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Princess: Nuance Of Love Book 1

Page 11

by Evida Suntoyo

  “What should we do?” She asked.

  “Nothing, let’s go along. It’s our duty as children. But I want you to promise me something.”


  “Hold back on your plan on leaving this country, about getting a divorce. Let’s get through this together first.”

  She hesitated for a while, but the conviction in his eyes, made her nod. “I promise.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Paramita put on her makeup then dressed in a tan pantsuit while mumbling to herself, five fifteen A.M., she has fifteen minutes more before she has to be in the lounge room. Now that she’s officially engaged, she would almost always succeed in escaping from attending official events that she had to attend, but now it’s becoming a difficult task to squeeze her way out of it, as Ali is the new person in charge to obligate her to comply. He would call her one day in advance to “inform” her of the event and dress code, and show up the next day at her residence. One time she refused to get out of bed, and he had the staff ring a bell in front of her bedroom door for a full half hour, until it exasperated her to wake up, get ready and attend the event.

  She took another look at herself in the mirror, shouldered her purse and exited the room. She headed to the lounge, where she would usually wait for Ali to arrive. Today they have to attend an opening ceremony for an NGO funded artisan training program for men and women in rural areas. It would be held in one of the villages located two hours away from the capital, situated on the outskirt of the forest. This program is significantly important to the government, because it ties in with efforts to help minimize deforestation and illegal poaching, by creating income opportunities that do not involve exploiting the forest terrain.

  To her surprise, he was already there waiting for her. “You’re early today.” She exclaimed.

  “Good morning to you too.” He answered, “I did my morning prayers here in the Palace, so I headed over as soon as I finished.”

  “Ah, I see.” She replied. “Did you have breakfast, should I ask the staff to get you something?”

  “That’s fine, it’s still too early to eat. Anyway, my mother made me bring some of her famous grilled sticky rice, we can eat it on the way.”

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  They always take the Palace car that was assigned to Paramita, but today since the venue was located in a remote location, they were assigned extra security, four royal guards were assigned to them plus the additional one who was driving. They had to use a van in order to fit everyone in.

  “Is it really a dangerous place to be?” Paramita asked, “It’s kind of strange that we have so many guards escorting us.”

  “This is more of a security measure. The army is increasing patrols around the village and surrounding areas to ensure the safety of the guests that will attend, but because of your status, an extra layer of security is a wise thing to have.” The team leader answered her.

  “I understand,” Paramita said.

  “Also.” Added Ali, “As far as I know a few kilometers away from the village that we’re heading to is a hot spot for poachers and illegal loggers. Even though their activities, seldom reach the village, but we can never know for sure if any of the people living there are part of these criminal bands. Our police forces are constantly doing sweeping operations to apprehend them.”

  Paramita spent most of the journey looking out the window, she was cheerful and happy like a young kid, constantly asking Ali questions on sites that interested her along the way. Ever since she’d arrived at Jothar, she never had a chance to go sightseeing. That was something that she was always complaining to Mak Noor about. So naturally today, she felt as if a pot of gold just fell on her lap.

  * * *

  Paramita felt somebody gently shake her shoulder, she opened her eyes and found her head resting on Ali’s shoulder, the car had stopped, and they had arrived at the venue. She couldn’t remember when she had fallen asleep. She sat up straight and looked around.

  “Goodness, did I sleep long? I don’t remember when I dozed off.” She said while stretching her arms up.

  “You didn’t doze off, one of the guards gassed you because they felt tired of listening to your chatter.” He joked.

  “Very funny, but I actually can imagine all of you sitting around boring each other to death.” She said while reaching for her purse to look for her compact powder, she peeped into the mirror and dabbed a little powder on her nose, falling asleep during traveling always left her face oily.

  “Make sure to wipe off the drool marks.” Ali teased.

  “There’s none left on my face because I’ve already wiped it off on your jacket.” She casually replied.

  He helped her down from the van. Paramita looked around to the beautiful scenery around her. As far as her eyes can see there were stretches of greenery, the air was fresh and crisp, she took a deep breath enjoying the smell of soil and trees.

  “It’s this way,” Ali said while, putting his hand on the back of her waist.

  The event was held in a field. There was a stage built under canvas tent for sun protection. They were led to sit at the VIP area, which is also under a canvas tent, the seats were plastic covered with linen.

  They were greeted by some local authorities and representatives from the sponsoring NGO. They were given a briefing the NGO official about the program work plan, and the objectives. This village will be the pilot and hopefully can become the model community to be able to replicate the best practices in other rural communities.

  They were given introductory packages, flyers, and presentation handouts that contained elaborate information about the program. Paramita read in the forward note:

  “The opening ceremony is intentionally designed to attract attention of the target group, by showcasing entertainment, such as; traditional dances by the local elementary and high school students, traditional instruments orchestra performed by the community association, and a full hour concert by a famous pop singer from the capital city.”

