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Heated Sweets (A Taste of Love Book 3)

Page 14

by A. M. Willard

  “Evan, do you mind if we take her?” Natasha asks as I pull back from his chest to look at her and Morgan. The moment he lets me go, I feel empty. The loss of his warmth is front and center. Right now, all I want to do is go home and allow Evan to hold me tight. I’m embarrassed of my actions tonight, but I won’t take the words back. What I said to Evan was true, and I meant every word. I’ve never wanted to fight for something as much as I do this.

  The ache that constricts within my chest now is from the hurt I’ve caused Brody. I knew that our past would always be something that we had to work through. A part of me was hoping that he was truly ready to move on and make a life with either Mary Beth or someone else. My heart will always hold a special place for him. I know in ten years, I’ll still love Brody—just not in the same capacity that I love Evan.

  For that matter, I don’t even know if Evan and I will still be together. I pray that we are, because everything about him comforts me. His presence is just enough to make me want more out of life, family, friends, and work. I want to be the best person I can be for not just him, but Neil, too. “I’ll be back,” I say as I follow the girls down the hallway.

  When we reach the ladies room, Natasha opens the door, and we follow her lead. Immediately I head to the sink, turning on the water to rinse my face.

  “What happened? Are Zara and the baby okay?” Morgan questions me as I continue to splash water on my face. Natasha hands me a few paper towels. Dabbing my face, I just stand there, staring at my reflection. Instead of seeing a person in love looking back at me, all I see is someone who just broke another person’s heart for the final time.

  “Frankie, can you hear us?” Natasha asks, coming over to lean against the countertop next to me. I dart my eyes in her direction.

  “Yes, I can hear you, and yes, they’re perfect,” I say, and just as I finish, the waterworks start again. Natasha and Morgan engulf me in a hug, soothing my cries from the world as they try to make it better.

  “Want to tell us what happened,” Natasha ask.

  “They named the baby after me, and it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed. It was amazing…”

  “Okay, honey. Listen, you need to calm down and talk to us,” Morgan explains as I slow the tears and my breathing down.

  “I’ll try, but it really was the most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed. When Madison took her first breath and let out the cry from her little lungs, it was like I was living inside a dream. Guys, I’ve seen some beautiful things, but watching a life be brought into this world tops them all. I know my mental break wasn’t good to have here, and I promise I tried to hold it in. I just couldn’t. I’m so sorry.”

  “First—it is the most magical thing ever to witness, no matter your condition. Second—you’ve been holding that break in for so many years that we were scared you’d never crack. Third—never be sorry for expressing your feelings. You might need to give Brody some time, though, just saying,” Natasha says.

  “I can’t believe I hurt him like I just did. I never meant to fall in love with Evan, especially this quick. I always knew that someone else was out there for me. I think that’s why I fought Brody so much. I used my pain and illness as a way to keep him at arm’s length. It wasn’t until recently that I figured this all out.”

  “Like how recent, ten minutes ago? Because I think that’s when we all figured it out ourselves. I knew you were sort of dating Evan, but didn’t know we were talking family, love, and the works here,” Morgan says, and it causes me to laugh.

  “Sorry, I forgot to fill you guys in. I have so much to tell you two, and I will soon, but right now I need to go back out and say goodbye to Zara and get back so Evan can release his mom from babysitting,” I say before I turn back to look at myself. I need to make sure that I am as put together as possible before Zara sees me. She’ll read through the lines, and today is not the day to tell her what just happened. “Oh, let’s keep this between us for now, okay? I don’t want to upset Zara or Hatcher. Now, let’s go see that baby before it goes off to college.”

  We head down the hall. The hair on the back of my neck stands high as I feel all eyes on me. This is why mental breaks need to be done in the privacy of your home. Your friends start to walk on egg shells. Well, everyone other than the girls. They will love me through them all and have in the past. It’s just this is my first very public break like this. Tonight was just enough emotion and kick to send me to a place where I never thought was possible.

  See, you have to understand something. In the past I never even wanted to try to conceive. I didn’t want the pain from the monthly rejections that I’ve heard horror stories about. It was easier to just go through life convincing myself that I couldn’t conceive. I take a low form of birth control, and have always had protected sex with my partner.

  Then again, for so many years that partner was Brody, and we never talked about trying. It just went unspoken. Plus, we both were in school and focused on our careers. It wasn’t until the last few years that I felt things shift. Brody would drop hints to wanting a family. We would even drive around looking at different areas to live—not that we were looking to buy. It was a way to kill time when we were bored and wanted to view what the city had to offer. Every time we would enter a subdivision, he’d start to talk about raising a family in one just like it. That’s usually when the bricks would land on my chest and cause it to tighten, and I’d have a panic attack. It was more than I was willing to try at the time. The not knowing was better than the knowing.

  I look over at Evan sitting next to Jayden, and he jumps to his feet and rushes toward me. “You okay?”

