Heated Sweets (A Taste of Love Book 3)

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Heated Sweets (A Taste of Love Book 3) Page 12

by A. M. Willard

  “You are going to own tonight, Frankie… No more hiding behind anything. Let him and the world know what you want,” I say to myself.

  I’m not even sure what changed, but something’s changed. Maybe the stars and planets are aligned differently today? I have no idea. The one thing I do know is that I’m not afraid. In group, I’ve heard stories of the others talking about pain—how they cope, hide, and live. Maybe all it took for me was finding my compass. Currently it’s pointing north in the direction of Evan’s house. I might not be able to give him a family, but I’ll give him myself in its full capacity if he and Neil will have me. When I grab my purse, I realize that I not only like them both, but I love them. I’m taken back at this realization because we’ve only known each other for what, a month now? How can I love someone this soon?

  The drive to the studio has me thinking about love and how I feel about Evan. No way can I say that I love him out loud; that would rank me on the list of crazy for sure. Then I think about my parents’ and how they dated for two weeks, my dad proposed, and they were married a month later. I grew up with love in the house, two parents’ who adored each other more than the next sunrise. As I park my car, I wait a moment before I get out. I could call one of the girls, but then it would bring up all kinds of questions that I’m not ready to lead into yet. So, I do the next best thing, I call my mother.

  On the third ring, she answers, “I’m glad you called, dear. I wanted to see if Morgan needs anything for tonight before we head in to the city?”

  “Hi, Mom, and no she has everything.”

  “Good, I know she’s got to be excited.”

  “She is, but hey, that’s not why I’m calling. Do you have a moment to talk?” I ask and then hesitate, wondering if this is really a good idea. I mean, she and my father will be meeting Evan and Neil tonight, which means after this conversation she’ll know who I’m talking about.

  “I always have time for you. Let me sit.”

  “Okay, so when you met Dad, did you just know it was him for you?”

  “What do you mean, dear? Did I love him on the spot?”

  “Yes, how did you know he was your one true soul-mate?”

  “I didn’t, but don’t tell him that. I knew he made my heart race, and I had and still have these butterflies every time he would enter the room. When your father asked me to marry him, I told him no and that he was crazy because we’d only known each other for a few weeks’. By the end of the night, he’d convinced me that he was it for me, and I gave in and said yes. Why do you ask this, Frankie? I thought you and Evan were only friends.”

  “We are, and you’ll meet him and his son tonight.”

  “Well I won’t pry, but I want you to be careful, okay?”

  “I will, Mom. I’ll see you and Dad tonight. Love you,” I say as I wait for her to respond and hang up. It’s official, I’m in love for what I think is the very first time in my life. Before I get out of my car, I open my text and send a message to Evan.

  Me: Do you think that tonight we could talk? Nothing bad, I just need to get this out before I become a chicken.

  Instantly the phone dings back at me.

  Evan: Of course, but do you have a time limit? I’d hate for you to turn into a pumpkin before we speak.

  Me: No pumpkins, orange isn’t my color. See you soon.

  I tuck my phone back into my purse and enter the studio. I quickly find Devon and follow him into his office. We exchange small talk as I read over the contract and sign on the bottom line. Devon hands me a set of keys to the building and store rooms before walking me around to meet the rest of the staff that he keeps on hand. He also explains that they are having a gallery showing soon and would like for me to add a few pieces of my work from the studio. The thought of this causes me a mild panic, but I remind myself that I’m not hiding anymore. I agree to add some work and kindly escort myself back out to my car. Once inside, I add the date to my calendar and start thinking about the work I have already that can be used. I have so many pieces that would work, but I don’t know which ones to give up.

  It’s a short drive to the new bakery, and I watch from my car how Morgan is trying to hang a banner. Suddenly, Jayden comes up behind her, and she jumps a mile high. It’s what comes next that warms my heart. Morgan wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a kiss. Jayden being Jayden lifts her up and swirls her around. If I was standing next to them, I’m sure I would hear her laugh and tell him to put her down. That’s them… That’s what I want more than anything with Evan, and I’m pretty sure we’re headed down that path.

