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Devils on Horseback: Lee, Book 4

Page 19

by Beth Williamson

  Genny stared down the mouth of the gun, its black muzzle a yawning maw of death. “My family is all here, including my husband. Will you kill us all?”

  “I don’t need to. All I need is to threaten you and your darling husband will do anything I want to save you.” Camille cocked the gun. “Tell the sheriff to go get Sophie now or I will splatter your brains all over your new husband.”

  Lee was rigid as steel beside her, his breath coming in shallow pants. He’d risk his life for her, she knew that, but she refused to allow it to happen. If there was one thing she’d do right in her life, Genny would not permit someone she loved to be hurt again.

  She stepped in front of Lee. “Go ahead and shoot me then, because I won’t let you take Sophie.”

  “Genny!” Lee tried to get around her, but she widened her stance to block him.

  “Come on, Maman, are you just big threats or are you going to use that gun?” Genny walked toward her until the gun pressed into her belly, hard and deadly against her. “Kill me. Or would you rather it be more dramatic?”

  She didn’t think about what she was doing, she couldn’t. Genny only knew she had to stop her mother. She pulled the gun up until it was pressed against her cheek.

  “Do it.”

  Camille cocked the gun but before she could pull the trigger, a sound of unholy terror broke the air. Genny dropped to her knees as the rebel yell echoed through the building. Zeke tried to pull the gun from Camille’s hand, but she held on, firing into the air. The smell of gun powder and fear permeated the room. Genny got back up and ran at them, determined to stop her mother from hurting Zeke.

  A strong arm snatched her by the waist, stealing the breath from her body just as Zeke hit the floor with Camille in his arms. The gun went off again. This time it didn’t fire into the air. Genny screamed, unwilling to believe Zeke had been shot because of her. She struggled against the arm that held her captive, recognizing Lee’s scent as he held her tight against his chest.

  “Easy, Genny, easy.”

  “Oh my God, is Zeke hurt? I can’t, please, he’s your brother.” She sobbed as the reality of another death hit her.

  “No, he’s not hit, but your mother is.” Lee held her until she stopped flopping like a fish on a line.

  Genny took hold of her self-control with both hands and yanked back at the panic and raw fury that had driven her. She’d tried to protect her new family, the only ones to ever accept her as she was, flaws and crimes included.

  “My mother?”

  “Yes, darlin’. I think she was hit in the chest.” Lee let her down and took her hand. He rubbed at the gold band on her finger.

  Zeke rose from the floor, blood splattered on his shirt. “She all right?” he cocked his head toward Genny.

  “I think so, but she scared the shit out of me two minutes ago.” Lee spoke of his wife as if she wasn’t holding his hand, staring down at her mother’s body.

  Genny knelt and took her mother’s hand, pressing it to her cheek. “I’m sorry you didn’t find your way to a family like mine, Maman. Finally, se finis.”

  “My God, Genny, are you well?” Bernard appeared beside them, his face pale. “I’ve never seen such a thing before.”

  “Shut up, Mitchell, and help me take the body over to the doc’s.” Zeke didn’t wait for Bernard to stop sputtering. The two of them, along with Jake, took Camille’s body wrapped in a tablecloth, leaving Lee and Genny alone in the restaurant.

  The blood on the floor was a stark reminder that death came to everyone, even those who deserved it. Genny could not feel bad for her mother’s fate even if her childhood had shaped her into the monster she became. Somehow though, Genny had escaped from her mother’s dark world, found a farm to call home, and finally a man to call her own.

  Lee folded her into his embrace and Genny wept silent tears for her mother, for the childhood she never had, and for the grief she should feel for the woman who had given birth to her. Finally, finally, Genny was free.

  They walked arm in arm out of the restaurant. Lee was glad Genny’s mother was dead, but he wasn’t going to tell her that. It wasn’t very Christian of him, but hell, Camille wasn’t much of a Christian woman herself. The woman had been a monster and he’d wonder for the rest of his life how she was blessed with an incredible daughter like Genny.

  Lee wanted to take her home and start their life together.


  Lee had a place to call his own, a farm that he would find a way to pay for no matter what. Even if it wasn’t legally Genny’s, they would keep it come hell or high water. By the time they arrived at the mill, Bernard was walking back with Zeke, eyes wide as he kept a wary eye on the big sheriff. He seemed so damn young compared to Lee, and there was likely only five years between them.

  Bernard rose as they approached. “Genny, can I talk to you?”

  “Only with me next to her.” Lee glared at the man until he nodded.

  “Of course, of course. I just wanted to ask if it was all right with you if I stayed here in Tanger? I don’t have anything left in New Orleans, and well, this seems like a nice place to live.” Bernard sounded so hopeful, even Lee felt himself waver.

  “I think that would be wonderful.” Genny turned to Lee. “Maybe he could work at the restaurant or the mill?”

  Lee wanted to tell the man no, but it would have been damn rude. Genny was the voice of reason, and that’s why they fit so well together. Her reason cancelled out his anger.

