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Heated Sweets (A Taste of Love Book 3)

Page 10

by A. M. Willard

“For what’s it worth, I can see you and Mary Beth living happily ever after.”

  “That’s what she’s hoping for, and just know she doesn’t hate you; she just doesn’t like the power you have over my heart.”

  “I’m sorry, Brody. I never meant to hurt you or lead you along. You were like my Superman when I needed a hero. You always knew how to lift me up when I was down, when I’d hit rock bottom. You always came to my rescue, and I think that’s what we built our love on. You felt this need to save me from myself, and I felt that I had to love you back for being my hero. Now, I need to let you protect someone else, and you need to let me find myself.”

  “I think you’re right,” he says as he reaches over to squeeze my hand.

  “I’ll always love you, and I know you’ll always love me. We just work better as Frankie and Brody in the past before we allowed a clouded vision to get in the way.”

  “Yep,” I say and pray to myself that we can hurry this along. As much as I knew this was coming, my heart is breaking. It’s breaking for the person I’m staring at across from me. How I almost ruined him for all other women in the world. How I was too stubborn to let him go a long time ago. Not to mention how we traveled this far before realizing that we were each other’s crutch.

  I continue to pick at my lunch mirroring Brody as we come up with small talk. The biggest relief is when his phone rings and he has to rush back to the office to help Hatcher. I sit in our booth alone for a little longer, remembering the years that have past, and about the person that I hope to once again have back in my life. Just this time around as a friend who doesn’t feel the need to save me from the world.

  Chapter 11

  I leave the restaurant numb, as if I just lost the most important person in my life. If I stop to process—I did. Brody has been in my life for as long as I can remember. He’s been by my side through countless surgeries, appointments, and heartache when I felt the world hated me. Today, though, was a step forward for many reasons. One—he will be happy and if that’s not with Mary Beth, it’ll be with a woman who can give him everything he desires. Two—I can completely focus on me and my relationship with Evan. That could go either way. I do know that the feelings I have for him are strong and powerful like a tidal wave crashing against the shoreline. Three—in time, we will be friends again. I know that our love and bond for each other will bring us back, and that place will be healthy—stronger than it ever has been in the past. For that, I hold my head up high, taking in the bright sun that beats down on me and the busy sidewalk of Atlanta.

  I drag my phone out and send Evan a quick text with the address to the studio. I have about an hour before I need to be there, and since I can walk from here without moving my car, I decide to take a stroll around the city that I adore. It’s different here than it was in New York. When I needed to walk and clear my head, all I could hear were horns while I felt the vibrations of the subway under my feet. The traffic, people, and noise here are different. I can drown them out and listen to my thoughts like I need to do. It’s another reason I came home. Here my thoughts are just that, mine. I can be anywhere in this city and know that I can still hear them. They aren’t lost like my soul at times.

  My phone startles me, and I move to the side of the walkway to see what Evan had to say.

  Evan: See you soon, need anything? How are you?

  Me: Can’t wait to see you, and no I don’t need anything. Yes, I’ll be okay.

  Before I start to move, I notice that I’m only a block away from the bakery, and since I have time, I march forward to the place I know will comfort me. This gives me the chance to grab a muffin for later, and I can take a hot tea to go.

  Tugging on the glass door, I hesitate for a moment before I enter. It’s not because I don’t want to see Morgan; I’m allowing the fresh scents of vanilla and sugar to hit me—to comfort me just a little as I envision myself wrapped in a cupcake. If it was possible to have a human size one made into a blanket, I’d order about ten to have at the house. Just imagine your own life-sized cupcake that smells of vanilla, strawberry, or whatever scent you want… It would be the perfect thing to have in life, and it could control a lot of PMS issues. If we could eat the blanket, that might be better.

  “OH MY GOD, Frankie, I’m so glad to see you right now. I need your opinion on something since Jaime is no help and Jayden’s at work, and well, you know where Zara is,” Morgan says in one super long breath.

