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Page 3

by Unknown

  Lonely Street was prettier than it sounded and when she rounded the last curve and caught a glimpse of Lost Maples, she gasped. This had to be one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen. The grounds were extensive and huge oaks and pecans spread their great branches wide making deep, dark, inviting shade where hundreds of hostas were planted and groups of benches and chairs invited the guests to take a load off, drink a cup of coffee and shoot the breeze. She also saw a couple of dogs which was one of the reasons she had agreed to come to this place, because they would take Tiny.

  The main house was huge, a Victorian farmhouse painted the lightest of pale yellows. Flowers were everywhere, in the beds in front of the house as well as in containers on the wide front steps and on the veranda that wrapped around the entire first floor.

  Individual cabins sat in a half-moon shape around the three-story structure and each one was painted the same soft yellow. Also, each had a small front porch with large inviting rockers. Window boxes hung heavy with geraniums and maiden hair fern. Annalise found the entire place totally enchanting.

  She pulled her Jaguar into the parking lot and took a grateful Dachshund out of his crate. “Do you need to stretch your legs, man?” She giggled at her own joke, two inch legs always needed to be stretched. She took her luggage out of the trunk and began to roll it toward the sidewalk when she stopped dead in her tracks.

  The tastefully designed sign that sat in the front yard read—

  Welcome to the Lost Maples

  Proprietors - Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Stewart

  Annalise almost fainted. Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Stewart? Ethan? Could it possibly be her Ethan? Just thinking of him made her mouth go dry and her legs feel like they were made of rubber. What should she do? Part of her wanted to jump into her car and go back home. Feeling weak, she opted for sitting down on one of the welcoming benches, letting Tiny smell the dark green monkey grass.

  She had to make a decision quickly or soon it might be taken out of her hands. He could walk out the door at any moment, that is if it was him. She looked at the door of the beautiful Victorian home and pictured the door opening and Ethan standing there. She could see his broad shoulders and smooth tanned skin, his big blue eyes, his beautiful face. Ethan was the sexiest man she had ever seen and, for a brief period of time, he had been hers. Just thinking about him caused every nerve in her body to go on red alert and her breathing to become shallow and ragged. Desperately, she tamped those feelings down. Even if he weren’t married there was no going back for her.

  Knowing that it would be torture, she still would love to see Ethan again. In fact, there was no one in the world she would rather see than him. It would be a pleasure to be around him again, even if were just for a little while. They could keep it light and casual and reminisce about old times; and then just let it go. She had long ago gotten over the hurt that had nearly crushed her when he refused to come to her after ‘the incident’. At the time, the pain of his rejection had been much worse than her physical pain. But soon, when she learned the true extent of her injuries, she had thanked a wise God in heaven for keeping Ethan away from her. No matter how painful their long-distance break-up had been, it was preferable over watching his face change from desire to horror when he would have learned the truth of her condition.

  If she were to see him today, he would never have to know he was the only man that she had ever loved, or ever slept with, or ever dreamed about when she was all alone—and desperate with the knowledge that it always had to be that way.

  If he had been single then maybe she would have turned around and left because no matter how much she dreamed about his hands on her body and the way his lovemaking had made her shiver with excitement—those things could never, ever possibly happen again. At least a wife would provide a buffer. Besides, there were probably dozens of Ethan Stewarts in this part of Texas. The likelihood that it was her Ethan was pretty slim and she honestly needed the change of pace this place appeared to offer.

  She took a deep breath, steeled herself to react just the way she had to, and together she and her little buddy walked up the wide inviting steps and opened one of the double French doors. She prayed to God for strength as she possibly walked into the home of the only man she would ever love.

  Chapter Two

  A small bell announced their entrance. Suddenly a barrage of barking shook the house and another dachshund of the same dark red shade as Tiny came racing into the room, making that ferocious, thundering racket only an excited wiener dog can make. “Mojo, get a hold of yourself. We have company. Good morning, ma’am. You’re Miss Ramsey, you said? Let me check you in.”

