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33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle

Page 42

by Nikita Storm

  "I don't think he would like it. If I don't struggle, then it's not unwillingly."

  Her logic was impeccable. "Then struggle," I smiled as I held her firmly. "Either way, I'm not going to just stand idly by and watch you get hurt."

  "Well," she hemmed and hawed, "I guess."

  I raced back out into the driving rain, carrying my hundred and thirty pound neighbor like she was a sack of potatoes. I felt her long, smooth legs under my large hands and it thrilled me to know that she was so helpless.

  By the time we got back to my place, we were both soaking wet. "I'll run you a bath - but there's only enough hot water for one tub full."

  She nodded. "I can't thank you enough," she threw her arms around me. Now that she was out of her prison, she was free. And her demeanor changed radically. It was like a completely new woman.

  I wasn't expecting that. I tried to pull away, but the ferocity of her hug left me unable - and unwilling. She smiled for the first time as she kissed me hard on the lips, stirring passions that were probably best left unstirred. I could feel her soft, supple breasts press through her nightie and into my chest. Oh God, this was going to be a long night.

  "I don't want to go back," she said resolutely.

  I was in the middle of lighting a fire in the fireplace and I almost dropped the poker. "What?"

  She shook her head. "You can't make me. He was awful. I've been cooped up in that hell-hole for three long months just because he's so God damn insecure."

  I couldn't believe I was hearing this. I seriously doubted she had anywhere else to go, so I did what any horny gentleman would do; I offered her to stay at my place.

  Her eyes lit up and she jumped up and down. "You'd really do that? You'd let me stay here until I could get on my feet?"

  "Well, I have a spare bedroom and if you think you need to..."

  I wasn't able to finish my sentence before she practically leaped into my arms. If I had been any slower, I wouldn't have caught her.

  "Oh my God!" She squealed as she peppered my face with kisses. "Thank you! How can I ever repay you?"

  "Well...uh..." I stammered, not expecting this turn of events.

  "Never mind, we'll sort that out later." She jumped out of my arms and began peeling off her clothes.

  "Uh...what are you doing?" I wondered as my eyes ravished her body, sending my cock into a euphoric state.

  She looked up at me with a frown on her face. "Didn't you say we needed to take a bath to warm us up?"

  "Ah," I nodded my head. The use of the words "we" and "us" did not escape my horny brain. Apparently, now that she was away from her restrictive (and perhaps abusive) husband, she was free. For several long, silent moments, I openly stared at her large breasts as she made no move to cover them. They were a bit hard to see with only the light from the cracklin fire, but it was enough to make me want her.

  "You like?" She giggled and shook her stacked rack as she saw my reaction to her enormous breasts. I don't know where she had been hiding them all this time.

  "Holy shit!" I exclaimed once I was able to pick my jaw up off the floor. "Where the hell have you been hiding those?" I couldn't get over the fact we were talking about her boobs as though this were an every day occurrence.

  She looked down suddenly, as a tear threatened to fall from her face. "Mark made me wear ugly, baggy clothes. Claims that if I didn't I'd be raped."

  "You poor thing," I said, clutching her to my chest. I was very much aware of her bare breasts pressing up against me. "Why don't you warm yourself by the fire while I draw your bath."

  She wiped her eyes and nodded.

  Alone with my thoughts as I drew the bath, my mind whirled a million miles a second. Was this some kind of dream that I'll find myself waking up from? How was it possible that twelve hours ago I had been slappin it to her memory and now she was sitting in my living room naked as the day she was born? My body burned when her large breasts touched me. Before I had fully come to grips with the situation, the tub had filled with steamy water and it was time to call her in.

  "It's ready," I poked my head out of the bathroom door.

  There were two storms raging - one inside and one outside as I waited for her. On the one hand, she was married! On the other, he was obviously a controlling douche-bag that needed to be taught a lesson.

  "I'm ready."

  I looked up from my reverie and nearly had a heart attack. Standing before me was the most beautiful goddess that I had ever seen. She was completely naked and completely unashamed of her body. I could see that she kept herself nice and shaved down there.