  “Nice.” Paramita thought sarcastically, and here she thought that they will be listening to a more elaborate presentation of the program and explanation on how it would be executed, but it turns out that she would have to sit nice and sweet for the next two hours and a half watching entertainment shows. She was actually excited to see the traditional dance and music, as even though she is a Jothar national and speak the language fluently, but she had only known the country and its culture for a few months. But the thought of sitting through a pop concert made her cringe.

  “Will you be able to sit still like a good girl for the next few hours?” Ali whispered to her.

  “Will you?” She asked back. “So you know, I am a very detailed oriented person, I always carry a book in my bag for unexpected occasions.”

  “How visionary of you, but you might come across as rude, you know. I brought very dark sunglasses.” He said while holding them up.

  “What would that do?”

  “Make people think that I’m watching and paying attention, while I actually take a nice siesta on the chair.”

  “Creative, as long as you don’t fall off your chair, or sleep with your mouth opened.” She answered shortly.

  “Your Highness and Your Excellency, I’d like to present you to the famous artist that will be gracing us with her appearance today,” The NGO representative called them from behind.

  Ali and Paramita turned around. She could see his face turn pale when he saw who the singer was. It was Dewi Chandrawati.

  “I think maybe you have heard of Miss Dewi or maybe even have seen her appearance in the television. Miss Dewi, this is Your Highness Puteri Paramita Sawitri, and her fiancée Your Excellency Raden Burhanuddin Ali.” He introduced them.

  Ali was stunned and speechless, Paramita quickly mediated the situation, “Miss Dewi, I have seen you on TV, it’s an honor to meet you in person.”

  Dewi didn’t answer, she stared at Paramita with hatred.

g that Ali and Dewi needed time to talk, Paramita turned to the representative and said, “You know there are some other things that I would like to ask you about the program, do you have time to go over them with me? Let’s sit down, over there.”

  They walked away leaving Ali and Dewi behind. “How have you been, Dewi? I tried calling you several times, but they tell me that you’re busy.”

  “So now I’m simply Dewi to you? Am I not your love anymore? Abang, what happened? How could you do this to me?”

  “Dewi, I’m sorry, I didn’t want any of this to happen, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I saw your picture in the newspaper, you didn’t look so sorry to me.”

  A man who was part of the organizing committee came up to them, “Miss Dewi, it’s time for you to get ready for the performance, your backstage team are waiting for you across the field in a tent that we put up as your dressing room. Your Excellency, please head to the VIP tent, we are about to start the ceremony.”

  “Miss Dewi.” He said, “We should continue this conversation later. Excuse me.” He walked towards the VIP tent and sat beside Paramita who was now alone.

  “Did you get to talk to her?” She asked him.

  “Not much.” He replied, but remained silent.

  Paramita felt a sense of guilt, if it wasn’t for her, they wouldn’t be going through this situation, “But then again, whoever the princess is, their situation would still be the same.”

  “I feel bad for the two of you.” She said to him and took a chocolate bar from her purse. “Ummm. Here, take this, study shows that chocolate can boost endorphin levels in the brain. It can lessen your depression.”

  He looked at her, received the chocolate bar and pinched her cheek, “You’re one of a kind. Do you know that? But thank you for your lame attempt to cheer me up.”

  “Hey, it’s not lame, if there’s science to back it up.” She refuted while rubbing her cheek.

  The opening ceremony started, the first speech was delivered by the NGO representative, and the local government official, the last speech was delivered by a representative of the government, or in this case it was Ali. Her father the Sultan had demanded that Ali should start to take his role as the second in line to the throne, by getting his feet wet in government matters, though for now it’s enough for him to act as a spokesperson in non-political agendas.

  Paramita couldn’t help but admire his capacity to grasp information. When they came here, they only had a general outline of the NGO and its program, and they received more in depth information upon arriving. But now his speech showed that he had absorbed and comprehended what was explained to them about the program. He also was able to convey with simplicity how the government views the program, and what they expect from it. He stood there elegantly and confidently, capturing the mind of the audience, including hers.

  A few moment after he had returned to their seats, the music started to play and a troupe of dancers appeared on the stage. Paramita clapped her hands with excitement while making soft ooh and aah sounds at the dance, at first Ali was annoyed, but seeing as how she was earnestly admiring it, her mood caught on to him, and soon he was having fun explaining to her the significance behind the costumes, movements and history behind the traditional songs.

  Paramita didn’t intend to be mean, but Dewi’s music was definitely not her style, after the first song, she couldn’t wait for the concert to finish, she entertained herself, by observing the activities of the local people, they were apparently enjoying the show, and she noticed that a lot of people were singing along. The organizers, seem to really know what they were doing.

  She glanced at Ali, he was sitting quietly. She sighed, “He must be feeling sad again. And who could blame him, seeing the woman he loves right in front of him, but not being able to be with her. I hope he’s not crying behind those glasses” She thought.