  Annalise looked up at the owner of the same voice she had heard over the phone. She let out a ragged breath—it wasn’t him. This was definitely a good-looking guy, but it wasn’t her Ethan. She couldn’t tell if she was relieved or disappointed. He smiled at her, raking his eyes appreciatively over her face and body. Whew, this Ethan sure wasn’t acting married.

  He turned to the computer and began entering information. “Here you are, I see that you’re planning on being with us for awhile. Two weeks, right?” She nodded an assent. He rummaged around in the drawer for a key. About that time, Tiny pulled out of her grasp and both dachshunds began a skittering dance, barking and smelling and generally just going wild. Tiny followed the other dog behind the counter and into the next room.

  “Tiny, come back here,” she called. Starting to follow him, she stopped in her tracks when she heard it—his laugh—the sweetest sound she could ever remember and a lump rose instantly in her throat. Every fiber of her body screamed its excitement. Her nipples pebbled, her clitoris swelled and cream started gathering deep within her. It was Ethan.

  “Look at you!” She could see him through the door as he knelt in front of her pride and joy. “What’s your name, pudgy?” He slowly reached out a hand to pet the dachshund. Having one of his own he knew they could be unpredictable.

  The other man laughed. “His name is Tiny.”

  Then Ethan’s blue velvet voice caressed her ears. “Tiny isn’t so tiny, is he?” Ethan scratched the dog under his typical alligator-like snout. “You’re as wide as you are long, buddy, and that’s saying a lot.” Annalise held one hand up to her heart.

  It was him.

  In the flesh.

  And he looked three times as good as he had looked back in college. He had matured and filled out and tanned and God, just looking at him was making every inch of her body ready itself for his possession. Lise stood perfectly still. He hadn’t even looked at her yet; he was preoccupied with the two dogs, who were acting as if they each had found a long lost friend. She realized she was staring, but she couldn’t help it.

  The other man was watching her strangely. Apparently, some of the emotions she was feeling were registering on her face. Should she say something, go ahead and reveal herself? Maybe he wouldn’t even remember her. The name Annalise Ramsey wouldn’t mean anything to him; he had known her only as Lise Evans. Perhaps it would be best to just leave the past be.

  Then he looked up and the world stopped spinning. There was no doubt he recognized her, it showed by the stunned expression on his face and the utter stillness of his body.

  “Lise?” Instantly, he dropped the leash he was holding, walked rapidly around the counter and swept her up in his arms. She had every intention of remaining her normal aloof and cool self, but at the familiar touch of his body against hers, every inch of her body felt like it had come home and she melted against him.

  * * * *

  He stood still for several moments, holding her in his arms, her feet a good six inches off the ground. The fact her body had instantly surrendered to him did not go unnoticed. This was heaven. This was paradise. God help him, she didn’t have a bra on and he could feel her nipples welcoming him as clearly as if she whispered the greeting in his ear. Their hearts were beating fast and he knew she was as aware of the heady cadence as he was. She smelled the same, a warm lusciou
s, clean smell of vanilla and spice. And Ethan knew it was no perfume she wore, that smell was just Lise. Sweet, sexy, soft, beautiful Lise. Her hands made little circular movements of longing on his body. There was no mistaking it, she was as glad to see him as he was to see her. And though he made no move to let her go, he allowed her to slowly and sensuously slide down his body, until her feet touched the ground once more.

  * * * *

  Annalise could not miss the tremendous swelling of his sex, as it nestled so intimately between them. She could feel his hot breath on her neck and the next second she raised her head, her lips automatically seeking his. Then reality slapped her in the face—what was she doing? He was married! And she certainly wasn’t the same woman who left his side six years ago. Sorrowfully, she pushed gently back against his embrace. He was very reluctant to let her go. Without looking up at him, she took one step back and offered him her hand. “Ethan, it’s so good to see you. “I’ve thought of you often.” He looked down at her hand and then back to her face, but his own hand finally came up and enclosed her own. It wasn’t a simple handshake, for his thumb caressed her palm, sending shivers throughout her body.

