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33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle

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by Nikita Storm

  Amazon won't let me say more, so take a look inside for a hot preview! You'll be glad you did.

  * Knocking up the Neighbor

  19-year-old Brandy has gotten herself into a pickle when she finds that her boyfriend has been cheating on her and kicks her out. She has nowhere to go except into the arms of her next-door-neighbor, Tom. What Tom doesn't know is that this is Brandy's first time and she wants more than he may be willing to give.

  Can Brandy seduce her hunky next-door-neighbor who has harbored a secret crush of his own and get him to take her without protection? Take a look inside to have your fantasies fulfilled!

  * Knocking up the Librarian

  Nineteen year old Johnny had never been with a woman before, but when he fell in love with the town's extremely hot, mature librarian MILF, Donna, that was about to change. Smitten by her beauty, he hangs around the library just admiring the woman he knows he'll never have a chance with. However, one day, with her husband away and the house to herself, she invites Johnny to her place where she shows him all the things that a man must know about a woman. Is he ready for it? His body says yes, his mind, however...

  Come along as Johnny learns that his dream woman is fertile and wants to be taken hard and without protection. Will Johnny finally step up and become a man? Will her husband find them in an uncompromising position?

  * The Knocked-Up Librarian MILF

  After having his first taste of a woman, Johnny and the naughty librarian, Donna, sneak around behind her husband's back and continue their affair at every opportunity. Things get a bit hairy when they become a bit too lax and her husband, Rick, suspects that something is amiss and follows her.

  With a bun in the oven and a smile on her face, Donna is oblivious that her husband is standing just outside the library restroom as she waits for Johnny to join her. Once he is distracted, Johnny slips inside not only the restroom, but Donna's knocked-up belly.

  What will Donna do when she finds out that her husband is mere inches away from them? Will she continue to make out with Johnny in the stall as her husband grills her? Will Rick realize that his wife is taking it hard and without protection from another man just a few feet away?

  * Milking the Naughty Librarian

  "It's time to bring this out in the open." Donna smiled.

  "What are you doing?" I asked, perplexed as she brought out her phone and began punching numbers.

  "Something that should've been done a long time ago."

  "What's that?"

  She held up a finger to her lips and began talking into the handset. "Honey, I'm down at the park by the library. Would you please come down here immediately? I have someone I'd like you to meet. Yes, I realize you're at work in an important meeting. I'll expect you here in fifteen minutes." Then, with a flourish, she hung up her phone and grinned. "Just let me do all the talking."

  * Knocking up the Neighbor's Wife

  When a big storm hits in the middle of the night, cutting the power to the neighborhood, Katie runs to the only man who can protect her: her big, black next door neighbor. Steve is all too happy to comfort frightened Katie while her husband's away on a business trip.

  * Seduced by my Wife's Best Friend

  Dinners are hard. Especially when your wife's best friend is taunting and teasing you from across the table. It's even worse when you know she's getting married in a few days. With long, auburn hair a voluptuous chest and a stunning red dress, Betty - his wife's best friend - could have any man she pleased.

  But she wanted him.

  John was beside himself. He'd never gone behind his wife's back before, but he had a hunch that something was up between the two best friends. Should he allow himself to be seduced by his wife's best friend right in the living room? What about her husband? And his wife? How would they react?

  Find out what happens in this very steamy, lustful tale when his wife discovers them in an uncompromising position. Will she accuse her best friend of being a man-stealer or join them in their illicit affair?

  Copyright © 2015 by Nikita Storm

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Everyone in this story is 18 or older and NOT blood related.

  New Beginnings

  Nikita Storm

  After getting home last night after a tiresome day at work at a local call center, the burn was real. Having to talk to so many people, there was nothing I wanted to do more than to just climb into bed and forget all about that. That's when my girlfriend, Susan, came into the room, and ultimately where my story begins.

  "What in God's name do you call this?" she exclaimed, tapping her watch.

  Such a bitch. With a swift sigh, I sought to carry this on in hopes of reaching a decent conclusion. Unfortunately, I was all too used to this. "Its seven o'clock sweetie, I'm just tired that's all," I said, head down with my voice muffled in the pillow. "Sorry."

  "That's not the problem and you know it! If you're at work all day, then where does all my food go off to? Huh? I worked very hard for that, and what do you do? Steal it!"

  She didn't even know what she was saying. What the hell had gotten into her so suddenly? So was she mad at me because I wasn't spending enough time with her? Or was she accusing me of stealing her 'hard earned food'?

  Whenever I have a hard day and just want to sleep, she always did this. How easy life would be without coming home to this bullshit after having to speak to hundreds of people a day on the phone.

  "You're always leaching off of me, Fletcher. You lie about having a hard day at work, and because you're too much of a fat ass to get your own food, you take mine that was for me and me only. I've seriously had it with you, you creep, just get out!"

  What a cow! With that, I got up and left. I couldn't defend myself from those types of baseless accusations any longer. I just needed to leave.

  My friend Damien - a colleague from work - lived just down the street. Maybe he'd let me crash at his place.

