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Demon Warden: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy (The Cursed and the Fallen 1)

Page 8

by Selene Kallan

  He examines my face and says nothing, but I have the feeling he can tell how upset I am. “Your abilities will increase with time. That device did a lot of damage, but I am certain it will clear up in the next few weeks, maybe a couple of months.”

  “I’d like to know who put it there,” I grumble.

  His eyes flash with anger. “Believe me, me too.”

  He stretches his hand towards me. “Ready?”

  I take it, basking in the heat that warms my cold fingers. “Now he asks,” I mutter.

  The swirl does little to ease the nausea, but I fight against the sensation. I need to be strong; I am tired of being weak.

  We are back at the penthouse in no time, Nox opens the glass door and gently ushers me inside. I take a few steps and turn, pondering to say thank you, but all I see is a flash of purple light.

  * * *

  After a long shower, I get dressed, not bothering to pay attention to what I choose. I pack my laptop and a notebook before leaving the room, once again lured by the smell of fried eggs and cocoa.

  Isir is serving a plate full of scrambled eggs with a cinnamon roll, she’s wearing black jeans and a loose white shirt. Thick waves of dark hair fall to her waist, a smile on her gorgeous face.

  “Good morning, Dinah.”

  “Hey,” I mutter before stuffing my face with the cinnamon roll, hungrier than I thought.

  Isir chuckles and sits beside me with her own plate. “Had fun this morning?”

  I snort and almost choke; I have to down the cinnamon roll with hot cocoa.


  “5 AM, it was freaking 5 AM!”

  Isir laughs. “Yeah, Nox is an early riser.”

  I scoff. “Early riser sounds better than sleep Nazi.”

  Isir grins. “You didn’t answer my question though.”

  I take my time eating almost half of the considerable breakfast before answering. “It was fun, the speed, the absence of pain. I-I was a bit scared at first.”

  Isir blinks surprised, I am too; I am not one to open up to strangers, but her presence feels so right. Like she is an old friend.

  “Scared? Do I have to kick Nox’s arse?” her tone is playful, but somehow I know she means it.

  “Nah, it’s just that I am not comfortable being alone with someone who can hurt me.”

  My appetite is gone as soon as the words leave my mouth.

  I hate myself for feeling this way; it is just as good as admitting Daniel has won.

  Isir squeezes my shoulder. “Nox would never hurt you. Believe me, under all that aloofness there’s a warm heart,” her gaze turns serious, a shadow of pain crossing her expression. “I would know that better than anyone.”

  We stay in contemplative silence for a few minutes.

  Isir stands, her smile—while stunning—doesn’t reach her eyes. “Finish your cocoa, you have a long day ahead of you.”

  I groan. “No more running in the desert with tall, dark, and grumpy, please.”

  Isir chuckles. “Do use that nickname on him when I’m around, please. And, no, the next run will be tomorrow morning. Bryce will take you to school and then bring you to my work, where we’ll improve your mental shield.”

  That sounds better.

  “School, I am not a child,” I say as I get up, pouting.

  Isir gives me a wry smile. “Compared to me, you are. Now go, you’ll be late.”

  I save the question about her age for later.

  “And where’s my lunch? Will I get a goodbye kiss?” I tease.

  Isir cocks a brow, then leans forward and kisses my cheek. “Be careful, darling, do you need lunch money?”

  I snort loudly, I can’t help it. “I think I’ll manage.”

  Isir winks.

  I down the rest of my cocoa, pick up my bag and exit the penthouse. After just a moment’s hesitation, I take the stairs, unable to control a smile and silly giggles as I practically zoom down. It takes me less than a minute to reach the lobby, and I haven’t even broken a sweat. Grandma would have been happy to see me run again.

  My throat constricts painfully as the reality of her death hits me again. Will the sharp pain in my chest ever go away?

  I’m barely conscious of saying hi to Luke, the doorman, and opening the door of Nox’s huge limo.

  Why did grandma summon Nox in the first place? What kind of deal did she make with him? What if the grumpy demon Prince decides to take my soul?

