Book Read Free

All I Want Is You

Page 7

by mlyles

  Eli and Gareth had their heads together over a folder and were whispering low enough that he couldn’t make out what they were saying. He leaned over to see what they were looking at and Eli shut the folder.

  “Whoa, wait a minute. I don’t get to see what you’re putting on me?”

  Eli grinned at him, his gray eyes all lit up with mischief. “Nope. Not one peek until it’s done. I want your promise.”

  “That was not a part of the bet, Eli.”

  Eli handed the folder back to Gareth. “It’s perfect.”

  “When did you two have time to conspire over this?” Ash demanded as Eli came over to the other side of him and took a seat on the stool.

  “Email is one hell of an innovation,” Gareth said, laying out his supplies.

  “You are underhanded and sneaky.” Ash snatched his hand away as Eli tried to take it. “You can’t really make me promise not to look.”

  “I’ll wear my hair down when we go to Mom and Dad’s tonight,” Eli cajoled.

  Now that was a thought. Except for the drive down, Eli had been keeping it back in a tight braid. As much as Ash liked undoing it himself, he preferred to have it down altogether. “You’d do that, even if someone makes a comment?”

  Eli smiled and captured Ash’s hand. “I’ll just tell them that it makes you happy.”

  “Okay you win.” Arguing would just delay things and Ash wanted to get this over with.

  Gareth snickered and pulled on a pair of gloves. “I didn’t realize a police officer could be bribed so easily. I’ll have to remember that about you.”

  “It only works with one man.” Ash watched Gareth wipe down his arm and shave the area. Maybe he was just imagining things, but the spot seemed a little bit bigger than needed for the tattoo that he had in mind.

  “While I have you here, I could pierce your nipples. It would be hot.” Gareth suggested as he set the razor aside.

  Ash resisted the urge to cross his arms over his chest. “Nope, the nipple piercing will be for Eli.”

  “Like hell it will.” Eli pointed his finger first at Ash, then at Gareth. “No one’s touching them with a needle, got it?”

  Gareth shot his cousin an amused glance. “If I were you, I’d avoid any bets with this man in the near future or else you’re going to find yourself in my chair.”

  “Aren’t you two amusing this morning?” Eli squeezed Ash’s hand and then stood up to rummage around on the shelf behind him. “Gareth, where’s that blindfold you told me you’d bring? I think we’re going to need it.”

  “You aren’t serious.” Ash groaned, then shook his head as Gareth tossed Eli a black eye mask. “Okay, I guess you are.”

  “It’s just to keep you from accidentally indulging in your natural nosiness.” Eli grinned, slipping the mask over Ash’s eyes. “I know you, you can’t help yourself.”

  Ash settled back and tried to relax, which was a little difficult to do when he couldn’t see what was happening. He felt the paper being pressed against his arm and it confirmed his earlier suspicion that this tattoo was going to either be a really big version of the logo, or else it was going to involve something more. “So help me God, Elijah, you had better not be tattooing Wally on me. Do you hear me? There will be some serious consequences if I end up with that green muppet on my arm.”

  He brought his hand up to his face to steal a peek and someone smacked his fingers. They weren’t gloved so it must’ve been Eli.

  “Do I need to strap you down to my chair?” Gareth asked with laughter in his voice.

  “No, that would only give Eli ideas.” Ash fidgeted in the chair and tried to relax. “How long is this going to take?”

  “Behave yourself,” Eli said and took his hand. “Trust me, Georgia. I’m not going to give you something that you’ll hate.”

  “Well when you put it like that…” Ash closed his eyes behind the mask and tried to relax. Between not being able to do anything and not being able to see he thought he would go out of his skin. Then Gareth began and Ash was too busy trying to follow the scratching of the needle to see if could figure out what was being inked on him. He thought that there might be some kind of lettering in there, but he wasn’t sure. As the scratchy burn spread to cover a good portion of his bicep Ash gave up trying to make sense of the pattern and listened to Gareth and Eli swap childhood memories instead.

  After what seemed like hours the sound of the needle stopped. “How you doing, Ash, need a break?” Gareth asked.

  “Nah, I’m good. Unless you plan on let me having a peek?”