  “Okay, well I’m glad I stumbled in then. Whatcha got?” I ask and look over to Jaime who is behind the counter shaking her head at the conversation. “Jaime, can I get a muffin and surprised treat along with a tea to go, please?”

  “Okay, focus, Frankie… Which one?” Morgan asks as she holds up two different aprons before me.

  “First, I like them both. Which do you like better?”

  “That’s the thing, I love them both,” she states and tosses them down on the table before plopping herself in the seat.

  “How about this—you’ve been saying you want new ones here, so get them both and freshen up the ones here. Just because this isn’t a new bakery anymore doesn’t mean you can’t have new things, silly.”

  “You know, you’re totally right on this. Thanks, Frankie, and by the way, why are you here? Not that you’re not welcome or anything.”

  “Why thanks, I think… I had lunch with Brody and was on the way to a shoot over at Devon’s.”

  “Oh, that sounds like fun. How was lunch?”

  “Depressing, weird, life changing, and the end of all love between us,” I say, shrugging my shoulders like it’s nothing.

  “Well, I happen to think great things are in store for you, Frankie, and if you need anything, you know where to find me. Actually, can we start that after tomorrow, because I don’t think I can handle anything else today. Jayden says if the wedding planning is anything like this opening has been, he’s leaving until the big day. I wasn’t like this last time, was I?”

  “First—no more coffee, or anything for you today. Second—no you weren’t, but you have more pressure on you now. Third—we all kind of have bailed on you this time around if you think about it. Fourth—your friends suck.”

  “They do suck, and I think I need new ones or I’m going to be as big as a house on my wedding day. If I eat another cupcake, muffin, or anything I might blow.”

  “How much do you have left to do at the shop?”

  “Nothing else that I can do until tomorrow. Jayden had a cleaning crew come in to make it shine, and I’ve been instructed to not show up until nine tomorrow morning.”

  “Then listen to him. Finish here and go home. I need to get going, but we’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay, and I will,” Morgan agrees as she hugs me and lets me get going before she has another mental breakdown. I’ve only seen her like this one other time and that’s when the old bakery opened. We were close to loading her with vodka or locking her away in the closet.

  With my head held high, I make my way to Devon’s. Just as I go to open the door, I hear my name being called from behind. I turn and lock eyes with the one I’ve been waiting to see since I left Brody— Evan.

  “Hi,” I say as he engulfs me in a hug.

  “Hi,” he responds as he kisses the top of my head. Brody had done the same gesture a few times, but with Evan it feels natural; not rushed, just perfect.

  “I have a few hours before I need to get home. I’ve got my mom picking up Neil from school.”

  “Well then, let me show you around, and then maybe we can meet for dinner later?”

  “That could be arranged; want me to cook?”

  “Actually, do my guys like pizza?”

  “Your guys, huh? If you’re referring to Neil and myself—yes, we love pizza.”

  “Then I shall be the delivery person. Let me guess, cheese for the cutie and meat for the big guy?”

  “How’d you guess that?”

  “I might not have a kid, but I’ve been around t
hem enough to know they devour cheese pizza.”

  “Then it’s another date, but soon you and I are going out on a proper date without an eight-year-old.”

  “I look forward to it,” I say as we step into the studio. When I glance back at Evan, I notice he’s taking it all in. If you’ve never been in a studio it could be overwhelming at times. I’d requested three sets prepared for today, which means lights are scattered around everywhere you look. Back drops, props off to the side, and three sets of ladders stand near the tripod that I’ll borrow from Devon.

  “So, this is what I do,” I say, lifting my shoulders in a way that hides my embarrassment. It’s weird that someone will be watching me today, but exciting at the same time.

  “This is cool, Frankie. Why don’t you work here?”

  “I don’t know. He’s offered me a job here before and keeps trying to get me here. I might seriously think about it. I can still do my other stuff on the side, never know.”

  I start pulling out my camera and placing it on the tripod, and taking a few shots to test the lighting. A quick look at the time and I know that Alicia will be out here any second. I pivot toward Evan and notice how cute he looks with his arms crossed over his chest and that smile that I’m starting to crave staring back at me.