  She decided that she wouldn’t disturb him, and give him some space to sort out his feelings. She took out her book and began to read.

  Being submerged in the content of her book, Paramita didn’t notice that time went by so fast, and the Master of Ceremony, was thanking everybody for attending the event. All the attendees clapped their hands in appreciation, when the other guest in the VIP tent stood up, Paramita followed suit. She stood up to leave, when she saw Ali still sitting there. “He’s so sad that he’d become weak in the knees.” She thought.

  “Hey, Abang, come on, I’ll help you up, come on, everything is going to be alright. Why don’t you go and talk to her, I will cover for you.” She gently touched his shoulder before she realized that he wasn’t just sitting there, she shook his shoulder. “You’re too much! Hey, your periled love was performing on stage, and you’re here sleeping? Wake up!”

  Ali stirred and lifted his head, “Oh, is it over?”

  “Hey, you jerk! Here I was worried that you’ve died of a broken heart, and you were sleeping all this time?” she fired up.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “But, but……your girlfriend was performing just now.”

  “The fact that I used to date her, doesn’t necessary mean that I’m a fan of her music.”

  “You’re impossible.” She pouted.

  “Let’s go find a restroom. We should freshen up first before we hit the road.” He said as if he didn’t hear her.


  As he waited several meters away from the restroom for Paramita to finish, Dewi came up to him. “Is this really the end? Are you really going ahead with the marriage?”

  “Dewi, I have no choice. This is what my family wants from me. All my life, I have obeyed my parents and my uncle the Sultan. I can’t change now, even though my heart is breaking, I can’t contradict them.” He said to her in a soft tone.

  “Abang, you like her don’t you?” She asked again.

  “It’s not that simple, there are some things that you don't understand.”

  “I saw you, I saw how you acted around her. Remember that I’ve been with you for three years now. Even though you don’t realize it, I know every expression that you have. I can tell how you feel by looking at you. That’s why I know, that you like her, your eyes always follow her, today I saw the way you laughed when you were talking to her, you never laughed that way when you were with me. I don’t understand, how can the man I knew to be faithful, honorable and true to me, suddenly change overnight because of some girl.”

  “Dewi, I……, all I can say is, that I’m sorry, I really am. I don’t know what I feel, I’m sad that this had happened, I never wanted to break up with you, I always thought that we would be together and start a family. But then this happened, it was out of my hands.”

  “You always put in all your effort to solve any problem that came your way, but now you claim to be helpless without even trying to do anything. Did you try to reject this marriage arrangement? Are a person who is so ambitious that you would be willing to use marriage as a stepping stone for your career.”

  “Look, the only thing I can say about her, is that she is an important person for my future. Besides, she’s a great person to be around, I feel comfortable when I’m with her and I don’t want to see her sad. I don’t think that necessarily means I have any romantic feelings towards her.”

  “You don’t think? You can’t even say that you don’t feel anything for her. How can you do this to me? How can you forget everything we’ve been through together? How can you just drop me to chase after her?” She started to cry uncontrollably.

  “Dewi, don’t be like that.” Ali pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. He said while caressing her hair and kissing her gently. “Please, don’t cry like that. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Forget about me, move on. Things have changed now, I've changed. I've been given a great chance, and I'm not going to throw it away. You're not the only one with dreams and aspirations.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  He waited for about half an hour, but Paramita was nowhere to be seen. Ali was getting wo
rried, it’s impossible for her to take so long in the restroom. He paced anxiously in front of the rest room’s door, when an NGO staff appeared.

  “Miss, excuse me.” He said to her.

  “Oh, Your Excellency, I thought you and your party had left already.” She replied.

  “No, we haven’t. I’m looking for my fiancée, the last time I spoke to her, she was going to the restroom, but she hasn’t come out yet. Can you please help me and see if she’s alright?”

  “Sure, let me check Your Excellency.” She said before entering the restroom.

  She came out again after a few minutes. “Your Excellency, there’s nobody there.”

  “Nobody? Where could she be?” Ali felt his heart sink, he began to feel worried. “Thank you.”

  He left the restroom area and went to look for the guards. They were waiting near the van. “Captain.” He called out to the team leader. “The princess is missing, we need to spread out and look for her.”

  The captain’s face turned pale. He shouted orders to his men, and they fanned out in a hurry.

  Ali asked everyone that crossed paths with him. His mind was filled with all sorts of terrible thoughts.

  “Your Excellency, excuse me.” It was the lady from the restroom, she was panting heavily trying to catch her breath. “Someone saw her walking towards the forest with a dancer from the elementary school. That way.” She pointed to the other side of the field.

  “Thank you, can you please do me another favor, and tell my guards what you told me, and also tell them that I’m heading over there first to look for the princess.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Ali ran as fast as he could to the direction given by the lady. He was praying in his heart that nothing had happened to Paramita.

  Suddenly a girl came running from the other direction. He stopped her, “Where are you going? What happened? Did you see my companion?” He interrogated her.


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