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Marry Me, Maddie

Page 24

by Rita Herron

  Lance's face crinkled with worry. "Don't tell me, more problems? It's almost time—"

  "Don't worry." Reid patted his big brother on the back. "I've got everything under control." At least he hoped he did.

  Lance breathed a sigh of relief, and Reid followed him inside the model-home office. He would just have to wait for Knobby to investigate Sophie Lane and discover whether she was someone from his father's checkered past. Someone who was only pretending to be Maddie's friend—someone who'd come to wreak havoc in all their lives.

  * * *

  Maddie paced the foyer of the Greek Revival home, her stomach in knots. She'd checked everything in every home twice, had her business cards in place, the greeters for the homes all lined up at their stations, but she was supposed to meet Chase before the tour and he hadn't showed.

  She was so nervous she'd been biting her acrylic nails.

  He'd finally phoned her this morning, claiming he had to see her before the tour, there was something important he wanted to tell her. Jeff had also phoned, saying he really wanted to see her tonight, too.

  She had to see Jeff eventually, but first, she needed to talk to Chase. Would he announce his love tonight? End their wonderful affair? Suggest they go together to tell her brothers about their involvement, then see how their relationship developed? Or maybe he was going to propose?

  No, Chase was a confirmed bachelor.

  Excitement stirred along her nerve endings though at the possibility of a future with him. She and Chase had great sex, they worked well together, and if they decided to marry someday, they'd make beautiful babies. A little boy who looked like Chase, that dark hair, those big, dark eyes. She could already picture Chase teaching him how to build, constructing a treehouse for their son....

  Reservations kicked in, replacing her daydreams. She hadn't seen Chase since that day in the exercise room. According to Lance and Reid, he'd locked himself in his office to finish some work for the next building phase, but they'd acted funny when they'd talked to her. And they hadn't once mentioned the fact that she and Chase had made love.

  He had told them, hadn't he?

  If not, maybe he was waiting for the tour. Or maybe he had never intended on telling them; maybe he planned to show her the bachelor pact and send her packing.

  In the background, she heard the tour guide rehearsing her notes, practicing her spiel. Maddie's hand flew to her throat, automatically feeling for the missing heirloom. She'd frozen up yesterday when Lance had asked her if she was going to wear it to the open house. Finally, she'd had the good sense to tell him she was having the necklace cleaned. Soon she would have it back. Very soon.

  Another motor rumbled, and she recognized Chase's truck through the branches lining the drive. He swerved into the driveway and climbed out, looking handsome and powerful in a dark blue shirt and khakis. Had he dressed for the tour or her?

  Sunlight glinted off his bronze skin as he stepped onto the covered portico and opened the door. Maddie's heart raced, her stomach fluttering.

  "Hey," she said, unable to hide the smile that slipped onto her face.

  His gaze raked over her, hungry and dark, and maybe a little bit troubled.


  "Can we talk?"

  "Sure." Maybe he wanted a quickie before the tour.

  Arousal sparked, hot and titillating, through her body. She'd be more than happy to accommodate him.

  Instantly hungry for his touch, she dragged him upstairs to the master suite, and then to the master bath where she eyed the Jacuzzi with interest.

  He didn't mince words. "You all set?"

  Maddie twisted her hands in front of her, wanting to touch him, but hoping he'd make the first move. "Yeah. I think so anyway."

  "The house looks great, Mad. You should win a lot of clients from this tour."

  "Thanks. You and the guys are going to impress everyone, too."

  He leaned against the tub, shuffling as if he were nervous, then jammed one hand in his pocket. Maddie's heart thumped with anticipation and dread.

  "I... we need to talk, I was going to wait till after the tour, but..."

  "Chase, what is it?" Maddie reached for his hand and held it between both of hers, tracing lines across his dark skin. Her fingers burned from the erotic chemistry spiraling from the innocent contact. "Just say what's on your mind. You can tell me anything, you know that?"

  Surprise registered on his face. "I went to talk to Oglethorpe yesterday."

  Maddie sucked in a breath. "You talked to Jeff?"

