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Aries - Mr. Adventure: The 12 Signs of Love (The Zodiac Lovers Series Book 4)

Page 8

by Tiana Laveen

  Alex: I’m here at the bike trail now. Set your cell phone to twenty minutes.

  Snow: Done. Start now.

  A family of five made their way on their bikes right past him, the little girl’s handlebars decorated with sparkly tassels that flapped in the breeze. Behind the family followed a group of teenagers seemingly off on their own, checking out the scenery. He veered further off the trail towards the trees, making way for riders and to also peep out the better hiding spots, the ones he was certain a woman like Snow would take full advantage of.

  He walked steady but not too fast, ensuring nothing was overlooked, such as folded down brush from a sudden sprint behind a tree, or an empty crushed lemonade bottle with a trace of red lipstick along the rim in one of the receptacle cans, like the kind she’d bought earlier in the day. Maybe the air would wrap itself around her neck and carry the scent of her perfume towards his nostrils? Could he be so lucky? Perhaps he’d hear her labored breathing or even better, the womanly giggles between two friends…

  He took various directions along the trajectory, growing annoyed that his keen sense of smell, clear vision, and quick reflexes weren’t doing much to help him along the way. Growing impatient, he felt his temperature rising. He’d thought it would only take him ten minutes to find her, fifteen tops.

  Where tha hell is she?

  A few minutes later he approached three large trees. Someone’s cellphone was playing a little ditty…

  U2’s, “Beautiful Day” filled the air with a ringtone melody that couldn’t be ignored.

  “Damn you, Brittany!”

  He raced over to the sound of the catchy tune that suddenly stopped playing, surefooted and eager to find both women crouched to the ground behind the thick, twisted trunks and wild bushes. Brittany glanced up at him and winked, a huge smile on her face. He winked back, appreciating how she’d just sabotaged her friend for a good cause. Snow got to her feet, a distorted frown on her face that caused her chin to prune while her eyes, hooded and low, made it clear just how she felt about being discovered. Dusting off her knees, she stretched and then glared at her friend.

  “Well, thanks to Ms. Debacle over here, we’re caught.” She cut her eyes at Brittany, but the woman only offered a sweet smile. “Okay, it’s trivia time, Alex.”

  Good, she’s accepted her fate.

  “All right, I’m hungry and ready to have dinner with you so what’s your first question?”

  “Not so fast. You haven’t won yet. Okay, here goes. The state of South Carolina entered the Union in 1788 and became a state. How many states were in the Union by the time we joined?” The woman stood there smugly, her grin proud and broad.

  “Well, seein’ as we were the 8th state to join the union, that means there were seven before us.”

  “Damn it.”

  He burst out laughing, delighted in her angst. “One down, one to go. Next.”

  “Okay, here’s the next one. Who was the Attorney General here in South Carolina from 1983-1995?”

  “Now, that doesn’t seem quite fair!” He placed his hand on his hip, fighting a smirk as she delighted in his outcry.

  “Good night, Mr. Valentine.”

  “Wait a minute. Gimme a second.” He tapped his chin contemplatively then caught Brittany mouthing it to him… but he couldn’t quite make out the words.

  “Owen Hamhock?” His brow rose in confusion.

  NO! Brittany mouthed, but quickly turned away before Snow could see her. He wasn’t very good at reading lips, and this cheating scheme seemed as if it would fall apart at the seams.

  “Owen Metal-lock?” That couldn’t be right… “What kinda cockamamie name is Owen Metal-lock?”

  “NO! It’s not Owen Hamhock or Metal-lock! Damn it! Aren’t firefighters required to learn sign language?” Brittany screamed aloud, then covered her mouth with both hands.

  “No, we’re not required to learn sign language but even if we were, that ain’t sign language you were just doin’ right there. That was whisperin’, and bad whisperin’ at that. You talk too fast.”

  “You listen too slow… Hamhock?! Now whose last name would be Hamhock, Alex? Is that the same guy whose brother-in-law’s surname is Turkey-breast, Drumstick, or maybe Porkchop?!”

