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Page 17

by Loren K. Jones

  Java ran interference to get Duchess Nerassen and her children to the quarters that had been prepared for Duke Senden. The palace staff was well behaved, but a number of lesser nobles were hanging about, hoping to be noticed by the visitors. Seeing Java and the look on her face had a number of men backing away from the duchesses as they passed. They almost made it before the baby woke up and started screaming.

  “Oh, no, not again,” Nera moaned. “Aren’t you ever full?” she asked the bundle in her arms, eliciting a giggle or two from the maids.

  Now that the baby was awake, Naria stopped trying to be quiet. “Duchess Nerassen, how do you know Java?”

  “We went through training together, Duchess Naria,” Nerassen said, smiling at Java. “I was going to be a Firewalker until Senden made his agreement with my father.”

  Naria looked closely at the girl beside her, then at Java. “We were friends in training, Naria. Nerassen was an Archer, like you.”

  “Wait, start over. Why were you going to be a Firewalker, Duchess?” Naria asked, looking closely at Nerassen.

  “Because my father was a Dreadlock, Duchess,” Nerassen answered, startling Naria. “Don’t you remember Infantryman Portlan Heildsmark?”

  “I remember hearing stories about Portly Portlan. He quit before I joined the company. He’s your father?” Naria asked, looking closely at the young woman beside her.

  “Lord High Councilor Portlan Heildsmark, Naria. Captain Freeholm told us who she really was when she had to let her go home. We had just completed basic training, and she was the only member of our group who didn’t get passed to the Regulars. This is a shock, Nera. I never heard what had happened to you.” Java grinned, but the baby was beginning to get loud.

  “I really need to feed him,” Nerassen said, and Naria pointed to the doors ahead of them.

  “This is your suite, Duchess. Do you need anything?” Naria asked. Her experience with babies was limited.

  Nerassen smiled. “Can I keep Java for a while?”

  Naria grinned in return. “Of course. I’ll go find out what trouble the boys are getting into.”

  Java and Nerassen watched Naria leave, then went to the bedroom and sat on the sofa. Nerassen pulled her dress loose at the neck and maneuvered a nipple within the baby’s reach. He latched on to it immediately and began noisily slurping away. Nerassen winced a little and answered Java’s curious look. “He’s never satisfied. Sometimes I feel like he is sucking my teats off.”

  Java giggled, covering her mouth. “Gods, Nera, this is such a shock. This is your third baby?”

  Nerassen nodded to the maids. They were unbundling a five-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl. “Randen and Jaslin. And this little grub is Keldem. He’s six months old.”

  Java grinned, looking at the baby. “I’ve just received permission from my fathers and am betrothed. We will be married next year.”

  “Oh? We hadn’t heard that. Who is he?” Nera asked with a grin. She was a bit nervous around Duchess Naria, but Java was her friend.

  “He’s a Latté named Jah’Moke Cawfy. He was a Scout with Randal’s Vandals. We met during the war, and we’ve been together for more than five years. He resigned to come back here with me.” Java was speaking to Nera, but she never looked away from the baby.

  “That’s good to hear, Java. When I heard that you’d been adopted, I couldn’t believe it. I had a dozen messengers running all over the duchies to find out the truth. When they confirmed that it was really you, I almost fainted. Senden was in a dither over it. He wasn’t happy with the prospect of having a commoner on the throne of his neighbor, but he got over it.” Nera smiled, then had to shift the baby.

  “He wasn’t the only one. Starting with me. Nera, I never wanted to be anything but a merc. I didn’t even care what kind of merc. I just wanted to be independent. I’ve never been happier than when I was a Scout out on the border. When I was out alone, I was in complete control of my life. No one else had any say in my decisions. Then I rescued Sammy, and they made me a lady.” Java shook her head, sighing mightily.

  “Kind of hard to be independent when everything you do is being watched and criticized by everyone around you, isn’t it?” Nera asked, smiling at Java. “It took me a while to get used to it, but after the sergeants and lieutenants in basic it wasn’t too big of a change.”

  “I’m still not used to it. I stayed on the border to avoid the nonsense. But the war is over, and I don’t have an excuse anymore.” Java sighed and reached out a tentative finger to stroke the baby’s hair. “There’s so much I miss of my old life.”