  “I am; we’ll talk when we leave. Let’s go see the baby again and head on home.”

  “Lead the way.”

  We head down the hall and knock on their door before entering. When I enter the room, I notice the look that Zara’s giving me. I know she knows before she even says a word. I gently shake my head and smile as I continue to walk across the room. Once by her side, I glance down at Madison, who let me just say is perfect.

  “We just wanted to come in for a moment before we head home. Evan’s mom is with Neil, and it’s late. Plus, you need rest.”

  “Go home and get some sleep, Frankie. However, I expect you back or at least a phone call tomorrow.”

  Yep, she knows… Nothing gets by her. We bid our goodbyes and see ourselves out. Once we reach the waiting room, I hug everyone while Evan shakes the guys’ hands. Before I can say anything, I notice Morgan and Natasha embracing him. I’m pretty sure Natasha whispers something, but I’m also sure that it’s only for the two of them to know.

  I allow Evan to guide me to the elevator and out of the hospital toward his car. The rest of the way home is quiet. He doesn’t ask, and I don’t tell. As much as I want to curl up next to him tonight, when we reach his driveway I explain that I’ll see him tomorrow. We have to think about Neil and his emotions, and finding me in the bed with his father is something that I’m not ready for. Maybe soon, but not tonight in the emotional state that we are all in. Evan and I pretty much confessed our love and desire to have a family together in front of the whole labor and delivery ward. I think that’s enough for one night.

  Evan kisses me goodnight, but holds onto my hand a little harder than expected when I go to pull away. When I turn back to look at him, he hesitates for a moment before speaking. “I meant what I said tonight, before and after. All you have to say is that you’re ready. I’m yours, and I’ve been waiting for you to show up in my life, Frankie. I wasn’t expecting to find you six houses down, or in my living room gossiping about the neighbors, but I did.”

  “I know, and neither was I. I just need a little more time.”

  “No pressure,” he says with a wink and lets go of my hand. The whole way home I can feel his eyes on me. When I turn to head toward my door, I stop and take a chance looking his way. Just as I suspect, Evan leans against his car with his arms crossed over his black t-shirt. A qui
ck wave toward him, I enter my house and head right to my bed.

  Evan: Is it too soon yet? Just joking. I’m only a call away if you need me. Good Night, Francesca. I love you.

  I read the text and send a quick love you back before I shut it down completely. I don’t want the distraction tonight. I stand and head to my office where I have a stack of pamphlets on the side table. Gathering them up, I drop them to the mattress before changing into my PJ’s. I plan to read them all front and back as I need to find out if my new dream is even possible.

  Chapter 16

  I managed to avoid Zara as much as I could yesterday, giving them space at the hospital to bond with Madison. She’s texted a few times, explaining that they are coming home later this evening. This has me and the girls decorating the house, preparing for them to arrive home. Morgan brought a few treats from the bakery while Natasha picked up a sandwich platter from the store on the way over. Recruiting Evan and Neil to help hang the banner as they wanted to be a part of the surprise. I find it sweet how he’s trying to include himself in our group and get to know them. The girls seem to have taken to him and Diesel, but I’m still gauging Hatcher on this. Brody, well he’s a whole different conversation, and he’ll come around when the time is right. We sent the guys and Cassidy outside to put the yard sign up and hang the wreath, allowing us ladies a little time. I thought I was going to get lucky and escape the questions, but of course, Natasha is the first to bring up the events from the hospital.

  “Have you talked about what happened?”

  “What do you mean? About my breakdown, and to Evan or Brody?”

  “Evan, silly, and yes the scene in the hospital.”

  “No, he was busy with Neil, and I think he figured I needed a little space to clear my own thoughts before I could deal.”

  “What’s the plan?” Morgan questions while pulling out a chair from the table to sit.

  “I don’t know.” Shrugging, I look down at the table and ask myself the same question.

  Natasha pipes up, “I think you two are sort of perfect. I know we all loved you with Brody, but that’s because it was all we truly knew. Seeing you with Evan and his son, it just makes sense. Take mine and Diesel’s relationship. Would you ever have thought I’d end up falling in love with a guy who had a daughter and owns a mechanic shop?”

  “You do have a point,” I agree with her and look at how different they are. Breaking down Evan and myself—we aren’t that different, but it’s fast.

  “Do you think it’s too quick? I mean, can you love someone this much this soon? Or is this just crazy talk here?”

  “It’s never too soon. I think I knew I was in love with Jayden the day we bumped into each other in the park. Sure, I fought it, but he won in the end. Now we’re getting married.”

  “Morgan, you guys are getting married and have been dating for what—six months or something like that.”

  “Eight, but if I allowed Jayden to pick our wedding date it would’ve been a week after he proposed. I had to beg him to wait until things settled down with the bakery and Zara had the baby. It wasn’t an easy feat by any means.”

  I take a moment to take it all in before I look across at Natasha. She’s the one with experience in the dating a man with a child and living together.

