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The Fire Within (The Fire of The Soul Series)

Page 21

by Racquel Kechagias

  The supper consists of soup and a roast of what kind of meat I could not be sure, however it is delicious, and I cannot complain. Astoria, Augustus and Kayden discuss Kayden's trip and the events that happened. Kayden tells them of what happened with the Mer-folk and they discuss what they believe would be the Mer-Queens next step, whether she would join with the vampires, the skin-walkers or stay out of the war completely.

  I can barely listen to what they are saying, my mind is whirling with the kiss Kayden forced upon me before. I should have realized, I should have seen it coming, but I hadn't and I couldn't have stopped him if I tried. There is a loud bang echoing from outside of the dining hall, heavy footsteps following after the noise. I cannot tear my eyes from the doors in hope that it will be Victor, in hope that he has finally returned home. It only is a few minuets - that seem to pass painfully slow - until the dining hall doors are being slammed open, making loud cracks against the walls. Unfortunately the man standing within the door frame is not Victor; instead it is another one of his warriors, a man that I had no chance to really get to know. Of all people it's Shade, he's carrying an enormous stag on his shoulders, two sets of legs hanging over each of his shoulders. He is grinning from ear to ear, proud of having captured such a large beast all on his own.

  "I'm sorry to interrupt dinner. I would have been home earlier, but it had been such a beautiful day outside, that I felt like hunting and bringing home some game." Shade drops the stag to the ground, there is no blood coming from the beast, and it makes me curious as to how Shade had killed it in the first place. Shade quietly orders one of the stronger kitchen boys to take the stag back to the kitchens, before he sits down at the table next to Kayden.

  Shade slumps down at the table, and begins to pile up his plate with the food that sits in the centre of the table. None of us say a word for a few moments still surprised at Shade's sudden arrival. Augustus speaks up first though, speaking for all of us when he says "So Shade how was your trip?"

  Shade simply grins from ear to ear, all he says is "It was quite adventurous." He leaves it at that, as if to leave us all hanging on his every word. He looks up from his meal, and begins to speak. "There simply was a lot of activity, we ran into three nomads on our way to the Antadovia. They were neutral to the war, and did not want a hand in its matter, even though the outcome will affect them either way. The Fey were completely hateful toward me, as I had expected which is why I sent my back-up home before we could even enter into Antadovia. I was captured by the Antadovian guards, and kept as prisoner within the Queen's castle. I knew as soon as I told them that I knew the Queen that their guard would be in chaos, as there is only one outsider that ever got close to the Queen. I met up with the queen, told her what she needed to know, and what I could only barely tell her. However even though she didn't give me an answer - though she sent me away from her kingdom once again - I am confident that the Fey will join us in battle." Shade is still grinning, and I cannot blame him, if what he just told us was a brief summary of his 'adventure' then he must have had quite a journey.

  Astoria, Augustus, Kayden and Shade discuss what needs to be done now. Now that we have word from the Mer-folk and the Fey. "Anna, you must continue your training. Bringing your father into this was a mistake, but you need to learn how to control the gift that you have, you need to know how to stop if you need to." This is Astoria, demanding that I continue my training, and although it was tough and painful today, I know that she is right; I know that I need to continue my training.

  "We must also start preparing the citizens of this kingdom for the war ahead. As soon as Victor returns we will all be marching into the no-man's lands, we will be waiting until the Skin-walkers decide to show themselves." Augustus is clearly as much of a leader as Victor and Kayden, his plan is simple yet well thought out.

  "Now that Shade has returned, we can continue your training Anna as well. You learnt the very basics today, but now you must learn how to fight against an opponent who will be attacking, and attempting to kill you." Kayden is looking at me, his eyes are hard, and I can tell that he is completely focused on the topic at hand. Shade seems to be about to object, but he silences himself, knowing not to go against his commander.

  "The only real question is what are we going to do about your parents Anna?" Astoria's eyes are on mine, they are filled with empathy, and concern like any mother-like figure would feel for those that they have taken under their wing. However I've never need my mother, and I don't need anyone to step into those shoes that have been left unfulfilled.

  "They deserve the worst punishment possible, they truly deserve to rot," I say harshly. I stand up to leave, but before I do I look down into Kayden's eyes, I can feel my hatred bubbling underneath my skin, and I can see the look of hatred that is within my eyes reflecting back at me in Kayden's. "They deserve to be left to rot where all the darkest secrets are kept within this castle." With this I see for a moment the surprise in Kayden's eyes, I see the truth being realized within his mind. Now he knows that I know of Victor’s darkest secret. I turn away from all of them, making my way to the stables again, to continue pumping the blood and hatred throughout my body, in hopes to burn it all out in exhaustion. Now that he knows, I wonder what they will do to stop me from going back to see Sadar, I wonder how far Kayden will go to keep Victor's darkest secret from me, and I know with even his strongest attempts it is all futile, I already know of Victor's darkest secret, and I plan to do something about it; though I'm not quite sure what.