  Against her better judgment, she lifted her eyes and he was looking at her with an intense, heated, hungry expression. She understood the look; she felt the same way. If this had been six years ago, before her world fell apart—nothing would have stopped her from accepting the invitation his eyes were issuing—meeting his every need, and satisfying his every appetite. She didn’t need to forgive him for ending their relationship; she had forgiven him for that long ago. If things were different, no wife, no scars, she would take him back in a heartbeat—no questions asked. After all, didn’t the old movie say, ‘love means never having to say you’re sorry’?

  They stood still for another moment, eyes locked until she broke the spell by stepping back another foot or so and taking the key from the counter. She had to put some distance between them before she self-combusted. She looked at the other man. “Would you help us to our cabin?”

  * * * *

  Alex couldn’t believe his eyes. So this was the elusive Lise Evans Ethan had been so crazy about in college. It looked obvious to Alex, his brother was still crazy about her and that the feeling was overwhelmingly mutual. He stepped forward to take her bags, when one cutting look from Ethan stopped him in his tracks.

  “I’ll go with her.” Ethan picked up Tiny’s leash, her luggage and then held the door for her to exit. “You’ll be in the Antoinette Cabin.” Annalise followed him, she would have followed him anywhere. They walked down the veranda steps and to the right of the main house. Mojo was close at Tiny’s heels. Despite the beauty of her surroundings, Annalise had eyes only for him—but she couldn’t let him know that. How was she going to survive this torture? She tried to change her focus.

  “You have a beautiful home.”

  “Thank you.” His words were so clipped. She tried to think of something to say that would get them past this awkwardness.

  “What did you do after graduation, Ethan; did you stay in the area?” He was walking so fast, she was having trouble keeping up with him.

  “I went to New York, worked as an investment banker on Wall Street, for awhile.” As he spoke, his voice started to take on a more natural sound. “I guess I got out just in time, although my firm wasn’t one of the ones that failed. What about you?” They came to the small cabin with the dubious name of Antoinette’s Leap on the door. It was rustic, but lovely. He put the key in the lock and opened the door. Stepping aside, he made room for her to enter—but not much room—she had to brush by his big, hard body to get through the opening. Her breasts brushed his chest and instantly her nipples hardened even more. Hoping he hadn’t noticed, she glanced up at his face only to discover that his head was tilted back and his eyes were closed, as if every fiber in his body was striving for control. She knew the feeling. Pushing on past him, she entered the small, yet very welcoming room.

  He followed her in, carrying her bags past her and took them into the bedroom. Standing by the door, she could see him placing her things on the queen-sized bed. Her breath caught at the image of him next to the bed she would be occupying later. He looked so right standing there. She shut her eyes and tried to breathe. How was she going to get through this with her heart and soul intact? Perhaps it would be wise if she got out of here as fast as she could. Nothing good could come from this. Sadly, she didn’t have the strength. He was like a drug to her system and if she couldn’t have him, at least she could be close to him for a while. He looked at her expectantly and she realized she had never answered his question about what she had been doing with her life since graduation.

  “I’m a writer.”

  “Good God! I hope you don’t write romance novels!” He said those words with such disdain that he effectively shut her up. What could she say? ‘Well, actually…’ For a minute there, he sounded like her parents. They had heartily disapproved of her career. In fact, she rarely saw her mom now. Her dad had died several years ago. Unfortunately, she had never really reconciled with him. Her dad had been an angry man, self-righteous and judgmental. Her mother wasn’t much better. They certainly hadn’t been able to handle the erotic nature of her stories. That was one of the reasons she continued to use Jeff’s name, even after the annulment, it saved her family from obviously having to be tied to her by association. She was saved from having to answer by the sudden appearance of the other gentleman.

