The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3 Page 12

by A. K. Michaels

Brock closed the door and they all heard the bolt snapping into place. Terigan cocked his head to the side. “He does realize if I wanted in I could kick that door in. Doesn’t he?”

  “Don’t you dare,” Brock shouted from inside.

  “Terigan, I need to speak to you and Allyssa, in private.” Jaxon strode away toward his own cabin, with Allyssa and Terigan on his tail.

  “What’s up?” Terigan asked but Jaxon ignored him.

  Allyssa’s soft whisper almost made him smile. Almost but not quite. “I’ve no idea what’s going on, but he’s got his knickers in a twist about something, and I’m getting a very weird vibe from him.”

  “Oh no!” Terigan said theatrically. “A weird vibe! Save us, save us from the weird vibe.”

  A thud was accompanied by Terigan growling. “Hey, no need to get physical.”

  “Don’t make fun of me,” Allyssa huffed out.

  Jaxon looked over his shoulder. “Enough. This is serious.”

  “Sorry.” Allyssa gave him a breathtakingly bright smile as Terigan frowned.

  “Is the camp safe?” Terigan asked, his eyes searching for danger.

  “Yes.” Jaxon sighed in relief when they reached his cabin. “Come in and sit down. We’ve a lot to discuss.”

  Terigan was still frowning as they sat around Jaxon’s small kitchen table. “Before we start, do any of you want anything to drink? Once I start, I know you’re both going to have questions and a decision to make.”

  Both shook their heads, their eyes glued to Jaxon. He grabbed a bottle of water then sat in “his” chair, swigging the water down then looking them both in the eye. “I was summoned by Zeeandra, and she’s asked for my help.” Jaxon stopped, knowing that little snippet would have them agog.

  “What?” Allyssa asked wide-eyed.

  Terigan cocked his head to the side. “She asked for our help?”

  “Yes.” Jaxon nodded. “I’m going and I’d like you two to join me. However, this time it is your choice whether to accept or not.”

  Allyssa looked shocked, her mouth falling open before she caught herself. “Okay, I’m a little confused, Jax. You are the Master of the Guild, and you tell us what missions we’re going on. You don’t usually give us an option in the matter. So,” her stare hardened as she raised an eyebrow, “what’s different with this one?”

  Jaxon sat back, crossing his arms. “Since the beginning of time we’ve stayed hidden, nobody, or rather, only a few, know of our existence. That will end after this mission. We are all well aware of the prophesy regarding a Witch and I can tell you that Witch has been revealed.”

  Terigan jumped forward his elbows on the table. “What?”

  “Yes,” Jaxon confirmed. “She has been found and already Basilius, the King of Hell, has tried to capture her for himself, and now there will be a fight between him and his Demons, and those that will battle to protect her. Kuan is putting together a band of beings to meet with Basilius and Zeeandra is going to help, she has asked for my help, and I agreed. So, we’ll be revealed to other beings, but I think this fight is worth that. As I said, I’d like for you two to join me, but I won’t order you to come.”

  “Damn.” Terigan shook his head in bewilderment.

  Allyssa looked between Jaxon and Terigan, her shock clearly showing. She turned to nod at Jaxon. “I’m in.”

  “Thank you.” Jaxon nodded grimly. “This will be a bloody and dangerous task, Lyssa, Demons are hard to kill, even for us.”

  “I know that.” Allyssa crossed her own arms defiantly. “And I’m still in.”

  Jaxon turned to his Second in Command, who looked lost in thought for a moment. His dark eyes looked resolute when he stared back at him. “This is something the Guild has fought to keep hidden for a millennia. I guess if our Goddess is asking for our help then we have to help her. We cannot turn away from her in this moment of need.”

  “Thank you.” Jaxon felt relief that they’d be joining him. “I only wish we could take more with us, but we cannot leave the valley without guards and I refuse to call back those we have out on assignment. Our first, and most important, duty is the one we’ve undertaken since the war. That has not changed and we will continue to do what we can to save those that are hunted, or in danger.”

