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Killing Fields of Scotland

Page 41

by R J M Pugh

Gordon, George, 4th Earl of Huntly (see Huntly, George, 4th Earl of)

  Gordon, George, 5th Earl of Huntly (see Huntly, George, 5th Earl of)

  Gordon, John of Glenbucket (see Glenbucket, John Gordon of)

  Gordon, Lord George

  Gordon, Lord Lewis

  Gordon, Sir Adam de

  Graham, James, Marquis of Montrose (see Montrose, 1st Marquis of)

  Graham, Sir John de

  Graham, Sir Robert

  Gray, Sir Thomas of Heton

  Gray, Sir Thomas of Heton (son of above and author of Scalacronica)

  Great Cause (see Cause, The Great)

  Grey, Lord of Wilton (see Wilton, Lord Grey of)

  Greyfriars Churchyard (Edinburgh)

  Greystoke, Ralph, 3rd Baron of Cumberland

  Gueldres, Mary of

  Guise-Lorraine, Marie of

  Guise’s Regiment

  Gunpowder Plot, The

  Haakon, King of Norway

  Hackston, David of Rathillet


  Haddonrigg, battle of, App

  Hailes Castle

  Halidon Hill, battle of, App


  Hamilton, battle of, App

  Hamilton, Col

  Hamilton, James, 3rd Lord of (see Arran, James Hamilton, 2nd Earl of and Duke of Chatelherault)

  Hamilton, John, 2nd Lord Belhaven

  Hamilton, Robert

  Hamilton’s Regiment

  Hanover, George, Elector of (see George I)

  Hanover, Sophie, Electress of

  Harlaw, battle of, App

  Hawley, Gen John

  Hay, John of Restalrig

  Henri II, King of France

  Henry III

  Henry IV

  Henry V

  Henry VI

  Henry VII

  Henry VIII

  Hepburn, Adam of Hailes

  Hepburn, James, 4th Earl of Bothwell (see Bothwell, 4th Earl of)

  Hepburn, Patrick of Hailes

  Hereford, Earl of (see Bohun, Humphrey de)

  Hertford, Edward Seymour, 1st Earl of (1st Duke of Somerset)

  High Steward of Scotland, the, Walter

  HMS Enterprise

  HMS Flamborough

  HMS Lion

  HMS Worcester

  Howard’s (‘Old Buffs’) Regiment

  Hundred Years’ War

  Huntly, George Gordon, 4th Earl of

  Huntly, George Gordon, 5th Earl of

  Huntly, George Gordon, 6th Earl of

  Huntly, George Gordon, Marquis of

  Hurry, Maj Gen Sir John

  Huske, Maj Gen John

  Indulfus, King

  Innerwick Castle


  Inverary Castle

  Inverduvat, battle of, App

  Inverkeithing I, battle of, App

  Inverkeithing II, battle of, App

  Inverlochy I, battle of, App

  Inverlochy II, battle of, App


  Inverness Castle

  Inverurie I, battle of (or Barra, battle of), App

  Inverurie II, battle of, App

  Isabella, Queen of England

  Islay, Lord (see Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 3rd Duke of

  James I, King

  James II, King

  James III, King

  James IV, King

  James V, King

  James VI and I, King

  James VII (and II), King

  James VIII (and III), ‘The Old Pretender’


  Jedburgh Abbey

  Jedburgh Castle

  Johnstone, James, Chevalier de

  Keith, Earl(s) Marischal

  Kelly, George


  Kelso Abbey

  Kenneth I, King

  Kenneth II, King

  Kenneth III, King

  Ker, Col Gilbert

  Kerr, Lord Robert

  Kerr’s Regiment

  Killiecrankie, battle of, App

  Killing Time, the

  Kilmarnock, Lord (William Boyd, 4th Earl of Kilmarnock)

  Kilsyth, battle of, Appendix

  Kingston’s Regiment

  Knox, John

  La Bellona (French frigate)

  Lambert, Maj.-Gen. John

  Lamberton, William, Bishop of St Andrews

  Lancaster, House of (The Red Rose)

