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Lords Of Night Street Collection: Books 1-4

Page 14

by Wendy Vella

  “Always,” Charlotte said, kissing the top of his head before releasing him.

  “To make this faster, so I can get you out of here, we should both search, but I don’t want to leave you here alone.”

  “No, your idea makes sense, Fred,” Charlotte said, trying not to show her anxiety at his suggestion.

  “Are you sure?”

  All she could manage was a nod.

  “All right, I’ll take the third floor while you search this one,” Fred said. “Open the door a crack, look in, and move on. Don’t let anyone see you. If you hear anyone, or you are seen, hide there.” He pointed to a dark space beneath the stairs. “Or call my name and I’ll come.”

  Nodding again, Charlotte battled the panic as Fred walked away from her down the dimly lit hallway. Inhaling, she made herself walk to the first door and slowly turn the handle. She found a woman straddling a man on the bed; both were naked. She quickly shut the door and gulped in a breath. The next had a man tied to the bed and a woman standing over him. Charlotte didn’t want to think about that scenario too much, so quickly opened the third door. In the last two there was more of the same. Moving to the right, she opened the first door, praying it was empty.

  There were two empty chairs seated before what appeared to be a large window. Poking her head into the room, she searched for a bed.

  “You, Miss Radley, are a bloody fool!”

  A hand came out and grabbed her, and suddenly she was pulled into the room and pressed into a large, muscled chest. Looking up, she saw the clenched jaw of Lord Needly.

  “Release me!”

  “Be quiet.” The words were growled into her ear, and then suddenly her back was against the wood paneling of one wall.

  “Stop struggling,” he whispered as he nudged her into a dark corner. “We are no longer alone.”

  “Let’s have you then, girl!”

  Charlotte shuddered as a man spoke. Looking around Lord Needly, she saw two men now seated before the large window. Her heart thudded hard as she tried to get him to release her. Instead, the two bands of iron holding her gripped her tighter.

  “Not a word or movement.” His breath was hot against the shell of her ear.

  She watched a woman walk out with a candle behind the glass.

  “There she is, there’s my girl!”

  The men were calling to the woman through the glass. She was dressed in a flimsy gown that allowed them to see her breasts and the thatch of hair between her thighs. When a man walked out, Charlotte watched him rip the gown from her body, then cup her breasts in both hands and begin to caress them. The men shouted out encouragement. The woman then began to take off the man’s clothes and Charlotte pushed her head into the hard wall of Lord Needly’s chest in horror as she felt the treacherous heat of excitement rise in her body.

  It was fear that had produced that and nothing more. She was not aroused at seeing those two people, she assured herself; her breasts did not feel heavy, nor were her nipples tight. She was not thinking of the man holding her doing those things to her, Charlotte told herself, even as she felt her body sink into his. He was warm and solid; each muscle clenched as he caged her against his body. He surrounded her, his scent filled her head, and she had the foolish urge to press her lips to his neck.

  “Release me,” she whispered. Her words sounded soft and needy, and when his hand touched her chin, lifting it, she did not resist.

  His mouth was hard, forcing her head back against the wood, urging her lips open as he took them in a hot savage kiss. She couldn’t breathe. His body touched every part of hers, crushing her breasts, bracing her thighs. It was possession, and she’d never experienced anything like it before. His teeth clashed with hers as his hands swept up and down her sides, circling her ribs to splay over her waist.

  Charlotte couldn’t think, only feel as he took her on a sensual journey she had never traveled before. He softened the kiss, his anger now gone as he started to tease her lips, urging instead of demanding a response from her that she was only too willing to give. Where one kiss stopped another started, and she wanted more.

  Gripping his lapels, she held him close as his hands moved over her, his fingers touching the undersides of her sensitive breasts. Even through the layers of clothing she could feel them, wanted them on her flesh, cupping, kneading, as the man had to the woman behind that glass.

  Suddenly he pulled away, and Charlotte felt his chest heave along with hers as she battled the unfamiliar feelings of lust that still rampaged through her body.

  Aware now of other noises in the room, she heard the men grunting and urging the couple on to more lewd acts. Lord Needly began to move her slowly along the wall to the door. He opened it and dragged her out. Seconds later, she was in the empty hall with him, breathless and wanting to run to the dark corner beneath the stairs, where she would not have to face this man.

  Chapter Six

  Shame washed through Charlotte at what she’d done. To have responded as she had to a man she barely knew was disgraceful.

  “What the hell are you doing in such a place, Charlotte?”

  “L-looking for an injured girl.”

  His handsome features were drawn into an angry mask as he glared at her. Was she the only one affected by what had happened between them? Charlotte realized with a painful rush of clarity that she was an innocent fool to believe otherwise. The man was an experienced rake; dallying with women was a pastime for him.

  “What injured girl?” he snarled.

  She took refuge in haughtiness. “I received a note that a woman was beaten here and needed my help. And as you have not found the missing girls yet, I decided to look for them as I came to her aid.”

  He cursed softly. “In a brothel, that incidentally has an opium den nearby and a gambling house on the lower floor?”