  “Not a chance,” Eli said and kissed Ash’s knuckles. “It’s looking good, by the way. I think you’re going to love it.”

  “Just rub it in why don’t you?” Ash said. He couldn’t think of any way that he would love this tattoo. Unless somehow Gareth designed something that would incorporate both the Red Sox and the Braves together… no, that would only make him look confused.

  The excitement in Eli’s voice was infectious, however. It was just so good to hear him relaxed and happy. Maybe that was Ash’s mistake this entire trip. He’d kept trying to bring up the proposal into a tense situation. No wonder Eli hadn’t wanted to talk last night, he must’ve sensed it wasn’t a normal kind of surprise. He had enough on his mind without worrying what Ash was up to. At this rate, if he wasn’t careful Eli would figure it out before he got down on one knee! He had to play this much cooler than he had been.

  “Not too much longer now,” Gareth said as he started again. “Just need to do the shading. We’ll have that blindfold off in no time.”

  The needles resumed their scratching to the buzzing hum of Gareth’s tattoo gun. It was almost hypnotic. His skin was more tender now, but it was bearable and after the first couple of passes it seemed to almost go numb again. Well at least the guys at the station would get a kick out his new ink. He’d have plenty of supporters for the Red Sox there.

  After more endless minutes ticked by, the droning buzz stopped and wheels squeaked when Gareth shoved his chair back. “Come tell me what you think, Eli.”

  Ash folded his hands together to keep from snatching off the blindfold as Eli got up. The suspense was killing him. “Oh wow,” Eli said in a stunned voice. “That’s perfect. It’s fucking perfect. Can he look now?”

  The urge to see became almost unbearable. “Can I?” Ash demanded.

  “Just a sec,” Gareth said and Ash muttered a curse under his breath. A moment later some more gunk was dabbed onto his skin and then an arm was helping him stand up. Ash reached to see who it was and felt Eli’s braid.

  “If you take the blindfold off I can walk on my own you know,” Ash said as Eli maneuvered him around the close confines of the cubicle.

  “I know, but I want you to see it all at once and I want to be able to see your face when you do.”

  Was that a hint of uncertainty in Eli’s voice? What had he done? Ash was never going to challenge Eli over another bet again. This was it. Lord only knew what Eli would come up with as a counter bet if Ash suggested nipple piercing for Eli. Then they stopped moving and Eli let go of him. “Okay, you can take it off now.”

  Ash ripped off the blindfold and stared at the tattoo in the mirror. It took a moment for what he was seeing to register. Instead of a circle and red socks with the distinctive, styled B there was the eagle, globe and anchor of the Marine Corps. Ash’s breath caught and he took a step closer to stare at the details, the individual feathers on the eagle, the grayscale shading in the globe, and the tips of the anchor looking sharp enough to stab somebody. Above were the initials U.S.M.C. and underneath in a banner was Semper Fidelis.

  “Say something, Ash. What do you think? I know the bet was to get the winner’s team logo, but I thought that you shouldn’t have to get something permanent that you didn’t want.” Ash tore his eyes away from the tattoo to stare at Eli in the mirror. He looked so nervous, biting the corner of his lip and shifting from foot to foot. God, Ash loved him. And it all suddenly
clicked and those stupid nagging worries that had kept him from speaking his mind fell away.

  Ash turned to face him. “Marry me.”

  Eli blinked, his mouth dropping open. “What?”

  “Okay, this is coming out wrong.” Ash couldn’t believe he’d blurted it out like that, in a tattoo shop of all places. This was nothing like any of the romantic moments that Ash had painstakingly plotted out in his head. Yet, deep down, he knew this was the right time and the right place. There was no way he was backing down now. Ash shoved a hand in his pocket and pulled out the box with the ring.

  “Ash.” Eli stared at the box and then at Ash, his eyes huge. It was like he’d taken on all of Ash’s nerves as he stood there staring, not saying anything else.

  Ash grinned and went down on one knee. “Are you going to make me say it again, Doc? I know you can be a bit of a rebel and maybe you say you don’t believe in permanency, but I don’t really believe that. After all you do choose to live in the Granite State, among those mountains that have endured for so long.”

