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Volatile Breath of Darkness

Page 14

by Candice Stauffer

from behind. When he turned she kicked water in his face as she backed away from him.

  She was playing with him. Teasing him. It felt awesome. Absolutely awesome. He would never hear a

  sound as sweet as her laughter.

  He dove beneath the water and resurfaced behind her and wrapping his arm around her waist he

  pulled her into deeper water. He made sure that he could stand, but she couldn’t when he spun her

  around to face him.

  “You don’t play fair.”

  He pulled her closer, pressing her body firmly against his. “I play to win.”

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulder. “What do you intend to win?”

  “Your heart. Your soul.”

  “What about my body? Are you interested in winning my body, Demetri?”

  He’d never even considered making himself vulnerable to anyone. And it wasn’t that he was

  allowing anything. He was entirely vulnerable, open and exposed, to her. It was impossible to hold back

  anything. She was the one he’d waited for his entire existence. He should’ve resisted her, his desire for

  her, but he couldn’t. He was so caught up in the moment. He knew he was messing it up. Creating a train

  wreck. She didn’t know it was real. But he couldn’t stop. “Definitely your body.”

  He claimed her mouth with his. He felt the predator, the dragon in him stir.


  “I don’t want to wait.”

  “This is not a delusion. I’m not part of your escape from the attacks you’ve suffered. I’m real. This

  moment is real.”

  She looked him. Her eyes widening as she stared at him for a few seconds. “Okay.”

  “You believe me?”

  “I sure do. Your hesitation proves it. I would never do anything to screw up something so


  He thought for sure she would insist that he take her home. “I’m sorry.”


  “For screwing things up.”

  “You think I’ve changed my mind?”

  He nodded. “I understand.”

  “And you’re willing to allow me to change my mind without putting up a fight?”

  “I’m not willing to rape you if that’s what you mean.”

  Her smile broadened. “I haven’t changed my mind.”

  “Not at all.”

  “Not even a teeny tiny bit, but you might change your mind when I come clean with you.”

  “I seriously doubt it.”

  “I’ve never wanted to be with a man.”

  “You’re a virgin?”

  “No. I’ve never been an eager participant.”

  He was most definitely going to be busy hunting men down and killing them…as painfully as

  possible. “Why would knowing that change my mind?”

  “I don’t know what would please you.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  “Where have you been?” The question ripped him from the memory.

  Making sure his face was an emotionless mask, he turned to face Jeremy Lang, a vampire with a

  combination of tainted blood and demon blood flowing in his veins. The fool thought the combination

  made him indestructible. He was mistaken. Demetri would’ve killed him long ago if not for the fact Mary

  wanted the idiot around. For the time being, keeping Mary happy was imperative. “You’re sadly mistaken

  if you think that I will ever give you a summary of my comings and goings.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I know you’re up to something. As soon as I can figure it out and prove it, Mary

  will throw your ass to the curb.”

  Being a master at deception Demetri wasn’t surprised that the vampire believed he cared about

  Mary. It was nothing to face the repulsive insect without revealing even a hint of the agony he was

  enduring because of Mary. Countless years of fighting one battle after another had hardened Demetri. He

  simply shrugged. “I think it would be more entertaining for you to attempt to pick me up and throw me to

  the curb. Why don’t you give a try?”

  “I won’t have to lift a finger to get Mary to turn her back on you.”

  Demetri laughed out loud. “Please don’t do it. Don’t turn Mary against me. I’m so scared. Really.

  Truly. I’m utterly terrified.”

  “Go ahead. Laugh now. Your good humor won’t last.”

  “It will last long after you’ve been destroyed.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve heard you’re being hunted by a Lycan pack. It the largest and strongest pack that is still

  roaming around and digging holes to bury bones. My guess is that my happy attitude will last long after

  they have pissed on your carcass and left it rot.”

  “Eli is nothing. He settled for a human mate. He is a spineless joke. His pack will never amount to a

  damn thing under his leadership. He doesn’t stand a chance against me. I control the local Lycans. Their

  intolerance for humans makes them a much stronger pack. They’ll demolish Eli’s bunch.”

  “Are you serious? You’re actually bragging about hiding behind a horde of flea infested pooches that

  rape and kill defenseless females? Oh, wait, that is a stupid question. I guess a nasty inept piece shit

  willing to do the same damn thing to prove he has great big muscles would naturally boast about his

  connection to an inferior mob of mongrels.”

  “Emily got what she asked for. I warned her time and time again to stay away. She did not have any

  business snooping around the tunnels.”

  “Do you ever wonder why I haven’t killed you for touching her?”

  “Mary would never allow you to do a damn thing to me.”

  “The reason I have not destroyed you is that she was in the tunnels searching for her mate.”

  “Are you claiming Zack Savage was her mate?”

