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33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle

Page 20

by Nikita Storm

  "So, how long have you been waiting here?" I got wet just thinking about him waiting for my body to become fertile.

  "A couple of weeks. I spoke with your doctor and he let me know when you were getting closer," he said smugly as he sipped his champagne.

  "My doctor?" I said, my eyes flying open. "Isn't there some kind of medical code against that?"

  He laughed. "Have you forgotten that I'm the richest man in Texas? And I don't even live here." He furrowed his brow a bit. "Well, that may not be entirely true. I do have some real estate near San Antonio."

  "So, what? You just called up my doc and told him that you wanted medical information on me?"

  "Pretty much. Oh, by the way, I'm glad that Rebecca's healthy and happy." He took another sip of his champagne and lit up a cigar.

  Geez, this was getting creepier by the minute. I felt like I was being stalked by this hot, gorgeous, hunky man. I thought about Mary's words and the more I contemplated the situation, the more I came to believe she was right.


  The flight didn't take as long as I'd anticipated and within a couple of hours, we were driving up to his fancy mansion. I realized when I got out of his limo that no one knew where I was. Except maybe Mary. But she'd promised to keep my secret. This man could very easily do with me whatever he wanted and there was nothing I could do about it.

  Like always, my breast milk had leaked through my shirt and was starting to make a mess. This was one of the downsides of being a Hucow - I always had to express myself. When I was home, I'd just have Robert fill another milk container and I'd be good for another hour or so.

  "I need to express myself," I said timidly as we walked in the front door of his mansion. It wasn't the largest mansion in the world, but it could very easily fit several normal-sized homes inside it's walls.

  "That won't be necessary," he said gruffly as a servant girl came and took our coats and my purse.

  I looked at him and was about to say something, but the look on his face caused me to reconsider. I shivered as I studied his handsome, angular cheeks. He looked the part of the billionaire. He was tall, dashing, very strong and his face was rugged. I feared and lusted after him at the same time. I still wasn't sure what I was going to tell Robert - perhaps the truth. I don't know.

  Charles poured himself a shot, asked if I wanted one and lit up a cigar. Oh my God, I thought he was handsome before - he was downright sexy now. My pussy began seeping wetness into my panties and I could feel the familiar flush of my orgasm course through me. I don't know why this arrogant man turned me on, but he did.

  "Patricia!" He called and a tall, slender, blond-haired, middle-aged woman came racing down the stairs.

  "Yes, master?" She said, turning my direction as a chilling smile played across her face. "Oh, I see you've brought our surrogate. Isn't she lovely?"

  I stood stock still as Patricia slowly walked over to me and began inspecting my body. Again I shivered as she touched my cheek.

  "You're a naughty cow, aren't you?"

  I gulped and looked over to Charles who was sitting in a recliner, drink in hand, watching us. I could see the tent in his pants. "No, ma'am," I said, quivering, "I'm a good cow."

  "Bullshit!" She smacked me across the face. "You've been sleeping with my husband, haven't you?"

  I nodded.

  "Good cows don't sleep with other cow's bulls, do they?" Her green eyes narrowed and her face hardened.

  "No, ma'am."

  "That's right. So, what does that make you?" She pressed again.

  "A naughty cow," I admitted.

  "Exactly. Does your bull know?"

  I shook my head as I felt wetness seep from my breasts. If I didn't express this milk soon, it was going to leak all over the floor.

  "You're going to have to tell him something when your belly starts growing."

  "Why don't you take her upstairs and get her ready," Charles suggested as he polished off his drink and grabbed another. "You two ladies can talk shop later, I want to get down to business."

  Business? I followed Patricia up the stairs meekly as I thought about his words. Was I just a business deal to him? Nothing more than ink on paper - something that needed to be dealt with? For some reason, that made me hornier than I thought possible. Here was a very rich, very good looking man who didn't want me for my body, but my baby instead. I wondered if this was why he struck the deal with Robert in the first place.