  “You couldn’t have had a baby in the Firewalkers, Java,” Nerassen pointed out, watching Java’s reaction to Keldem.

  “I know, but it would have almost been worth it, Nera. Being a Scout was enough.” Java smiled softly. “Besides, I got to be mother to Sam and the triplets for a couple of years.”

  Nera nodded. “We’re going to Lender’s Dale after we visit Kaster and Werrin. I look forward to meeting your ‘children’, Java. We heard you did an excellent job with them. Tell me what Duchess Samantha is like.”

  Java smiled and gave Nerassen and her maids a detailed description of Sam and the triplets, explaining that you couldn’t have one without the others. Even Prince Randen laughed at some of the stories.

  Princess Jaslin came over and looked at her mother with begging eyes, but didn’t ask to be held. She understood that the baby was being fed, but she wanted to be in her mother’s lap. Java reached out, offering her arms, and the princess climbed into her lap after a glance at her mother.

  Nera smiled softly as Java held Jaslin. Java’s maternal instinct is as strong as anyone’s. One of the informants who had confirmed Java’s identity and actions had been Mesta Wainwright. Duchess Nerassen had asked Mesta’s father, a tenant farmer on Lord Barten’s estate, to write and ask about Java. Mesta’s letter had made Java’s character clear: Java was a loving woman who needed children, or someone else, anyone else, to care for. Mesta’s description of Java trying to mother the women in her patrol had kept a number of people in paroxysms of hilarious laughter for days. Her description of Java’s rescue of the triplets, then Samantha and her subsequent ennoblement, had been a source of even more gossip. Official news of Java’s adoption had been sent by royal courier to all the duchies by Arten and Naria.

  Princess Jaslin looked up at her mother, then at Java. “P’incess Java, I have to go potty.”

  One of the maids immediately came to collect her, but Java simply smiled and stood, leading the child by the hand to the necessary. The maids looked confused, but Nerassen held up a hand to keep them in their places. Java and a smiling Jaslin returned within moments, giggling about something.

  “Jassy, what is so funny?”

  “Mama, P’incess Java said she used to have to share a tub wif you,” Jaslin replied, grinning broadly.

  Nera looked at Java, her head tilted to the side, and Java explained. “She noticed how big the tub in this suite is. I told her about the tubs in Linkville.”

  Nera threw her head back, laughing at the memory of those first shared baths. “I haven’t thought about that in years, Java.”

  Duke Senden arrived during the laughter, and the older children immediately ran to him, barraging him with rapid-fire stories about Java and their mother. Arten and Naria stood back, smiling as the prince and princess told their father how wonderful Java was.

  “All right, but we have to let her go for a while. Duke Arten and Duchess Naria need her for court.”

  Java looked surprised by that, but Naria held a finger to her lips to keep her quiet. Java followed her parents out of the suite, then looked at Arten for an explanation.

  “That was just an excuse to get you out of there. They’ve been traveling for five weeks, and he wants some time alone with Nerassen. The maids will see to the children.”

  Java smiled and nodded. “Nera told me that this has been a rough trip. I think we should try and convince them
to stay for a while.”

  * * *

  The next day brought other surprises. Robin and Marlan came to the palace with the intention of paying their respects to the duke and duchess but were blocked by the Winterhaven Guards.

  “You must have an invitation to see Duke Senden,” one of the Guards told them when he was told their errand.

  “Guard, do you know who...” Marlan began, but Robin cut him short.

  “I am Lady Mage Robin Cartwright, House Mage to the House of Carrington. Stand aside,” Robin said quietly as three Hiddendell Guards walked up.

  The senior sergeant bowed very low to Robin before speaking. “Is there a problem, Lady Robin?”

  “Not yet, Sergeant, but there will be if you don’t keep these men in line. It might be a good idea to remind them that they are the visitors here.” Robin let her anger show, and the sergeant nodded before bowing again.

  “Yes, Lady Robin. At once.”

  Robin led Marlan through the palace toward Java’s quarters while the Winterhaven Guards faced off with the Hiddendell Guards. “Look Sergeant, I don’t care who she is, she can’t go strutting in there without being identified. Not with the duke and duchess here.”