  Chapter 20 – Nightmares Resurface

  Anna's P.O.V

  They say that time flies by when you’re having fun, for the most part this is true. However, it also flies by when your worried, stressed and under a lot of pressure. Since Kayden and Shade's return, time had slipped away, the days flying by, being there for one moment and gone the next. There is no sign of Victor anywhere, and we have not heard word from him from the moment that he had left. I cannot do anything but worry for him, and wonder if he had indeed been killed, as I saw it happen within Sadar's vision. I fear that Victor will not return home at all. However, despite my fears for Victor my training never ceases. Kayden claims that I have mastered self-defence, and now he has me training with Shade and himself, preparing me for a real fight if one were to come my way.

  This as fate has it, is what helps pass the time. My body sweats till the point where it feels like I'm trying to move through water. Towering above me is Kayden, a broad sword within his enormous hands. He has a grin that seems to want to split his head in half. His eyes are shimmering with the passionate fire that burns when he fights, his enjoyment and merriment evident within those gleaming orbs. I love seeing Kayden like this, these are the moments where I can be myself around him, where I can let my guard down because it is as we mock-fight his own guard is down, his feelings - which I cannot ever accept - are gone as well, forgotten in the moment of the fight.

  "Come On Anna!" Shade screams from his leaning position against the wall. I grin slightly; Shade has been with us in these practices since his return. Shade is always rooting for either one of us, his cheers going for whoever was in the lead at the present moment. However at this moment his cheers are for me, a wolfish whistle sounding from his lips. My eyes do not leave Kayden though; I wait for him to attack first, and remember to keep in my defensive position. Kayden however, is a master at this, with years of experience he only waits out his time, dancing around with his sword hanging limply within his hands, though still posed to strike at any moment.

  He's still grinning madly, his smile stretching from cheek to cheek. I swing at him, bending back-wards as his sword slices the air above my head. We move in union, ducking each others attacks, our swords clinking and clashing at each other, the sound of swords batting against each other echoing around in the open stable. He slices out again as I twirl away, his sword just missing from slicing my stomach. The procession between my twirl and the motion of finding balance is over in the blink of an eye, and
I thrust my sword out. The point just hovers against his Adam's apple. He drops his sword and raises his hands into the air, the grin on his face does not leave, and after a few moments I lower my sword until it clatters to the ground as well.

  We're both breathing heavily, staring into each other's eyes. There's a roaring fire burning within his, and it makes me unnerved to imagine what he could possible be thinking. Shade comes clapping Kayden on the back and picks me up and twirls me around.

  "Sorry mate but she won that round. It's now 4 all. I guess we're gonna call it a day?" Shade asks, and Kayden just gently nods his head. As if he cannot believe that we are tied, or that I've actually been able to beat him four times.

  "Anna why don't you sit down for a moment, I want to have a quick go with Kayden." Shade is grinning; I can tell that he's really eager at this point of moment to fight his Captain. Kayden nods gently at me, so I sit down on the wooden bench that Shade had left unattended. I watch as these boys raise their swords, grins stretching out across their lips. They begin to move with a rhythm that comes with years of practice. I watch in silent wonder at their fluidity, at their knowledge of each others moves. Their movements are like a practiced dance, and if the sounds of swords clashing did not echo in the air I could believe that they were actually dancing. However it is quite evident that they are going all out on each other, testing each others limits. Shades muscles bulge with every slice of his sword; Kayden's slimmer frame more flexible, making it easier for him to get away. There is a connection between the two men, they know each others moves so well that it is almost beautiful to watch. It all happens so quickly, one moment they are battling, the next Kayden's sword is hovering above Shade's heart. Shade is breathing heavily, panting with the exhaustion of that spectacular battle. Their grins have not left their face, and they only hug once Kayden's sword is lowered.

  As I watch the two boys embrace quickly, and think about the friendship that has grown between us over the past few weeks. It is strange how growing in battle can bring us all closer together, however working together, nay fighting together has brought us closer, has built a bond between the three of us, where there was only distrust before between Shade and I.

  "Oi Anna! Get your skinny body over here now!" Shade shouts grinning from ear to ear, he is waving at me frantically. I make my way over to the boys - I ought to stop referring to them as such, because they are more so men than boys - Kayden is watching me intently, as is Shade, but the difference between the two pairs of eyes that follow me, and what lays within them is in complete contrast that it is almost funny.

  "What is it Shade? What must my vampire teacher want from me now?" I ask teasingly, smiling cheekily at my two teachers.

  "Besides wanting to drink you dry? I want to give you a few tips on how to fight against someone twice your size." There is a cheeky grin on Shades face, however the red tinge to Kayden's cheeks has me feeling unnerved on the inside again. I try to ignore Shades first comment; it is an easy feat to accomplish when Shade continues on. "One of the first things you must keep in mind is never to be within range of their sword, if you are too close you'll find that they will easily defeat you. Second is never to be caught off guard, though this is always a must when in battle, and thirdly try to have the element of surprise. If you keep these things in mind when you're going against someone bigger than you, then you'll have a better chance at winning." Silence falls upon the group, each of us falling into our own thoughts.

