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Choosing Forever: Book 2 in the Torn Duet

Page 16

by Mia Kayla

  I didn’t get it. The house wasn’t even on the market. I’d admired it for years from afar, but it wasn’t available.

  “It’s ours,” he said.


  He laughed. “I bought it.”

  “How?” I sounded like a broken record, but given that we’d been struggling to make ends meet, I didn’t know how we could afford a house. It wasn’t extravagant or massive by any means, but I’d thought it’d be a good five years before we could even think to buy one.

  “I’m sorry.” He gave me a guilty look. “I know we’ve been tight on money. It’s only because I’ve been saving for this for a while.”

  I squeezed his hand tighter. “Don’t ever apologize for taking care of your family.”

  He kissed me, and the touch of his lips was a delicious sensation. When my foot pressed against the first step on the porch, I held my breath, anticipation building inside me.

  This was surreal—us, married and with a child, standing on our own front porch.

  He pulled back and then nodded toward the door. “Go ahead.”

  I inhaled a deep breath and turned the knob. My eyes perused the inside of the house that was our new home, and my heart sang with joy—uninhibited, pure joy. There was a bounce in my step the further I went in. The yellow walls, the black and white tiles, the distressed kitchen cabinets, and the small fireplace could all be seen from where I stood. But what had my smile widening was the green-eyed beauty peeking out from the corner with her fairy godmother, Chloe.

  “Mom!” Gracie said before charging into my arms.

  I bent down and crushed her into my chest. Warmth pooled behind my eyes as I showered her face with kisses. I’d missed my girl so much in the short time we’d been apart, and the emotion of the day was weighing me down.

  “I love my room. I love this house,” Gracie squeed.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I said, lightly touching her cheek.

  Chloe leaned against the doorframe, a smirk on her face. “Congrats, homeowners. The least I can do is furnish my own room.”

  “Of course.” My gaze was flooded with unshed tears.

  Josh closed the gap between us, squeezing Gracie in the middle, like a human sandwich. His eyes held such reverence and such strength. “I know our lives didn’t take the traditional route. First, baby, then marriage, and now, this. But”—he ducked in closer—“I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Who knows if any other road would have led me to you?”

  I gulped hard, swallowing back tears. This was my happy place—with Josh and Gracie.

  And he was more than right. Our lives hadn’t taken the traditional route. It had been a long and winding road, and there had been a couple of flats along the way, but here we were, together.

  The people you loved, the people you spent your days with were the ones who mattered most. That was what made up a home. And for forever, until my last breath, Josh and Gracie would be my home.

  “Thanks, baby. I love it.” I kissed him through tear-filled eyes. “I love you.”

  And, now, it was time for my surprise.

  “And I love us.” I took his free hand and placed it on my belly, on top of the growing baby inside me—this time, half me and half Josh.

  His jaw dropped before he pulled back and assessed my face.

  “Really?” he whispered, such hope in his eyes.

  Because we’d been trying for years and because I’d taken three pregnancy tests to believe it, I nodded.

  “Really!” His eyes dropped to my stomach and back to my face.

  “Yes, baby,” I confirmed.

  He threw back his head and let out a loud whoop. Then, he bent down and showered my belly with kisses, then Gracie, and then me. “Thank you. I love you so much. Thank you. Thank you!” His joy was uncontainable, and both dimples were on display.

  I cupped his face with one gentle hand. “No, baby, thank you.”

  Because I finally realized, fairy tales did come true.

  And he was my real-life Prince Charming on earth and I’d forever be his Princess.



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  Marry Me for Money Prologue

  The woman was beautiful. She looked like a supermodel ready to walk the runway. The blackest of black eyelashes swept upward, accenting the depths of her emerald eyes. Curls of mahogany sat on top of her head while the apple of her cheeks were highlighted with a slight pink as if the sun had kissed her.

  I should have been excited. I should have been anxious.

  But as my heartbeat thrashed in my ears, all I felt was dread.

  I sat on the stool, staring at the girl in the mirror. I wondered who this girl was. I wondered where the old girl had gone and how I could get her back. The problem was I couldn’t. The lie was so deep, the charade so long that there was nowhere else to go, but to move forward.

  It was an out-of-body experience as the chaos of the circus around me was happening. I hardly noticed the woman in front of me as she swished her little brush of pink gloss on my pouty lips.

  Everybody was getting ready for the big day.

  My big day.

  Four photographers were scattered around the room, catching every moment and every detail from the shoes to the invitation to the flowers.


  Orchids didn’t give off a scent like every other flower. Too much water would drown them. Not enough sunlight would kill them. They were useless and high maintenance.

  So, when the florist had asked me what kind of flowers I would like for my bouquet, I’d said, “Orchids.”

  It was the flower I despised the most. It wasn’t because of its lack of beauty or its uselessness, but I didn’t want anything that I would pick for my real day.

  The photographers moved to the king-sized bed, and they snapped pictures of the regal designer wedding gown. This was another thing I never would have picked for myself. I remembered my last fitting. I had barely squeezed into the strapless couture dress. I would never choose a dress that I couldn’t walk, dance, or eat in. I hated it, and that was the reason I’d picked it.

  My stomach growled from starvation. I had no appetite the night before, and today Kendy, my maid of honor, wouldn’t allow me to eat. It was so unlike her. I guessed it was for my benefit because I could barely fit into my dress. Either way, my stomach was eating itself because it had nothing else to feed off of.