  “I can practically see smoke coming out of your ears,” says a sarcastic male voice.

  I lift my eyes to meet Bryce’s azure gaze; he smiles in a way I am certain would make most people faint.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say.

  He snorts, driving with absolute ease, eyes more on mine through the rearview mirror than in the road, but for some odd reason, I’m not that concerned.

  “Yeah right, what’s got you so worried, Dinah?”

  I bite my lip. Bryce has what I can only describe as a supernatural feel about him, like he’s made of fire, and just as volatile. But at the same time whatever instincts have woken up in me let me know he has no ill intent.

  I sigh. “Well, let’s see, in the last week I’ve been assaulted by my psycho ex-boyfriend, lost the only family I had left,” my voice catches, and my eyes burn but I refuse to cry, “got my ass kicked by a soul-devouring demon, and found out I am half-immortal. Oh, and my own kind siphoned my power for gods know what reason. I’d say that gives a girl something to think about, wouldn’t you?”

  Bryce smiles, nods. “You’re right. However, Kazzian won’t get his dirty little hands on you, not under our protection.”

  I scoff. “Yeah, there’s also the happy little detail that I have a grumpy demon as a guardian, and if all the madness I was told yesterday is right, he should want to kill me.” I bite my tongue hard enough to make it bleed a bit. “Damn it, are you some kind of hypnotist?”

  Bryce chuckles. “Not at all, I think you just needed to vent.”

  I cross my arms in front of my chest and look out the window, feeling embarrassed. Spilling my thoughts is not something I usually do.

  “I know where your mind is going,” Bryce says, drawing my eyes back to him. “If Nox wanted to hurt you, he would have already.”

  “Comforting,” I mutter.

  Bryce shrugs. “It’s true. Once we’re done training you, there will be no reason for you to be afraid.”

  “We?” I ask.

  Bryce grins, azure eyes gleaming. “We. I will teach you how to rein in your power.”

  “What power?” I challenge.

  Bryce gives me a knowing smile as he parks right outside the Computer Science building.

  I sigh, a few people outside ogle the limo.

  “I’ll be waiting for you,” Bryce says as I ready myself to get out.

  “Don’t you have better things to do than watching over me? Really, it’s rude on Nox’s part to turn you and Isir into bodyguards, I’m sure you’re over-qualified for such a menial task.”

  Bryce rolls his eyes. “Nice try, darling. Get your arse inside, I’m sure you’re late.”

  I stick my tongue out at him and get out of the limo, then I walk inside the building doing my best to ignore the looks of several students as I pass by. There are about twenty students in the computer science classroom. Some greet me and ask me where I’ve been, others are far too busy working on their projects, others I’ve not gotten along with. Truth is, they’re all strangers to me, and it’s my fault; shielding myself from people at all costs is my usual MO.

  Robert Carson, our teacher, enters the chilly room, and all heads snap to him. He’s demanding to say the very least, nothing I’ve ever done has satisfied his standards.

  “Nice of you to grace us with your presence today, miss Novak,” he says, not bothering to look up from his tablet.

  “You’re welcome,” I say before being able to get a hold of my tongue.

  Carson gives me a withering l
ook, but after having Nox glaring at me, there really is no competition. He doesn’t bother to mention anyone else’s absences at all.

  The class is boring at best. I drift from time to time, brought back by the conversation between Carson and Dean, the smartest kid in class. He’s barely eighteen and far more intelligent than I will ever be. He also seems to worship Carson, which has made him the teacher’s golden boy.

  I remind myself I really, really want my degree.



  A headache is starting to build by the time the classes are over. The delivery date for the final project looms closer, making my stomach knot. I’m not sure how it will be perceived, but I’ve spent a long time developing it and I can’t change it now. Not that I would want to.