  "Earth to Steve!" She waved her hand in my face, laughing.

  "What? Oh," I said, reluctantly tearing my eyes away from her prize.

  "I wish Mark would've looked at me like that..." she sighed heavily.

  "You mean..." I licked my suddenly dry lips, "you like me looking at your naked body?"

  "Of course," she said without skipping a beat. "You're a very handsome - or shall I say sexy - fellow. You can look all you want."

  I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, so I just closed it again.

  "It's actually good to know that men still find me attractive." She looked up at me hopefully. "You do find me attractive, don't you?"

  Holy hell did I! She wasn't tall, but she had long, toned legs, a flat belly and of course a massive chest. Not to mention a very beautiful face that I could easily see gracing the cover of glossy mags.

  "Fuck, Katie," I framed her face in my large, black hands and looked into her emerald eyes. "You are the most absolutely stunning woman I've ever laid eyes on." It sounded hokey, but it was the truth.

  "You..." she sniffed as tears threatened to spill from her big eyes, "you really think so?"

  "Yes, I do," I said, knowing right then and there that I could have her. The question was: should I? "You're bath's ready."

  "Okay," she wiped her tears away and slowly stepped into the hot water.

  "I'll just be in the living room if you need me," I said, turning for the door.

  "Don't go," she implored as she immersed herself in the steaming liquid. "Please. I don't want to be alone right now."

  How could I refuse her. Not only was it dark and scary with all the lightning flashing about, but she was - in effect - running away from her abusive boyfriend. There was a good chance that, once he found out she was shacking with me, he was going to try to start some shit. I could handle it. But I could understand her fear.

  "All right," I said as I put the toilet seat lid down and sat on the seat, "I'll stay."

  "Thank you!" she took my hand in hers and brought it to her lips. "You're the best."

  I don't know if it was intentional or not, but she brought my hand down to her breast and didn't make any move to remove it. Touching Katie's breast was beyond unbelievable, it was indescribable. I knew they were real as they were very soft and pliable.

  "You can wash them if you'd like," she giggled and splashed water in my direction.

  "You don't mind?"

  "No," she shook her head. "Like I said, you're a very good-looking guy and - truth be told -" she giggled, "I've had a crush on you ever since I first laid eyes on you. I think you're the reason Mark is so restrictive."

  That news hit me like a ton of bricks. My crush had a crush on me? Holy shit balls! This was the most incredible thing that could've ever happened. Most "good" white girls stayed far away from black men - just because of the association alone. With an offer like that, I couldn't hold back any longer.

  "Well, to be frank," I said as I reached out my hands to gently grab her breasts, "I've had the hots for you ever since you moved in."

  Her eyes widened as she turned to me, causing her breasts to slip out of my grasp. "Really? You've been interested in me?"

  I nodded, reacquiring her breasts.

  "Then perhaps my husband had a right to worry," she said teasingly as she reached up for a kiss.

  I "cleaned" her breasts while we
kissed. They were large and soft - like round pillows - and I could envision myself resting my head on them as I fingered her or sucked on her nipples.

  "With a firecracker like you, he most definitely had cause to worry," I said as I lathered up my hands with soap and began meticulously "cleaning" her breasts, lingering far longer than required for optimal cleanliness.

  I watched her shiver through what I believed was an orgasm. A soft, almost imperceptible moan escaped her lips as my fingers "scrubbed" her nipples to make sure there wasn't a speck of dirt on them.

  She turned to me suddenly, her eyes distant. "Did you know that we were trying to conceive?"

  I nodded. "Yes, your husband told someone at a party and it spread throughout the neighborhood like dirty gossip."

  "Really?" She looked me directly in the eyes. "Do you know why I'm not pregnant right now?"

  "No, why?" I couldn't fathom why this hot number wouldn't have gotten knocked up by now - unless there was something wrong with someone's plumbing.

  "The doctor told me privately," she said as a tear slid down her face, "that Mark was infertile."