  I immediately packed everything up in my suitcase and set off down the pathway leading out of our apartment and onto the main road. I never quite felt man enough to tell her where to shove it, but I can tell you I sure wanted to.

  With my suitcase rolling along the ground, I phoned Damien to explain my sudden situation. "Damien, how's it going? Listen, I need a favor."


  "So basically that's why she kicked me out, isn't that some fucked up shit right there?" I said looking at Damien as I sat back with some canned soda and the television on in the background on one of the music channels.

  "Well dude, look, my advice? Forget about her. As I said when you arrived, you can chill out here until you find a new place. And, seeing as you haven't quite lost your job yet, you have all the time you need to get back on your feet."

  He then put his arm on my shoulder and continued, "I still need to sort out the spare room, but you can stay here as long as you like."

  It may sound strange for someone to be so generous, but I'd known Damien for a good while and I knew that he cared about my wellbeing.

  "How can I ever repay you for all of this, man?"

  He then leaned away and smirked at me, his smile looked as if I was being ridiculous for feeling the way I was. He was a big fan of meditation so naturally every traumatic emotional event, for him, can just be worn down by simply quietening down the mind for a few minutes. I'm not saying this was traumatic for me, but it was important that he understood.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Oh, nothing," he said a bit too quickly. "I think I know what'll help you, though. Seriously, I know just the thing." He proceeded to run up the stairs while I raised my voice to ask what in the hell he was blabbering on about, but he had already bounded up the stairs before I got a peep out.

  I decided to trust him and see what he had to show me. It wasn't lik

e I could die from just taking a look. At least, I hoped not. After a few minutes, he emerged, skipping down the stairs.

  Damien sat on the couch and took a capsule out of his pocket.

  "So, what is that?" I pointed to the pill.

  "This, my friend, will chill you right out," he said with the tone of someone who sounded confident in what he talked about. I never took anything like this before and I generally tried to avoid peer pressure. Damien wasn't like that though, so it made me wonder what he was up to.

  "You expect me to take drugs?" I protested in shock.

  "No way dude, this isn't a drug. I don't do drugs either. What this is, is an experimental pill that has just the right level of ingredients and, well...other stuff that will reverse the corrupt neurons in your mind causing you to suffer either stress, anxiety, or depression, if you have any of that, course."

  I was tempted, the situation with Susan really got on my nerves. But as I said, I didn't like the idea of doing drugs. Hell, I didn't even like to take Aspirin.

  "I thought you were into meditation anyway Damien, what got you into this?" I asked, while inspecting the yellow-spotted pill closely.

  "This was actually given to me by a monk; an experienced meditator and one of the teachers on my last retreat. I was with my friend at the time, and he - she, sorry - went home very impressed after the bonding we did later that night," he explained.

  There was something fishy about the way he told me this story.

  "Don't you trust me?" he asked looking hurt that I might think otherwise.

  "Of course," I said in response, "but I still don't know. I'm getting nervous, what if something weird happens like I have a bad reaction, or I shrink, or turn into a woman or something?"

  "Don't worry about it. Like I said, my friend has tried it and she had a whale of a time. It's completely safe and legal. And besides, if you trip or something, I'm with you man." I looked into his eyes, but I couldn't tell if he was lying. I was just going to have to trust him. Besides, what other options did I have? The local bar? I didn't even drink.

  With exaggerated movements, I raised the pill up to eye level, sighed and put it into my mouth before swallowing the damn thing.

  "There, you happy now?" I said, exasperated.

  At first I began to feel a little tired, and that definitely took the edge off. I asked Damien if I could rest on the couch, and five minutes later I was unconscious on the sofa.

  I faintly heard his reply as I slipped into blissful unawareness.

  "No, but I soon will be."


  "Wakey, wakey!" I heard Damien call as I squinted, trying to open my eyes.

  Laying on the same couch I fell asleep in - thank God - I felt like I had a hangover. I sat up and held my head upright to dull the headache. "What happened, how long was I out?" I asked, still waking up. Damien was watching some film on TV.

  "About two hours. I started watching this while you were out. You alright?" He briefly looked over and then looked back at the TV, to the on-screen scene of a man kicking down a door and spraying bullets everywhere.

  "Alright, well I'm going to --" suddenly I realized that the words were coming from my lips, but it wasn't my voice. I tried again, "I'm going to --" What the hell? I sounded more feminine.

  I leaned over. "Damien, why do I sound like this?" I asked with a sexy alluring voice that surely couldn't have been my own. "What did you do to me?" Maybe he was playing a prank with one of those voice changers. Yeah, that was it.

  "Nothing, really, but you may want to check things out in the mirror over there."

  I quickly walked over to the mirror, worried about what I would find. It took me five seconds to realize something was wrong.

  "Damien, what...the...fuck?!" I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I even turned around to see who the pretty woman behind me was. When I realized that it was me I was looking at, I grew angry. I balled my fists and was about to blow my top.

  "Okay, Fletch, I can explain," Damien said with his hands up as if to tell me to calm down. I wasn't about to give up and calm down. Maybe this wasn't real, maybe if I calmed down I would wake up.