  “Was? No. Zack is her mate. The demon whose blood you sucked down and then forced her to take

  from you. You committed suicide the instant you decided to injure her. Why should I waste the one

  second it would take me to end your miserable existence? I would rather sit back and wait to see whether

  Zack or Eli gets to you first. I’m rooting for Zack. Both will have no problem taking you out, but Zack

  will not actually do it until long after you begin begging him to end your suffering.”

  “She isn’t his mate.” Unable to hide his irritation and fear, the vampire spit the words out rather than

  say them.

  “Okay. Emily is not Zack’s mate. He is not going to torture you before having mercy on you and

  killing you. Now get lost.”

  “Mary wants you to come into the club. She needs your help,” Jeremy said.

  “Why doesn’t her favorite annoying tick help her?” Demetri asked.

  “She said it’s not an option. You’ll be sorry if you don’t go to her right now.” Rather than wait

  around for a response, Jeremy left.

  Demetri would’ve killed Jeremy a long time ago if doing so wouldn’t put Sara’s life in greater

  danger. Waiting didn’t bother him so much. Zack would take care of it.

  Dealing with Mary, when all he wanted to do was kill her, was difficult at best. He planned to go to

  her, but not right away. Shifting into his dragon form, he took to the sky. He shot straight up at great

  speed for thousands of feet. Then, tucking his wings, he dove. It would be nice if the impact could kill

  him, but it couldn’t. Being immortal it would just hurt like hell.

  Pulling up just before he crashed into the water, he flew low to allow the sea mist to cool his skin as

  he headed toward Nikolas’ property. Demetri pl
anned to get close enough to thoroughly examine his

  fellow demon’s safeguards. Getting through them was the only way he would ever get to Brianna again.

  By using her to find Sara, he’d pushed Nikolas too far. Nikolas would do his best to destroy him now.

  Demetri would never expect a lesser response from Nikolas. He certainly didn’t find fault in it. He made

  himself appear to be a threat Brianna.


  In his dragon form Nikolas sat on a ledge at the mouth of a large cave in the cliff just below his home. He

  studied the moonlit ocean and the distant horizon in search of signs of Demetri’s presence. He was out

  there, close by, watching and waiting for an opportunity to get closer.

  Nikolas hoped to lure him closer. He had no doubt that even though he was camouflaging his

  presence, Demetri could sense it as easily as he could sense his. And that was a problem. Being so equally

  matched, besting the other would be left to luck.

  To better locate him, Nikolas decided to attempt to get him to talk. The problem with doing so is that

  he might very well give away his location by initiating a conversation rather than get him to talk and

  giveaway his. Regardless, he believed it was the only way to proceed.

  What are you stalling for, Demetri? He waited for few moments, but Demetri didn’t respond. You

  had no problem sneaking up on a lone, defenseless woman and terrorizing her.

  Is that what your mate told you? It seems odd for her to say anything negative since we had such a

  lovely time bonding.

  You deceived her and forced her to help you locate Sara.

  I will admit to fibbing once or twice to her, but I did not coerce her to do anything. She was ecstatic

  to the point of being in a rush to offer her friendship and assistance to me. Just as willing and eager as

  she was to believe you do not think she is woman enough for you. Isn’t that what really has your panties

  in a twist tonight?

  Following his mental vibes as he spoke, Nikolas looked down at the beach below. Listening to him

  boast about getting to Brianna sucked. The last thing he wanted to do was give the son of bitch any more

  opportunities to brag, but he hadn’t quite pinpointed his location. I’m over it. Why should I let it ruin the

  rest of the weekend? It will never happen again.

  You know as well as I do that Brianna will never give up on finding her sister.

  Nikolas sensed Demetri pacing down below, but he was hidden by a thick layer of fog. He was close

  to locking in on him, but he needed a few more seconds of contact from him. Brianna understands that

  you are a threat to her sister. If you ever come across Sara it will not be by means of her connection to


  Really? Is that why Brianna is reaching out and trying to link up with me at this very moment? I find

  it hard to believe she will be any less cooperative in the future than she was earlier.

  Nikolas had an advantage. He knew exactly how far he was from the sand. He dove. He reached

  about halfway to the bottom when Demetri ascending slammed into him. The impact sent them hurtling

  out of control toward the beach. After landing on his back hard, Nikolas pushed through the pain to right

  himself and get to his feet to face Demetri.

  Demetri was already up and advancing on him. Nikolas braced himself for the impact, but then he

  realized as black flames surrounded Demetri that he was trying to shift away. Nikolas lunged to grab a

  hold of him to stop him, but he wasn’t fast enough. Standing alone on the beach he stared at the spot from

  where Demetri had shifted away and began to study the path he took. He quickly realized Demetri had

  used powerful ancient magic to hide the path well. He wouldn’t be able to follow.

  It didn’t make sense. Demetri didn’t run from fights. Not ever. The only thing that made sense was

  that Demetri didn’t want to fight. But why? It wasn’t a matter of fearing he would get his ass kicked.

