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Volatile Breath of Darkness

Page 20

by Candice Stauffer

  time proved beyond any doubt that he was blessed.

  The instant he got out of the car he ran all the way to his room. Joy filling him up to the point of

  bursting he stood in front of his prized collection. Right away he knew something was wrong. It wasn’t

  the glorious piece of art he’d believed it was when he put the last picture on it. How could it be possible?

  The answer came to him the instant he started to ponder it. The Devil had tried to rip his victory away by

  seducing his bride. He had to save her from sin. It was his responsibility. He might have no other choice

  than to kill her. No matter what it took he had to save her soul.


  As Nikolas walked away from the boutique a sudden feeling of rage slammed into him. Not his rage, but

  it was directed at him. When he sent his mind out to reach and touch it he felt so disoriented that he

  actually stumbled off the curb. It was similar to a vampire, but not quite close enough to be one. It did not

  have any apparent immortal qualities to it that would be present if it were a vampire.

  A sickening taste in his mouth caused his gut to churn while his dragon stirred restlessly, as if it were

  agitated and was preparing to take over. He fought to prevent transformation from taking place as he

  stood on the sidewalk. Something was seriously wrong.

  He went completely still as he studied the nature of what was projecting the rage. The vile darkness

  combined with a twisted pleasure for inflicting pain that he identified made him dig deeper. He found a

  link to death. Following it, he discovered an obsessive fascination that had morphed into a desperate need

  to be surrounded by death. It took pleasure in the sight of rotting flesh and the decayed stench of it.

  Attempting to identify it, he forced his mind to fully focus on it. For a few seconds he thought it

  might be a rabid dog, but then he heard a thought about a mother laughing and mocking her son’s failure.

  Then there was something about never being to escape his father’s curse.

  As soon as he realized it was a human male he was able to narrow and direct his focus to push

  deeper. A flash of emotions hit him all at once. He had caught his wife with another man. A murderous

  plot spurred by jealously and rage.

  He had no idea and didn’t really care if the man’s wife cheated on him. Considering the man’s

  thoughts he surely would not blame her. He continued to make an attempt to identify him in hopes of

  preventing a death. In his gut he knew the man was going to kill his wife. A gruesome image of severed

  body parts entered his mind and he realized that his wife was likely dead. He saw another image. It was

  eyes wide open after death. The man had a deeply disturbing attraction to watching a woman’s life

  slipping away through her eyes.

  It was clear that he had some form of mental illness that stemmed from issues with his mother and

  tainted religious beliefs. His mind was extremely dangerous and unstable. It was clear that he was a serial

  killer. He studied his thoughts in an effort to separate one from the other. His goal was to find and destroy

  him. He tried for quite some time, but he could not pick up on any one thought. There were just too many

  random thoughts at once to make sense of them.

  Nikolas knew the serial killer had been close to the boutique, so he sent the information to Joseph,

  then using a broader form of telepathy he informed any of his kind in the area. Many times when a human

  is deranged to the extreme that he or she finds pleasure in brutally killing and dismembering bodies and

  keeping decomposed remains around for whatever reason, the person is somewhat difficult to locate for

  the simple fact that person’s thoughts are erratic and jumbled. Plus, no matter how twisted and disturbed,

  a serial killer doesn’t always project thoughts of death and violence. Many times family and close friends

  never pick up on the fact that the one they see every day is a murderer. By spreading the word there was a

  better chance for one of his kind to eventually identify and eliminate him.


  Hearing Jake’s voice and another that was familiar, Lee Anne rushed down the stairs and out onto the

  porch. “I knew it was you. You had better be here to take us back this time.”

  Joseph turned to face her. “I am.”

  “Wait just a minute. You have not convinced me that it is safe yet,” Jake said.

  Lee Anne shot Jake a warning look. “It does not matter.”

  “It matters.”

  “I am not staying here any longer.”

  “You will if there is any reason to believe that going back will get you killed.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she went completely still as she struggled against the urge to attack him. “In that

  case I suggest you start digging because staying in this hellhole for a moment longer will get you killed.”

  “Stop overreacting. It has not been that bad. Besides, you cannot kill me.” He flashed a smug smile

  that caused her blood to boil. “I am immortal.”

  “It has been a million times worse than just that bad.” She conjured up a huge reference book and

  tossed it at his feet. “Apparently you are not as immortal as you think. Read page one hundred and ninety


  He picked it up and turned to the page. No longer smiling, he met her gaze. “You went to the library

  to research ways to kill me?”

  She nodded. “I did.”

  He closed the book. “I am offended.”

  “But you are not shocked, right?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am. I have not done anything to deserve such hostility from you.”

  “The entire town wants to burn me at the stake. They think I am a witch.”

  “And that is my fault?”

  “You brought me here.”

  “It is only the women. Now let’s be honest, it is your own fault. Did I not warn you on several

  occasions about dressing and behaving more modestly?”