  "No way! This is my dream and I can do whatever I want in. So I banish you!" Nothing happened. I wasn't waking up.

  Damien sighed with a guilty look on his face, "Look man, come here. Sit down," he said, patting the couch beside him.

  I took a deep breath to calm myself down and walked over to the couch where Damien was and sat next to him.

  Damien explained what the pill really did and what it altered. He was basically admitting to me that he lied, but tried to do so in a way that made me not get pissed off, and let me tell you that it wasn't working. This change better only be temporary, I thought.

  "So, right, you lured me here, so you could lie about a pill that turned me into a chick so that you could fuck me, is that it? That's extremely sick." As I was ranting and venting, Damien calmly leaned over to take a sip of his soda.

  I felt a buzzing feeling when his arm accidentally brushed against my chest on the way past, making my nipples harden. It felt both exhilarating and shameful.

  "That was...quite nice," I said suddenly and calmly, lowering my voice. "I've never felt anything quite like that before."

  "Oh yeah?" he smiled, sneaking his hand through my button shirt to my breast as he slowly caressed it. I wanted to shout and scream. I was angry, I was scared, but at the same time, I was getting horny. I didn't know why. I don't find guys attractive. I'm a guy, we're men! But all that went out the window. How could I be a guy if I had boobs?

  "Damien, stop it, I-uh," I suddenly couldn't think straight. Emotions were coursing through my body and I didn't know how to respond.

  "Shh..." he whispered, interrupting me. I blushed and leaned closer to him while he massaged my breasts. "You don't need to say a word, I knew you would react this way and I knew Susan wasn't right for you. So, I think I'll give to you what she couldn't." I wanted to resist, but I also wanted it, and in a way I was already asking for it.

  "Besides, you look very lovely. Wait 'till she sees you like this - you're actually hotter than her. That'll really grind her gears."

  I didn't have time to respond before he unbuttoned my shirt, setting my new, small breasts free.

  But he didn't stop there, as I began to pant under the pleasure of having my chest rubbed and massage, he began to circle my hardened nipples with the tips of his finger which drove me crazy.

  "Stop," I whimpered, but I didn't really want him to stop. He lowered himself before me and gently stroked across my nipples, one at a time. I let out a moan as he got faster. Damn, this guy was good.

  I gazed towards the ceiling and I felt his mouth cover my right nipple as his tongue carried on stroking. The exhilarating feeling of having a mouth kissing and suckling me made me so hot.

  As much as I liked it, I still wasn't used to this new body. "Damien, I don't get how this new body works, how am I supposed to --"

  Before I could finish, he interrupted me by putting one finger on my lips and saying softly, "Shh, I'll teach you."

  As I lay on the couch, face up, Damien laid down on top of me, tilted his head and pressed his lips against mine softly. I felt my breath taken away as his warm, moist lips caressed mine before pulling away slightly.

  "How was that?" He smiled devilishly as he ravished my body with his wicked-looking gaze.

  "It was good," I managed to let out, before I pushed him off and rose to my feet. I wasn't sure if he was just trying to get a feel for me in my new body, or what.

  Without another word, he slipped out of his jeans and t-shirt, exposing his rock-hard abs and fine cock. Wait, did I just think that? Why am I looking at his manhood? Oh God, he was so big! I never thought I'd feel comfortable seeing another man naked. But I had no inclination to look away.

  "Wow," I gasped, as he smiled at me intently.

  "You like what you see?" he asked proudly as he began peppering my face and lips with
honey-soft kisses. Then he kissed down my neck, causing me to squirm.

  I couldn't bear it any longer, and that's when I let out an involuntary moan. Without missing a beat, he moved to my stomach and down to my pussy, hovering just above my clit. What on earth was he doing?

  Oh my God, was he going to...

  I cried out as he slowly lowered his finger to my pussy and my nerves exploded as my body could sense his hand moving closer and closer. I shivered with delight as his finger lingered over my clit. It felt pleasurable beyond belief as he pushed his finger inside me as his mouth encompassed my newly-formed clit.

  "Oh God," I gasped as I wiggled around, trying to get used to this feeling. He pushed his fingers in and out of my slippery pussy while flicking his tongue all around my sensitive clit. I staggered as the raw emotions shot through my body. I had never felt anything so pleasurable in all my life!

  He pressed two fingers and then three inside, accelerating my imminent release. I no longer cared that he was a guy and my best friend. I just wanted him inside me. Not his fingers, but something else. I wanted more, but the motion that he made caused a heady rush to explode in my body.

  "That's enough of that," he said after a few moments. "How do you feel about your new lady parts now?" he asked as he traced his wet fingers across my legs, leaving me breathless and panting for more.

  "Fuck me!" I whimpered, panting due to his ministrations. I didn't know what else to say, it was definitely a new experience to say the very least. I've never had anyone insert anything inside me outside a doctor's office.

  He instructed me to lie down. He then gently pushed my legs apart and hovered his head over my clit and pussy. I began to tremble in anticipation as he moved closer to my aching, needy pussy.


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