  “Lieutenant, look at that dress, and remember it.” Sergeant Evanston instructed the Winterhaven Guards lieutenant, pointing at the flames that were licking around Robin’s heels. “You’ll find that the colors match the uniform that Princess Java habitually wears. Lady Robin is Princess Java’s closest friend, and has unlimited access to the palace, including the duke and duchess’ private rooms.”

  The Winterhaven Guards’ expressions turned mulish as they faced off with the sergeant. “I don’t care!” the lieutenant replied hotly, facing the sergeant with narrowed eyes. “And who was the man with her? You didn’t identify him, and neither did she,”

  “He’s one of yours, Lieutenant. Lord Mage Marlan Gerrin, if I have the name right,” Sergeant Evanston replied, smiling slightly as the name registered.

  The lieutenant swallowed, visibly nervous now. “Lord Mage Gerrin?” he asked in a cautious tone. “What’s he doing here?”

  Sergeant Evanston grinned. “Courting Lady Mage Robin.”

  * * *

  Marlan waited until they were out of earshot of the Guards before questioning Robin. “Why did you interrupt me, Robin? That lieutenant needs to remember his place.”

  “Those men had no business challenging us that way,” she replied. “The Hiddendell Royal Guards are in charge at the palace, not the Winterhaven Guards.”

  Marlan grinned. “You and Java are a lot alike sometimes, Robin.”

  “You should know that by now, Marlan. At least I didn’t pull a knife on them,” Robin replied, walking past the guards and into Java’s suite. Java was not there, but she had not expected to find her. Tossing her coat on Java’s sofa, she walked back out, Marlan in tow. “Guard, where is Princess Java?”

  “At the court, with the visiting duke and duchess, Lady Robin. They are having a formal reception,” the guard replied, never breaking from his stance at attention.

  Robin nodded, then led Marlan to the courtroom. The Guards saw her coming and opened the doors, but two more Winterhaven Guardsmen stepped forward to bar their way until the elder of the two recognized Marlan. “Lord Marlan, what are you doing here?”

  “A better question would be: why are you questioning me, Sergeant? Stand aside.” Marlan continued walking forward, never slowing or changing his course. The guardsmen stepped back quickly, looking confused.

  Robin giggled. “You have been hanging around with me and Java too much, Marlan. That was almost rude.”

  Marlan kept quiet, but his smile said volumes. He led Robin directly to the dais where the royals were standing, receiving the good wishes of the lords and ladies of Hiddendell.

  Duke Senden recognized Marlan first and gaped openly at him. “Lord Marlan, what are you doing in Hiddendell?” he asked in a surprised tone.

  Marlan dropped to one knee as Robin curtsied. “Lord Duke, I have been here on family business,” he replied, smiling before turning his attention to Duchess Nerassen. “I am pleased to see you looking so well, Duchess. When last I saw you, you had recently brought the new prince into the world. How is he, if I may ask?”

  “Loud, Marlan. Very loud. Who is your companion? I don’t recognize her,” Nerassen asked, looking at Robin.

  Java stepped down to stand with Robin. “Lady Duchess, Lord Duke, may I please present my closest friend and confidante, Lady Mage Robin Cartwright.”

  Robin again curtsied deeply, bowing her head. “I am honored to meet you, Duke Senden, Duchess Nerassen.”

  “Lady Mage, eh?” Duke Senden said in a thoughtful tone, looking at Marlan. “And escorted by Lord Mage Marlan. This could be interesting.”

  Nerassen slapped his arm genteelly. “Lord Duke, mind your manners,” she scolded her husband, then looked back to Robin. “Lady Robin, we must speak later. There are things about this rogue you should know.”

  Robin and Java’s eyebrows rose significantly at that, but they kept quiet. Questions would wait. Marlin just grinned. Robin and Marlan finally bowed and strolled away to enjoy the party while Java rejoined her family.

  Duke Senden grinned as he looked over at Java. “Marlan is a lucky man, Princess. Your friend is quite beautiful. What rank Mage is she?”

  “Robin is a Master Mage, slightly more powerful than Lord Marlan, Lord Duke.” Java replied, grinning back at the duke. “She will work her way to Adept if she keeps to her studies.”