  He took Eli’s hand, felt the trembling that Eli tried to conceal, the coolness in his fingertips. Yesterday, the reaction would’ve worried Ash, made him think that he was pushing too fast, but today he could see Eli’s heart in his eyes, that vulnerability he only let show on rare occasions. Ash smiled again and flipped open the box.

  “Ash.” Eli seemed incapable of saying anything else as Ash took the ring out.

  He slid the simple silver and black band on Eli’s finger. It looked like it belonged there. It felt right. Eli’s fingers tightened around Ash’s hand. “Will you marry me, Eli?”

  “This is your surprise?” Eli brought his other hand to his temple, still looking dazed. “I was convinced that you were thinking of adopting kids or something. I’ve been trying to think of a way to ask for more time if you brought it up.”

  “What?” Ash began laughing. No wonder Eli had looked so panicked last night. He should’ve recognized that expression. Eli got it often around kids, especially the twins who showed no hesitation in swarming all over him. “No, I’m not looking to do that anytime soon. I don’t feel like sharing you yet.”

  A mixture of relief and happiness chased away the bewildered expression in Eli’s eyes. “So what do you say?” Ash kissed Eli’s fingers and shot him a look of appeal. “Are you going to leave me here down on my knee pining away for an answer?”

  “Ash, there isn’t a doubt in my mind.” Eli smiled and bent down until his lips hovered over Ash’s. “Yes. A thousand times yes.”

  Chapter Eight

  JABBERS leapt out of the truck cab and ran around it three times before coming to jump on both of Eli and Ash with excited barks. He’d picked up on the jubilant mood between them and was working hard on wearing himself out.

  Eli looked down at his hand in the fading light and rubbed his thumb over the band. It was incredibly real. He still couldn’t believe that Ash had surprised him that way. He’d never seen the proposal coming, though he had thought of marriage a couple of times. He was just still so happy that Ash had chosen to stay with him in New Hampshire instead of moving back south that he’d been content to have him there. Now that they were engaged, he knew he’d really wanted more. He wanted that final commitment as much as Ash did.

  “That dog is going to be passed out before dinner time,” Ash said, shutting the cab door as Jabbers tore off again.

  “Not if Gareth brought his demon spawn.” Eli came around the side and took Ash’s hand. There was a little bit of flutters in his stomach over the idea of telling his parents, but not as many nerves as there would’ve been yesterday. It felt like tonight was a whole new start.

  “Hey, that’s Lady Godiva to you,” Gareth said from the doorway and then braced himself as Jabbers barreled toward him. “It’ll be okay, they’ve sorta become friends.”

  “Jabbers, down!” Eli said before the beagle could launch himself at Gareth. “Manners. Where are your manners? Down.”

  Jabbers plopped his haunches down with a little whine of pure begging, excitement. “Hey there, buddy.” Gareth petted him. “Let me give you a word of advice, no chasing. If you knock Aunt Anita’s tree over she’ll banish you outside and it’s only going to make my girl lie in wait for you. She may be smaller, but she’ll win. And you’ll be sad if you’re missing all the fun.”

  “Is Aunt Barbara here yet?” Eli asked as they joined Gareth.

  “Yep, just got here. I wanted to make sure both of us were on hand for the announcement.”

  “You didn’t say anything did you?” Ash asked with a quick glance at Eli. “We want it to be a surprise.”

  “Hell no, though I suspect Ma knows something is up. I’m pretty transparent to her, but she won’t say anything. Hey, before we go in, I’ve got a present for you. I thought you should have something for the occasion.” Gareth went to his car and came back with a slim package that he handed Eli.

  “You didn’t need to get us anything, Gareth.”

  Ash nudged him with his elbow. “What are you waiting for? Open it.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Eli grinned. “Maybe we should put it under the tree and wait for Christmas. Anticipation and all that.”

  “Fuck anticipation, Doc,” Ash said with an expression of pure exasperation. “I lost all patience with that last year.”

  Eli laughed and tore off the plain wrapping. Inside was a framed photograph of Ash shirtless, on his knee at the tattoo shop and Eli leaning over to kiss him. Eli’s tongue froze as he stared. He hadn’t even realized that Gareth had taken a picture. He’d captured the moment at just the right time.

