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Volatile Breath of Darkness

Page 5

by Candice Stauffer

  deemed him worthy of receiving his saving grace and his mercy.

  He was a different man than before, a righteous man. No matter what happened his temper would

  never have the ability to control him again. Any fool could see that it did not possess the power to do it

  now that his days and night of fasting and meditation had achieved what his mother claimed an

  impossibility. He no longer suffered the curse placed on him for his father’s vile transgressions with filthy

  disease spreading whores.

  Once again he looked upon his latest photo. Despite all that had happened God had chosen to give

  him the purest, most stunning woman ever born. He would be damned for eternity if he destroyed such a

  priceless gift. Messing up again was not even an option to be considered, because he would never find

  pleasure in harming or killing her.

  The devil and his cohorts had no power over him now that his past sins had been forgiven. They

  could not influence or taint his thoughts with their venom anymore. Their endless seductive whispers

  could never overpower him and cause him to stumble. Thanks to his ability to finally prove that he had

  the strength to wield unfaltering faith he had achieved the right to claim his power over them.

  Laughing out loud, for he was bursting at the seams with joy, he raised his arms and spun around in

  three full circles. When he stopped he reached up and affectionately brushed the tips of his fingers across

  the image of his lovely reward. “There is nothing to fear, my dear sweet bride. I vow to be a patient

  teacher and a gentle master to you for all the days of your life. I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that

  I will never be led astray again. Nothing is impossible for me now that I have gained the right to stand tall

  and proud as a righteous man of God Almighty.”


  IT WAS JUST before closing when Julie pulled Brianna into the backroom. “Can you watch the boutique

  for a few minutes?”

  Brianna heard a tinge of worry in her voice. “Sure.” Since Julie had a talent for getting into troubling

  and dangerous situations, Brianna decided to dig for as much information as possible. “Is everything


  “Yeah. Caleb showed up a few minutes ago. I want to sneak out back and talk to him before Mia

  returns or he might get sick of waiting and come inside. Whenever he steps foot in this place she goes on

  a ferocious rampage with disinfectant spray for hours, because she claims he leaves his stink all over


  “Mia is not coming back. Joseph took her to Alaska for the weekend. They will not be back until

  Monday morning at the earliest.”

  “I am not willing to take the chance. With the way my luck has been going lately I would not be

  surprised if she forgot something and came back. Thanks to Joseph being able to poof them from one

  place to another she could easily return without a moments warning.”

  Brianna tried, but could not hold it back, she laughed out loud. “I guess since she is still giving you a

  hard time about Caleb. Joseph has not been able to convince her that he is a good match for you.”

  “Nope. Not at all. Mia despises Caleb. The last time Joseph tried to tell her otherwise she went all

  sorts of nutty on him. I actually thought she was going to seriously hurt him.”

  “Do not let Joseph fool you. He loves every minute of it. He is constantly provoking her. I bet he

  spends time every day trying to come up with new ways to irritate her. And I do not believe she truly

  hates Caleb. She loves you a lot. You are like a little sister to her. She’s just worried that he will end up

  doing something stupid and hurt you.”

  “That is because she does not know him. She will never give him a chance. He is a vampire and that

  means she hates him. Considering that vampires killed her parents I do not blame her, but her hatred for

  him has nothing to do with her loving me or wanting to protect me.”

  “She might come around one day. Go ahead and talk to him. I will take care of the boutique.”

  Taking the most familiar route, Brianna made her way to the front. Being unable to actually see

  anyone meant that the best way to watch the boutique was to stand behind the counter and listen for the

  door to open. It was not long before she heard someone come through the door. “Hello,” she greeted the

  costumer and waited for a response.

  “Hello Brianna.”

  “Do I know you?” She was certain she did not recognize his voice.

  “No. My name is Carl. I have seen you stop at the coffee shop next door with your friend a few

  times. I have been stopping back by now and then for the past few weeks hoping to see you again, but I

  keep missing you. This morning one of the girls that work there told me your name and that I could find

  you here.”

  Ever since she had caught him listening in on her conversation, Brianna felt Nikolas’ presence.

  Hoping he would slip away she ignored him. Though he remained absolutely silent and still, she knew

  that he was with her, observing the situation. He was not overly concerned for the dragon charm around

  her neck was not reacting in any way. “How can I help you, Carl?”

  “I was hoping I could...I mean, I wanted to ask you if it…” He took a deep audible breath and

  released it with a heavy sigh. “My plan seemed a thousand times easier when I was still in the planning

  stages of it.”

  Tilting her head to the side, she frowned. “Is something wrong?”

  “No. I am sorry.” He paused for several seconds until the silence reached the point of being quite

  awkward. “You are blind, aren’t you?”