  “Alright, you two, knock it off before I get sick,” I say as I enter the bakery.

  “Hi, Frankie,” Jayden says as he nods at me, and I return the gesture.

  Morgan runs over to me, engulfing me in hug. “Oh, Frankie, I’m so happy to see you. I need you to look at everything and tell me what you think. I might be on the verge of a freak-out.”

  “She’s not lying, she’s already had two before you got here,” Jayden says from behind the counter. I stand back and turn around, taking in everything from the decorations, tables, and not to mention the aroma. I lock eyes with my friend, and with the sternest look I can muster I say, “It smells awful in here… Did you burn something?”

  “I’m going to hurt you, Frankie,” Morgan answers with a laugh, but then I notice Jayden is doubled over laughing so hard he can’t breathe.

  “Is he going to be okay?”

  “He will be. I think he’s tired, and of course, you just told me my bakery stinks almost an hour before we officially open.”

  “It smells great in here, by the way, and that’s what friends are for. Where is everyone else?”

  “They should be here soon. I can’t handle Zara too early as I think her water is going to break during the party. I swear she has to make it ALL about her.”

  “That would be Zara, and I wouldn’t put it past her.”

  Morgan and I finish talking before she excuses herself to go change. I take this moment to wander around with my camera and snap a few pictures before everyone arrives.

  I’m in the corner looking at the screen of my camera when the bell dings above the door, alerting me to a guest. When I look up, I notice two handsome men entering the room. Neil is dressed in jeans and a button-up shirt, mirroring his father. It’s like they cloned him from Evan’s DNA and that’s all that was used to create him. I place the camera down and head in their direction. Before I can get there, Neil let’s out a loud, “Frankie,” as he runs toward me. I kneel and sweep him in for a hug. It’s then that I feel the sharp pain slice through my stomach. Evan notices the change on my face right away and steps up to me. “Are you okay?”

  “I am,” I say and kiss him to change the subject. In no way am I allowing this to ruin my evening and mood. I smile as I grab his hand in one and Neil’s in the other so I can find Jayden and Morgan to introduce them. When Morgan spots us, her hands go up in front of her face to hide her smile. I offer a quick smile and nod to tell her yes, I like him.

  Before I know it, the place is filling up with people. I’ve introduced Evan to Jayden, Hatcher, and Diesel before I swoop Neil off to go meet my parents’ and the girls. My mom instantly falls in love with Neil just as I knew she would. I mean, who could resist him? Mine and Evan’s eyes lock from across the room. He stalks toward where we are standing. When he reaches my side, he wraps his hand into mine as I introduce him to my parents’. They’ve never met anyone other than Brody, and for some strange reason this doesn’t scare me. Evan pulls me in to his side all while Neil still has ahold of my hand on the other side. Mid-conversation my father thinks it’s the best time to announce the arrival of Brody and Mary Beth, like this should change my stance. If anything, the mention of Brody’s name causes Evan to tighten his grip on me. The air shifts around us, and this primal feeling that Evan is going to stake claim on me surrounds us.

  “Brody,” my father hollers, causing me to give my mother
the look of are you kidding me right now. She gently reaches over and pulls my dad close to her, whispering something in his ear. He looks over at me and nods. I’m hoping she’s given him the quick run-down that the Brody train has left the station. I’ll make sure he understands later, but right now, I need to make sure my guy isn’t uncomfortable. Right when I turn to say something to Evan, he lands a kiss on my lips then pulls back and wipes the hair away from my face that’s fallen over my eye. I know Brody saw it; hell, I’m pretty sure the whole bakery just witnessed it. I shove it away as I knew this could be a possibility. I mean, you put two men in a room that may or may not love the same person… What’s going to happen? They start marking their territory all over the place. Fortunately, for me, Evan just marked me before the whole city that’s in attendance of the grand opening.