  When we got to the top of the stairs, she directed me into a large room filled with all kinds of BDSM instruments. Including, I noticed, several types of pumps - some manual and some automatic. Like Pavlov's dog, my breasts began leaking furiously at just the sight of them.

  "Stand here," she said as she hooked some wires up to me and turned on a machine.

  "What's that?" I asked. I wasn't quite sure I really wanted to know the answer.

  "A lie detector. Now, I'm going to ask you a few questions to get this calibrated." She proceeded to ask me questions that she already knew the answer to, such as my name, color of hair and general stuff like that. "Good, now I'm going to ask you personal questions and I want you to answer truthfully. Understood?" She smiled coolly, almost evilly and a wicked shiver raced up my spine.

  I nodded. "I thought these weren't admissible in court."

  She laughed heartily. "You're not in court, honey. Now, tell me," Patricia grabbed a long, black whip from the wall, "do you love my husband?"

  "No," I said. I shook my head and felt the instant sting of the whip. "Lies!" She said, her voice ringing out in the large, concrete-lined room. "I ask again. Do you love my husband?"

  I took a deep breath and steadied myself. I knew these things could be beat, but I had no idea how to manipulate them. I nodded.

  "Speak up!"

  "Yes, I'm in love with your husband," I admitted. I hadn't realized it before, but the lie detector agreed with my words, so it must be true.

  "What attracts you to him? Do you like his money?"

  "Yes, ma'am," I said as I felt her come up behind me and start tracing her whip all up and down my back.

  "He does have a lot, doesn't he?" She whispered in my ear. "You wish you could have some of it?"

  "No," I said and the machine indicated differently.

  "That's quite all right. You and Robert have been paid quite handsomely for your services. You can expect no more." She leaned closer to me, her hot breath tickling my ear. "Tell me what else you like about my husband? Go into explicit detail. Leave nothing to the imagination. I want to hear what you'd like to do to him."

  She disrobed, sat in a chair a few feet away and parted her legs, exposing her large labia. Was she really going to masturbate while I talked dirty about her husband? This was absurd, but I had to admit that it turned me on.

  I closed my eyes and pictured his sexy body and the words began tumbling out of my mouth. As I spoke, I could hear sloshing sounds from across the room.

  "The first thing I'd do to your husband," I said, licking my suddenly dry lips, "is I'd run my hands all over his gorgeous body. I'd start with his rugged, sexy face and trail my way down to his rock-hard chest."

  When I started describing his body in explicit detail, I could hear her breathing becoming ragged and her fingers move faster in her pussy. Talking to his wife about what I wanted to do to him turned me on so much that my panties were soaked.

  "Take off your shirt," she commanded, her fingers never stopping.

  I did as I was told, releasing my huge, engorged breasts. They were completely full of milk and I thought that they were going to explode. Streams of milk shot from my nipples as they attempted to empty themselves.

  "Touch your breasts," she said huskily as she repositioned herself.

  I felt extremely self-conscious as I brought my slender hand up to my curved, naked, milk-filled breasts and began to rub them. A moan escaped my lips as my touch brought my rising heat to a boil.

  "Now continue telling me what you want to d
o with my husband."

  I told her how I wanted to slowly remove his shirt and pants and breathe hotly on his huge cock. As I told her this, my nipple grew stiff and erect under my familiar ministrations. When I told her that I wanted to part my lips and take his married flesh in my mouth, she began humping her fingers and giving off little half-moans. I recognized that she was near and so I pushed her over the edge.

  "I want to take your husband's dominant cock inside my fertile, unprotected, submissive womb and fuck him until he can't think of anything else but me. Then," I was laying it on thick as her fingering became more desperate, "I'll use all my cunning and charms and the hot walls of my fertile pussy to milk his virile semen into my ovulating womb where he'll insert a baby into my belly."

  I continued to play with myself as she rubbed herself to orgasm, stopping only when she was completely finished. She stood and brought her fingers to my lips.

  "Lick them off like the naughty cow you are," she commanded.