  “Jax.” Terigan looked concerned. “I think it better I ride one of you to wherever this is going to happen. You know how much of my energy is used while I’m in Dragon form. I don’t want to tire myself out before the fight has even begun.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” Jaxon agreed. “You’ll ride on me to the Great Plains, and only transform when the time comes to fight.”

  “When is this happening?” Allyssa asked, softly.

  “Tomorrow at noon.” Jaxon sighed. “I apologize, I could’ve returned home yesterday, but I took my time returning from Zeeandra’s. I wanted some time to think about the enormity of our existence being revealed.”

  “That’s understandable,” Allyssa said, nodding.

  “I realize that although we will be exposing ourselves, that it doesn’t change anything,” Jaxon said firmly. “We still have our magic that conceals us and nothing will change regarding that. We will continue to hide whenever we are not here in the valley, and we will stay focused on saving those that are in need of our protection.”

  “Good to know,” Terigan said firmly. “We’ve had several reports come in, but they are vague and we don’t have specific details, so we’ve not been able to act on them. I was keeping an eye on things but I’ll ask Sapphire to take over until we return. She’s more than capable of running things while we’re gone.”

  “Indeed,” Jaxon agreed. “I think we should eat as much as possible today to fuel our beasts, and get an early night. We’ll be leaving at first light to make it to the Plains in plenty of time. I’ll get food parceled up for us to take so we can transform and eat before we need to fight.”

  “Good thinking.” Terigan nodded. “I’m always hungry anyway so bulking up today won’t be a hardship.”

  Allyssa laughed, punching Terigan’s arm. “Just as well you’re one of our best hunters, ‘cause you damn well eat far more than anyone else.”

  “Hey, I can’t help if I have a healthy appetite.” Terigan shrugged. “My beast needs far more than any of you do.”

  “We know that.” Jaxon smirked. “If you have some time now I suggest you go and try and bag us something so we’re not taking from the camp stores.”

  “On it.” Terigan jumped up eagerly.

  “There’s only one thing he likes as much as fighting.” Allyssa snickered. “And that’s hunting.”

  “It’s good for us that he does. He saves the rest of us a lot of time and always seems to bring the most succulent of meat back.”

  “I know.” Allyssa frowned. “He says he has a better sense of smell than the rest of us and he uses it to pick out the best meat to hunt.”

  “I’ve no idea how he manages it.” Jaxon shrugged. “I’m just glad that he does. Now, I’m going to catch some shuteye. The flight home has tired me out. I’ll see you later, Allyssa, and thank you for agreeing to accompany me.”

  Allyssa stood, grinning. “It’s not every day we can help our Goddess, Jax, so I’m honored that you asked me.”

  “You’re strong and fearless, and I’m hoping your particular expertise will be a good weapon against Demons.”

  “Yeah.” She chuckled. “It’s definitely worked in the past. All right, I’ll see you later, I’m going to go and make sure the kids will be taken care of while I’m gone.”

  “They’ll be fine. You worry too much about them, Lyssa.” Jaxon smiled indulgently. “They are in a valley, surrounded by mountains, guarded by Dragons. Not to mention their parents have some pretty powerful abilities.”

  “They are the future,” Allyssa said with feeling. “We have to ensure their safety.”

  “And we do,” Jaxon reiterated. “Every single day we make sure they’re under no threat.”

bsp; “I can’t help it,” Allyssa whispered. “I feel something deep inside that makes me kinda obsess about them.”

  “Kinda?” Jaxon raised an eyebrow. “I’ve never seen anyone obsess about something as much as you do about those kids.”

  “So what?” Allyssa’s chin jutted out. “As I said, they are the future, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep them safe.”

  “I know you will.” Jaxon saw her ire rising. “It wasn’t a criticism, Lyssa. I was just trying to allay your fears for while we’re gone.”

  Allyssa took a deep breath. “Sorry. I’m a little protective of them.”

  “I know you are and that’s commendable, but the burden is not on your shoulders alone.” Jaxon waved a hand toward the window. “We are all here to protect them and they’ll be fine while we’re away.”

  “I’m going to go and just double check everything.” Allyssa shrugged. “Sorry, I can’t help myself.”

  “OCD much?” Jaxon laughed.

  “And proud of it!” Allyssa swished her long hair over her shoulder as she flounced out.