  Resisting the urge to laugh to avoid making the poor guy feel any more uncomfortable than he

  obviously was over approaching her, she nodded. “Yes.” She gave him a warm and hopefully calming

  smile. “I am.”

  Again, an uneasy silence lagged on for a bit too long. “Would you be interested in going out to

  dinner with me, Brianna?”

  It was over in a flash, but she got the image of Nikolas head snapping up from his computer screen

  and his eyes going blood red as he lifted his lip in a snarl.

  “Like a date?” It was definitely not what she had expected to hear. She smiled. It was obviously not

  what Nikolas had anticipated. Did he think that just because she was not woman enough for him that no

  man would want her?


  “It is a very tempting offer, but…”

  “Please let me finish before you make a decision,” he interrupted. “I only want a chance to spend an

  evening with you. No strings attached. If you chose to never see me again, I will walk away with no

  questions asked. I swear our night out will not lead to unwanted visits or any further commitments unless

  you wish to hear from me again.”

  It was difficult to pretend she did not know Nikolas was listening to every word and becoming

  increasingly agitated. She nearly laughed out loud when she sensed that remaining a silent observer in her

  mind was not cutting it from him. She knew the instant he left his body and went to her in spirit. She

  found it close to impossible to prevent her gaze from shifting to where she sensed him with his arms

  crossed over his chest and brooding behind the poor unsuspecting guy.

  “As I was saying, it is a great offer but…” That was when she felt Nikolas’ demeanor switch. It did

  not set well wit
h her when she sensed Nikolas gloating over the fact that she was preparing to turn the

  man down. “The best I have had in a very long time. I had a guy in my life for short time.”

  “A boyfriend?”

  “No. He was never boyfriend material.” She felt Nikolas’ amusement turn to shock and then outrage.

  “He was more like a guy who used to constantly show up and make my life hell. She leaned over the

  counter and motioned for the man to move in a little closer. “He was disturbingly unstable and a bit

  annoying. I never knew when he was going to show up.”

  “He was a stalker?”

  Brianna shrugged. “Of sorts I suppose.”

  “Has he hurt you?”

  “Just my feelings.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “He has baggage.”

  “An ex-wife, kids or both?”

  “I wish. I am convinced that either or all would be more pleasant to deal with than his outrageous

  ego. He believes that I was not woman enough for him”

  “No way.”

  “I swear it is the truth.”

  “Is it because you are…I mean does it have…”

  “Because I am blind?” she asked to help him out.

  “It is not that I regard it as a reason for him to think about you as being anything less than a very

  attractive and virtuous woman. I am sure you don’t know how beautiful you are, but I swear it’s true. I

  have never seen a lovelier woman.”

  The sound of it was not audible, but she clearly felt Nikolas’ growl vibrate in her gut. It was time to

  let the man down gently and send him away for his own good. She felt Nikolas’ growing fury burning in

  her bones. Though instigating him was great fun, she realized that she was beginning to push him too far.

  “You are very kind gentleman. I am extremely flattered by your offer, but I must decline it for now.”

  She added ‘for now’ for Nikolas’ sake, but immediately regretted it when the man yelped.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. I just got a sudden pain right between my eyes. It is gone now. Give it some thought. In

  case you change your mind I work at Perry Insurance. It is south of here at the end of the block.”

  She nodded. “I know right where it is.”

  “I am glad we finally met.”

  “Thanks. As am I.”

  She heard the front open and close as he left. A few seconds later, saving her from being forced to

  deal with Nikolas, she heard the buzzer on the backdoor.

  Julie announced, “I am back, Brianna.”

  “How did it go?” she asked, thankful for the distraction to keep her mind off of Nikolas standing

  there unseen but definitely felt.

  “Good. He wanted to meet up tonight, but I told him we have plans.”

  “Actually, I am not feeling well. I am going to have to cancel on you.”

  “Are you sick?” Julie asked as she placed the back of her hand on Brianna’s cheek. “You do not feel


  “I am fine, just tired. I want to take a nice long bath and go to bed. Let’s lock up so you can call


  “Oh no.”


  “Nikolas is outside.”

  “What is he doing?”

  “He’s pacing the sidewalk,” Julie said.

  “Do not worry. I can handle him.”

  “There’s no way I’m leaving you alone with him.”

  “It is fine. I knew I would have to deal with him sooner or later. It will be easier for me to deal with

  him by myself.”

  “I understand, but if you need me for any reason tonight I want you to call me. I am a good listener.”

  “You’re much more than a good listener. You’re a wonderful friend. I will let you know if I need


  “For any reason.”

  “Yes. Now let’s get locked up.”


