The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3 Page 13

by A. K. Michaels

  “Nah.” Rose smirked. “He was slower than most and he was pretty dumb too, no thought at all in his attack, just a case of running at me and using his size. Which, by the way, is a sure fire way to get a head decapitated.”

  “Where was Seth?”

  “Oh, he’d been inside when I heard the scream so he was a couple of minutes behind me.” Rose looked at him with a shake of her head. “He arrived just after I’d taken care of the Vampire. I didn’t know his face could turn purple, but it did. He was spitting mad and he hauled me back to the truck and threw me in the back, locking me inside.”

  Cassius barely suppressed his laughter at her outraged face, instead he focused on the cause. “What happened to the old man?”

  “He was fine,” Rose huffed out. “Seth went back and checked on him and found the old guy kicking the shit out of the Vampire’s body. He was cursing and swearing and when Seth asked him if he was all right, apparently, he told him, ‘I’m fine, now this fucker’s dead. He’s been stalking me for days so now I can finally go to the store and get some food. Tell the lovely young lady I appreciated her assistance.’ So I guess he was happy I’d taken care of the Vamp for him.”

  “Yes, but it was still a rash action that could’ve gone horribly wrong.” Cassius finally stopped massaging her feet.

  “A point that Seth didn’t let me forget for a long time.” Rose moved to switch places with her feet, her head now on Cassius’ lap. “He made me pay for my stupidity, and yes, Cass, I now know it was stupid of me to do what I did.”

  Cassius was just about to agree with her when she giggled up at him. “But it was a rush! The adrenaline pumping through me gave me a high I’d never experienced before and I think that was when I realized I had it in me to kill another being. I’d always thought of finding who’d been responsible for taking my mom, and from then on that was my goal. Find them and make them pay.”

  “And so The Black Rose was born.” Cassius looked down at her beautiful face, now marred with dark memories.

  “Yes.” Rose reached for one of his hands, holding it tightly against her chest. “Seth wasn’t happy although I’d spoken of it for years, but when he saw I could kill, and do it well, he relented. I knew he and my father had been on their trail for years so I had a good head start. Didn’t take me long to find the man that had turned my mom into the Hunters and he was my first ‘official’ victim. Everything else just fell into place after that and before I knew it, I was being offered assignments. You know the rest.”

  “I’m amazed that someone so young managed to gain such a reputation.” Cassius squeezed her hand. “And still manage to be so full of hope and goodness. That seems a little strange, talking about an assassin like that, but you are good, Rose.”

  “I know my mom wouldn’t like me killing people, but I only ever killed those that were a scourge on others. I refused to take on a lot of jobs, and usually let the person know that someone was trying to kill them. At least then they could try and protect themselves, although it didn’t always work out that way. I know more than a few that didn’t listen when I sent them messages and ended up dead shortly afterward.”

  “But you tried,” Cassius emphasized. “That’s the point, Rose, you tried to warn them and most people wouldn’t even bother to do that. I personally knew some of the kills attributed to The Black Rose, and on occasion I thought to myself, ‘Thank you, you’ve saved me from having to do it.’ They were very bad people and deserved everything they got.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way.” Rose snuggled her head closer to him. “I think it would suck if you hated me for what I’ve done.”

  “I could never hate you, my darling Rose.” Cassius reached with his free hand and moved a strand of her glorious hair from her forehead.

  “Good, ‘cause I love you Mr. Cassius Allarde, and you’re stuck with me.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Cassius smiled down at her. “Now, how about we have an early night?”

  Rose’s eyebrows wiggled, her fingers lacing tightly with his. “If by ‘an early night’ you mean we go to bed and have wild, mad, passionate sex, then I’m in. If you actually mean go to bed to sleep, I’m out. I’d rather go to the gym and burn off some energy.”

  Cassius smirked devilishly at his mate. “Oh, I’m pretty sure I mean door number one.”

  “Wonderful.” Rose rolled off him and onto the floor, rising to her feet and holding a hand out. “Let’s go, Casanova.”