  Nikolas wasn’t foolish enough to even entertain the thought of Demetri fearing the wounds or pain he

  might endure in aftermath of combat. It suddenly dawned on him that the only reason for Demetri to have

  left had to be because he had something more important to deal with. He needed to figure out what it was.

  It would be the key to destroying him.

  He looked at the ocean, lifting his head he roared.


  WAKING UP AND realizing that Nikolas was no longer in bed Brianna sat up and moved over to the

  edge of the bed. Using her mind, she reached for him but could not lock onto him. She pulled the sheet

  from the bed and wrapped it around her body. She knew the room well and though she couldn’t see, she

  made her way across it without incident to the balcony french doors and walked outside.

  Feeling her way to the railing, she lifted her head to the sky and took a deep breath. She loved the

  smell and feel of the cool salt air. She was only out there for a few minutes before she felt Nikolas merge

  his mind with hers. She could sense him, in his dragon form, moving across the sky as he made his way

  toward her. The moment she reached for his mind and connected fully with him she could see.

  I thought you were sleeping, little one. What are you doing out in the cold night air?

  She smiled. It was so funny to think his sweet endearment had riled her temper only hours ago, but

  now it melted her. I was trying to figure out what I have done to cause my lover to run off and leave me

  alone in his bed aching for him.

  From behind she felt his strong arms wrapped around her though she knew we wasn’t really present

  yet. Our bed. I did not think you would wake up before I returned. His voice was in her mind but she felt

  the heat of his breath on her ear.

  Where did you go?

  I needed to check the safeguards surrounding the property.

  She had spent more than enough time with him to know that meant trouble was near. Why? She was

  not sure if he would answer. She actually felt him hesitate. Don’t you dare lie to me.

  There was a threat, but I have taken care of it.

  You left me to deal with it? You did not even wake me up to tell me.

  Do not be alarmed. I am close and I am in my dragon form.

  Coming from the sea cliff she saw him moving quickly toward her. She wished she had the ability to

  soar over the sea. He was huge. His wing span reached well over a hundred feet. Your dragon form does

  not alarm me, Nikolas. Your unwillingness to let me know when you are placing yourself in danger

  alarms me.

  His deep, sexy laughter filled her mind. Step back just a bit.

  Doing as he instructed, she frowned. What is so funny?

  You were worried about my safety. A hot wind slammed into her as he approached the balcony.

  Surround by shimmering blackish silver flames, his image started to fade a few feet away from the

  railing. She blinked once. And just like that, he was in his human form on the balcony with his arms

  wrapped around her.

  He immediately tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away. “Seeing as you are an immortal and turn

  into a gigantic dragon I cannot worry about you?” He pulled her back into his arms and bent his head and

  laughed softly against the crook of her neck. “Stop! I’m serious! Stop laughing at me! You worry about

  me constantly, Nikolas.” She wiggled and struggled to break away from him, but only managed to make

  him laugh harder. “Stop it! I don’t think you’re funny at all
. How can you expect me to not care about


  He leaned back, framed her face in his hands and rested his forehead against hers. “I am not amused

  by your concern for me. My need to warn you that I was in my dragon form was funny, but that was not

  what caused me to laugh. The culprit is happiness. I love the way you make love to me. If I could I would

  spend every second of the rest of eternity worshiping your body with mine.”

  “I do admit that the idea of that appeals to me. As a matter of fact nothing pleases me more than to

  be with you.”

  He lifted her up so that she was sitting on the railing. “I will never forget how lucky I am to have


  Massaging his scalp with the tips of her fingers, she laughed. “I’ll be certain to remind you of that

  when you are being difficult.”

  “I look forward to it.” Wrapping his arms around her waist, he rested his head on her lap as she

  continued to move her fingers over his scalp.

  He lifted his head to look up at her. “I want to share something with you.” With a wave of his hand

  he dressed her in jeans, tennis shoes and her favorite warm sweater.

  “What are you planning to do?”

  He jumped up onto the rail next to her. “Just a few moments ago you were thinking about how you

  wished you could fly over the ocean.” He reached down. “Come on.”

  She took his hand and stood up. “You’re going to take me?”

  “I am.” He released her hand and turned his back to her. Looking down at the ground so far away

  made her feel dizzy, but she wasn’t afraid. He would never allow her to fall. He glanced over his shoulder

  at her. “That’s right. I wouldn’t. And I don’t have to touch you to hold onto you.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  “Good.” He reached behind him to take her hand and help her. “Come on. Climb up on my back. We

  don’t have long before the sunrises and though I can shield us from being seen it’s not a good idea to risk

  it unless it’s necessary.”

  The moment she wrapped her arms around his neck, he jumped from the railing and headed for the

  sea cliff. Without warning her he shifted into his dragon form mid-flight. Fearing she’d fall, she panicked

  for a second.

  I thought you trusted me.


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