  “Well shame on me for daring to leave the house.”

  “That was never the problem.”

  “So are you saying it is my fault their husbands are all horny bastards with wandering eyes.”

  “I smoothed things over with the women.”

  She gasped. “I cannot believe you brought that up again.”

  “Truthfully,” he glanced at Joseph as if to find a comrade, “I’m a little shocked myself.”

  Conjuring up a wooden stake she turned to Joseph. “Take us back or I swear he will die tonight.”

  “The book is wrong. I know the author. He was a fake. You cannot really kill Jake with a stake,”

  Joseph said. “You would have to behead him and then immediately incinerate his remains.”

  “I can handle that.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” Jake said. “It is very messy.”

  Replacing the stake she conjured up with an axe. “I have never been afraid to get a little dirty.”

  “It is up to Jake. Do you die tonight or would you rather put it off until sometime in the future?”

  “Is it safe for her?”

  Joseph nodded. “Yes. With all the chaos going on no one will even notice. To be honest if I had not

  known what had happened to her I would not have noticed the difference in her blood. It is possible that if

  she got close enough to Zack Savage that he would sense his blood in her, but he will not become a threat

  to her. Recently, his mate was attacked by Jeremy Lang. He drained her and then forced her to take his

  blood to her. She survived it because Jeremy had consumed Za
ck’s blood.”

  “Why would Caleb need me to help him bring Jeremy down if that idiot messed with Zack’s mate?”

  “Zack is not a hundred percent. He has been infected by the blood of numerous tainted vampires.”

  “Will he turn?”

  “No. Not Zack. He is strong. He has fought hard to keep his sanity, but his recovery will be slow.”

  “Whether he ever recovers fully or not he will hunt down and kill Jeremy.”

  “I have no doubt of it, but he is not the only vampire we are concerned about. Several have

  consumed Zack’s blood.”

  “Take us.”

  “I can’t wait to get back to work.”

  “You didn’t tell her?”


  “You won’t be picking up where you left off when you get back.”


  “You’re…um…I mean…it was a…we had to…”

  “Let everyone believe that you had died,” Joseph blurted.

  “You what?”

  Jake lifted his hands in surrender. “We did not have a choice, Lee Anne. Jeremy Lang is still alive. If

  he found out that you had survived he would have continued to hunt for you.”

  “So what? I would love to see the idiot again.”

  “He is dangerous.”

  “You are afraid of him? I thought you were some big bad, ass kicking vampire able to hold your own

  in any fight.”

  Clearly amused, Joseph laughed out loud.

  Lee Anne turned away from Jake to glare at Joseph. “What are you laughing about, Bozo?”

  “Nothing at all. Honestly I was just thinking that Jake is pretty damn good at being a big bad, ass

  kicking vampire.”

  She shook her head. “Whatever. Let’s go. I want to return as soon as possible and find a way to get

  my life back. There has to be a way to sort it all out.”

  “You will not go back as you were,” Jake said.

  Lee Anne waved him off. “What would it take to convince you to bring me back and leave him


  “I cannot do that. It wouldn’t be safe for you to be alone. Either you two need to learn to get along

  and play nice together or you will both have to stay here.”

  She felt suffocated by a sense of panic. She couldn’t stay. She would die. Living is the past was hell.

  “Fine.” Fingers crossed behind her back, she curled her lips to give him what she hoped was a convincing

  smile. “Just take us now…please.”

  Joseph nodded at her. “You will need to hold Jake’s hand.”

  She glanced at Jake. Wearing an infuriating broad victory smile, he held out his hand for her. She

  rolled her eyes at him, and then she looked at Joseph. “Seriously?”

  “Unless you would rather stay here.”

  She took Jake’s hand. “Stop smiling.”

  “I will take you to Caleb’s home. He plans to fill you in on everything you need to know about what

  has happened during your absence. I am sure you will have no problem adjusting to the current time, but

  do not let your guard down. Many of your pure blood ancients have joined the opposition.”

  “It doesn’t make sense. Pure bloods have given up their souls to darkness since the beginning of

  time. More often than not it’s an individual. It’s hard to believe they get along well enough to unite to get

  anything done.”

  Lee Anne was becoming increasingly annoyed and anxious to return to modern civilizations. “Can’t

  you two discuss this after we leave?” They both looked at her. “Please.” They continued to stare at her.


  “We have already returned,” Jake said.

  She turned around in a complete circle to take everything in. “We are in a cemetery?” She stopped

  and glared at Jake. “Why are we in a cemetery?”

  “Caleb’s property is side by side with it.”

  “I am not staying anywhere near a cemetery.” Just then she realized Joseph wasn’t with them

  anymore. “He just left us here?”

  “We won’t stay long. Let’s go find Caleb.”


  IN A TERRIBLE physical and emotional state, Emily approached the Wicked Sensation’s back entrance.

