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Volatile Breath of Darkness

Page 30

by Candice Stauffer

  Yes. You are. Don’t be afraid. You’re going to be just fine.

  Something is wrong.

  Your soul is having some trouble completely reentering your body. Focus on me. Come closer to me.

  Touch me. I miss you. I need you.

  I am trying. Her voice seemed nearer.

  I know. You are close now.

  The moment she opened her eyes his heart thundered in his chest. He knew it had worked. She

  would survive. Despite his joy and excitement he realized she was distressed. “Be calm, little one. You

  are safe.”

  “Everything feels different.”

  “Your body is going to feel different. It is different. You have my eternal breath in you. Your body is

  like mine.”

  “I don’t understand what you are talking about, but if you gave me a man body I am going to

  seriously mess you up.”

  His joy bubbled out of him as laughter. The words I used were not the best choice. If I gave you a

  man body I would seriously mess myself up. What I should’ve said it that you are immortal like me. Do

  you feel better?”

  “I do. But why can’t I move.”

  “What are you trying to move?”

  “My hand.” He took her hand and massaged it so she could feel it and get accustomed to it. She

  started to wiggle her fingers, and then move her legs. “I’m merged with you, right? Why can’t I see?”

  With a wave of his hand he dimmed the light in the room so it wouldn’t hurt her eyes. “We are

  merged. You can’t see because you shut your eyes right after you opened them. The light was too intense.

  I am certain you will not need to connect with me to see anymore.” While making sure he maintained his

  presence in her mind to continue to block her pain, he gently pushed her out of his mind.

  She blinked a few times and met his gaze. “How can I know if I am seeing with my own eyes or if it

  is because we are merged?”

  “I prevented you from using my mind to see.”

  “This is amazing. I am looking at you on my own.” Wincing she closed her eyes as she reached up

  and touched his face. “I was terrified that I would never see your face again.”

  “I know, little one. I was also so very afraid. You suffered a severe brain injury. Even though your

  body is immortal it will take a day or two for you to be a hundred percent. You need to sleep until the

  healing process is complete.”

  “No. I don’t want to sleep. I just have a bit of a headache. It was the light. It made it worse when I

  opened my eyes.”

  “You are lying. I dimmed the lighting in here. I know you are experiencing a great deal of pain. I feel

  the throbbing because I am holding the brunt of it. I also know that the memory of being injured, alone

  and unable to wake up again scares you.” He stretched out next to her and gathered her up into his arms.

  “Trust me to watch over you and protect you. I won’t leave you. As soon as your body has fully recovered

  you will open your eyes and jump up out this bed.”

  Yawning, she snuggled up closer to him. “I love you so much.”

  He gently cradled her head against his chest. “And I love you, Brianna.” He knew she was still

  extremely apprehensive about going to sleep. He planned to use a compulsion to make sure she rested

  peacefully, but he wanted lessen her anxiety first “I would appreciate your help with something before

  you drift off.”


  “I have been trying to figure out a mystery for some time now.”

  “What mystery?” she asked.

  “Do you remember when we were at that restaurant celebrating Julie’s birthday?”

  “I do. It was the best night ever.” She laughed softly.

  “That’s debatable. How did you get your panties off while we were dancing?”

  “You mean those weren’t your teeth?”

  “Take it back,” he growled. He lifted her hand to his mouth and gently bit down on her fingers. “No

  teeth were used to remove them.”

  “I would love to deny it, but I am a very bad liar.” She winced and reached for her head when she

  tried to turn to look up at him.


  “Stay still.” He lowered her hand and then placed his on her head.

  She opened her mouth, but the pain was so intense that she couldn’t speak. Breathing hurt. The

  intense ache and sharp twinges brought tears to her eyes. A soothing warming sensation generated from

  his palm. The throbbing started to diminish a little at a time until it was nearly gone.

  “Your muscles are all bunched up. Try to relax them while you breathe with me. Your hand is on my

  chest. Feel the movement of it as I breathe and copy it.”

  She relaxed her body and focused on the movement of his chest beneath her palm. It didn’t take long

  to steady her breathing. Almost immediately the pain in her skull started to decrease even more.

  “That’s right. You’re doing great. Just take one breath at a time. Slowly inhale and then exhale.” His

  deep voice was a peaceful and hypnotic whisper. She understood that he was using a compulsion to

  control her breathing and remove the tension from her body. His love hovered all around. She felt

  intoxicated by it.

  “You know that you are the only man I ever want in my life, right?”

  “I do. And you know that you are the only woman I will ever want in my life, right?”

  “Yes. I know your love for me is inexhaustible.” The sound of her voice seemed distant. She felt

  drowsy. She knew he was shepherding her to sleep. “I am afraid. What if I don’t wake up?”

  “I am putting you to sleep. You will not be trapped. When you have recovered I will be able to bring

  you out of it. Trust me to take care of you.”

  “What if being here with you is only a dream?”