  "Yeah, did Lance or Reid tell you?"

  "No." Maybe that was the reason they'd acted so odd on the phone. Her hand flew to her neck again. "It's about the necklace, isn't it? Jeff told you?" She sank onto the side of the tub, dropping her head into her hands. "Lance and Reid know, don't they?"

  Chase shook his head. "What necklace?"

  "My heirloom." Maddie shook her head. "I didn't want the boys to find out."

  Chase sat down beside her, tipping her chin up to look at him. "I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing, Maddie. What's going on?"

  "Then they don't know?"

  "Know what?"

  "That I put Mom's heirloom up for collateral to back my decorating business."

  "You mean Oglethorpe actually took your mother's necklace?" Chase asked in an incredulous voice.

  Maddie nodded miserably. "I was surprised, too, but he said I'd made the rules. I wanted a business loan so that's exactly what he gave me." She tucked a stand of hair behind her ear, relieved to have the secret out in the open. "That's why this tour's success is really important to me. I have to make money, make a go of my business so I can get the necklace back."

  "I don't think your brothers have a clue," Chase said, massaging her back.

  Maddie frowned. "I hope not. They'd be disappointed, and I really want to make them proud. This heirloom means a lot to all of us. It's the only thing I have of my mother's." Other than that strange recipe book, and I certainly couldn't have put it up for collateral.

  * * *

  Chase's gut clenched at the misery on Maddie's face. "I can imagine, Mad. Your mom was wonderful."

  "She was, wasn't she?" Maddie said.

  "Yeah, a hell of a lot better than mine." He could kill the man for taking the prized piece of jewelry from Maddie. Did Oglethorpe think that if he made their business fail, Maddie's would also fail, and she'd come running back to him?

  A twisted, selfish plan, but one he could imagine the wuss conjuring.

  Unfortunately, one he doubted he could ever prove. Oglethorpe was the type to hide his sneakiness in legalities and well-chosen syntax, covering his bony ass all the way.

  On the ride over, Chase had debated how to handle the situation with Oglethorpe. And what to do about Maddie. He'd planned to end their affair before the tour, but he couldn't stand to upset her or add to her worries now. She looked so sweet and vulnerable....

  He reached out just to comfort her, to hold her. But holding Maddie led to other things. Things that were supposed to be off-limits.

  No, he had to break it off. Maybe if he told her about his own mother, she'd be so repulsed she wouldn't want him either. He screwed up his courage, but his voice still quivered, "Maddie, I always admired your mom. My mother hated me. The day she left me, she said she was glad to be rid of me, that I was so mean I'd tear up a rock."

  "How awful." Maddie's hand gently cupped his jaw. "Little boys are supposed to tear up rocks, Chase. That's why they're little boys."

  This wasn't going as he planned.

  Her tender concern made his throat tighten. "I didn't tell you to gain sympathy, Maddie, I only wanted you to know how lucky you were to have a mom like yours. So, don't worry, honey, the tour will be a success, and you'll have the necklace back in no time."

  Maddie's face split into a radiant smile that sent a tingling feeling all through his body. "You're wonderful, Chase." She threw her arms around him and hugged him, her breasts
pressing against his chest in an erotic tease. "I've missed you so much. I'm so glad you're here now."

  Suddenly her lips found his, her hands tunneled through his hair, and he forgot all reason. He swept her into his arms, his body aching and hard, his sex swelling painfully against his slacks. She arched into him, her nails scraping his back, drawing him closer as she suckled his lips and plunged her tongue into his mouth.

  "God, Maddie, the tour."

  "We'll make it fast," she whispered hoarsely, already tugging at his shirt. "But I have to have you, Chase. I've been so empty without you."

  Her words destroyed any lingering reservations.

  "And I have to have you, Maddie." Just one more time. He dipped his head to lick her neck. "I've never tasted anything as sweet as your body."

  She caressed his chest, then dipped her hand lower into his slacks and stroked his sex, freeing him from his underwear and into her hand. He moaned and snaked his arm around her to lift her onto his aching shaft.