  Lanercost Priory, Chronicle of

  Langside, battle of, App

  Largs, battle of, App

  Lascelles’ Regiment

  Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury

  Lauderdale, John Maitland, 2nd Earl and Duke of

  Laudonia (The Lothians)

  Laud’s Liturgy

  Lawers, Sir James Campbell of

  Lawers, Sir Mungo Campbell of

  Lee’s Regiment


  Leith, battle of, App

  Lennox, Earl(s) of

  Lennox, Matthew Stuart, 4th Earl of

  Leslie, Alexander (see Leven, 1st Earl of)

  Leslie, Gen Sir David

  Leslie, George, 4th Earl of Rothes

  Leven, Alexander, 1st Earl of

  L’Heureux (French privateer)


  Liddesdale, Knight of, Sir William Douglas (see entry under House of Douglas, Black Douglases)

  Ligonier’s regiment (see Conway, Maj Gen Henry)

  Lindsay, Robert of Pitscottie


  Linlithgow Bridge, battle of, App

  Linlithgow Castle

  Linlithgow Palace

  Livingston, Sir Alexander

  Lochaber, battle of, App

  Lochleven Castle


  Lochmaben Castle

  Lochmaben Stone (see Sark, battle of)

  Lochmaben, battle of, App

  Lockhart, George

  Loudon Hill

  Loudon Hill, battle of, App

  Louis XII, King of France

  Louis XIV, King of France

  Louis XV, King of France

  Lovat, Lord (Simon Fraser)

  Lulach ‘The Simple’

  Lumphanan, battle of, App

  Lumsden, Lt Gen Sir James

  Luncarty, battle of, App

  Macbean (MacBain), Gillies


  MacColla, Alistair MacDonald (‘Colkitto’)

  MacDonald, Aeneas

  MacDonald, Alan of Clanranald

  MacDonald, Alan, 13th chief of Clanranald

  MacDonald, Alastair of Glengarry

  MacDonald, Alastair of Keppoch

  MacDonald, Alastair, the MacIain of Glencoe

  MacDonald, Alexander of Boisdale

  MacDonald, Alexander of Glenaladale

  MacDonald, Alexander, Earl of Ross and 3rd Lord of the Isles

  MacDonald, Aneas of Dalily

  MacDonald, Donald of Kinlochmoidart

  MacDonald, Flora

  MacDonald, Ranald of Clanranald (Young Clanranald)

  MacDonald, Sir John

  MacDuff, Duncan, Earl of Fife

  MacGillivray, Alexander of Dunmaglas

  Macgregor, Maj James

  Macgregor, Rob Roy

  Mackay, Maj Gen Hugh of Scourie

  Mackenzie, Sir George (‘Bluidy Mackenzie’)

  Macleod, Laird of Macleod

  Macleod, Neil, of Assynt

  Mar, Alexander, Earl of (see Stewart, Alexander)

  Mar, Donald, Earl of

  Mar, John, 23rd Earl of (‘Bobbing John’)

  Margaret (‘The Fair Maid of Norway’)

  Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria

  Marston Moor, battle of

  Martyrs’ Monument, the

  Mary, Queen of Scots

  Mauchline Moor, battle of, App

  Melrose Abbey

  Melrose, battle of, App

  Melrose, Skirmish Hill, battle of App

  Menteith, Alexander, Earl of

  Menteith, Sir John (betrayer of William Wallace)

  Merse, The

  Methven, battle of, App

  Middleton, John, 1st Earl of

  Middleton, Lt Col John

  Monck, Col George

  Monmouth, James Scott, 1st Duke of

  Mons Graupius, battle of, App

  Montague, William, Earl of Salisbury

  Montalembert, Andre de, Sieur d’Esse


  Montrose, James Graham, 1st Marquis of

  Moray (or Morayshire)

  Moray, John Randolph, 2nd Earl of

  Moray, Lord James Stewart, Earl of

  Moray, Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of

  Mordaunt, Brig John

  Morgan, Lt Col Thomas

  Mortlach (or Mortlake), battle of, App

  Morton, James Douglas, 4th Earl of

  Mowbray, Sir Philip de

  Moy, Rout of

  Mulroy, battle of App

  Munro’s Regiment

  Murray, John of Broughton

  Murray, John, 2nd Duke of Atholl and Marquis of

  Murray, Lord George

  Murray, Sir Andrew

  Murray, Sir Andrew of Bothwell (regent)