  “Oh wow, that’s perfect.” Ash leaned over to take a closer look and Eli handed him the picture. “No offense, but at the time I’d forgotten that you were in the room. Thanks, man, it’s beautiful.”

  “Please no offense at all. Besides you two make a cute couple. I’m totally jealous.”

  Eli caught his cousin up in a fierce hug. He didn’t say anything, with Gareth he never needed to. Gareth hugged him back and then gave him a light shove. “Come on, lovebirds, before they come out looking for us and think we’re trying to avoid them.”

  The last thing Eli wanted tonight was anyone jumping to false assumptions. He’d been guilty of that too many times. If he kept an open mind instead of giving in to knee jerk reactions, he would at least feel more relaxed. Maybe that would rub off on his parents.

  Ash set the picture in a safe spot inside the truck and they went inside hand and hand. The front hall was lit up with a warm glow from the lights scattered among the garland that arched over every doorway. The scent of roasting turkey and stuffing came from the kitchen and made Eli’s stomach rumble. His mom came down the hallway as they came in and the anxiety in her eyes tightened her whole expression.

  She approached and gave Ash and Gareth an apologetic little smile. “Do you two mind if I speak with Eli a moment?”

  “No problem Aunt Anita.” Gareth stuck Ash’s coat in the closet and headed toward the living room. “Let’s go lace the eggnog.”

  Ash paused long enough for Eli to give him a nod and then he called Jabbers to him and followed Gareth down the hall. Before Eli’s mom could say anything he picked her up in a hug and spun her around. “I love you, Mom.”

  “Eli!” She clutched his shoulders, and as he set her back down, the anxiety eased from her expression. “You and Gareth spend too much time together.”

  “That’s what Aunt Barbara said.”

  She reached up and framed his face in her hands. “Eli, I… We need to sit down and talk. Your dad wants to talk too. We both wanted to apologize.”

  “It’s okay.” She looked so stricken that Eli hastened to reassure her. He took her hands and pressed them to his lips. “It’s okay, Mom. You’re right we do need to talk, all three of us and I think I’m ready. I’m not sure if I could’ve listened before and that’s not your fault. I am hard headed and I let Dad get to me as much as I get to him and
it’s time it stopped.”

  Her eyes lit up as she smiled. “Tonight then? After dinner when Gareth and Barb go home? We could talk then if that will work for you.”

  “Yeah, I’d like that. You won’t mind if Ash joins us do you?” He wasn’t sure if Ash would, but since they were engaged, he wanted to ask.

  “Well, I suppose, if you think you need the support, but I swear it’s not like we’re going to be coming down on you or anything.”

  “It’s not that. I don’t want it to be an ‘us against you two’ kind of thing. He’s a part of me, so I want to give him the option of being included if he wants.” The more Eli thought about it though, the more he was sure that Ash would opt out and wait impatiently on the sidelines for an update. He wouldn’t want his presence to stop anyone from having their say. They’d already hindered themselves enough.

  “I understand. I’m glad you brought Ash this year.” His mom smiled up at him. “I like him and I love how happy he makes you. I’ve been waiting a long time to see you this way with someone.”

  “Anita, Eli, come on,” Aunt Barbara called down the hallway. “Gareth is breaking out the champagne early.”

  “You tell him that’s for after dinner,” Eli’s mom called back. “If he drinks up all my champagne now he’s going to have to go to the store for me later.”

  “Actually, let’s go have a glass. I feel like celebrating.” If Eli didn’t take his cousin’s not so subtle hint to make an announcement, Gareth would burst trying to hold onto the secret.

  “Well it is Christmas. Our Christmas anyway, that’s more than enough reason to celebrate.”

  When they reached the living room Eli found Jabbers sprawled out in front of the fireplace keeping a wary eye on Lady Godiva who had staked out territory beneath the tree. Ash was talking with Eli’s dad as they picked through holiday CDs and Aunt Barbara was handing out the glasses of champagne that Gareth had poured.

  His dad and Ash looked up as they came in and Ash winked at him. His dad looked at Eli’s unbound hair and shook his head with a faint smile. “Gave up on the idea of scissors altogether?” He winced and a pained expression crossed his face as if he wished he could take the words back.


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