  The silence is beginning to become eerie so I say "It's probably best if we leave this for today. Do you boys feel like joining me for a drink?" I don't want the day of our little fights to be over, knowing that the anxiety that Kayden may do something unwanted again will seep in but we are all exhausted, and I cannot fit in another moment of our battles into this day.

  "Of course, the more drinks we have the merrier we shall be," Shade says in a suave tone, trying to be high-class when we all know that he is a down right bloody vampire, and a damn good fighter at that.

  I watch as Kayden and Shade run off, trying to beat each other to the door. I didn't bother trying to run with them as there is no way that I could possible keep up with them. Kayden looks over his shoulder for a moment, most likely to see where I am. Grinning he turns around speeds back to me, and lifts me up into his arms. I cling onto him tightly as he pumps his legs to catch back up to Shade. There is no chance for him to accomplish this, but he attempts to do so anyhow. I feel so at ease with Kayden and Shade, for these two men are like my brothers in every sense of the word but blood. Now that I have gotten to know them it is ridiculous to imagine a life without them.

  The time that it takes for Kayden to reach the study - that we have made our own - is a lot shorter than it would have been if I had walked the distance myself. Shade is already in the room, I can hear him scuffling around from just outside the door. However my focus on Shade is lost when I feel Kayden's eyes upon me, his arms still tightly wound around my waist. He is breathing heavily, his eyes burning wildly, and I realize how little space there is between our chests. He breaths my name, barely a whisper in the air but it contains his feelings, and uneasily I push away from him. Kayden releases me as soon as I push at him, the look in his eyes change at my urgency to get away from him. I refuse to notice it though as I enter into the room, my skin starting to burn with fever where his hands had just been.

  Shade has already brought out the whiskey and glasses. It seems he had started the fire as well, as it is roaring to life within the fire place. Shade relaxes in the single seat, his white shirt unbuttoned, and his boats kicked lazily to the side.

  I sit down next to Kayden on the only other seat available, and quietly pour myself a half-full glass.

  "What are we drinking to?" I ask my eyes on the two men sitting with me. Kayden looks uncomfortable, but there is a knowing grin on Shades face, one that I cannot completely understand.

  "We are drinking to the fact that the Lady can actually fight now!" This is Shades half-sarcastic remark, a smirk gracing his manly lips. Kayden agrees, and so we clink our glasses together and drink deeply from them. We spend a few hours talking and getting to know each other better until it is time for lunch.

  Sitting at the table already is Astoria and Augustus, they have been waiting for us patiently, the food before them untouched. In the past few weeks alone I have come to know both of them better, than I had in the past few months that I have been here. I know now of Augustus' bravery and Astoria's kind heart. I am more than grateful for the both of them, and all the effort that they have put in to help me handle the curse, as we have come to call it the "Death Wish". We stumbled upon the name when Augustus volunteered to take the place of the victim. Astoria had accused him of having a 'Death Wish', and an epiphany had hit us all at those two words. From that moment on the curse that lives within my soul has been referred to as such.

  "It is good that you three have decided to join us, we were going to eat without you if you had taken any longer," Astoria teases and the rumble of Augustus' stomach has us all laughing. We sit down at the table, Kayden and Shade across from Astoria - whom was sitting to her husbands left side - and I sat down next to the woman who had become a true mother to me.

  "How was your training this morning Anna? I have heard that you have been busy at work," Augustus comments, his eyes are gently gazing at me and it makes me want to shift under its soft pressure.

  "The training is going well. I find that the more that I practice fighting against Kayden and Shade, the more experience I get and the better I become," I say honestly, knowing that my own heart is in check and not gloating, or boasting about how well I am performing.

  "That is good to hear," He says before pausing for a moment. I can feel hesitation hanging on the air, and I lift my gaze to meet his, however he is no longer looking at me but instead at his wife. They seem to be communicating, though they had no need for words. Augustus, realizing that I am looking at them turns his gaze back to me. "I hope you are
well rested to do some more training after lunch."

  "I am fully prepared for our lesson this afternoon," I reply to his semi-question. I hesitate for a moment as well but then push on "I just want to thank you both for all of the time and effort you have put in to help me control this curse, I am sorry that I am such a burden."

  Astoria's hand pats mine gently on top of the table as she says "Anna, you are not a burden, and we are more than happy to help you. This is something that you need to be in control of, and the sooner you can master it the better for all of us."

  After their comments lunch passes by smoothly, Kayden and Shade making comments or jokes now and then. I even sense that Shade is about to do something with his food but with a sharp look from Augustus whatever thought that was crossing his mind decides to leave the building as Shade dropped his spoon full of mash back onto the plate. I sit quietly and finish my lunch, and I wait for Augustus and Astoria to eat their fill, Augustus needing to eat more as these lessons seem to drain him of all of his energy.

  We bid the boys - whom were heading back to the stables - goodbye before making our way to the room that we had been using recently for our training sessions. I pace the room as Augustus gets comfortable in the single arm chair. Astoria sits down in a wooden chair away from Augustus.


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