  “Hi Brody, Mary Beth; this is Evan and his son, Neil,” I say as I play the Southern host with a smile. I notice immediately that Mary Beth has a very wide smile on her face. Maybe this is what she needs to see to understand that I let Brody go. However, it’s when I witness Brody shake Evan’s hand that I have a feeling he might not have let me go.

  Putting that in the back of my mind, I drag Evan and Neil around, introducing them to all my friends and others who are in attendance. Staff, and city officials are here, and wow there’s a line out the door, are here. I excuse myself to grab my camera to capture this moment for Morgan who is extremely overwhelmed with the turnout. I know this because she keeps dipping her head into Jayden’s chest to wipe her tears away. They aren’t sad ones, it’s more of a release of happiness, and of course, being overly tired from the months of work they’ve put in to the place.

  Zara heads toward her, and this is what I want to snap a picture of. Zara is as round as round can get, but she grabs Morgan by the shoulders and looks at her friend and business partner with nothing more than admiration in her eyes. I wish I knew what was being said, but it doesn’t matter because a picture can speak a thousand words. Right when I click the black button, they engulf each other in a what I would call the hug of all hugs.

  Evan steps up next to me, whispering, “Head over and let me take a picture of the four of you.”

  I turn and smile at him. “Just angle, look, and click here,” I explain as I know it will turn out perfect. Gathering the four of us together, we all face Evan and offer up the biggest smiles we can for the first picture of many more to come of our families.

  Afterward, I move around and mingle with some of the people I know. When I stop and look around for Evan, I notice he’s sitting at one of the tables in the corner with Neil who’s devouring a cupcake or two. It’s the way that Evan is studying me that causes me to be a little un-easy. His leg is stretched out, one hand down on his knee while the other is resting on his chin. His eyes are watching every move I make, every smile I offer up to another person. It’s a mixture of hot and oh shit I might be in trouble. Just as I’m about to head over to him and see if they are ready to leave, Brody approaches me.

  “Do you have a moment,” he asks.

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “I just wanted to see how you’re doing; I haven’t seen or talked to you in awhile.”

  “Actually, I’m doing great for the first time in a long time, Brody. I have to thank you for that. Also, I have news that I haven’t shared yet with the girls. I didn’t want to take away from Morgan or Zara tonight,” I say and wonder if I should be telling him this.

  “I’m sure they would’ve loved to have shared the light with you. You going to tell me or make me wait.”

  “Okay, but don’t say anything yet. They will be pissed they didn’t hear it from me. I signed on with Devon at the studio. I have my own place and will have some stuff in a show in a few weeks.” I’m caught off guard when Brody wraps his arms around me and pulls me in to his chest. His grip is tight, like he’s holding on to his lifeline before drowning.

  Leaning his mouth closer to my ear, he whispers, “I’m so proud of you, Frankie. This is great news, and no one deserves this more than you. Also, I wanted to tell you how beautiful you look tonight.” Just when those words escape his mouth, I pull away and look up at him. It’s then that I realize he might have lied to me when we agreed to let each other go. I go to open my mouth to respond and shut it just as fast as I opened it; good thing, too, because Evan is standing next to me asking if I’m ready to go.

  “Sure, let me tell everyone goodnight, and we can leave,” I say before looking back at Brody. “Have a good night, Brody, I’ll see ya around.”

  I bid my friends a goodnight and follow Evan and Neil outside. They both walk me to my car, inviting me over for a glass of wine and a tuck in story. I agree as I need to make the air clean, especially after what just happened back there with Brody.

  Chapter 14

  A little angry with myself for believing that Brody would just let me walk away without a fight has me turning furious with each second. When I reach my driveway, I’m not sure who I’m madder at—Brody, Evan, or myself. I throw the car in park and grab my purse before exiting and marching over to Evan’s house. I could’ve parked at his house, but I need the short walk to calm down as I don’t want Neil to see me upset with his father. But am I truly upset with him? Hell, I don’t know who it is. I just know I’m pissed.

