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Always Have Hope (Emerson Book 3)

Page 11

by Maureen Driscoll

  “There is no evidence of Mrs. Pierce’s guilt because she did not kill her husband. Win isn’t capable of it.”

  “You are a longtime family friend and, therefore, biased.” And just the use of Mrs. Pierce’s Christian name grated on him. Had Grayson courted one sister, only to move on to the next?

  “I can tell what you’re thinking, Lewis. You’re surprisingly transparent, which I would imagine is quite inconvenient for a barrister. Win has always been like a sister to me.”

  “But Lady Rosemary?”

  “Most assuredly is not. But I would thank you not to spread that about. It would damage her reputation to have her name linked with mine. Not to mention her brothers would kill me. If I do end up dead, that is a murder where I would support your prosecutorial efforts wholeheartedly. I am here to offer you my services, Lewis, in clearing Win’s name.”

  “You have not forgotten I’m working for the prosecution.”

  “I believe, sir, you are working in the interest of justice. And that will not be served with a wrongful conviction. I will help you discover the truth. Then it will be up to you what you do with it.”

  “How do I know I can trust you?”

  “I would ask you to take my word as a gentleman, but that might not carry much weight. Think of it this way…by simply admitting I work for the Foreign Office, you could have me arrested. We both have something at stake. But it is nothing compared to an innocent woman’s life.”

  “I do not know she is innocent.”

  “But you are beginning to suspect it.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you listened to what I had to say. Is it a deal?”

  Alex thought about it for a moment. He was risking a great deal. He could be disbarred, leaving him with no means to earn a living. He also loved the law. It was the primary source of comfort in his life. But if Mrs. Pierce were innocent…. “Yes, it’s a deal. And if you are in earnest about assisting me, I have a job for you.”

  “I will gladly do it. Shall we discuss it over another glass of brandy?”


  Win was nervous. It was not dissimilar to the nights she’d waited for Pierce to return, unsure of what would happen when he did, but knowing how bad it could be. She was taking an enormous risk by leaving Lynwood House and she might not learn anything of use at her home.

  Yet she had to do it.

  It was almost ten of the clock and she knew she still had a few hours to wait. From what Lewis had said, Clive, Emmeline and Horace were living at the house. She’d never enjoyed their company when Pierce had been alive and had no doubt they would turn her in if she was discovered at the house.

  Early on in her marriage, deprived of her own family, Win had thought to find friendship with Emmeline. But all her overtures had been rebuffed. Emmeline spent most of their time together criticizing Win, from her choice of décor to her style of dress and even her preference of peas over carrots. Poor Horace had been so intimidated by his wife that he’d avoided everyone’s company by spending most of his time in the study with a glass of brandy. Clive was slightly more tolerable than his sister when others were around, yet Win had to constantly avoid him in private. He had wandering hands and the desire to have everything his elder brother did.

  The brothers’ relationship had been so contentious, Win had even wondered if Clive might have killed Clarence. But she doubted he had either the strength or the force of will to do so.

  Win had to time her departure from Lynwood House well. Clarence’s relations were officially in mourning, so they wouldn’t be at any social engagements. She had to wait until they were asleep and the servants in their quarters, before slipping out the library doors of Lynwood House and stealing through the dark streets of Mayfair. With any luck, she could be back within two hours. Yet those two hours weighed heavily upon her.

  But she reminded herself that the outcome would be worse if she did nothing at all. She’d been inactive for too many years. It was time for her to take charge of her life, even if the very notion of what she had to do scared her.

  There was a light knock at the door. Win’s heart stuttered in her chest. “Come in.”

  Rose entered.

  And suddenly, Win’s trepidation lifted – at least for the moment. It was such a blessing to be able to see her family whenever she wished, especially after being denied for so long.

  Rose came in and hugged her. The two sisters held on to each other for a long moment.

  “I love doing that,” said Rose. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “You cannot imagine how much I longed to see you,” Win said, squeezing her sister’s hand and being reassured by its warmth.

  “Would you like to go to the kitchen for some warm milk?”

  “Thank you, but I plan to retire early.” Win hated lying to Rose, but she couldn’t very well tell her the truth.

  “I am so sorry – I should have asked if you wished to have company,” said Rose, looking more like the timid young girl of six years earlier than the grown woman she now was.

  “Don’t be silly. I will always wish to see you. Please sit down.”

  The two sisters curled up into the wingback chairs by the fire, tucking their skirts around them. When Rose didn’t say anything further, Win asked “Is something wrong, dear heart?”

  “I am worried about you, of course,” said Rose. “I hate that after everything you’ve been through, there is still the trial to endure.”

  “Let us not speak of that tonight,” said Win. “What is troubling you? I believe it is more than my legal problems.”

  Rose, once again the uncertain girl, tried to speak, but couldn’t. Tried again and failed.

  Win reached for her hand. “What is wrong, love? Is it Grayson?”

  Rose’s eyes widened. “How did you know? And, more importantly, do our brothers know?”

  “I believe they are quite blissfully ignorant. I, myself, do not truly know anything. I simply suspect there is something between you. An understanding, perhaps?”