  Murray, William

  Murray, William, Duke of Atholl and Rannoch (see Tullibardine, Marquis of)

  Murray’s Regiment


  Mynnydog, King of the Votadini


  Nairne, Lord

  Namur, Guy de

  Naseby, battle of

  National Covenant

  Nechtansmere, battle of (see Dun Néchtáin)

  Nesbit Moor I, battle of, App

  Nesbit Moor II, battle of, App

  Neville, Robert, Earl of Westmorland

  Neville’s Cross, battle of



  Norfolk, Duke of

  Norris, Adm Sir Charles


  North Berwick

  Northampton, Treaty of (1328)

  Ogilvy, Lord

  Ogle, Sir Robert

  Olaf ‘the White’

  Oliphant of Gask, 10th Lord of

  Orleans, Duke of, Regent of France

  Ormond, Hugh Douglas, Earl of (see entry under House of Douglas, Black Douglases)

  Ormonde, James Butler, 2nd Duke of

  Ormonde, Marquis of

  O’Sullivan, Col John William

  Oswald Dean (nr Dunbar)

  ‘Owen the Bald’, ruler of Strathclyde

  Pass of Brander, battle of, App

  Paterson, William

  Paths of Pease (Pease Glen)

  Peden, ‘Prophet’ Alexander

  Pembroke, Earl of (see Valence, Aymer de)

  Pentland Rising (see Rullion Green, battle of)

  Percy, Henry, 2nd Earl of Northumberland

  Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland

  Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland


  Perth, 3rd Duke of, James Drummond

  Perth, 4th Earl of, John Drummond

  Philip II, King of Spain

  Philip IV, King of France

  Philip V, King of Spain

  Philip VI, King of France

  Philiphaugh, battle of, App


  Pinkie, battle of, App

  Piperdean, battle of, Appendix

  Pitsligo, Lord

  Pope Clement V

  Pope Clement VIII

  Pope John XXII

  Prestonpans, battle of, App

  Pretender, the Old (see James VIII and III)

  Pretender, the Young (see Stuart, Prince Charles Edward)

  Price’s Regiment

  Pulteney’s Regiment

  Ragman’s Roll

  Ramsay, Sir Alexander of Dalhousie

  Randolph, Agnes (see Dunbar, Agnes Randolph, Countess of)

  Randolph, John, 2nd Earl of Moray (see Moray, 2nd Earl of)

  Randolph, Thomas, 1st Earl of Moray (see Moray, 1st Earl of)



  Renfrew, battle of, App

  Renwick, Revd James

  Rich, Lt Col Robert

  Richard II, King

  Rizzio, David

  Robert I, King (see Bruce, Robert the)

  Robert II, King

  Robert III, King

  Roqueville, Adm de

  Roslin, battle of, App

  Ross, Hugh, 4th Earl of

  Rothes, John, 6th Earl of

  Rothesay, David, 1st Duke of

  Rothesay, James, Duke of (see James I)

  Rough Wooing, the

  Roundabout raid, the (see Chaseabout raid, the)


  Roxburgh Castle

  Roxburghe, Duke of

  Royal Scots Fusiliers

  Rufus, William (see William II)

  Rullion Green, battle of, Appendix

  Ruthven Barracks

  Ruthven, Lord(s)

  Sadler, Sir Ralph

  Saint Andrew

  Saint Columba

  Saint Cuthbert

  Saint Kentigern (or Mungo)

  Saint Ninian

  Sark, battle of, App

  Sauchieburn, battle of, App

  Saxe, Marshal Maurice de


  Scalacronica, The



  Scotichronicon, the

  Scott, James (see Monmouth, 1st Duke of)

  Second Bishops’ War


  Selkirk Castle

  Sempill’s Regiment

  Seton, Sir Alexander

  Settlement, Act of (1701)

  Seven Men of Moidart, the

  Seymour, Edward (see Hertford, 1st Duke)