  "Yes, Chase, oh, yes." She spread her legs, straddling him as his hands worked the front clasp of her bra. Her beautiful breasts spilled forward in his hands, and he cupped her weight, bowing his head to suckle her. The sounds of his mouth feeding on her echoed in the empty room. He didn't care.

  He pushed her skirt up further, groaning at the sight of her garter. With a devilish, teasing grin, she impaled herself on him.

  Footsteps clinked on the hardwood floor downstairs.

  "Chase, Maddie?"

  "Damn," Chase whispered hoarsely, "your brothers are here!"

  "Oh, my God!"

  Maddie jumped up to grab her clothes and banged him in the eye with her elbow. He moaned and reached for his pants.

  "They have the absolute worst timing." Maddie quickly fastened her bra, righting her shirt just as her brothers appeared in the doorway.

  Chase was trying to fasten his pants, but they were caught on his boot!

  "What—" Lance's words died in his throat as he summed up the scene.

  Chase fisted his hands by his sides. Shit. There'd be no denying it this time.

  Maddie had missed a button on her shirt, making the ends hang askew. And he'd been caught, literally, with his pants down.

  Chapter 25

  Maddie was prepared to stand up to her brothers and confess everything, especially since her brothers were glaring at Chase if they planned to murder him. "Lance, Reid—"

  "The tour's here!" the real-estate agent announced from downstairs. "Maddie, hurry so you can greet them."

  Chase, Lance and Reid exchanged labored looks. "This isn't over," Lance snarled.

  Chase leaned closer to Maddie and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry. I'll take care of things. And we'll get your necklace back."

  The real-estate agent rapped on the staircase. "Maddie, they're coming up the sidewalk!"

  Maddie inched to the edge of the window and peered out. "Oh, my goodness. There are so many people. I have to go." She turned and saw her brothers yanking Chase toward the door. He was still trying to buckle his belt.

  "We're going to have a little talk," Lance said in a growl.

  "Guys, wait!" Maddie yelled.

  "It's okay, Maddie," Chase said in a low voice. "I'll see you after the tour."

  "Like hell you will," Reid snapped.

  "Boys, don't you dare—"

  "Get downstairs, Maddie." Chase jerked free of her brothers. "This is what you've been working so hard for. Go on."

  Maddie glanced back and forth between her brothers and Chase, torn. "You guys have to take your places, too."

  "We'll do what we have to do," Lance said.

  "Maddie!" the real-estate agent chirped. "Hurry! You should be here to greet them!"

  Chase nodded for her to go ahead, and she brushed down her skirt, rebuttoned the front of her blouse, patted her hair into place and raced down the stairs. She heard the men's footsteps following but didn't have time to pause as a steady stream of people came flooding through the front door.

  * * *

  Three and a half hours later, Maddie sank onto the Chippendale sofa and breathed a contented sigh of relief. The first phase of the tour had been a success. So successful in fact that the real-estate agents had decided they would keep it open all week. Potential buyers had seemed to jump out of the woodwork. Maddie had a pocket full of business cards from prospective clients, buyers had expressed interest in two of the houses she'd decorated, and she'd heard nothing but praise for her brothers' work and Chase's designs. Jeff and his mother had even come.

  Her chest swelled with pride for all of them even as her stomach fluttered with nerves. She had to find the boys and talk to them. And Chase. It was better everything was out in the open.

  But her earlier conversation with Chase nagged at her; he'd planned to tell her something important. Was it that he'd seen Jeff or had there been something else on his mind—as in a breakup?

  Or had he already explained things to her brothers by now, smoothed things over?

  A girl could hope, couldn't she?

  Unease pressed a fiery path down her throat. What if Chase wanted to end things? He'd always been fiercely loyal to Lance and Reid, but how did he feel about her?

  "Maddie, I'm glad I caught you here alone for a minute." Jeff Oglethorpe coasted up beside her, sipping champagne from one of the flutes that had been set up at the celebratory table. He handed her a small jewelry box.

  Maddie's heart raced—was it her mother's heirloom?

  "Hi, Jeff." Maddie stood, feeling anxious.