  “Alicia will come out in a few, and her attire will depend on where we start. Just a hint, if she’s in a robe I can’t promise you that’s she’s fully clothed underneath it. You okay with that?”

  “I think I can handle it, I mean, I am a big boy and all. Don’t let my skills of racing Tonka trucks fool you.” He winks, and I smile back as I continue to do my thing.

  Right as I take a drink from my tea, I hear a door shut off to the left. I raise my head up to look over and realize it’s Devon striding toward me. “Frankie, my dear, long time no see,” he says and engulfs me in a hug.

  “Hi, Devon, and it’s only been a few weeks; has your old age hindered your memory?”

  “You wound me, Frankie. I hope everything is set up to your standards, and if you need anything holler for me. I’ll be in the back.”

  “Everything is perfect as always. Oh, before you leave tonight, I want to speak with you about something,” I say, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

  “I always have time for you, and I hope this means what I think it does.”

  “You never know; now scoot, I have magic to create.” I make a shooing gesture with my hands. “Talk to you soon,” I say as he leisurely walks away, not paying any attention to the rest of the staff. I’m shocked he didn’t ask me who Evan was, but when it comes to shoots like this you never know who’s going to be in the crowds.

  The door shutting again is, in fact, Alicia. She’s dressed in a full-length black dress that hangs off her shoulders and has a slit all the way up to her upper thigh. In her hand, she holds what I call a flap hat. It’s big, round, and fun to play with in a shoot. I stop, look at the backgrounds, then turn and wink at Evan before I start.

  “Alicia, it’s great to see you again. I love this look, and I think we need to start with the middle set. What do you think?”

  “Good to see you again, Frankie. I love that idea.”

  “Alright, let’s get started,” I say as I drag one of the ladders over to where I need it to be.

  “Let’s start with a few test shots first with you in the picture. We’ll take a look and adjust from there, okay?” I ask, and she nods in approval. I take about ten pictures then look on the monitor near Evan. The lighting is perfect, and I know we will fly through the next few easily.

  “Alicia, I want to use this stool here for the next few. You can sit, lean, or just do your thing,” I explain as I wave over to the sound person for some music. It’s helps lighten the mood and gets us all into action as we snap away. Alicia is a natural behind the camera, and I can’t wait to get my hands on these to edit. We finish with this section and do a quick wardrobe change. This time she’s wearing a cute flowing summer dress and heels. They hand her some flowers and a basket, and I allow her to work it as I snap away. I take this chance to climb up a few of the steps and look down to get her looking up at me. She’s playing coy with the lens, and I attack from above.

  The last round she picks for her lingerie shots. I take a chance to glance back at Evan who is still intensely watching from behind. I got so engulfed in everything that I hadn’t checked on him. I figured by now he would’ve left to head home, but not him—he’s in for the long haul, I can tell. Impressed that he’s not even on his phone, I turn around and explain to Alicia the next few poses that I want to try. She’s free to do the ones she wants afterward. They’re simple as we start on the mat with her back to me. The beautiful lace that covers her back will look amazing in a black and white shot. I want her to tilt her head and look back at me while she does this. While she’s laying down, I pull the tallest ladder we have and climb to the very top. I toss my leg over the side so I’m straddling the top. I can hear Evan’s breath inhale as he’s afraid I might fall. I tilt my head in his direction and give him a sideways smirk, mirroring the ones I’m used to receiving from him. With my attention back on Alicia, who’s currently sprawled out for the world, I allow my finger to click away as I watch her make love to the camera. This is the part that I love, it’s like when Morgan explains her baking to others. This is my baking, this is my safety and what makes me feel whole. The way I can witness someone’s character, feelings, and capture a moment without anyone else noticing—that’s why I hide behind this camera.