  “Whose side are you on, anyway?” He chuckled. “Can’t even cheat right! I’m going to have to take you under my chicken wing but you get an A1 Steak sauce for effort I suppose. You did throw me a bone…”

  “A T-bone.”

  They both burst out laughing again, almost forgetting about Snow who stood there seething at their joint venture antics to run interference and amuse themselves with corny meat puns.

  “Next time, Brittany, speak it real slow like it’s phonics or somethin’. You gotta give me the preschool version. I could barely see what the hell was goin’ on! You two are lawyers. Couldn’t you have brought props or somethin’? You know, like whipped out a whiteboard or a little card with it written down and saying, ‘This is Exhibit A.’”

  Brittany burst out laughing again and before long, they began to joke around, poking fun at one another like they were longtime friends just horsing around to pass the time.

  “Excuse me! I hate to interrupt your little ‘Fun Times at Ridgemont High’ powwow together but—”

  “The movie was called ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High,’” Alex corrected, only to have Snow roll her eyes.

  “I am still standing here while you two chum it up. Remember me? Snow? I mean, is this really happening? I can’t believe you two!” Snow yelled, bringing them to sudden silence. The enraged woman shook her head at her friend, then glared at Alex.

  “Game over, Alex. You didn’t know the answer, so—”

  “Enough of this!” Brittany waved her hands manically back and forth as if she simply couldn’t take another moment of it. The woman was his damn shero… “His name was General Attorney Thomas Medlock. I think it is ridiculous that you’ve made this man jump through all these hoops like some lion at a circus just to take you out for some damn food!” Snow’s mouth dropped open, but she uttered not one word. “It’s obvious he’s sincere or a glutton for abuse by now, don’t cha think?! This is not right! I expected better from you, Snow.” The woman shook her finger at Snow, who stood there looking incensed but still, remained unnervingly silent.

  “Since you don’t like me and Alex talking, I’m leaving you two alone. I’m walkin’ over there,” Brittany continued. “Unless something is on fire and this man needs us to vacate the premises while he puts it out or some guy falls off his bike due to a pebble on the trail and needs a lawyer, don’t call for me,” the woman stated breathlessly as she pointed across the path towards a couple of benches. Before either could say another word, the lady was gone, her shoulders slumped as she stomped about, dust cropping under her white sneakers with each step she took. He turned back towards Snow, surprised to see her smiling, her chest heaving up and down as she inhaled and exhaled hard.

  “Well, that’s that. I guess she told me, huh?”

  “Looks that way.” He’d enjoyed himself actually; this sort of thing was right up his alley, but he appreciated Brittany sticking up for him nevertheless.

  “I owe you an apology, Alex. I’m sorry. My friend is right. What you did was… cute, in a strange sort of way. I can be difficult, but not to this extreme.” She smiled sadly.

  “I like a challenge.” He shrugged. “It’s fun. To me, sometimes the best things in life are those you’ve worked the hardest for. Makes you appreciate them all the more.” He didn’t miss the sparkle in her eyes at his words. “I don’t want it if it comes too easy…” They remained quiet for a spell.

  “Well, I’ve never had a guy act like you to take me out.” She jammed her hands in her pocket, looking up at him with what he felt was truly admiration. “Can’t say it’s necessarily refreshing, but it’s different, that’s for sure. Not something I’d soon forget.”

  He stepped to her until they were standing directly f
ace to face. “I thought maybe I could light a fire and fix you and me a little somethin’. I’m not a great cook and not a horrible one, but I do real good steaks. You like steak?”

  “Yeah… I like steak.”

  “Good. I’ve got some good wine. I can whip up a couple of baked potatoes and we can talk and relax, laugh under the stars. I just want to get to know you, Snow. You’re interesting… pretty as a daisy, fiery as a firecracker, too.”

  She laughed lightly at his words.

  “Do you mind if I’m frank with you, Alex?” She looked up into his eyes and he could see his reflection as the sun and moon began to trade places.