  "Congratulations on the success of the tour. Mother was impressed as well." Jeff's smile radiated warmth. "Go ahead, open the box."

  Maddie's fingers trembled as she lifted the lid. A stunning cameo pin lay on a square of red velvet.

  "I picked it out just for you," Jeff said, his voice thick with emotions.

  Maddie's gaze rose to meet his. "But Jeff, I... I can't accept this."

  "Sure you can. It would mean a lot to me, Maddie. I want you to have it to commemorate your new career."

  Maddie blinked back tears. Jeff took the oval cameo out and pinned it to her collar. Then he brushed a kiss on her cheek. "The tour was really impressive, Maddie."

  "Thank you." Maddie pulled away slightly, still uncomfortable with the gift. "I'm glad you thought so, Jeff. We all worked hard on organizing the show, but Lance and Reid have been especially diligent about checking their contractors' work."

  "Their efforts obviously paid off." He gestured around the room with a wide sweep of his hand. "You definitely have a talent for decorating. A couple of Mother's friends are interested in buying one of the tour homes. Furnishings and all."

  "That's wonderful," Maddie said, her smile sincere. "There was so much interest, we've decided to keep the tour running all week."

  "Superb." He clasped her hand in his, pulling her nearer. "Your houses drew a lot of comments, Maddie. I'm proud of you."

  Maddie patted her purse. "I did pick up a lot of contacts. Hopefully, I can pay back my loan soon and get back my mother's necklace."

  Jeff nodded. "Yes, of course." He reached out and caressed her cheek with the palm of his hand. "Can we go someplace and talk?"


  "Come on, let me buy you dinner. I want to make things up to you. You have received all my gifts, haven't you?"

  "Yes, and they were all very thoughtful. But I can't go right now," Maddie said. "I have to meet Lance and Reid about the tour."

  "Later, then?" He stroked her cheek again. "Maybe we could celebrate together. Go out to the river like we used to do. Maybe take a boat ride."

  Maddie took a step backward, her pulse clamoring as if she were being disloyal to Chase. Silly, since he'd never said he wanted a commitment. "I'll call you later and we'll talk, but right now I really have to go."

  With a quick good-bye, she turned and fled to find the boys. She hoped Chase had already explained their relationship, so she and Chase could go celebrate together.
That is, if her brothers hadn't tied him to a tree with his own belt and lynched him.

  * * *

  Chase shook hands with the last guest, a physician from New York who had decided to relocate to the sunny South, and jotted a note about the meeting they'd scheduled for the following week in his calendar. He should be excited—the tour had been a bigger success than any of them could have imagined. He had retainers from two customers, five others interested in custom-designed homes and a few more calls to return.

  But he still had to deal with Lance and Reid and explain about his relationship with Maddie.

  They'd temporarily called a truce when the tour had begun, all three of them turning to business, acting the professionals he'd thought none of them would ever be. But with each passing second, his anxiety grew. Reid and Lance had avoided looking at him at all—a testament to how much they hated him. He'd helped them intimidate Oglethorpe after that TV debacle. And now, he'd acted far worse than the wuss. He'd seduced their baby sister—they'd probably kill him.

  Just at the time his business was finally panning out, his dreams for making something of himself and showing Savannah he wasn't a nobody, the rest of his world was falling apart. Crumbling in his hands so fast he wasn't sure he could save it.

  "Looks like everything was a success," Lance said as the door closed behind the last visitor. The three of them converged around the round oak table in the breakfast nook, sipping on coffee.

  "Yep. I'd say we're in good shape," Reid added with a grin. "And I heard several people raving over Maddie's decorating. Sounds like our little sister's found her calling."

  Chase squared his shoulders and faced them. Might as well act like a man. "I told you she had things under control."

  Both his friends' faces twisted with emotions—anger, hurt, disbelief.

  "Yeah, and we thought you had things under control with her," Lance said.

  "We trusted you," Reid said in a gravelly voice.

  And therein lay the crux of the problem, Chase thought. He'd betrayed his best buddies' trust, the guys who'd helped him all his life. And the only way he knew to fix the problem was to let go of Maddie.


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