  The sky is gray, full of thick clouds that seem to mirror my mood as I exit the building and consider slipping away from Bryce’s watch just to vex Nox. My plans are thwarted before they can take shape. Bryce is leaning against the side of the limo, I hadn’t seen him standing there before and the sight is impressive. His muscular, lean physique is hardly concealed by the black suit, the first buttons of his shirt are open, revealing sun tanned skin, blonde hair falling over his forehead, and azure eyes piercing. He’s wearing a knowing, sexy as hell little smile as every woman and some men in close proximity ogle.

  “Okay, I must know,” I ask him in a whisper as I approach, “is it illegal for non-humans to be anything other than incredibly hot?” He obviously hears me over the car honks and usual racket.

  “You tell me,” Bryce says with a wink as he opens the door for me.

  I grimace behind his back. Loathe as I am to be a walking cliché, I’ve never felt attractive. Yes, I am aware that I am tall, lean, and have a fairly symmetrical face, but years of being bullied have left me unable to look in the mirror and appreciate what I see.

  The traffic is hell, as expected, so I put on my headphones and type line after line of code into my laptop with rock music as a background. The app is almost ready to be tested, and not for the first time I wonder if I’m going to get sued.

  A warm, large hand settles on my shoulder.

  I almost jump out of my seat, my breathing takes speed. Bryce gives me a look that mixes understanding and reassurance. To my embarrassment, I’ve put up the laptop as a shield.

  “We’re here,” he says, getting out of the car and opening the door for me.

  I take off the headphones and pack my stuff. “Erm, right. Here where?”

  “You can leave your gear here, I will be taking you home,” Bryce advises, holding his hand out to me.

  I take it, feeling something warm travel up my palm. My eyes meet Bryce’s, he smiles knowingly as I blink several times—I can see what I can only assume is his aura. Bright azure and red, waving like a blazing fire.

  He lets go of me and closes the door; I shake my head and turn to look at the building across the street.


  Three stories tall, the largest building in the area. A big sign reading ‘Qetesh’ takes over a sizable portion of the second story wall. It’s the afternoon, so it’s neon letters are turned off, but I can only guess it turns a bright color by night.

  Bryce walks alongside me towards the club, and the front door opens, revealing Isir.

  “Welcome to my humble abode,” the succubus declares with a bright smile. I notice for the first time that her canines are sharp and a tad longer than normal.

  She places a hand on my shoulder and leads me inside the double doors.

  I have no idea what I was expecting to see, but I’m impressed nonetheless. The massive space is well-lit thanks to multiple lamps that hang from the three stories tall ceiling, the floor is red and the walls are painted a simple white. Slick and modern looking black sofas are arranged near the wall to my right, the bar to my left.

  “Humble, riiiiight,” I say.

  Isir chuckles. “It looks more impressive at night.”

  She keeps her hand on my back as she leads me to the stairs that lead to the mezzanine floor, the VIP area. Plush sofas and tables are dotted around part of the space; small rooms with bathrooms take up the rest.

  “Club/motel?” I ask aloud.

  “Not exactly, we don’t allow anyone to spend the entire night, but some need privacy,” Isir replies, leading me through a door that has another flight of stairs. The red floor is starting to make me queasy.

  “Interesting,” I mumble, not knowing what else to say.

  “Very interesting indeed,” Isir teases.

  I’ve never been much of a party girl. Aside from that one time when I got myself tipsy and decided to get rid of that pesky virgin card. It was, well, just one more thing to scratch off the to-do list. I haven’t done a repetition. Who has the time, really? Besides, it wasn’t that much of a big deal.

  We arrive at a massive office with a big wooden desk and an impressive view of the dance floor. A one-way glass covers the whole wall to my left. Multiple screens that show the bar and the VIP section are mounted on the wall by the door.

  I’ve been so distracted taking in the entire place, I didn’t notice how Bryce stayed behind.

  “He has stuff to do, you’re quite safe with me,” Isir says, caution instead of mischief in her chocolate eyes.

  “I’m not afraid of you,” I say, meaning it.

  “Good,” Isir says, walking to sit behind the massive desk on a big leather chair. She waves a hand pointing at one of the plush chairs in front of it and I sit.

  I feel like a kid brought to the principal’s office.