  "Wow! That's terrible!" I said, wondering if it really was bad that the jerk couldn't pass on his jerkiness to his offspring.

  "I know..." she began sobbing on my shoulder. "I really wanted a baby and when the doctor told me the news, I shut down. I couldn't take anymore.

  "And that's when he started controlling you?" I surmised.

  She nodded. "I no longer had the will to resist his demands."

  I continued to knead her breasts even though we were long past the point of even pretending I was cleaning them. She didn't seem to mind. A thought came to me suddenly and I almost fell into the tub when I thought about it. But how could I present it to her so that she wouldn't think I was some kind of monster or something. Ah hell, even the Pope would have trouble keeping his hands off this beaut.

  I gulped, "Are you still ovulating?"

  She nodded, another tear dropping into the soapy water. "From my calculations, I'm right at my fertile peak." She began crying harder and that was when I decided to make my move.

  "Do you still want to get pregnant?" I asked, taking her face in my large hands.

  She nodded. "I do..." she sobbed, "but not with him. He's lost that right."

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "What about me?"

  Her attention perked up and she looked at me with a new vision. "Why would you want to knock someone like me up?"

  I nearly choked when I heard her say that. "Like we've established; you and I are naturally attracted to each other. You want a baby, I want to give you one. Think about it?" My heart hammered in my chest. I hoped fervently that she would agree, but in the back of my mind I feared that she wouldn't.

  "Are you sure?" she looked up at me, brushing her tears away.

  I nodded. "I'm more than sure."

  She threw her wet arms around me. "How can I ever repay you?" She whispered in my ears.

  "By not moving out."

  "That's it?" She asked incredulously. "You want me to stay here?"

  I nodded. "We can take care of the babies together."


  I grinned ear to ear. "You don't want just one, do you?"

  "No, I guess not," she started to catch on. "All right. Deal. You knock me up and I'll stay."

  "Deal!" I lifted her up out of the bath, grabbed a towel and dried her off, then carried her to the bedroom.

  "You sure are strong," she cooed as she ran her hands all along my muscles.

  "You don't know the half of it, sister," I said, laying her down of the bed.

  She giggled and spread her legs open so I could admire the view. I grabbed a lantern from the hall and lit it. Power or not, I didn't want to miss this.

  "Wow, you're prepared for everything."

  I smiled as I took in her delightful body. She was toned - I could tell she had kept herself in good shape. Legs that seemed to go on forever were connected to a perfect hourglass figure. Large breasts, small stomach, nice hips, beautiful face. She had the complete package and I was in love.

  She started to get a bit uncomfortable. "What are you looking at? Is there something wrong?" She began to close her legs, but I reached out and stopped her.

  "No, nothing's wrong. It's just that you're so..."


  "No! You're gorgeous. You're perfection itself." I couldn't believe she didn't see her own beauty.

  "You're just saying that," she blushed.

  "Seriously," I said as I began kissing her feet and legs, working my way up to her honey-pot. I hadn't shaved yet, so I rubbed my whiskers along her smooth, silky legs, causing her to giggle and then shudder as an orgasm ripped through her.

  "I think I love you," she whispered, spreading open even further.

  I slowly made my way to her rose petals and inhaled her scent. She was ovulating all right. My God her smell was overpowering. My cock throbbed and ached in my shorts and I longed to plunge my big, black manhood inside her delicate fertile cave. I had never seen a more perfect specimen.

  "Oh...that's feels heavenly," she moaned as my fingers encircled her clit. When she realized what I wanted to do, she grabbed hold of my hand and coated two fingers with her saliva. "There," she smiled, "do what you will with me."

  My God, was this for real? I pulled my dripping wet finger from her hot lips and inserted one into her scorching pussy.

  "Yes!" she climaxed the second my finger entered. I could tell that her hormones were kicked into high gear as she was becoming hotter and hotter. I felt copious amounts of wetness inside her love tunnel as I worked my finger in. I noticed that she was extremely tight.

  That was when I felt it.