  “You’ve been frank with me up until this point, I imagine. If this has been your kind, takin’ it easy on me side, then I don’t think I’m quite wantin’ to see the mean and rough side of you come out. Only so much a man can take.”

  They both chuckled and she shook her head.

  “No, nothing like that. This is different. I just want to tell you that I haven’t been on a date in a mighty long time. Well, not a real date. Anyway though, that’s not the problem. It’s not why I treated you the way that I did. My friend told me off like I was a child,” She pointed towards the woman who was now sitting lazily on the bench and appeared to be talking on her phone. “But when you act like a child, I ’spose you can’t complain when Mama takes away your toys for actin’ up. Anyway, you deserve an explanation.”

  “Not really. Explanations don’t always help but I’m curious all the same.”

  She seemed to appreciate his response.

  “I’m a nice lady, not a pushover and far from stupid, but I consider myself to be kind and honest, and a good listener. Problem is, I just haven’t been acting too nice today, and I’m a little ashamed of myself for you getting the brunt of that. What started this whole ball of wax is that I had a lot of drama and crazy mess happen right before I came out here to the campgrounds to unwind.”

  “Who or what did you let steal your joy?” The woman looked downright surprised he’d say such a thing, but what else could’ve orchestrated such a display? “Yeah, ’cause we’re in control of how we feel. I mean, somebody can make us mad enough to wanna tear their damn head off, but if we stay like that long after it’s over, after a while we’re the ones to blame. I just cut my losses, leave people where the hell they stand. Some folks don’t have the right to worm their way into my spirit like that.” Nothing but brute honesty… “I’m not giving them none of my space. You fuck me over, ’scuse my language, but consider yourself forgotten. To me the best revenge is acting like that person never existed and if you can’t, then fake it till you make it.”

  “I think I like you…”

  “I know I like you.”

  After a brief spell of silence, she got up the nerve to spill the beans in full detail, all the guts and gristle exposed.

  “Here’s what happened. One minute everything was perfect. I won a case I held dear to my heart and then, the next, I lost two friends on that same night… one of whom I really loved. He and I had parted ways long ago, but we were still very close. I found out he betrayed me in the worst way possible.”

  “Snow, I’m really sorry to hear that. Sometimes the ones closest to us hurt us the worst.”

  “True. So what you said at rock climbing earlier today rang true. I’ve been double-crossed, and the paint isn’t even dry. This just happened, so it’s not like I’m holding onto the past, but at the same time, he and I were over anyway.” She took a deep breath, then continued, “So I figure, maybe it isn’t so bad… maybe I can get out of this funk I’m in, give it its walking papers and reclaim my happiness. This is not normally how I am, and I mean that. You were just unfortunate enough to get caught up in the crosshairs.”

  “Well, thank you for that. I greatly appreciate your honesty. I think I’m a pretty good judge of character and I had a feeling something was botherin’ you that had little to do with me. Anyway, if I can take your mind off everything, even for just one night, I’d like that.”

  “I’d like that too.” He bent low and kissed her on the cheek. When he stood back straight, she was smiling at him, warming his heart.

  “This is the first time I have really seen you smile… not from just laughing at something I’ve said, but truly looking happy. It looks good on you. Meet me over at Park A-19 in an hour. I’ll have dinner goin’.” He winked, then turned and walked away…


  Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf Fireman

  “All the better to eat you with!”

  Panic attacks were not only experienced by the paranoid and insane. Well, perhaps she fit that bill, too; only time would tell. Snow had been experiencing them on and off for the past two years. She hadn’t told a soul; she simply tried to exercise through them, work herself to death, and drink pots of coffee at a time. All of these were mere Band-Aids though, so perhaps Mr. Alex Valentine was just what the doctor ordered, at least for one night.

  I’m just going to have fun. I don’t want anything more…

  She stood in the clearing of trees staring out at the man, unable to speak as her mind wandered and her eyes took in one of God’s most magnificent creations.

  He was stooped low, his broad shoulders practically blocking the flames, humming a tune. The scent of charbroiled meat perfumed the air. Thick puffs of white smoke swayed around him, wafting towards the star-studded night sky. She looked over to the left and took note of a large black truck, assuming it was his.