  When I approach the house, Evan immediately opens the door. “He passed out in the car, so you get to escape story time tonight. Come on in,” he offers, and I fly past him and head toward his kitchen. I’ve been here enough now that I know my way, and I start to search for the wine I know he keeps in the back of the fridge.

  I don’t say anything to him, I just continue to pour my glass and walk past him out to his patio. At this point I feel he’s getting the picture and can follow, or I’ll finish my glass and go home. “Brought the bottle, thought we might need it,” he says as he places it down before me and sits in his chair. I don’t respond, I just sip the sweet liquid as I gather my thoughts.

  “What was that all about?”

  “What was what about, Frankie? You need to be clear before I answer that question.”

  “The whole bear acting self, like you needed to claim me at the end. What was that?”

  “It was exactly what you think. I heard him, and I wanted him to know that you belong to me.”

  “I don’t belong to anyone. I’m not a piece of paper that you can fold up and keep in your pocket.”

  “I was fine with him hugging you, but the way he held you tonight and told you that you looked beautiful; it was as if he was undressing you with his eyes. That I don’t like. I know you have a history with him, and I have to accept it, but what I don’t accept is him still loving you.”

  “Yes, we have a very long and difficult history, Evan, but I think ten years from now we will still love each other, but not the way I do you.” And there it is… I just threw the L word out like it was confetti. I stop mid-sentence as I can’t speak anymore. I want to stand up and run out of here, but my feet are stuck to the ground. My eyes are wide when I look over at Evan, and I’m scared of the look I might receive in return.

  “Tell me again, Frankie. Look at me and say it again.”

  “What…” I stutter because I’ve managed to confuse myself.

  “Tell me again how you feel.”

  I take a moment to down the rest of my wine before I find the courage to put myself back out there. I mean, he could be asking me to say it again so he can kick me out just as fast as I entered. A big gulp of air, I turn in the chair and face him, allowing Evan to take my hands into his. My tongue darts out to wet my lips, as they’ve become drier than the Mojave Desert. “I think I’m failing in love with you, Evan. Not just you, but with your son, too.”

  “Do you think or know, Frankie. It’s an easy answer.”

  “I know I do. I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life, and I know it’s too soon, but I can’t help the way my heart, soul, and everything within me feels.”

  I watch as Evan stands and extends his hand for me to take, and I follow his lead. Pulling me up to him, I lean my head back and stare into his face. I take everything in as this could be the last time I see him. I’m preparing myself for rejection, and my chest hurts from the fear of it. With his other hand, he pushes the hair out from my face and caresses the side of my cheek. “I don’t think it’s too soon for love, Francesca. Like you, I’ve fallen head over heels in love, and it scares the shit out of me,” he says, and I pull back to excuse myself. He reaches out, grabbing my hand, and drags me back to him. His hand lifts my chin up to look at him. “Where are you going?”

  “I was going to leave. I know I’ve pushed my luck and need time to heal.”

  “Did you not hear what I just said to you? I just agreed that I love you, too.”

  “Oh…” I say as that is totally not what I heard. I blocked his response out to protect myself, and here am I missing out on one of the greatest moments I could experience.

  “Can you say it again? I promise I’m listening this time.”

  “I said I’ve fallen in love with you, too.”

  “Okay,” is all I can respond with as I allow the tears to fall. Evan wipes them away and pulls me in for a kiss. I break apart, taking a moment to breathe before I say, “Before we go any further, I need to explain a few things to you. I need for you to know about last night, and well… everything. You need to know the truth before we both end up so far broken that we can’t repair ourselves.”

  “I’m listening when you’re ready. Want to go sit in the living room or out here?”

  “Here is fine. I don’t want to wake Neil,” I say as I reach up and pour myself a little more wine.

  “The floor is all yours when you’re ready.” Our hands are locked together, and I squeeze them a little tighter than I should. I’m scared that as soon as I speak and explain what I need to say that he will ask me to leave and never contact them again. I’ve never told anyone any of this outside of my circle, and right now I’m scared shitless.


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