  “Oh please,” Cassius chuckled. “I met him and trust me, baby, you definitely wouldn’t want him in your bed! It’s amazing the way things can be distorted and fabricated and he’s a prime example.”

  “No way.” Rose looked over her shoulder as she dragged him toward their bedroom.

  “I’m afraid so.” Cassius laughed at her shocked expression.

  “That’s a story for another time.” Rose let go of his hand, stripping her clothes off in record time. “Right now I need my man to make me feel very good, extremely good, oh shit, who am I kidding? I want you to make me feel very, very naughty.”

  “That, my love, I can do.” Cassius ripped his clothes off and sprang after her, the sound of her laughter making his heart soar to heights he’d never imagined existed.

  Cassius caught up to her using his enhanced speed, pulling her tightly against him, her back to his chest. Leaning down, he burrowed his face in her thick, dark, hair, drawing her scent in and savoring it. One of her hands snaked behind and grabbed his ass, pulling him even closer, his hard cock nestling against the top of her ripe ass.

  “I love you.” He ground his hips forward against her, a soft moan escaping her lips.

  As he thought on everything he planned on doing to her over the next few hours, there was a loud knocking on the door. “For fuck sake.” Rose almost screamed in annoyance as Cassius snarled at the intrusion.

  “Who is it?” he shouted, keeping Rose locked in his embrace.

  “Kuan.” Came a muffled reply.

  “Shit.” Cassius released Rose reluctantly. “We have to see what he wants.”

  “I suppose.” Rose looked around and spied the robe of his she wore.

  As she stomped over to get it, he hurriedly tugged on jeans and a shirt. Rose turning and raising an eyebrow in question. “I think it would be rather gauche of us to both appear in robes.”

  “What?” Rose asked confused.

  “Awkward, uncouth.” Cassius enlightened her as he shouted again, “Come in, Kuan.”

  Cassius rearranged his arousal, sitting down quickly as the door opened. Kuan stuck his head around the edge before coming in. “I did as you asked.”

  Rose joined Cassius, perching on the arm, as she grumbled, “What are you talking about? What did we ask you to do?”

  Kuan’s inscrutable gaze moved to Cassius. “You asked me not to just appear and to, now what were the words? Oh yes, you asked could I not ‘knock like everyone else’ so that’s what I did and it appears that’s not made you any happier.”

  “It’s almost time for bed, Kuan.” Rose huffed. “We were just–”

  Cassius quickly interrupted, “What is it you want, Kuan?”

  “I wanted to ensure Rose was safe and that you and your forces will be ready tomorrow morning.” Kuan appeared to be his usual calm self, but Cassius was certain he could sense something “off.”

  “We’ll be ready and Rose is perfectly fine, Kuan, but are you?”

  Kuan’s eyes flitted away as he replied quietly. “I am fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Cassius prodded.

  “Yes. I am certain.” Kuan looked at Rose and Cassius was convinced he saw sadness there.

  Sitting up straighter, Cassius stared harder at the small man. “Is anything wrong?”

  “Why would you ask that?” Kuan sidestepped the question and it wasn’t lost on Cassius.

  “Because I can sense something, I’m not entirely sure what it is, Kuan, but if there’s anything you need to tell us, now would be the
time to do so.”

  “I am a little concerned about tomorrow. That is all.” Kuan’s eyes darted to Rose again and Cassius’ anxiety grew.

  “Kuan, Rose is my main priority, after defeating Basilius, of course. So, if there’s information that I require to do that, please, tell me.”

  Rose looked between them, concerned at Cassius’ harsh tone. “What the hell, Cass?”

  “No, Rose, it is all right.” Kuan gave her a tight smile, even though his brow was furrowed. “He is only trying to keep you safe. I’ll say it again, Cassius, there’s nothing I need to tell you.”

  “Now is not the time for secrets,” Cassius ground out through clenched teeth, causing Rose to glare at him.

  “Indeed.” Kuan nodded. “I may have some good news though, an Angel has offered his help for tomorrow. However,” Kuan held up his hand as Rose opened her mouth to talk, “I don’t want to rely on his appearance. He’s not the most reliable of men and he may, or may not, appear.”