  This makes me feel alive…

  Causes me to feel every inch of someone else’s pain or happiness…

  This is my one true love; everything else is just a plus in life after this…

  We go through a few more poses, and when I feel that we have enough, I call out, “That’s a wrap.” I head over toward Alicia where she’s putting on her robe. “Alicia, it’s always a pleasure to work with you. I should have these ready in a few days. You want to pick up the disc here or meet me?”

  “Here’s fine, and thanks, Frankie, I can’t wait to see them,” she responds and leans in to me. “Is he with you?” she questions as she locks eyes with Evan.

  “Yes, he is.”

  “That one’s a keeper. I had a hard time focusing on what you were saying because he distracted me at times with the way he watched you. I’ve never seen a man prowl a woman the way I just witnessed. Have fun,” she says and walks away with her hand in the air. I turn toward Evan. He doesn’t appear to have moved an inch, but his eyes are speaking louder than any words could in this moment. I take my camera from around my neck and turn it off before I reach him. Leaning in, I place a kiss on his nose. “Hope you weren’t too bored; you could’ve left when you needed to.”

  “I was nowhere near bored. I’m in awe of what I just witnessed. I thought for a moment she was going to outshine you, but that thought quickly changed when you came alive. I was in a trance watching you.”

  “Yeah, okay… So, I’ve got a few things to do here before I can leave and grab that pizza. We still on for that?”

  “Actually, we have a change in plans. I’m going to run home and change, then when you get to your house text me. Neil went to stay at my mom’s, and we have the evening to ourselves. Figured you had work to do, and I need to catch up on emails. Why don’t we do it over pizza and beer?”

  “Sounds good, so my house?”

  “Yes, say about an hour and a half?”

  “Perfect, I’ll text you,” I say and give him a squeeze on the arm before I dart off to find Devon. I refrain from kissing him, because with the amount of energy I have built up and the excitement of this afternoon—I might not be able to control myself.

  I knock on Devon’s door and wait for him to tell me to enter. With a smile on his face, he motions for me to sit across from him. A loud plop comes from the chair when I sit. I lean back and smile back at my friend and mentor. “How was it?”

  “Perfect and amazing as always.”

  “Good, so you mentioned you wanted to talk. I’m all ears.”

  “I was wondering if that offer was still on the table?”

  “What offer? Sorry I don’t remember anything,” he says playfully, and I turn my head down and stare up at him with a smile on my face.

  “Guess I’ll just need to find someplace else that wants me then.”

  “I’d drag you back kicking and screaming. Of course, the offer is still open. It didn’t have an expiration date, you know.”

  “Then if you’ll have me, I’d be honored to join forces with you.”

  “That’s one hell of a force you’re joining. You sure you’re up for it?”

  “If you’re asking if I plan on traveling anytime soon, the answer is no. I have a house that I live in and maybe a guy I really like.”

  “Is Francesca getting serious with life?”

  “Something like that. Let me know what I need to do, and I’ll do it.”

  “You don’t have to do a thing. I have a backlist of clients that need your expertise. Expect an email tomorrow with contacts. You set your schedule and do your thing. We’ll open both studios now. You have the older one, and I’ll claim mine from today. Do what you want with it, and own it like I know you can,” he says before standing and jetting his hand out for me to shake.

  “Thanks, Devon, it’s an honor to be working next to you,” I say before I turn away from him. Just when I reach the doorway, I stop and turn back to him. “Seriously, thank you for believing in me and holding this spot.”

  “My pleasure, Frankie. You’re one of the best, and I’d be a fool to let you slip away from me.”

  I leave the studio happier than I think I’ve been in a very long time. Time for the next step in today’s events. Working next to Evan and having one hell of a pizza date in the history of boxed foods.

  Chapter 12

  With a large pizza in hand, I toss it down on the counter along with my bag. Digging out my phone, I send Evan a quick text that I’m home and have dinner. With a few minutes before he arrives, I run through the house and make sure I don’t have anything laying around that would embarrass me. Wandering around, I take note that I need to finish unpacking and make this a home, not just a place where I reside. It’s not like I can just pack up and move since I became an adult and have a mortgage now. When I was renting that was an option; now, it’s a choice as the running is over.


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