  That fits him to a tee. Big toys for big boys. She smiled to herself. The truck was massive, shiny, and looked like it had been rolled right off the car lot, with the exception of a few dried mud splatters along the tires.

  When she turned back towards him, she noticed of a bottle of wine jammed into a bucket with two wine glass stems sticking out of it, one on each side. A thick light green blanket was laid out with what appeared to be two plates with foil covered potatoes, or perhaps veggies, on them. Jamming her hand in her jeans pocket, she approached the man, loudly clearing her throat to ensure he’d hear her, not wishing to startle him. Alex threw a glance at her from over his shoulder, his gaze all-knowing. All he offered was a smile before turning back to his preparations, his arms moving feverishly near the open flames.

  “Nice to see you,” he said in a deep voice. “Have a seat.” He nodded towards the green blanket. She made her way over and sat upon it, crossing her legs.

  “It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it? I wish they had better lighting over here though.” She took another glance around the place before resting her eyes on him. “I’m not used to driving my friend’s jeep. It drives rough and I’m not too familiar with this area of the campgrounds. I found it okay though. Just glad that I have a good sense of direction.”

  Grabbing one of the plates beside her, he placed a thick, juicy bone-in-sirloin on it before handing it to her.

  “Yeah. They could definitely improve on the lighting in these parts. Glad you made it all right. I might mention it before we go back into town. Are you hungry?”

  “I brought my appetite, that’s for sure.” She looked down at the plate, surveying everything before placing it carefully across her lap and peeling back the foil, exposing a large baked potato already sliced down the center and stuffed with butter, just how she liked it.

  “I got some salt and pepper packets over there beside you and I wrangled up some broccoli spears, too. Tried to get a bag of salad but no such luck.” She smiled down at her plate before looking back towards him.

  “That’s all right.” He scooped some of the veggies onto her plate and she nodded in appreciation. “Thank you.”

  “You’re more than welcome.”

  Grabbing a packet of pepper, she sprinkled the seasoning along her potato, and then a bit of salt, too. “Forks?”

  “Oh, they’re over here. I got spoons and knives, too.” The man rose from his kneeling position and reached behind the bucket. When he stretch
ed his long body in front of her, she caught his scent. Damn, he smelled good…like earth, heat and musk all mixed together. He then handed her a thick napkin with utensils folded inside it.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Before she knew what hit her, he was standing before her. Alex had the type of energy that demanded attention, even if one tried to pretend to not notice. He was physically a force to reckon with, and his smile was always friendly but those eyes… those damn eyes kept secrets, or maybe they were just truths, waiting for the right person to come and explore.

  He bent low and suddenly pressed his lips to hers, and before she could beg him for more, he was back in front of the fire, pushing and prodding the flames. “Can you hand me that other plate?” He pointed to it and she placed it within his reach. He fixed his serving up then settled beside her.

  She didn’t know if it was the air, the woods or the fact she’d already downed a glass of wine before she left the cottage she shared with Brittany, but the man turned her libido onto level ten, full gear. Her body flushed with heat, her pussy ached for him, and her nipples hardened just from the mere thought of lying in his arms. She knew right then that if he made a move, she’d take it, no questions asked.

  “I’ve got wine… If you want something else, I brought some water and juice, too.”

  “That was thoughtful of you.” She smiled.

  “I try to be.” Smiling, he stabbed at his potato with the fork. Silence webbed between them for a spell, the crackle of the fire and their body heat merging as they sat so close. “I tend to be pretty straight forward, but I also try to be respectful. I think in the past I always jumped too fast.”

  “With life in general?” she asked as she swallowed a piece of the succulent steak.

  “Yeah, pretty much. I like to just do ’nd ask questions later. At least, that’s how it used to be. Hell, it might still be that way every now and again but I suppose I have a better handle on it in my old age.” He chuckled, causing her to do the same.

  “You’re not old. You’re in your prime.”


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