  “Ethan, I hate to disturb you, but Bobby’s broke down over on the other side of San Marcos and the toilet’s overflowing in little Miss Osborn’s room. If you’ll go help Bobby, I’ll take care of the plumbing.” Alex looked from one to the other, blew out a harsh breath and left.

  Thoughts of her writing flew out of both of their minds. Ethan handed her Tiny’s leash and looked her full in the face. “We have got to talk. I will take care of this, but later…” His eyes raked over her body as if committing her image to memory. He walked two steps away, stopped abruptly and turned around.

  “There’s no way I’m leaving without this.” Without asking permission, he came to her, took her in his arms and covered his mouth with hers. This was no ‘get to know you’ kiss, no tentative ‘how have you been’ kiss. His lips were tender, warm, hungry and demanding of an answer. Ethan nipped at her mouth, alternately soothing with his tongue. He sucked on her lower lip then rubbed his mouth back and forth over hers as if he were trying to absorb her into his very being.

  Annalise knew that she should resist, or at least not respond. And she refrained from kissing him back, for about half a heartbeat. Then her soul demanded she be true to her heart’s desire. Her hands which had been fisted at her sides, opened and she allowed herself to touch him. Sweet Jesus! He was solid muscle; hot, hard and felt better to her hungry palms than anything had in six years. Her skin remembered him. Her nerve endings had perfect recall. A whimper of need rose up from deep within her. “Oh, baby,” she whispered in spite of herself.

  At her simple words of want, he tightened his hold on her and ground his mouth into hers. His tongue slid into her honeyed depths and began to make love to her mouth. Annalise held him tight, amazed that he trembled beneath her touch. An eternity passed and gradually, Ethan slowed his devouring and began planting soft sweet kisses all over her face. “I’ll be back. Don’t you dare go anywhere. I’m not losing you again.” And then he was gone.

  * * * *

  Ethan drove his big Ford pick-up truck down Lonely Street and headed out to rescue his little brother. He couldn’t believe it! Lise was here! Her arrival seemed providential, like an answer to a prayer. When he had seen her, desire had raged in him instantly. The sexual release he allowed himself this morning seemed to be a sign, like he had conjured her out of thin air by the very strength of his need and desire. Seeing this woman who had always made him more than welcome between her thighs was almost more than he could stand. He felt like he was going to explode!

; She was so damn beautiful! She had been wearing a baby pink sundress that set daringly on the swell of her breasts. He’d been tempted to pull the top of it down to see if the scar from the fishhook was still there—the accident that had launched their explosive interlude. His eyes had moved down her body—from the beautiful swell of her full breasts, to the tiny waist and then on to the flared hips declaring her femininity loud and clear. Six years ago, she had been a fresh and eager eighteen year old, now she looked ripe and ready to be loved. And that’s what he had wanted to do to her—love her.

  But what if Francine had been right? Again, he remembered the passion that he and Lise had shared—he remembered how her face would change when he entered her. He remembered how she had never pushed him away and had always seemed to be as eager for him as he was for her. Surely that had been real. Ethan tormented himself with images of Francine’s ridicule and then with visions of Lise in the throes of an orgasm that he had given her—her eyes closed in ecstasy, her hips lifting in supplication. Damn! He hit the steering wheel so hard he inadvertently blew the horn. He had to concentrate on the road, he sure didn’t want to have an accident and delay his return to her side.

  Ethan had a mild form of color-blindness; he had trouble with blues and greens. But the minor disorder had given him an extra gift, he could see in the dark like a cat. When he neared the place where Bobby was supposed to be, his sharp eyesight honed in on his brother and his troubled vehicle. He had made the trip in record time, anxious to return home and delve into the possibilities of what Lise’s sudden reappearance could mean to them. He found Bobby, waiting patiently on his big brother to save the day. Ethan pulled in behind him. “Bobby, Bobby…son, didn’t you renew your Triple A?” Ethan teased his little brother.


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