  Cassius squinted over at Kuan. “If he’s not reliable then why mention anything at all?”

  “I thought it may lift your spirits.” Kuan’s inscrutable face stared back.

  “I see.” Cassius frowned. “Actually, I don’t. If he is not certain to help then there’s no point in believing he’ll be there. So, it’s most certainly not lifted my spirits.”

  Rose huffed down at Cassius. “What is wrong with you? If there’s even a chance an Angel is going to come, then that’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t put stock in things that are not certain.” Cassius’ eyes never left Kuan’s.

  “Thank you, Kuan.” Rose shook her head in disbelief at Cassius’ reaction. “I hope he does show. We can use all the help we can get.”

  “My thoughts mirror yours, Rose.” Kuan gave her a tight smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning at eleven.”

  “Sure.” Rose glowered at Cassius. “And excuse his rudeness, Kuan, I’ve no idea what’s got into him.”

  “No apologies necessary.” Kuan’s eyes belied his words as he gave Cassius a hard stare before disappearing.

  “What was that all about?” Rose asked as she slipped onto Cassius’ lap.

  “I’m not sure.” He shrugged as his arms encircled her, bringing her against his chest. “I just had a bad feeling and thought he was hiding something from us.”

  “Well, jeez, Cass, what’s that saying? Oh yeah,” Rose reached up flicking his nose, “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”

  “He doesn’t feed me, you do.” Cassius smirked.

  “Don’t get all literal.” Her chin jutting out cheekily. “He’s a freaking God that’s done nothing but help us so far. I just don’t think it’s a good idea to piss him off at this stage of the game.”

  “I know what you meant.” Cassius stared into her mischievous eyes. “But I still felt something was off.”

  “It may just be nerves about tomorrow. It’s not every day someone takes on the King of Hell.”

  “True.” Cassius gripped her tighter, standing up with her in his arms. “Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?”

  Rose giggled playfully. “I think you know exactly where we were, and what we were about to do.”

  “I do indeed,” Cassius replied eagerly as he carried her back to their bedroom.

  Rose paced back and forth in the lounge as Cassius added some weapons to the arsenal he already had about his body. Wearing a long, black leather coat with too many pockets to count and with a weapon of some sort in every single one. “For goodness sake,” Rose huffed out exasperated. “How many more will you need? You’re not going to be able to walk if you load yourself up with much more.”

  “I’ll move just fine, don’t worry about me,” Cassius retorted. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?”

  “No.” Rose shook her head as she finally stopped and turned to face him. “I’ve got my blade but, Cass, I’ve a feeling I’ll be going Wolf. My beast is roaring in my head and I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep her contained.”

  “Is that wise?” Cassius hurried over. “The last time you transformed you were exhausted, you collapsed into my arms, darling. That’s not ideal in the kind of situation we’re walking into.”

  Rose threw her arms up in anger. “Don’t you think I know that? I’d rather fight like this,” she prodded her chest, “but I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop her. She is fucking angry and ready for a fight.”

  Cassius couldn’t stop the worry and anxiety flooding his system, fighting to control it as he took Rose’s hands in his. “Stay close to me, baby, please. I’m going to make sure you’re well covered. Just in case, okay?”

  “Shit.” Rose looked up into his eyes and for the first time he saw her insecurity and fear. “I don’t usually have to depend on anyone else and I don’t like it!”

  “I know, my darling, but this is a rather unique situation.”

  Cassius dropped her hands, pulling a large dagger out when there was a shimmer in the corner of the room. Sighing as he saw his Demon Spy, Nicola Blaze, materializing. “What the hell are you thinking?” Cassius spat out. “I was ready to attack you, Nicola.”

  Nicola was dressed for battle, leather trousers, a black shirt covered by a combat vest, with blades sticking out all over. Her long red hair was up in a messy bun and her face was made up perfectly, as if going out on the town. Her lips covered in a bright red lipstick to match the color of her long, manicured nails. She cocked her head to the side, giving them a bright smile. “Ooops, sorry ‘bout that.”

  “What are you doing here?” Cassius asked curtly.

