”

  Jaxon lengthened his strides again, jogging behind Allyssa as she sped away from him. Her laughter ringing around him as he followed. He hoped she’d still be in a good mood when he explained what he needed. He was under no illusions, the fight they faced was probably going to be the most dangerous they’d encountered. Jaxon prayed to the Goddess they’d all survive.

  Terigan’s voice erupted, “Yes! That’s it exactly, thank you.”

  Coming around the corner of the cabin Jaxon saw Terigan swinging a massive sword. The swish of the metal through the air grew faster as Terigan fought an imaginary foe with his newest addition to his arsenal. “Terigan,” Jaxon said loud enough so Terigan wasn’t surprised and mistakenly hurt either him or Allyssa.

  Terigan turned, his rough face split with a grin. “Hey, what do you think of my new sword? Isn’t it awesome?”

  Allyssa giggled. “How many swords do you need? You’ve got tons.”

  “A warrior can never have enough swords and this one is double the strength of my others.” Terigan nodded toward their weapons maker, Brock, standing at the door of the cabin. “He’s a genius, pure genius.”

  “Thank you.” Brock took a bow. “Now, can I get back to work?”

  Terigan walked over, patting the much smaller man’s shoulder. “Sure can, thanks again, Brock.”

  “No problem.” Brock backed away, his hands in front of him. “Just promise me you won’t be back here tomorrow asking me to make something else?”

  Jaxon’s firm voice answered, “He won’t. I’ve got plans for him.”

  “Thank the Goddess.” Brock stepped back again and grabbed the door. “Maybe I can work on some other things, bye.”


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