  “As I’m standing here, I believe answering that with yes would be a little superfluous.” How could he not be affected by what they had done? She studied his face as he looked over her head to see if they were still alone. His jaw was clenched, and perhaps his breathing was still more rapid than normal, but that could be anger because she’d interrupted his pleasures. She didn’t like to think that he’d come here for pleasure or that he frequented brothels, and then called herself a fool once more. It didn’t matter what he did with his life, only that he found her girls.

  “Forgive me for intruding on your pleasures.” She waved a hand at the door they had recently walked through.

  “You think I was in that room to watch?” His brows lowered as he pushed his face into hers. “That I come here to seek out my pleasures?”

  Charlotte nodded as she tried to reclaim her usual control. She had never been the type of woman whose head was easily turned by a man; now was not the time to start just because she had been touched and kissed… thoroughly.

  “That, Miss Radley, is an insult.” His voice was a deep growl. “When I seek my pleasures, it is in a clean bed with a consenting woman, and I assure you, I do not need that sort of stimulation to get me started.”

  The image of him naked with another woman was not one Charlotte felt comfortable contemplating.

  “Who is here with you?” He snapped out the words.

  “Fred is upstairs checking for the injured girl, and I must look behind the last few doors, to ensure she is not there.”

  “She is not, as I have looked, and there is no sign of the missing girls here either, so that would suggest you were lured here on false pretenses.”

  “Oh.” Charlotte felt like a fool. “Are you here investigating, my lord?”

  She saw the answer to her question in the dark blue eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I believe we discussed the matter of you trusting me earlier today?”

  “Yes, but you can’t expect me to do so on such a short acquaintance, surely?”

  “Try” was all he said.

  “Why did you kiss me?”

  His eyes ran over her face. �
�Because had either of those men turned and seen you, they would have wanted more than a brief kiss, Miss Radley. Therefore, I claimed you as mine.”

  A shiver ran through her at his words. No one had ever wanted to claim Charlotte.

  “I apologize if my brief kiss upset you.”

  Brief. Dear Lord, Charlotte could only imagine what a long kiss from this man would do to her.

  “I see. Well, in that case, thank you.”

  His lips softened from their grim line, and suddenly his eyes held a wicked glint.

  “It was no hardship, Miss Radley. You have a lovely mouth to go with your lovely body.”

  Charlotte felt heat once again sweep over her. “I-I—how dare you,” she said with absolutely no conviction. In fact, it sounded more like a caress than censure.

  “Did I offend your maidenly sensibilities, Miss Radley?” He was mocking her now. “Surely that man and woman behind the glass have already done that, or perhaps you enjoyed the experience?”

  “Don’t be vulgar, Lord Needly. I am a woman of the world and it would take more than that display, a few coarse words, and a kiss from you to unsettle me, I assure you.”

  Before she could stop him, he’d placed a hand between her breasts, pressing his fingers against her body so he could feel her heart beat.

  “Your heart tells me you lie, Miss Radley, but if you wish for me to convince you further, then I am happy to oblige.”

  She slapped his hand aside and then tried to push him backward. Her efforts were futile, as he did not budge.

  “My heartbeat is elevated due to the circumstances, Lord Needly. I assure you frequenting a brothel is not something I do with regularity. Nor do I see the lewd acts I have witnessed this night on a daily basis. Furthermore, do not place your hands on my person again.”

  He looked at her for long heated seconds, and Charlotte managed to school her features to show no emotion. Then he stepped back and she was able to breathe easily once more.

  “I’m sure that tonight’s events have merely strengthened your dislike of men, Miss Radley.”

  Charlotte remained silent.

  “Someone comes. Hide in there.” He pushed her into the shadows beneath the stairs.

  “There is no sign of an injured lady or the missing girls up there, Charlotte.”

  It was Fred returning, much to Charlotte’s relief. Stepping out once again, she watched him look at Lord Needly.

  “Bringing your mistress here was folly, boy, and I hope you will show more sense in the future.”

  “Fred is not to blame, and how dare you speak to him that way.” She didn’t raise her voice, as she had no wish to draw anyone from the rooms, but Charlotte was sure he heard her anger.

  “No, he’s right, Charlotte. It was foolish, I should have come alone this evening.”

  She opened her mouth to refute those words but Lord Needly stopped her by placing his hand over her lips.

  “This is not the place for this discussion, so be quiet until we are safely outside.”

  Fuming that he’d told her to be quiet, she refrained from biting him and instead, clamped her lips together.

  “You go first, boy.” Lord Needly motioned Fred toward the stairs.

  “Fred’s my name,” he muttered.

  “Very well, Fred,” Lord Needly said, grabbing Charlotte’s arm and tugging her forward. He pulled up her hood, which had fallen off her head during their heated interlude.

  “Stay close to his back, and I shall follow.”

  Charlotte nodded and did as he asked. She wanted to get out of there quickly, now she knew it was possible they’d been lured there on false pretenses.

  They reached the lower floor once more, and she followed Fred closely through the room.

  “What’s this, are you taking one home with you?” Charlotte looked up in time to see a man lunge toward her. “I’ve tried that but wasn’t allowed.”