  “This moment is real. Deep down you know this is not a hallucination. We are together. You are


  “How long will I be out of it?” Since she wouldn’t be aware of the time it didn’t really matter. She

  was attempting to stall, and hoping to get him to change his mind.

  “It might take a few days, but I will be right here with you. The last thing I want to do right now is

  upset you, but I will not change my mind. Nothing bad will happen to you. Your body needs rest to fully

  heal.” She felt an enormous wave of his power come over her. It swallowed her up. She knew he was

  about to use a compulsion on her, but rather than fight it she embraced it. “Rest now, little one.”


  Surrounded by darkness Carl sat with his back against cold and jagged stones. He was damp and freezing.

  He couldn’t stop shivering. He would’ve moved away from wall, but he couldn’t. His left wrist was

  shackled to it. So many thoughts were racing around in his mind. He couldn’t figure out how a demon had

  entered his mother’s home. She had been a pure and righteous woman for many years.

  God favored her above all others. He had talked to her many times. He told her secrets no one else

  would ever know. Her property had been blessed by God Almighty. No lowly preacher had ever shown

  up to get it done. God had taken care of it. How could an evil spirit step one foot inside a home that he

  had blessed? It seemed impossible, but it happened. He couldn’t deny it.

  Two walked right into the house. One set his sights on Brianna. He tried to protect her, but another

  demon showed up, dragged him out of the room and took him to Hell. He didn’t even re
member leaving

  the house. They traveled through some type of time tunnel or something. He wasn’t sure what to call it.

  “You are damned. I sent them to haul you to Hell.” His mother’s voice and then her laughter echoed

  all around.

  “No!” He began to rock back and forth. “You don’t have the power to command demons.”

  “You’re here, aren’t you?” Again her cruel laughter surrounded him.

  “Shut up!” He covered his ears. It didn’t help. The volume of her scornful mirth increased until it

  pounded inside his skull. “Please.” He slammed the back of his head against the wall. “Stop laughing at

  me. It’s a lie. I am not damned. I have changed my ways. I have made myself blameless. God loves me

  now. He proved it. He gave me a bride to lead to righteousness.”

  “God wouldn’t sacrifice a hunk of shit for you to chew on.”

  In an attempt to get away from her ruthlessness, he yanked on the metal restraint around his wrist.

  His desperation was so intense that he wrenched on it until a bone just above his thumb snapped. The pain

  was so sharp and sudden that he doubled over it. “I don’t believe you. I won’t let you pull me down.”

  “Your butt is parked in Hell. No one can pull you down any further.” Once more a terrible and

  vicious explosion of her glee resonated from every direction.

  While screaming to cover up her voice he banged the back of his head against the wall again and

  again. He felt the warmth of his blood as it dripped down his neck and back, but he didn’t care if he

  cracked his skull wide open. All of the sudden the area was lit up. He went silent and still as he stared at

  the iron bars across from him. They were out of place. He had never heard anything mentioned about

  chamber type cells in Hell. It dawned on him that his mother was gone. That’s when he sensed something

  dark and menacing was coming for him. His mother obviously feared it. Why else would she miss out on

  a chance to enjoy his suffering?

  He had never felt anything as powerful as the hatred the creature emitted. It was as solid as the rock

  walls surrounding him. It had to be Satan. He gripped his aching chest with his good hand. His heart

  pounded with terror as he waited to face the fury of the most notorious, wicked and powerful of all fallen

  angels. In the image of the man he’d caught Brianna screwing around with on the sidewalk Satan

  approached the bars. As if they weren’t there he walked right through them.

  “You can’t touch me. I am a righteous son of God.”

  “Threatening my mate would’ve been a surefire way to provoke me to swiftly kill you. At the

  moment I am not feeling the desire to be merciful.”

  “God gave Brianna to me. You can’t take her from me. You have no power over me. I am a…”

  “Your death will come slowly and painfully since you nearly killed my mate. And don’t worry about

  what your God will allow or not allow. I don’t intend to lay a finger on you.”

  “I command you to release me.”

  “That’s almost funny enough to make me laugh. You will remain chained up in here until your bones

  turn to dust.” His image started to fade until it vanished.

  Carl blinked. Where did he go? Was he ever there? All at once his mother’s contemptuous laugher

  returned and the light turned to absolute darkness.


  After making sure she was fully healed, Nikolas gathered Brianna up and pulled her into his arms as he

  prepared to wake her up. She had slept for nearly two days. Besides having Haden watch over her while

  he dealt with Carl, Nikolas had stayed right by her side the entire time. Thanks to their strong connection

  he managed to enter and share her dreams. They talked for hours and made love in her imaginings many


  He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “It’s time for you to come back to me, little one.”

  As she started to regain consciousness, she automatically cuddled up to him. “You’re so warm,” she


  “I hope that’s good.”