  “Before we begin, I need you to know this won’t be easy, not for you or me,” the seriousness in her voice spikes up my pulse. “Demons—or, nox, as that is the correct term to name the species—possess the power to enter your mind and grab a hold of your darkest desires and biggest fears, manipulate you into obeying them.”

  I swallow. “What about free will?”

  Isir sighs. “An illusion, if you ask me. But not to get philosophical, human control impulse is weak compared to most supernaturals. Demons make those dark impulses rise and augment them, feeding on emotions, and in extreme cases taking complete control of someone’s mind or consuming their souls.”

  I swallow hard.

  “Being half-Asteri grants you a certain extent of protection, of course, but your power is still significantly thwarted and you’ve no idea how to protect yourself.”

  “So to teach me how to stop a demon from entering my mind and taking control of my secrets and will,” I postulate, “you will attempt to do the same.”

  Isir nods. “I will do my best not to dive too deep into what makes you most uncomfortable, hells know I do not want to upset you, but Kazzian could do much worse, and others. However, I shan’t do this without your permission, and if you can’t handle it, I will stop.”

  I stand and turn towards the exit, feeling the crazy impulse to run away, not just from the bar but from everything. Yearning to go back to my old life and turn back time - never finding out I’m not human, seeing grandma again. My teeth hurt as I clench them tightly and fight against the burning in my eyes. My back is turned to Isir, but I can feel her eyes on me.

  What choice do I have?

  I can’t go back to Spence’s home and pretend nothing happened. I can’t risk his life. And I can’t stop some crazy demon from hunting me down and taking control over me and draining my soul. If I’m to have a chance at living a life with only a reasonable amount of things to fear I need Isir’s guidance, and Nox’s, much as that makes me want to scream.

  Taking a deep breath, I turn around and face the stunning succubus. “Alright. What should I do?”

  “Take a seat.”

  I obey her, grabbing the armrests of the chair.

  “In order to use compulsion with you or peek inside your mind, I must break through your mental shield,” Isir explains. “So I’ll try to do just that.”

  I lick my dry lips. “Will it hurt

  Isir wrinkles her nose. “Maybe. Depends on how strong you are by nature, ready?”

  I don’t think I’ll ever be, but I nod.

  Isir’s chocolate eyes melt into a bright azure, almost silver color. A flash of static runs down my spine and my heart pumps faster. The succubus’ face is stony, revealing nothing, and it’s a shock to see considering her usual mischievous smile. I feel pressure inside my skull, as if something is trying to enter and I panic, there’s no pain but mild dizziness and a feeling of trespassing.

  The pressure builds and I can almost hear a pop as whatever barrier was keeping Isir at bay cracks, leaving me exposed.

  Stand up, echoes a chilling voice inside my head.

  I clench my teeth, holding on tighter to the chair to fight off the part of me that wants to obey.

  NO, I scream mentally.

  Isir’s eyes widen for a second before pushing harder. A dull throb builds behind my forehead.

  Stand up, the artic voice orders, and this time I do.

  The pressure in my skull vanishes, leaving me dizzy. Isir is standing beside me at once, ready to catch me if I need it. I lay my hands on the desk for stability and take a deep calming breath. “Fuck.”

  “You did good, Dinah,” Isir says.

  I snort. “Like hell I did.”

  “Look at me,” Isir says, voice soft, and I turn to her reluctantly, relieved to see chocolate pupils. “You did great for a novice. Nox said you fought Kazzian as well. And if you could resist me even for a minute, that’s a good sign.”

  She’s not lying, I can tell.

  “Okay,” I sigh.

  Isir gives my shoulder a small squeeze. “I think you’ve earned yourself a drink.”

  “More like a whole bottle, but I’m willing to make concessions,” I tease, Isir smiles.

  I move to peer through the glass wall that faces the dance floor. A few employees have arrived. Some clean tables, others chat among themselves.

  “I hope you like rum,” Isir says as she hands me a glass.

  “More than life itself,” I reply, Isir chuckles. “Though I did end up summoning Nox the last time I had a dalliance with rum.”


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