  “Nothing of the sort!” said Rose. “In truth, I do not know if Grayson considers me as anything other than his friends’ bothersome younger sister.”

  “He thinks a great deal more of you than that. I can tell just the way he looks at you. But the more important question is what do you think of him?”

  “I’m afraid I’ve been in love with him most of my life. There is no hope for it, of course. I shan’t be staying in London and I don’t think he’ll ever come back to Wiltshire. Why is it that he and his father don’t get along?”

  “I do not know. Our brothers might, though I scarcely think they would tell us.”

  “If they had any idea I had feelings for Nate, I am quite certain they would lock me in my room and goodness knows what they’d do to Grayson. Yet he is one of their closest friends.”

  “It is the way of protective men, I’m afraid. I don’t believe any man could measure up to their high standards when it comes to a husband for their beloved sister.” Win studied Rose, who was absent-mindedly straightening her gown. “Are you certain your feelings are true? You haven’t met many eligible young men.”

  “Nor am I likely to since I will never have a Season. Pray do not mistake my feelings on the subject,” Rose added quickly. “I have no desire to be out in Society. And I have never felt a strong desire to be married in general – especially once I heard what you went through. But Grayson is different. I just believe we are meant to be together. I know that sounds silly.”

  “Not at all.”

  “But I know it’s hopeless. I dread the day when I learn he is to marry. And if he brings her back to the castle, well, mayhap I’ll set out for America to get away.”

  “Don’t say that, love. We cannot be separated now that we’re all finally together again.”

  “I know,” said Rose, squeezing her sister’s hand. “Do you think I might, well…may I spend the night with you? I have missed you terribly. I rem
ember us spending nights together when father was in one of his rages. You were so kind to a scared little girl.”

  Win smiled wistfully. “I was but a scared older girl, but I’m glad I gave you comfort. I would normally like nothing more than that, Rose, but tonight, I’m afraid I cannot.”

  Rose’s face fell and Win felt a pang in her heart.

  “Of course,” said Rose with a weak smile. “I’m sure you have much on your mind. And, besides, we are much too old for that.”

  “Rose, it isn’t that. We will never be too old for a coze. And I wish I could do that very thing tonight, but….” How could she explain?

  “But what?” Rose looked achingly hopeful.

  “But I have plans,” said Win weakly.

  “This late at night? What are you doing, Win? Are you running away? Because I will go with you. I’ll protect you and make sure no man ever hurts you again.”

  Rose was fierce in her loyalty and Win had no doubt her sister would protect her at all costs. So perhaps she owed her the truth.

  “Promise me, dearest, not to repeat a word of what I’m about to tell you.”

  “I promise.” Rose’s gaze was fast upon her.

  “I am going back to my house for a few hours.”

  “But you cannot leave here at all! You’ll surely be arrested and thrown into that terrible gaol again. If there’s something you need, I will get it for you. Please,Win, it’s the height of lunacy to go there, especially at night.”

  “But I believe it could help my case.” Win told Rose about her suspicions and the reasons she couldn’t involve their brothers.

  Rose listened to the explanation, asked a few questions, then nodded slowly. “I understand why you have to do this.”

  “Thank you, love.”

  “When do we leave?”

  “You are not coming with me.”

  “There is no way I’m letting you go alone.”

  “But it could be very dangerous.”

  “Which is why I won’t let you go by yourself.”

  “I won’t take you.”

  “Then I’ll go to Colin’s bedchamber right now.” And the look on Rose’s face made it clear she wasn’t bluffing.

  “You said you wouldn’t tell him!”

  “I’m sorry to go back on my word, but after everything you sacrificed to keep me safe, do you really believe I wouldn’t do everything in my power to protect you, as well? Be angry with me if you must, but you are not leaving this house alone. And I’ll go to Colin and the others this very minute if you do not relent.”

  Win was incredibly touched. “That is blackmail.”

  “Yes, it is. When do we leave?”


  It was half past midnight when Win and Rose slipped out of the Lynwood House gardens. There was a half-moon out, which lit their way but was not bright enough to expose them. Win was still worried that Rose had accompanied her, though also incredibly comforted by her presence.

  They quickly walked the few blocks to her old house. They stopped at the entrance to the alley which led to the mews behind it. They’d discussed the route ahead of time. They would keep to the shadows as they slipped past the mews and into the back garden, then make their way to the servants’ entrance near the kitchens. Win knew it was often left unlatched to allow servants to sneak in and out as they pleased. Havers was as unpleasant to the staff as he had been to Win. She knew few of the servants liked adhering to his strict curfew.

  As she approached the entrance with Rose close behind, Win prayed they wouldn’t encounter anyone in the servants’ hall before they could slip through to the front of the house. Win took hold of the door handle and lifted it. It was unlocked. She said a quick prayer of thanks as she ushered Rose in, then closed the door with just the slightest click. They remained motionless for a moment before Win once again took the lead, tiptoeing through the dark servants’ hall.