  Before she could draw another breath, Lord Needly had stepped in front of the man, blocking his view of Charlotte.

  “I would advise you not to touch her.” His voice wasn’t loud, but the menacing tone carried to the corners of the room.


  She couldn’t see who that voice belonged to, but there was no doubt it was a gentleman and whoever he was now stood beside Lord Needly.

  “There doesn’t have to be,” Lord Needly said.

  The man must have decided to retreat, as seconds later, a large hand on her back was propelling her forward, and their small procession was again heading for the door. Once outside, they kept walking down the lane until they were well clear of Klipper House.

  “Thank you, my lord. Fred and I shall be on our way home now,” Charlotte said, moving away from Lord Needly.

  “I will walk with you.”

  “We do not need your company and are more than capable of reaching home safely,” Charlotte said, desperate to get away from the disturbing man.

  “Too bad, you have it, and may I suggest in future you think before you act, as tonight could have ended differently had I not found you when I did.”

  “How I live my life is of no concern to you, my lord.”

  “You made it my concern when you approached me for help, Miss Radley. Now please tell me more of this note,” he said, falling into step beside her as Fred took the lead.

  “It said the woman had been beaten and left unaided and in dire need of my help.

  “Have you had notes of this nature before?”

  “No, anyone who wants help usually arrives on my doorstep, or a friend brings them to the house. Occasionally, I call upon a brothel but it is always in daylight hours.”

  They walked in silence as he thought over her words. He held her arm now, his large fingers wrapped around her elbow. She could feel the heat from them seeping into her body.

  She was aware of him looking, watching every nook and dark shadow as they walked; the tension coiled tightly inside him until they reached her doorstep.

  “You could have chosen a house in a less notorious part of East London, Miss Radley.”

  “I could have,” Charlotte said, handing Fred her house key. “However, this was all I could afford at the time.”

  He wanted to say something further about her circumstances, but instead said, “Promise me you will not take such risks again, Miss Radley.”

  “I cannot make you that promise, my lord, as I have no idea where next my help will be needed.”

  “I shall rephrase that then, and ask that you do not enter places like Klipper House again, nor will you venture out at night.”

  She managed a small, dry laugh. “I shall make you the promise that I will not enter a place such as the one I did this evening, Lord Needly. Will that suffice?”

  He blew out a loud breath. “I would rather you said ‘Yes, my lord, I shall of course do as you ask and stay away from all danger and take no more risks. Nor will I leave the house after dark alone to venture into places that Lord Needly does not deem fit.’”

  Charlotte laughed, she couldn’t help it. His words were foolish but made her feel warm inside. Not many people in her life had cared for her safety.

  “It is no laughing matter, I assure you, Charlotte. Have you thought that perhaps you were lured to Klipper House to be abducted?”

  “Oh, well, no, I did not.” Charlotte felt the smile fall from her lips as she wondered if he was right, and on the heels of that thought came another. Was her father behind the first attempt that day in the street, and had one of his staff been waiting to intercept her tonight? If so, why did he want her now, after so many years had passed?

  “But it is a possibility, especially considering there was no sign of an injured woman, and someone has already tried to take you off the street. If, as you suggested, your father is involved, then he will have resources that far outstrip your own. Knowing what I do of the Duke, he is also not a man to give up easily on what he wants.”

  “I-I don’t know that my father is involve
d. I just thought the man who attempted to abduct me looked like Mr. Hollander, his steward.”

  “But he could be, and that is not something you should take lightly.”

  Charlotte felt fear slither down her spine. She could never hope to win against her father, if indeed it was he who was behind the attempted kidnapping.

  “I don’t know why my father would show any interest in me now when he could barely stand the sight of me when I lived with him.”

  Feeling suddenly unsettled and vulnerable, Charlotte had the foolish urge to fall forward onto his chest and let his arms hold her once more. She’d never relied on anyone, never had anyone besides Fred and Dandy care about her, but right at that moment of weakness she wanted it.

  This man would protect what belonged to him; they would know without a shadow of a doubt that he would put their safety above his. Charlotte felt a flash of anger that she would never have that, and then shame because she had so much more than many. Her life was as she wanted it, and there was no place in it for silly dreams and wishes that would never come true.

  “The Lords of Night Street will look into this further. If your father is in some way involved, then we will find out.”

  “No. Your priority must be those missing women, Lord Needly. I assure you I can look after myself.”

  “The incidents may be related, Charlotte, and you cannot stop me if I chose to investigate your father’s movements.”

  “B-but he is a dangerous man, Lord Needly. I beg of you to keep your distance from him. He is a man who, if crossed, can be quite ruthless.”

  “Did you cross him?” The words were gentle, as was the hand he placed beneath her chin, lifting it until their eyes met.

  “Yes.” Charlotte remembered the punishments she had suffered at the hands of Mr. Hollander. Her father could not tolerate punishing her personally, as he then would have to acknowledge her. “Many times.”

  “Please let me commend you on your strong will then, Miss Radley.”

  He did not show her pity and Charlotte was grateful for that; she wanted no one’s sympathies.

  “Some people should have been drowned at birth, and I’ve always believed your father was one of them.”


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