  That was the first time that I'd ever tasted a woman before. I had to admit that it was different. I always figured that all women tasted the same, but apparently I was wrong. When I was finished cleaning her fingers, she kissed me passionately on the mouth. She pressed her small breasts to mine and rubbed herself all over me. I hadn't known that this was part of the bargain, but it felt good to touch another woman and I found myself wanting her more and more.

  That was when the door to the room was opened and Charles stepped inside.

  "I see you two lovely ladies have gotten to know each other," he smiled. I noticed that he was no longer wearing a suit-coat and tie. Instead, he was dressed only in boxer shorts and a t-shirt. It felt awfully weird seeing a billionaire in something other than a suit. It felt wrong somehow.

  I stared lustfully as he moved toward us. I was barely aware of his wife pressing her long fingers deep into my pussy until she brought them out and offered them to her husband.

  "Smell her, honey. Smell her horny, fertile woman scent. Does it please you?" She asked huskily.

  He closed his eyes and deeply inhaled of my aroma. "It's delicious!" He murmured as she pressed her fingers cum-laden with my arousal into his mouth. Still with his eyes closed he let her feed him my pussy juice.

  I absolutely couldn't believe what I was seeing! This was hot.

  "Well," she said, smiling as she turned and walked out, "I best be going. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone for a bit." Before she left, she gave me one long, sensuous kiss on the lips that left me stunned. "It was a pleasure to meet you!"

  I stood there with my mouth open, watching her until she left. Charles brought me back to reality.

  "Never kissed a woman before I take it?" I nodded. He smiled and moved his delicious-looking body closer to mine. "She seems to have that affect on guys and women alike."

  "When she brought me in here, I didn't know what to expect. But I certainly didn't expect that." I was shaking from a combination of excitement and lust.

  "Let's get these silly things off you," he said as he helped me shed the lie detector wires. When they were off, he pulled me close to him and looked me in the eyes. "I know you're with Robert and this will probably be the last time I see you, but I just have to say --"

  "Shh..." I put a finger over his lips. "Just let this be. Don't worry about tomorrow."

  He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, pressing my large, milky breasts into his chest. It felt good to feel his rock-hard abs against me. In that moment I never wanted to leave his side. At least, I consoled myself, I was going to be carrying his baby for the next nine months.

  He turned his attention to my body and ran his rough hands all over my breasts, causing them to squirt from desire and fullness. My Hucow breasts ached to be released. I should've expressed them hours ago. They began squirting and leaking of their own accord.

  I watched as he grabbed the whip that Patricia had left behind. An involuntary shiver raced up my spine as I wondered what he was going to do with it. He directed me to the handcuffs hanging on the wall. I closed my eyes and put my hands through them. I wanted him so badly that I'd let him do whatever he wanted to me.

  I heard the sound of the handcuffs closing and felt them tighten against my wrists. Then I realized that he had cuffs for my legs, too. Oh God, what was he going to do. I shivered again as an orgasm wracked through my body. The thought of being tied up and helpless was overwhelming my emotions. "What are you --" I started to ask, but he brought out a piece of cloth and tied it around my mouth.

  My eyes widened as I tried to protest. But then I stopped myself. Why exactly was I protesting? What was I protesting against? This was my ultimate fantasy!

  Charles smiled widely as he stepped back and admired his handiwork. "Anything too tight?" He asked.

  I shook my head and tried to talk, but only my muffled voice could be heard.

  "Don't worry," he said as he stroked my face with his masculine hand, "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want our last time to be...memorable."

  I felt my body quiver in desire and anticipation as he rubbed his hands all over my face. I could see the love and desire in his eyes and knew that he was telling the truth. He might whip me or slap me, but he'd never really hurt me. I followed his eyes as they descended down to my tight, engorged breasts. I couldn't believe how much they ached for him to caress them and release their milk.

  Before I could think another thought, he lurched forward and latched onto one of my nipples and began suckling. I inhaled sharply as raw emotion surged through my body. I felt so used and abused and absolutely loved the feeling. I had never had a man take complete charge of my body like this before and it was something that I didn't want to give up. I would, because Robert was my master, but I wanted Charles to teach him.