  Sharp, James, Archbishop of St Andrews

  Sheridan, Sir Thomas

  Sheriffmuir, battle of, App

  Sigurd, Earl (‘the Stout’)

  Siward, Earl of Northumberland

  Solemn League and Covenant

  Solway Moss, battle of, App

  Somerled, ‘King of the Isles’

  Spanish Armada, The

  Spanish Succession, War of the

  Spott Glen

  Spott, East Lothian

  Squadrone Volente, the

  St Andrews, Fife

  St Clair’s Regiment

  St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh

  Stewart, Alexander, Earl of Mar (‘the Wolf of Badenoch’)

  Stewart, Lord James, Earl of Moray


  Stirling Bridge, battle of, App

  Stirling Castle

  Stolberg-Gedern, Princess Louise of

  Stone of Destiny, The

  Strathbogie (modern Huntly)

  Strathbogie, David, Earl of Atholl

  Strathclyde, Kingdom of

  Strickland, Col Francis

  Stuart, James Francis Edward (see James VIII and III)

  Stuart, Matthew, 4th Earl of Lennox (see Lennox, Matthew Stuart)

  Stuart, Prince Charles Edward (‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’)

  Tacitus, Gaius Cornelius

  Talmont, Madame (Princess Marie-Louise Jablonowski)

  Tantallon Castle

  Thistle and the Rose, The (poem)

  Thorfinn (‘the Mighty’)

  Tippermuir (or Tibbermoor), battle of, App

  Torfness, battle of, App

  Tory, definition of


  Tudor, Margaret (Queen to James IV)

  Tullibardine, William Murray, Marquis of (and Duke of Atholl and Rannoch)

  Turnberry Castle

  Turner, Sir James


  Tweeddale, Charles, 3rd Marquis of

  Tweeddale, John, 2nd Marquis of

  Uhtred (or Ughtred), Earl of Northumberland

  Umfraville, de, Sir Ingram

  Umfraville, de, Sir Robert, Earl of Angus

  Union, Treaty of (1707)


  Utrecht, Treaty of (1713)

  Valence, Aymer de, Earl of Pembroke

  Vienne, de, Sir John


  Vita Edwardi Secundi (book)

  Votadini, The

  Wade, Gen George (later Field Marshal)

  Walkinshaw, Clementina

  Wallace, Col James of Achens

  Wallace, Sir William

  Walpole, Sir Robert

  War of Jenkins’ Ear, the

  Warden’s Raid, the

  Warenne, John de, 7th Earl of Surrey

  Wariston, Archibald Johnston of

  Warwick, Thomas de Beauchamp, 11th Earl of

  Warwick, William de Beauchamp, 9th Earl of

  Whig, definition of

  Whiggamore Raid, the

  Whitefoord, Lt Col

  Whittingehame House

  Wightman, Gen Joseph

  Wilford, Sir James

  William I (‘The Lion’), King

  William II (William Rufus)

  William of Orange (William II & III)

  Wilton, Lord Grey of

  Wishart, George

  Wishart, Robert, Bishop of Glasgow

  Wishart, William, Bishop of Glasgow

  Wolf of Badenoch (see Stewart, Alexander, Earl of Mar)

  Wolfe’s Regiment

  Worcester, battle of

  Wretham, Gen

  Yester Castle

  Yester, Lord(s) of


  York, House of (The White Rose)

  York, James, Duke of (see James VII and II)

  Young Clanranald (see MacDonald, Ranald of Clanranald)

  a Liber Cartorum Prioratus St. Andrew in Scotland (Bannotyne Club, 1841). The Culdees also had lands in St. Andrew, Glasgow, Iona, Dunkeld and Monymusk (Aberdeenshire).

  b The stone of destiny was returned to Scotland in 1997, on the inauguration of the Scottish Parliament.

  c The battle took place on 1 July 1690 under the old or Julian calendar but under the new or Gregorian England calendar adopted in Scotland in 1600, the date became 12 July 1690. England did not adopt the new calendar until 1752, when eleven days were ‘removed’ in September 1752.

  d Mar was actually the 23rd Earl of Mar to hold the title, but the eleventh of the name Erskine.

  e The numbering of British Army regiments was not adopted until 1751 but is used here for ease of identification.




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