  NIKOLAS WALKED UP and down the sidewalk just outside the boutique as he waited for Brianna to

  lock up and come out. He never should have stood by to watch her chat and laugh with a man who, to be

  completely honest, did not appear to amount to much of anything. He definitely did not have a damn

  thing to offer her. To say that he was shocked when rather than tell him to get lost, she had encouraged

  the idiot to peruse her in the future was a gigantic understatement.

  The instant Brianna stepped outside the boutique he stopped pacing and stared at her. Did she truly

  believe that he thought she was not woman enough for him? Guilt swallowed him up. It was an

  understandable assumption for her to reach.

  He knew she was aware of his presence even though she walked by him as if he was not there. He

  experienced a deep sense of loss when she didn’t reach out to merge with him as she had always done

  before. “How was your day?” When she continued to walk he caught her hand.

  She stopped and looked at their hands for a few seconds, but then without saying a word she pulled

  her hand out of his and continued as if to leave.

  He walked alongside her. “I know you’re mad at me, but Joseph and Mia stopped by to tell me that

  they were leaving and asked me to…”

  “I do not need, nor do I want a babysitter.”

  “I thought it would be best to walk you home.”

  “If I wanted a seeing eye dog I would take steps to acquire one that would not gain pleasure by

  lifting its leg to piss on me. Go away. Just because I am blind does not mean I am helpless. I can make it

  home on my own.”

  He grabbed her arm to stop her. “Yes, I know but, but…”

  “What makes you think that I want to talk to you?” She shook her head. “Never mind, I forgot that

  what I think does not matter to you.”

  “That isn’t true.”

  “Okay. I know you didn’t show up here to escort me anywhere. You could have done that from your

  house. Tell me what whatever it is that you feel you must voice to me so that you are satisfied that you

  have successfully enriched me with your magnificent wisdom of all things.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I want you to go away. You are not leaving until you are convinced that you have repaired and

  fine-tuned my ailing brain by filling it with your unsurpassed intelligence. Don’t dilly-dally. Tell me what

  you believe I need to know so you are free to take off.”

  “Have you been well?” It was an asinine reply, but he couldn’t think of anything else.

  “I am happily moving on with my life.”

  He frowned. “I am sure you are.”

  “I had an interesting visitor today.”

  “Did you?” She was undoubtedly exaggerating. It was not as simple as some might think, but he

  played off being clueless very well.

  “Yes. I thought he was particularly charming.”

  He was not going to allow another irrefutable embellishment bother him. “How nice.”

  “His persona was more than enjoyable enough to get me thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “Rather than bore you with the details I will just say that I am not waiting for New Years to make a

  new resolution.”

  “What is the hurry? It is only a month away.”

  “I am eager to get on with a new beginning.”

  “What kind of a new beginning?” He should have let it go. Things were about to get ugly.

  “I do not need a keeper. Go away. I can find my own way home.”

  “I know you are able to do it, but why would you want to walk alone when you have me to keep you
r />   company along the way?”

  She laughed out loud. “I am so thrilled to learn that you finally developed a sense of humor.”

  “What is so funny?”

  “You. Us. This entire conversation. I cannot figure out why we are having it. Do you think I want to

  spend any time with you? I don’t. Not at all. I have never been anywhere as desolate and ice-cold as your

  heart other than your bed. I have no desire to ever return to either for future visits.”

  “I deserve your anger.”

  “You flew off the handle because I had the nerve to fall in love with you. Why did that agitate you?

  It is simple, I will never be good enough to be your ideal woman. You ripped my dignity away from me,

  but I managed to get it back. You hurt me. I got over it. I am not angry. I despise the day I met you.”

  “I cannot conceive of a more beautiful and desirable woman than you. I never intended to hurt you.”

  “You should have tried to hide the disgust in your eyes?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “After we made lo...after we had sex you…I will never forget the disgust in your eyes.”

  “Of you?”

  “You don’t get to pretend that you’re shocked.” She laughed out loud, but there was no humor in it.

  “It is not as if you made an effort to conceal it from me. You disposed of me. I don’t blame you. I was the

  one playing pretend.”

  All though he had a horrible sinking feeling in his gut warning him to abandon the conversation, he

  had to know what she was talking about. “What do you mean?”

  “That you were my boyfriend.”

  “I am not your boyfriend. I am…”

  “Woo hoo! This is fantastic!” She did a little dance and clapped. It irritated the hell out of him. She

  did it way too enthusiastically for his liking. “I am so happy we finally openly see eye to eye. It is such a

  wonderful relief to know I am free to confess my most wacky blunder ever.”

  “What would that be?” he asked. Why? He was a moron.

  “You always seemed to have a great time whenever you took my hand and led me into temptation.

  The problem was that the moment you managed to set me ablaze you got a bigger kick out of picking me

  up and tossing me into a pool of icy water. My repeated denial of the dilemma I encountered whenever


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