  When they reached the swinging door to the rest of the house, there was no light coming from the other side. She hoped that meant there was no one there. But if there was someone, their only plan was to turn and run back the way they had come. If they didn’t catch her, they couldn’t prove she’d left Lynwood House. But if they did catch her…

  She wouldn’t think of that now. She was tired of cowering. Tired of being afraid. Then she felt Rose’s hand in hers and it gave her the courage to move forward.

  Win pushed open the door to find the foyer dark, save for the moonlight coming through the transom above the front entrance. She held on to Rose’s hand, as they walked silently through the dark foyer, then turned to the study. The door was closed, but she carefully opened it and they both slipped in.

  She closed the door behind them and breathed a sigh of relief.

  They looked at each other. It was clear they were both grateful for having made it that far. But Win also had to admit to an unexpected excitement. The risk made her feel almost giddy. She made her way across the room, then opened the drapes a bit to give them more light.

  “Is this the room where you found him?” Rose whispered.

  “Yes,” said Win, surprised that the memory brought up no emotion other than a detached sorrow that anyone should have to die in such a violent manner.

  “Where should we start?” asked Rose.

  Win studied the large room. There were windows along two sides, which made it unlikely that the entrance to a secret chamber could be along either of them. Part of another wall bordered the foyer. A fireplace and bookshelves lined the other wall. Win pointed to it. “I suspect it is somewhere over there.”

  The two women approached the bookshelves and the ornate marbled fireplace.

  “Are you certain it is here?” asked Rose.

  “Unfortunately, I am not certain of anything,” said Win. “But if there is a passageway, I suspect it is hidden somewhere here. We should start by looking for a latch around the fireplace.”

  The two spent the next five minutes searching. “I feel like we’re in some kind of gothic novel,” said Rose. “Though, unfortunately, not one of the romantical ones.”

  Win grinned. “Does Colin know about your reading taste?”

  “Heavens no. Of course if he did, he’d probably spend his hard-earned royalties on buying me books when we have necessities to purchase, instead.”

  “I’ve always thought books were necessities. I believe I would have gone mad had I not been able to read over the past six years.”

  “Then I am very glad you had them,” said Rose. “Did you…”

  Win held up a hand to silence her sister, for she heard the doorknob to the foyer turn. She grabbed Rose and quickly hid the two of them behind the drapes just seconds before the door quietly opened.

  The two women stood shoulder to shoulder, holding hands, not daring to breathe. Win tried to suppress the panic that was welling within her. Whoever it was had just cut off their only means of escape. If they were caught, Win would try to stall whoever it was to allow Rose to get away.

  But she had a sinking suspicion Rose would do the exact same thing. She didn’t have time to speculate for long because suddenly the curtains were thrown back and they were looking at two pistols trained on them.

  Held by Grayson and Alexander Lewis.


  Alex lowered his pistol and breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn’t harmed the ladies. Grayson lowered his weapon, but only after uttering a rather colorful oath.

  Alex had seen the drapes move as soon as they’d entered. He’d motioned to Grayson and they’d both drawn their pistols, slowly approaching the window. He wasn’t sure if the interlopers would be thieves looking to burgle the house or Pierce’s murderer intent on retrieving evidence.

  He had not expected to find Lady Winifred and Lady Rose.

  Evidently, neither had Grayson. “What the devil are you two doing here?” he hissed, more at the younger sister than at Lady Win.

  Lady Win raised her chin. “This is my house. We came to retrieve
a few of my things.”

  Grayson scoffed. “In the middle of the night? In the study? When you were not to leave Lynwood House?”

  Lady Win looked at Alex. “I assume you will arrest me now and return me to Newgate.” Her voice faltered only the slightest. “I only ask that you allow my sister to return home with no one the wiser. I would also ask that no one at Lynwood House pay the price for my transgression. They did not know I left.”

  “I’m certain they didn’t!” said a still livid Grayson. “They never would have allowed it. The two of you risked your very lives coming here tonight.”

  “Win’s life is already at risk!” said Rose. “Do you think I would just sit by and let her be hanged for a crime she didn’t commit? You met her imbecile barrister. We cannot rely on him.”

  “But you can rely on me,” said Grayson. “And your brothers, of course,” he quickly added.

  “Rely on you to do what, my lord? Lecture us? Tell us we should let the men take all the risks? You’ve not explained what you are doing here tonight. Either of you.” Here, she looked at Alex for the first time. “Please do not return my sister to Newgate, Mr. Lewis. I am begging you.”

  Alex sighed. “I won’t return her to Newgate, though I would be within my rights to do so. But I would like an explanation of what you’re doing here.”

  “I believe there may be a secret passageway,” said Lady Win. “Which would explain how someone could have killed Pierce without my seeing him. I wanted to find it to see if there might be any clues to the murder.”

  “According to your sister-in-law, there is a secret passageway. She believes Pierce used it for his, uh…”

  “Liaisons?” asked Lady Win. “I was not unaware they occurred. I’m simply surprised he took so much trouble to cover his tracks.”

  “Do you know where the entrance is located?”

  “Unfortunately, no. I spent very little time in here. Why are you interested in it?”

  “There may be other secrets Pierce was hiding. Perhaps that will tell why he was murdered.”


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