  “Really? I appreciate it, Mr. Blackwood.” Bernard held out a hand to Lee.

  “Fine.” Lee refused, however, to shake the man’s hand. “I’m gonna tell you something right now and you need to remember this. If Sirius Coddington shows up in Tanger ever, I will hold you personally responsible. They will never find your body. You understand me?” He leaned in close enough to see the twitch in the other man’s cheek as he absorbed Lee’s threat.

  “Yes, sir. I promise you, I didn’t tell and I won’t.” Bernard turned his gaze to Genny. “I promise.”

  Genny smiled at him. “Thank you. Now go on inside and I’ll be right there.” She turned her back on Bernard and pulled Lee over to the side of the mill. The wheel was running and the spray of water, the thunder of the movement, echoed in Lee’s chest.

  She held his hand in hers and looked up into his eyes. “I wanted two minutes alone with you. This has been the strangest, hardest two days of my life and that’s saying a lot. You’ve stood by my side through the entire thing, believing in me, trusting me. I wanted to say thank you, to tell you that I love you so much it makes my heart nearly burst.” Her voice caught on the last words and tears twinkled in her eyes.

  Lee kissed the back of her hand then the ring on her finger. “You know, I think somewhere up in heaven my mother is looking down on her baby boy and smiling. Her ring was meant for your hand and I hope you’ll wear it forever.” He blinked away tears of his own. “I know I ain’t fancy or handsome and my skills are limited to numbers and getting angry, but I love you too, Genny.”

  He pulled her close, feeling her heart beat against his. Lee had never felt such peace.

  * * * * *

  Their wedding night was two days late, but it arrived just the same. Genny was nervous, if that were possible. Sophie was long since asleep in her bed and Genny was getting ready to greet her husband in their marriage bed.

  She used the warm water to wash from head to toe, then slipped on the silky nightdress Gabby had given her. Genny didn’t want to ask where her friend had gotten the light blue concoction but it fit her like a glove.

  Genny brushed her hair and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her steady gaze looked back at her and for the first time since she could remember, there were no shadows behind her eyes. Loving Lee, letting go of the darkness of her past, had allowed her to finally be happy. A small knock at the door made her smil

  She stood and tried to smooth her hair but it wasn’t cooperating. Ah, well, it wasn’t as if it was their first time together.

  Genny opened the door to find Lee standing there, shuffling his feet and looking nervous. His eyes widened at the sight of the nightdress.

  “Hi there.”

  “Hi.” He pulled a handful of wildflowers from behind his back. “I wanted this to be special.”

  Lee was so wonderful in his awkwardness, his attempt at wooing her. She took the flowers and laid them on the washstand, then took his hand, tugging him into the room. As Genny closed the door, she smiled at her new husband.

  “Mr. Blackwood, it will be special for the rest of our lives.” She trailed her hand along his shoulders, satisfied to see him shiver at her touch. “You have entirely too many clothes on.”

  “You, ah, have some interesting clothes on.”

  She laughed low in her throat. “I’m glad you like it. Now let’s see what we can do here.”

  As she reached for his shirt, he took her hand. “No, tonight, it’s my turn.” He leaned forward and kissed her lightly. “Please.”

  Genny didn’t know what he was up to, but she was willing to find out. He shed his shirt as quickly as he could. She kept her hands down although watching him struggle with the buttons with one hand wasn’t easy.

  “Your hair looks so beautiful.” He ran his hand through the strands. “You know the first time I saw you I wanted to feel your hair against my skin.”

  Genny heard the truth in his words and closed her eyes as he stepped closer. His lips closed over hers in a gentle touch, then they grew firmer.

  He cupped her breast and swiped his thumb across the nipple. It was her turn to shiver as arousal slid through her. She swayed beneath his touch, eager to be together with him as husband and wife.

  “This is so soft, almost as soft as your skin.” Lee ran his hand down her back and cupped her behind, squeezing.

  She gasped at the feel of his cock pressing into her belly. “Don’t make me wait. Not now, Lee. Please.” Genny took his hand and led him to the bed. “I want to be your wife in truth.”

  His smile was worth more than all the money in the world. “Your wish is my command, Mrs. Blackwood.”

  They shed their remaining clothes quickly and climbed into the bed until they faced each other. Genny put a hand on his chest and raised one brow.

  “Let me love you.” Her voice was low and full of need. She barely recognized herself.

  Lee lay down, his hard staff lying on his belly, waiting for her. Genny’s hand shook as she reached for him, but not from nervousness, but rather from the emotions flowing through her. Finally, finally, she was with a man who loved her, one who owned her heart in return.

  She straddled him, sweeping her hair down his chest and groin. He moaned low and deep in his throat. With a smile, she did it again, her body heating with each pass. It was a heady feeling, knowing she was arousing both of them with just the light touch of her hair.

  “You’re torturing me,” he choked out.

  “You love it.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” This time it was Genny’s turn to be almost overwhelmed by the words. She slid forward and positioned herself above him, the head of his cock poised at the entrance of her pussy.