  The time went by slowly as if it were dragging on purpose to punish me for living the biggest lie of my life. Everyone always said their wedding day had flown by. This day was killing me, killing me softly and slowly.

  All I wanted was for it to be over, but the day had just begun.

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. If I can only get through this day…this one day…

  I just needed to get through today.

  Pick up your copy of Marry Me For Money today!

  Marry Me For Money - Forever After Book 1

  Also by MIA KAYLA

  The Forever After Series

  Marry Me for Money - Forever After Book 1

  Love After Marriage - Forever After Book 2

  The Scheme - Brian’s book -Forever Love Book 1

  Naughty Not Nice - Forever Love B
ook 2

  Stand Alone

  Everything Has Changed

  About the Author

  Mia Kayla is a New Adult and Contemporary Romance writer who lives in Illinois. She is the wife to the husband of the year and mommy to three unbelievable cute little girls who have multiplied her grey hairs.

  In her free time she loves reading romance novels, jamming to boy bands, catching up on celebrity gossip and designing flowers for weddings.

  Most of the time, she can be caught on the train with her nose in a book sporting a cheeky grin because the main characters finally get their happily-ever-after at the end.

  She loves reading about happy endings but has more fun writing them.


  Mia Kayla is a New Adult and Contemporary Romance writer who lives in Illinois. She is the wife to the husband of the year and mommy to three unbelievable cute little girls who have multiplied her grey hairs.

  In her free time she loves reading romance novels, jamming to boy bands, catching up on celebrity gossip and designing flowers for weddings.

  Most of the time, she can be caught on the train with her nose in a book sporting a cheeky grin because the main characters finally get their happily-ever-after at the end.

  She loves reading about happy endings but has more fun writing them.









  Two words! I’m done.

  There’s an internal satisfaction after finishing a book that cannot be described. It’s a feeling of great accomplishment. I remember the exact day that I finished this book. I called a writer friend and told her, “I’m done and I think I’m about to cry.” And I was about to cry because it had taken me such a long time to get to that point. And obviously, when I said I was done, I was far from done because I still had to go through the editing and marketing and publishing process.

  There were so many times that I doubted if I should even write this book, debated on changing some parts because I was afraid of reviews and worried about readers not liking it. But I had to stay true to the characters and the story line that was playing in my head so I trekked on.

  This is a very different story than the other books that I have written. I usually write cheesy happy-go-lucky romance, but Samantha’s journey is one with a lot more angst, more struggles and more heartbreak.

  It took an army to get this done and to final form and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the help and encouragement of the following people.

  First and foremost I want to thank God for that creative side of me that can’t keep quiet and for the stories in my head that I have to share with the world.

  To the real rockstar in my life—My husband. I love you because you support me in everything I do. And you watch the kids when I have to write.

  To my writer friends that keep me accountable with daily word counts, keep me sane by listening to me vent and help me promote — To Michelle, Tracey, Danielle, El, Laura, Jaimie, Faith, Ryleigh, Celeste and Kristy L. Only writers understand the struggles and insecurities of this journey and I appreciate each and every one of you. A lot of us started publishing around the same time and I’m so glad that we’re able to grow in this path together. True loyal writer friends are hard to find.

  To my family at Indie Chicks Rock, Alphas & Fairytales and Sassy Savvy— To Autumn, Molly, Kaylee, Allison, Willa, Jeanne, Dani, Sasha, Emery, Melanie and Claudia. Thanks for giving me a place to meet new readers, share my ARCs and party.

  To my PA—Emily, you keep me organized and sane and happy. I’m so glad I met you. Thank you for all you do for me and our reader group. You are always keeping me on my toes and I appreciate you.

  To my friend Jenn—Thanks for helping me from the very beginning. From organizing my sales to pimping my book, I know I can always count on you and your constant support of the Indie Chicks.

  To my PR team from Sassy Savy Fabulous—Kristi, you are the bestest from the restest. Thank you so much for helping me market this book and pointing me in the right direction. Marketing is definitely not my strong suit so I appreciate your guidance and support.

  To my rock star editing team — Oh my goodness, what would I do without you? Produce crap. That’s what!

  To my developmental editor, Megan— I heart you so much. So much! Thank you for helping me flesh out these characters and for always being honest with me even when the truth hurts.

  To my copy editor, Jovana— You truly have an eagle’s eye. Thank you for catching all my repetition and editing this book like it was your own. I’m the queen of repetition and I appreciate you keeping me in check.

  To my proofreader, Shawna— Thank you so much for taking on a new client last minute. I’m confident after your last look that this manuscript is in tip-top shape.

  To my formatter, Christine—You are the best in the business. Thanks for beautifying my books with your graphics.

  To my cover designer—Sommer, you’ve got talent and an eye for cover hotness. Thank you for putting your magic touch on my covers.

  To my beta readers—Hot Tree, Amy, Alyssa, Emily, Lisa, Kaitie, Michelle and Sarah—I appreciate your feedback and also your friendship. Without you, this book wouldn’t be what it is now.

  To Kristy—Thanks for being my post beta reader and for loving this book as much as you do.

  To Margie and my RRR Immersion partners—Thank you for Colorado and pushing me to become the best writer I can be. I continue to learn from each of you.

  To the bloggers that have consistently supported me from my very first book to now. I heart you! Thank you for following me on this journey.

  Last but not least to my readers— From those who have followed me from my very first book and to the new readers, thank you! thank you! thank you! I write for you.




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