  Jaxon went to his cupboard, grabbing a bottle of Scot’s Whisky and a glass, and pouring a large shot. He lifted it to his face, taking a deep breath in and relishing in the smell. “Good stuff,” he murmured before he downed it in one then headed off to bed.

  He needed rest but his mind was running rampant at the thought of their species no longer being unheard of. As from tomorrow, Dragon’s would be known to exist and he hoped that didn’t bring them any further problems. The Guild had more than enough to contend with, any further problems would not make him a happy Dragon.

  No, he’d be one very pissed off beast if their “coming out” brought more problems down on their heads.

  Rose shuffled about from foot to foot, Cassius’ worried face looking up at her. “My Wolf won’t settle down tonight. I’ve no idea what’s wrong with her.”

  “Maybe she knows we’ve got a fight on our hands tomorrow,” Cassius suggested.

  “Maybe,” Rose conceded. “But I feel as if my skin’s on fire and I’m all, jeez, I don’t even know how to describe how I feel. Jittery and weird.”

  “Jittery and weird?” Cassius smirked.

  “Yeah,” Rose grumbled. “I’m not happy about it either. I was hoping to get a good night’s sleep but if this doesn’t stop then that won’t be happening.”

  “Why don’t you lie down on the couch and I’ll massage your feet.” Cassius pointed over to the sofa opposite. “That usually relaxes you.”

  “I guess it’s worth a try.” Rose flopped down, moving a cushion to lay her head as Cassius joined her, pulling her feet onto his lap.

  “Close your eyes and try and relax.” Cassius started to gently massage her left foot.

  “That feels good,” Rose admitted, breathing in and out slowly to calm her racing heart.

  Cassius continued his ministrations as he tried to take her mind off her inner Wolf. “So, how’s the reading coming along? Still enjoying using the e-reader?”

  Rose replied instantly, excitement in her voice, “Hell yeah. That thing’s amazing. All those books on something so small, and I’ve lucked out with whoever bought the books.”

  “How so?” Cassius asked.

  “Remember I’d mentioned that new author, Monica La Porta and her Immortal series?” Rose paused so Cassius said a quiet, “Yes.”

  Rose made a low humming noise. “That’s so good, but yeah, back to the books. I figured out how to use it better, found out I could do a search for books and I found more in the series. I think I’ve got another four to read but I’ve no way to know if that’s all the series or not. I’m not too bothered about that though, not just now. Maybe when I’ve finished all the books I might be pissed if I don’t have the next one.”

  “I’ll see what I can find out.” Cassius smiled at her enthusiasm. “I’ve also got the library that you can use anytime you want.”

  Rose lifted her head, her eyes popping open. “A library, like in a real library?”

  Cassius chuckled. “Yes, Rose, a real library. It’s on the second floor. I amalgamated the corner suite with ones each side of it and it took a while but it’s now one of my favorite places. There are many books, thousands, probably tens of thousands, and there’s some reading areas set around it. Nice comfy chairs and sofas to sit and read in peace. Quite a nice little set up. I’ll show you in a few days.”

  “I look forward to it.” Rose lay back down, closing her eyes. “I’ve always loved reading. Seth used to scavenge books for me when I was young and as soon as I was able to get out on my own, I’d always keep my eyes open for any lying around.”

  Cassius swapped feet, massaging gently, his head lying back on the sofa. “How old were you when you went out alone?”

  Rose giggled. “Officially or unofficially?”

  “Both,” Cassius replied.

  “Officially, it was my eighteenth birthday, unofficially, I used to sneak out when Seth was away sourcing supplies. My first time I was only fourteen and I barely made it back without being eaten by some Vamps. Scared the hell out of me so I didn’t go out again for a few months. I’m afraid to say I had a bit of a rebellious streak and even if Seth punished me, I’d do it again.”

  “How did he know?” Cassius wondered.

  “Firstly, I’ve never lied to him, secondly, he’d usually catch me with my head in a book he knew he hadn’t brought back.”

  “I see.” Cassius’ heart picked up at the thought of her out in the vicious world they lived in, alone, as a young teenager. “That was rather dangerous, and I must say, rather stupid, Rose. You were far too young to be out on your own.”