  I felt my knees go week as he looked up from my breast, milk gathering at the corner of his mouth. My overflowing boob sighed in contentment as its liquid was relieved. I felt strands of gooey cum slide down my inner thighs. I giggled as they tickled me.

  After a few moments of him suckling, Charles moved over to the other breast and gave her much needed relief. His hand caressed every part of me and I felt so alive to his touch. My fertile body told me that I needed him. I needed him to implant his seed into me and knock me up with his baby.

  I closed my eyes and sucked in my breast as he ran the whip over every inch of my body. I fully expected to feel the stinging whip coming down on me at any time, and was surprised when it didn't. Surprised and relieved. Instead, he brought over a manual pump and hooked it up to my aching breasts. Finally, they were going to get expressed.

  He released my hands and told me to pump myself into the bucket. I did as he asked, sighing with relief as I felt my heavy, milk-laden breasts empty slowly into the milk-pail. He caressed my body as the milk squirted. I could feel his massive cock press up against my thighs which served only to send me higher. I wanted him inside me so badly that I could think of nothing else. Nothing else mattered.

  While pumping, I moved my hand over to his cock and began to rub. Instantly, his cock came alive and stiffened appreciably under my fingers. He moaned as he kissed my neck and slurped up bits of milk all over my chest. I gently guided his huge cock to my hungry, fertile pussy. Rubbing it over my ultra-slick entrance, I pressed him inside me. With a quick thrust, he took over and snaked up inside my needy snatch.

  I tried to speak, but the cloth prevented any sound from escaping. When he removed it, I pressed my lips to his as though we were long, lost lovers. My whole body burned for him. I had never been so infatuated with a man before. I wasn't sure exactly what it was about him that turned me on so much. I didn't think it was his money - although it would be nice. He did have an absolutely gorgeous body. However, I think it was his confidence. He knew how to keep his women in line.

  "Fuck me! Knock my fertile womb up with your love child!" I begged him as I felt his magnificent beast slide all the way inside my overflowing pussy. He was so large that I could
feel every inch of his cock as it speared my insides. There was no better feeling on earth to me than having his massive cock pushed inside me. I didn't want this to end.

  "Are you a naughty cow?" He squeezed my cheeks with his hand, causing my lips to pucker. "Only naughty cows get knocked up by their bulls."

  I nodded as he pressed his lips to mine. He disengaged the pumps and pressed my squirting breasts to his hardened, manly chest, smearing my milk all over his body. I came hard as I thought about marking him with my lactation juices.

  Charles wasted no time in finding my enlarged cervix and pushing right in. It was like having him fuck a pussy inside my pussy. Sweat poured from our bodies as he pumped faster and faster in me. He'd pull his cock all the way out, except for the tip, and then thrust it all the way in, pinning me back against the wall.

  His large, strong hands milked my breasts as he took complete control of my body. I couldn't believe I was allowing another man to have his way with me. What on earth was I thinking? And not only that, I was actually going to carry his baby! I felt like such a slut and a whore.

  I kissed a droplet of sweat off his forehead as I felt his cock tighten within me. I knew he was close as his grunts were getting louder and more frequent. I reached down and began stroking his balls, touching them gently in my hands and playing with them.

  "Oh my God, I'm going to cum!" He grunted and began pistoning in and out faster and faster.

  "Do it! I want to carry your baby." I breathed raggedly in his ear as my own orgasm flowed freely through me. "I'm at the peak of my fertility and I want you to spurt your dominant seed into my unprotected womb."

  My words had the desired effect as he began jerking and his whole body stiffened. I ran my hands over his flexed muscles, reveling in their hardness. They felt wonderful under my hands. With one final thrust, he pressed deep into my cervix and bellowed. I felt his hard shaft expand greatly inside me as he prepared to claim me for his own.

  "Do it! Cum in me! Release your seed!" I urged.


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