  Every muscle in her body ached and burned. She felt the pain deep in her bones. Along with that her

  stomach was twisted in knots and her head felt as if shards of glass were moving around inside and

  tearing at it.

  After attacking Julie she knew of one option for her. To do it she needed Demetri’s help. Surely, he

  wouldn’t allow to her suffer anymore or hurt anyone. She could trust him to help her, to kill her before it

  was too late and she killed someone else.

  Her sense of smell seemed a hundred times enhanced. The foul odor in the club nearly had her

  running back outside. The only thing that kept her moving forward was the fear she would eventually kill.

  Her thirst for blood had pushed her to a state of insanity she’d never imaged possible. She remembered

  the days she would’ve done anything, including sell her body, for heroin, but not even her withdrawal

  symptoms to the drug could compare to the severity of madness she faced now.

  “Look who has come back to play,” Jeremy Lang, the vampire who’d turned her, said from behind


  Ready to fight, she whirled around to face him. “You did this to me.” Her voice wasn’t her own. It

  was the growl of a predator, a monster. Hatred washing over her, flooding her, she took a step in his


  “I wouldn’t try it,” he laughed, “I could easily kill you.”

  She wished it were true, but she doubted it. She was stronger than ever before. Something in her,

  some power, enabled her to defend herself against another vampire, Caleb Stone. He was different. He

  wasn’t being controlled by a lust for blood. He didn’t come after her in anger. He came after her because

  killing her was the only way to save her. She was thrilled for Julie. She knew Caleb loved her. He was

  only trying to protect Julie from being killed by her.

  She should’ve given in. She should’ve allowed Caleb to kill her. She’d planned on it, but she just

  couldn’t do it. Something in her blood forced her to fight for survival. It was as strong a force as whatever

  was inside her causing her to crave human blood.

  Intent on killing Jeremy, she lunged for him. But it wasn’t meant to be. Big, strong arms wrapped

  around her and held her against a familiar solid frame as Jeremy was thrown back several feet by an

  unseen force. “I’ve been searching all over for you,” Demetri said.

  She turned in his arms and looked up at him, her dearest and most trusted friend, and she knew

  everything would be okay. He would fix it all. He’d been the father she’d never even dreamed of having.

  “Please, Demetri, help me. Jeremy made me into a killer. He gave me his blood. You have to kill me. You

  have to end it.”

  “I won’t kill you. You knew I would help you. You should’ve come to me right away.” He took her

  hand and led her outside.

  “You weren’t listening to me. Jeremy forced me to take his blood. I’m like him now. If you force me

  to live I’ll kill people. You have to help me. You have to kill me.”

  “You are nothing like him.” He lifted his wrist to his mouth and bit down. When he brought his

  bleeding wrist to her mouth she tried to pull away from him, but his other hand clasped around her wrist,

  kept her from budging an inch.

  His blood smelled so good, so rich. Power.
“I can’t.” She moistened her suddenly dry lips with her


  “Yes,” he nodded, “you can.” He touched his wrist to her lips. “My blood is much stronger than the

  vampire blood in you. It will satisfy your thirst. It will take away the pain and madness you’re

  experiencing. It will make you stronger than ever before. It will connect us. It will enable you to easily

  connect with me. ”

  Unable to resist the temptation, she closed her mouth around his self-inflicted wound and began to

  drink his blood. With each swallow came relief. Her physical pain waned until it was completely gone.

  She felt even stronger than before. After a few minutes he pulled his wrist away from her. “That’s


  A part of her didn’t want to stop. She wanted more and more until she’d consumed every last ounce

  of his blood. Another part of her, a stronger part, easily defeated the darker part of her. She felt good. She

  felt empowered. But she also felt confused.

  “What now? What should I do?” she asked.

  “First, do not come back here for any reason. You must stay away from Mary and Jeremy.”

  She shook her head. “I won’t.”

  “Good.” He smiled. “If at any time you find yourself in trouble I want you to reach out to me. Don’t

  bother with your phone. Use your mind. You know how to do it.”

  “I do, and I will.”

  “My blood has helped you a lot, but you need something else to completely sustain you. You need to

  find Zack Savage. He’s looking for you right now so it should be easy to find him. You need his blood,

  and I suspect he needs yours just as badly right about now.”

  “Why would his blood be better for me than yours?”

  “It’s a matter of chemistry,” Demetri explained. “He’s your mate.”

  “I think you’re wrong. I found him in the tunnels. We were attacked by vampires. Well, they tried to

  attack us. When we left the tunnels he took my blood and left me alone in Yakima, Washington. He said

  it was his home.”

  “It is his home. Knowing Zack I’m sure he thought he was protecting you by leaving you there. He

  has a lot to sort out.”

  “Maybe you’re right. He did promise to come back as soon as he knew he wouldn’t hurt me.” She

  shrugged. “Is that why you had me help you search for him, because he’s my mate?” she asked.


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