  Rose wiggled her feet. “More down the bottom on that one please.”

  Cassius complied and she sighed before carrying on. “Yes, I know that now, but then, I was so fed up being kept locked up. Our little compound was well fortified and quite large really, but I felt like a prisoner. I had to escape, even if it was only for a short time and scared the beejezus out of me.”

  “I can imagine.” Cassius turned to look at her. “I don’t envy Seth’s job of trying to tame you.”

  “He did try, but I just couldn’t do it,” Rose huffed. “It wasn’t for the want of trying. I really wanted to please him, make him happy, but I couldn’t stop myself. I always felt terrible when I’d let him down and sometimes I thought I’d finally settle down and do what he said, and I did, for some things. But not for that. I couldn’t stay inside and not venture out. I had to go and see what the world was like, see if it was as bad as he told me.”

  “I presume you found out it was,” Cassius muttered.

  “Yeah, I did.” Rose shuddered. “I won’t ever forget the first time when those Vamps cornered me. They were scary as hell and I’d just seen them drain a young boy. I shouted at them to stop and when they dropped him and turned to me, shit, Cass, I was terrified.”

  “Dear lord, Rose.” Cassius couldn’t calm his heart as he clearly saw in his mind the events playing out. “How did you get away?”

  “I had my katana and my bike.” Rose shrugged, her eyes still closed. “They didn’t expect me to put up a fight, and the first two went down quickly. Mainly due to their arrogance. When the others saw what I’d done and started to come after me, I knew I was in trouble. So, I did what Seth always told me not to. I used my magic and I’m pretty sure I didn’t kill them, but it gave me enough time to get away. I was shaking all the way home and I didn’t stop until I was inside and curled up in my bed.”

  “Dammit, Rose,” Cassius ground out. “You were lucky, very lucky. I dread to think what would’ve happened if they’d got their hands on you.”

  “Oh I know exactly what would’ve happened,” Rose said grimly. “They would’ve drained me like they did the boy. It scared me enough so that I didn’t go out for a while, but eventually, the pull of the outside grew so much I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “Rose, Rose, Rose.” Cassius shook his he
ad. “I actually pity Seth for what you must have put him through.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Rose raised her hands and waved them about, her eyes now open and looking over at him. “I was a nightmare until I finally started going out with him on supply runs, and when he agreed I could go with him on a mission, jeez, I thought I’d burst with excitement.”

  “I can imagine what you were like.” Cassius looked over at her, seeing excitement shining in her eyes.

  “The first few were basic ones, nothing too dramatic, but a few weeks later we ran into trouble.” Rose grinned over at him. “I know this is so wrong, but it was the first time I took out a bad guy and boy did I enjoy it.”

  Cassius raised an eyebrow. “Do tell.”

  “We had travelled quite far from our base, mainly because everything closer had already been stripped clean. So, we’re in this larger town and found a supermarket that had only been partly looted. I thought we’d hit the jackpot! There was plenty of shampoo and stuff I’d been running out of, you know, woman stuff.” Cassius nodded. “So, we were filling up the truck and we heard a commotion, then a high pitched scream, and well, I just kinda took off without thinking.”

  Cassius tutted. “I bet Seth wasn’t too happy about that.”

  “No,” Rose sighed heavily, “I was grounded for a month after that. Anyway, I’m tearing toward the screaming and turn a corner and there’s a Vamp holding an old man, feeding from him. You know, Cass, it was only then I realized evening had come. We’d spend the entire afternoon going through the supermarket and I’d been so excited that I didn’t notice it was getting dark.”

  “Being excited can do that.” Cassius nodded.

  “I yelled at the Vamp to let the man go, and you can guess what happened.”

  “I can, but go on anyway,” Cassius said smiling.

  “The Vamp turned to me, and boy was he an ugly, dirty, son of a bitch. He grinned, licked his lips, dropped the man and proceeded to tell me exactly what he was going to do to me. I snatched my katana out of its sheath as he bolted toward me and let’s just say he wasn’t as capable as he thought he was.”

  Cassius shook his head. “You could have been killed, Rose.”


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