  Nerassen grinned at Java, then giggled. “Marlan and my eldest brother were friends when they were children, Java. I know a lot about him. Including the look in his eyes. I think he’s serious about your friend.”

  Java nodded. “He has stated his intention to take Robin to Winterhaven to meet his parents when Adept Veldin returns.”

  “Very interesting,” Duke Senden said again softly before being distracted by another lord’s greeting.

  Arten and Naria had kept quiet during the exchange but grinned widely when Java revealed Marlan and Robin’s plans. This was the first they had heard about things getting so serious between the two Magi.

  Arten looked at his visitor and said, “Duke Senden, Lady Robin is our House Mage at the moment. I’ll tell you the story of how she became a noble at a later date. Suffice it to say that she has earned her honors many times over.”

  Duke Senden nodded, not revealing that he and Nerassen had already been told the story of Lady Mage Robin Cartwright by their informants and friends. Mesta’s letters to her parents had mentioned Robin and Java as all but inseparable.

  The party carried on for several hours, but Duchess Nerassen begged out early when one of her maids peeked through a door. Java went with her, more to get away from the crowd than for any other reason. In the guest suite, she and Nera spoke of the good and bad times that they’d had in the years since they had parted. Java studied the floor when she spoke of her low periods.

  “I think the worst was when I was lashed, Nera. If it hadn’t been for Robin, I don’t know what I would have done.”

  “She’s a good friend, Java. I heard about your troubles and triumphs. Now, you still haven’t introduced your betrothed. You told me a little about him earlier. Where is he?”

  Java grinned. “He’s hiding, Nera. He’s afraid he’ll do something unforgivable.”

  “Can we summon him?” Nera asked, unsure about how Java was reacting to talking about Jah’Moke. She was hesitant for some reason, and Nera didn’t pry.

  “We can try,” Java said, then opened the door and spoke to the guards. She and Nerassen returned to talking of their past until a hesitant knock on the door announced Jah’Moke’s appearance.

  “You sent for me, Duchess Nerassen?” he said hesitantly as he entered the room.

  “No, I did,” Java answered, drawing his eyes. “Come here and meet my friend Nera.”

  Nera nodded her head deeply. “I am please
d to meet you, Jah’Moke. Java has told me a great deal about you.”

  Jah’Moke came forward, then knelt and bowed his head. “Cam Iss Doh Shan, Duchess Nerassen.”

  Java translated. “That means that he is honored beyond words, Nera.”

  Nerassen grinned and replied, “So Dis Bel Cam, Jah’Moke.”

  Jah’Moke’s head snapped up, and his eyes were very wide as he looked at the duchess. Java was just as surprised. “How in the world...?”

  Nerassen burst in to laughter at their expressions. “Our Stablemaster is Latté, Jah’Moke. His name is Kah’Danin Elisar. Do you know him?”

  Jah’Moke shook his head. “No, Duchess Nerassen, but I have heard of him.”

  Nerassen paused to shift Keldem to the other breast before continuing. “He’s been with us for ages, since before I was born. He taught us all a little of his language. When I found out about you and Java, I got in touch with him for a refresher course.”

  “So, you knew we were betrothed?” Java asked, looking suspiciously at Nerassen. “How?”

  “You would have found out sooner or later, so I may as well tell you now. Mesta Wainwright’s family is in Winterhaven. I got them to find out about you when you were first adopted. I didn’t find out that you were betrothed until we got here, but I knew Mesta thought it was likely,” Nera said with a grin, watching both Java and Jah’Moke digest the information.

  “I’m going to have a talk with her about this,” Java started, but Jah’Moke squeezed her hand.

  “She wrote to her family, Java. You cannot blame her for that,” he pointed out, but Java shook her head.

  “It isn’t about that. She must have known that Nera was the duchess, and she didn’t tell me. She knew we were friends during training.” Java pouted, making Nera and Jah’Moke laugh.

  Nera looked at Jah’Moke and grinned. “Is she always like this, Jah’Moke?”

  “Yes, Duchess Nerassen,” he answered, grinning and holding out a hand for Java to hit. Jah’Moke excused himself then. “I should leave you alone to talk.”

  Once he was gone, Nera grinned broadly at Java. “He’s very handsome, Java. You’re lucky.”


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