  Their gazes locked as she lowered herself onto his staff inch by inch. When he was fully sheathed within her, Genny held her breath. They truly were made for each other, perfectly sized, perfectly matched.

  Genny began to move, her body at one with Lee’s. As she went down, he pushed up, their rhythm as perfect as their union. Her hair brushed his chest as she moved, and he let loose a groan with each touch of her locks.



  Her orgasm began somewhere in New Orleans and traveled all the way to Texas, then up her legs and into her pussy, her heart and her soul. She exploded with the most unimaginable ecstasy, screaming his name as her body pulled his into his own orgasm.

  It was a moment frozen in time, the perfect moment she would remember for the rest of her life. As the waves of pleasure began to fade, she lay beside him and felt tears prick her lids when his arm closed around her. Yes, now Genny was loved and loved in return.


  “That’s a lot of wheat.” Sophie stood with her hands on her tiny hips and looked out across the golden fields.

  “Yep, it sure is. It’s not getting cut though with you jawing at me. Now are you ready?” Lee felt the weight of the cradle in his right hand and knew it was going to take at least two weeks of back-breaking labor from sunup to sundown to get the crop cut, dried and bundled.

  She held up the twine. “Ready, Pa.”

  Lee could not believe the brat had taken to calling him pa. He wouldn’t tell her it made his heart thump and his eyes sting, but he didn’t tell her to stop either. They were going to use the money from this crop to buy the farm. Since they didn’t have the cash, the wheat was going to be the rest of the money, along with Lee’s meager savings, to really own their home.

  Genny walked toward them, a jug of water in her hand and twine in the other. She set the jug down and shaded her eyes against the morning sun. “Someone’s coming.”

  Lee peered toward the barn, noting a few wagons and horses. He didn’t know what the hell was going on until he saw Zeke, Naomi, Gideon, Jake, Gabby and Bernard leading a crowd of people toward them.

  The men were all carrying cradles.

  “Sweet heavens.” Genny’s voice was full of awe and emotion.

  This time Lee welcomed the stinging in his eyes. His family, the town he’d pushed away, they’d all come to the farm to help his newfound family bring in the crop. This was what he’d been missing all his life. The love of a woman, the sense of community, and the support of his neighbors.

  “Who’re all those folks?” Sophie stepped up beside them.

  “That’s our family, Sophie. That’s our family.” Lee swooped up his new daughter and put her on his shoulders, then took his wife’s hand to go greet the town of Tanger.

  Two lost souls, burned by the life they led, had found peace, love and happiness in Texas. One more Devil had finally come home.

  About the Author

  Beth Williamson, who also writes as Emma Lang, is an award-winning, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of both historical and contemporary romances. Her books range from sensual to scorching hot. She is a Career Achievement Award Nominee in Erotic Romance by Romantic Times Magazine, in both 2009 and 2010, and a semi-finalist in the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest.

  Beth has always been a dreamer, never able to escape her imagination. It led her to the craft of writing romance novels, fueled by Reese’s and tenacious pursuit of the perfect story. She’s passionate about purple, books, and her family. She has a weakness for shoes and purses as well as bookstores.

  Life might be chaotic, as life usually is, but Beth always keeps a smile on her face, a song in her heart, and a cowboy on her mind. ;)





  Look for these titles by Beth Williamson

  Now Available:

  Marielle’s Marshal


  Endless Heart (as Emma Lang)

  The Malloy Family

  The Bounty

  The Prize

  The Reward

  The Treasure

  The Gift

  The Tribute

  The Legacy

  Hell for Leather

  The Present

  The Fortune

  The Prospect

  The Jewel

he Gem

  Devils on Horseback






  Private Lives

  On His Knees

  Coming Soon:

  Devils on Horseback: Generations






  Devils on Horseback: Millennium

  Her Bucking Bronc

  His Prairie Blossom

  Her Dark Cowboy

  His Dream Spirit

  Don’t miss these other titles by Beth Williamson

  Coming December 2015

  Sometimes the universe has to turn your life sideways so love can find its way in.

  Devils on Horseback: Generations, Book 1

  As the oldest of five, Adam Sheridan’s life is full of obligations. He longs to do something, anything, besides working his family’s flour mill in Tanger, Texas. His mama always says the universe moves in its own sweet time.

  Apparently the universe was waiting for his wagon load of flour to overturn so he could meet the woman he was destined to love.

  Eve Tate is a woman from nowhere with a shady past and an uncertain future. When she is left behind in Adam’s care, she reinvents herself again to be his perfect mate. Little does she know who she was will haunt who she tries to be.

  And, just like the couples of old, Adam and Eve must find a way to live together—or lose everything they have.

  Warning: Contains a redheaded man with a Texas-wide stubborn streak, and a chameleon-like woman with a heart that needs attention and a soul that needs redeeming. Foolishness, canoodling and deep abiding love result.

  Rereleased December 2015

  Handing over the reins is hard. Handing over his heart…damn near impossible.

  Devils on Horseback, Book 5


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