  “Nope. Not good. It’s absolutely delicious.” She woke up craving, aching and smoldering with

  scrumptious tickly sensations skittering across every inch of her flesh. He pressed his lips against hers. It

  was a long-lasting soft kiss. It was tender and affectionate beyond belief. It wasn’t lustful, but ignited a

  fire in her.

  “I am absolutely crazy in love with you.” His gaze revealed something far more powerful than a man

  captivated by the features of a woman’s face. She saw a vivid reflection of his profound love for her. A

  cascade of warmth rushed over her as his heart conversed with hers. No word could ever express the

  depths of the bond they shared. His love for her was an inferno that could never be extinguished. It would

  burn for eternity deep within his soul. His love for her was as infinite as the universe.

  “You don’t have to say a word for me to feel your love.” She experienced an unexpected jolt of

  physical pleasure when she placed her palm on the side of his jaw. It took her breath away as it traveled

  through her entire body.

  His lips lightly skimmed back and forth across hers. Beneath her hand resting on the center of his

  wide muscular chest she felt the steady, strong beat of his heart. When she parted her lips he dipped his

  tongue inside her mouth and swirled it against hers. He gently nibbled and tugged on her bottom lip, and

  then he sucked it between his teeth and rolled his tongue over it. After that he ever so lightly feathered

  kisses along her jawbone and up to her ear.

  The moist heat of his breath combined with the low sound of his groan as he nuzzled her neck just

  below her ear increased her anticipation and frustrating agitation. The heady potency of his intimate kiss

  enveloped her in an intricate web of euphoric ambiances. She reached down and wrapped her hand

  around the base of his throbbing cock and slowly slid up to his engorged head.

  “How do…” He struggled to get the question out as she lowered her hand again and cupped and

  fondled his balls. “How are you feeling?” His breath caught in his throat when her hand circled his cock.

  “Actually, I am feeling extremely needy.” She bit his lip and licked it lightly. “The desire I feel for

  you isn’t rational or civilized. It’s ravenous and animalistic.” she whispered against the cover of his

  mouth. Her succulent lips hungrily devoured his. When he felt her tongue lightly brush across his lips he

  opened his mouth to deepen the kiss. Her tongue found and tangled with his.

  The feel of her soft, warm skin against his and the tenacious way she took hold of his shaft made him

  feel quite needy as well, but he wanted to make sure she wasn’t being subjected to any pain. “Does your

  head hurt? Are you experiencing any soreness at all?”

  “I hate to sound whiny, but I am suffering one major discomfort at the moment.”

  “What is it?”

  “A terrible ache of emptiness. I want to feel your hands all over my body. You’re so big and

  hard…and so hot. It feels so good to have you inside me.” Her nails gently scrapped up and then down his

  inner thigh. She cupped and massaged his balls. “Luckily you have just the perfect thing to fill me up.” In

  one fluid movement she managed to break away from him and sit up on her knees next to him. “Sit up. I

  want to ride you.” He sure as hell wasn’t going to argue with her. The instant he got up
she climbed onto

  his lap. She wiggled her hips to rub the damp heat of her core against his hard cock.

  Her nails bit into his neck and shoulders as she pushed tongue into his mouth. Her breast moved

  tantalizingly against his chest. She was driving him wild. Her soft lips feasting on his, her tongue

  brushing against his tasted like perfection. He could feel her hunger grow as she poured her desire and

  love into the kiss.

  He reached down and gently traced the incredibly sensitive flesh between her legs. She shivered and

  moaned as she squirmed against his hand. He teased her swollen clit and then slid his finger inside her as

  he lowered his head and swirled his tongue across her each of her nipples.

  “I can’t wait any longer. I need you.” She rose up on her knees and gripped his erection and aligned

  the throbbing head with her opening.

  “Imagine that. I need to be...oh, damn.” Her muscles clamped down on his erection. “You are so

  damn tight.”

  The sensation of her body stretching to accommodate him left her unable to think beyond physical

  pleasure. Unable to speak she moaned loudly as she slowly took his long, thick cock deeper inside her.

  When he cradled her hips she rose up and then back down. She continued on and on. Savoring the friction

  she moved faster and faster until he unexpectedly rolled her over onto her back. As he wedged his body

  between her legs, she moved her palms over his the steely contours of his superbly muscled masculine


  He cupped the fullness of her breasts and teased her nipples with his fingers, and then he leaned over

  her and took one hard peak into his mouth. She fascinated him with her low sultry, incomprehensible

  mews as she started to writhe and arch her hips to rock her hot passion-moistened core against him.

  The magnificent heat of her body wrapped around him. He began a steady rhythm that quickly

  brought them to the point of needing more. Faster and harder he pumped his hips. Each thrust drove

  deeper into her tight canal. Her soft moans became soft squeals of pleasure. He kept up the fast tempo,

  ramming his hard cock into her repeatedly. She lifted her hips up to meet his every thrust until they

  simultaneously reached the final shattering moment of release. Her nail puncturing his skin, she tried to


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