  “I would have thought that was obvious with my fabulous outfit.” Nicola turned to Rose, grinning. “Nice to see you again, and don’t you think he should know why I’m here, dressed like this?”

  “Hi, Nikki,” Rose gave the Demon a smile. “You look set for war.”

  “I surely do.” Nicola gave a low bow. “I’m here, all ready and set to offer my services in the big hoo ha that’s happening today.”

  “Are you sure?” Cassius asked shocked. “If you stand beside us it will mean revealing you’re against Basilius and the other Demons. Are you willing to take that risk?”

  “Yes.” Nicola’s face suddenly grew grim. “I’m pretty sure if they don’t know by now, that it won’t be long. Basilius has had his guards in hell doing a lot of work on finding out how Rose escaped. They’re bound to find out about my involvement, Cassius, so I say, let’s go kick some Demon ass and get this war won already.”

  Rose smiled at the fiery Demon. “Thank you. We can use all the help we can get.”

  “My pleasure,” Nicola replied. “I’ve waited for centuries for something to happen to oust Basilius and I’m hoping when he’s gone, and he will be gone after today, that one of the other more liberal Demons steps up to lead us. We’re not all bad and there’s quite the underground of Demons who wish for change.”

  Cassius nodded. “Good to know. If this goes as planned, I feel optimistic that I can work with whomever takes over from Basilius.”

  “So, are we all set? Can we get going?” Nicola looked between them.

  “We’re going outside to join the others.” Rose looked a little worried. “Kuan is coming to transport us to the Great Plains where we’re to meet with Basilius.”

  “Meet?” Nicola laughed. “That’s a new word for a battle to the death.”

  “No need to remind us,” Cassius said sarcastically.

  “Sorry.” Nicola didn’t sound apologetic at all. “Just stating the obvious.”

  Rose checked the time, shuffling from foot to foot. “Let’s get going.”

  “All right.” Nicola swooped forward, opening the door wide. “After you.”

  Cassius took Rose’s hand, giving it a squeeze as they walked out, the two guards in the hallway falling in behind. Rose straightened her shoulders, her head high, and a look of pure concentration on her face as the elevator opened for them. />
  On the way down Nicola batted her eyelashes at the nearest guard, giving a cheeky wink when the Vampire frowned at her. Rose shook her head as the Demon continued to flirt with the man all the way to the ground floor. Only when he stepped in front of them, holding his hand up, did she stop.

  “Hold,” he said quietly, checking there was no danger before allowing them to exit the elevator.

  “Boy,” Nicola breathed out, patting her chest. “He’s hot with a capital H!”

  “Behave.” Rose half smiled at the exuberant Demon.

  “Rose! How can I behave when I’m surrounded by all this male hotness?” Nicola grinned as her head spun around taking in the assembled guards. “Blinking heck, I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  “We’re heading off to fight the King of Hell and you’re eyeing up the talent?” Rose shook her head.

  Valeria joined them, giving Nicola the once over. “There’s never a bad time to be looking at hot men.”

  “Totally agree.” Nicola said as her head spun around. “But this is just too much. It’s like going to an all you can eat buffet and being told not to touch.”

  Brendan appeared behind Valeria, his hand on the small of her back. “Rose, how you holding up?”

  “I’m fine.” Rose snuck a glance at Cassius who was talking to Valentine and Seth. “But my Wolf is giving me the biggest headache. She wants out to fight.”

  “I suspected that might be the case.” Brendan spoke low enough so his voice didn’t carry. “Mine is the same so, what say we stay together, let our beasts out and fight side by side?”

  “Sounds good.” Rose gave her father a grateful smile. “Cass is worried I’ll get tired, like the first time I changed.”

  “I can’t be certain, but I think you’ll be okay.” Brendan gave her a reassuring look. “But that’s why I’ll stay next to you, just in case, okay?”

  “Sure.” Rose felt Cassius’ hand on her back as he rejoined them.

  “Francois and his guards are outside waiting, as is the Fairy delegation.” Cassius looked to Brendan, their eyes locking. “I’ve made it clear to Valentine and Seth to stay close to Rose, to keep her safe at all costs.”


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