  "What's this?"

  "Oh, I forgot to tell you," she smiled, "this is my first time."

  Holy mother of God! "First time?" Could this get any better? "You want to let a big, black man bust your cherry, knock up your fertile womb and take your innocence?"

  Her face grew stern. "Yeah, why not? Is there something about you that I should know?"

  I shook my head. "No, it's just that..." I was just digging myself deeper.

  "You didn't think an attractive white girl would be interested in you?"

  I nodded.

  "Well, I am," she said, throwing her arms across her chest, propping up her breast, "and nothing you can say or do will change that."

  I shrugged. "Who am I to argue when my dream girl walks in and demands to be knocked up by Big Black."

  She grinned mischievously. "Is what they say about black men true?"

  "What do they say?" I asked innocently as I began sucking and licking her clit.

  "You know..."

  "No, tell me?" I grinned, my face flush with her pussy juices.

  "That their dicks are..." she covered her face.

  "Say it."


  I smiled. "I can't speak for anyone else but myself, but..." I stood up and shucked my shorts. "Why don't you judge for yourself."

  "Oh my God!" Her eyes went wide and she covered her mouth in shock. She looked up at me as though I was teasing her and that my real dick was only half the size.

  I smiled as I saw her laying helpless on the bed, spread-eagled and completely stunned by my massive black dick. It never failed to impress.

  I waggled it around and she tentatively reached out her comparatively small, slender hand. My cock jerked violently when her cool hand brushed against it.

  "Wow! I can't even fit my hand around it," she giggled and began softly touching and exploring my sensitive rod. She sat up and inspected it in the dim light. "I've never seen a black man's phallus before. Where the hell do you hide something like this?"

  I leaned my head back and groaned as her soft fingers sent spine-chilling tingles throughout my body. "That's why we wear baggy pants," I teased.

  "You're silly," she giggled, never taking her eyes off the prize. Slowly, she traced the outlin
e of my veins and tentatively stuck out her tongue.

  "Have you ever even seen a cock before?" I asked. I don't know how on earth someone could be married and not have consummated the marriage.

  "Of course," she said indignantly, becoming bolder and bolder with her tongue. "I subscribe to Playgirl. Besides, I saw Mark's a couple of times - though admittedly, compared to your's, his is as small as a toothpick."

  She finally kissed the head and it was all I could do not to blow my load all over her pretty face right then and there.

  Shaking her head she said, "I don't know how on earth you expect to fit that huge thing in my tiny pussy. I mean, I can barely fit a hairbrush handle in there."

  I stroked her hair, wanting more than anything for her lips to encase my steel-hard rod. "Leave that to me," I said. "I have experience in fitting big things into tight spaces." I positioned her head so that her lips were touching my monstrosity. "Suck it!" I pleaded with her. "Suck it good."

  She gave me that, "you've got to be kidding me look," but to her credit she opened her tiny mouth and slowly descended her fiery hot lips down my shaft. If I thought that her touching and licking my dick was hot, I was in for a surprise. Instantly I could tell that she had never taken a cock down her mouth. I'd have to ponder the question later as the sensations coming from down there were extremely intense. If I didn't get it inside her ovulating womb soon, I was going to be like the Biblical Onan and spill my seed all over the place.

  "Holy shit!" I cried out and threw back my head. It may have been thundering outside, but inside was where the real show was. She tried hard to take my shaft, but - like most women - she could only take a small portion. However, I was used to it and it was enough. In this case, it was more than enough.

  "Am I doing it right?" She asked meekly, looking up into my eyes.

  Seeing her ask that question with my huge dick sticking out of her mouth melted my heart. I knew right then and there that she was the one I'd been waiting for.

  I nodded. "Just keep doing what you're doing. Remember, no teeth."

  She seemed satisfied with the answer as she dived back down onto my shaft. Knowing that Katie was trying her hardest to please me sent me to the edge of the abyss. I wasn't used to holding myself back, but she really wanted me to knock her up and I was all too happy to oblige.


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