  “Natasha, what’s it like? Do you worry you might only be with Diesel because of Cassidy? Or what happens if you break-up?”

  “No, I don’t think that way with us. For some reason, the three of us just work. We’ve talked about growing our family, and it’s just not right for either of us at this moment. We are taking one day at a time and learning to live with each other. What you need to do is talk to Evan and make sure you’re both on the same page. We all heard him the other night, and I’d say y’all are synced perfectly, but you have Neil to worry about. Frankie, you need to do what’s best for you. If you want to have a baby, nothing says you have to have a man to do this with. They have plenty of other options,” she says, and I hold my hand up to stop her.

  “I don’t think I want to have a stranger’s baby. I’d like to try the old-fashioned way before I go that route. I’ll talk to him and see where his head’s at. It’s not like I’m going to go out tonight and grab some sperm from the store.”

  “Just be careful. We don’t want to see you hurt, or for that matter, them.”

  “I promise, now let’s get this place ready for a baby,” I say while I stand and look around. We don’t have much to do as we’re keeping it low-key. I just need to make sure it’s perfect. I head out to search for Evan and find them out back watching Neil and Cassidy run around. Those two have hit it off even though Cassidy is younger than Neil by four years. It’s hard to remember that she’s only four, but in my book, it’s a very mature four. It could be because she’s been raised by her father for so long, and now that Natasha is in the picture, she’s learned a lot more.

  The case that Natasha has been working on has been requiring a lot of hours and days, because of this she’s been taking Cassidy to the office on the weekends. She’s told us that she moves all her work into the conference room and they share the space while she researches. Natasha even bought a look-a-like briefcase for her to pack her books and toys in. We’ve all warned Diesel that she’s creating a monster, and they just might have another lawyer on their hands if they aren’t careful. All he does is smile bright and shake his head. He’s a man of few emotions, and over the last few months he’s been allowing us all in more.

  At times, I think we should all come with a warning, but then that would take the fun out of the group. Usually you warn the other person about your family. With us, it’s our friends who are more than just friends—they are our family and the ones we depend on more than anything.

  The vibration of my phone causes me to jump, and I pull it out from my pants pocket.

  “Hello, Zara,” I say and hear the long sigh come through the other side of the phone.

  “We are almost home. Want to come over and give me adult talk? I’ve only been a mom for what, twenty-four hours, and I think I forgot how to speak like an adult.”

  “Sure, I’ll keep an eye out for y’all and come over once you’re home.”

  “Perfect, see you in like, oh three minutes. Just pulled into the subdivision.”

  “See ya soon,” I say and hang up. I call for Evan, and the rest follow as it’s time to greet them at the door. Just as we all step outside, the car pulls into the driveway. I notice Zara is in the backseat, and I laugh out loud. She’s told us on several occasions that she’s not going to be that mom who sits in the back, nor will she be the pushover kind, or the one that freaks about everything. I’m pretty sure that not one of us believed her. The best part of this is watching the person she’s become. Zara has been the one to transition the most out of us all. Natasha is who she is—she’s strong, loves with all her soul, and will fight for those that she loves and for those she doesn’t even know. Morgan, she is still our hopeless romantic, but she’s getting her fairy tale. She’s witty, funny, and the one that cheers us up with frosted baked goods. Me, well I think my journey is just starting. If I’m lucky enough, it’s going to go as it should with a happy ending. Time will only tell for Evan and me, but I know with enough willpower and no running it’ll be worth it in the end.

  Right as we all walk over to the car, another one pulls up along the curb. I take a chance to glance out and notice it’s Brody and Mary Beth. Offering a smile to whoever is paying attention, I keep my eyes focused on Zara and Madison.

  “Need some help,” I offer, stepping beside the car.

  “Can you take this?” she asks, handing me the diaper bag from the back. I take it and watch as Hatcher comes jogging around to the back and motions for Zara to move so he can get Madison out and into the house. My heart constricts while I watch them interact together. I notice the glow that’s plastered on Zara’s face, and for the first time in over nine months she looks at peace. I knew that once she laid eyes on h
er daughter that everything would kick in for her.

  The worry…

  The stress…

  The unknown of what to expect was causing her more harm than good. Zara’s not a planner, and she shouldn’t have been taken by surprise when she found out she was pregnant, nor from the fact that she ran off with Hatcher and got married. Over the last nine months, it was like she lived her life in fear of something happening. It didn’t matter what any of us said, she was afraid that life was too good to be true. She was afraid of breaking the love that Hatcher and her share, not to mention her friendships. Now, don’t get me wrong; we all wanted to strangle her daily, but that’s Zara. You either love her the way she is, or walk away from her with a confusion that you’ll never understand.

  Hatcher heads toward the front door while Zara wraps her arm into mine, and we follow his steps. Leaning in, she whispers, “Sorry he’s here, but he is the godfather.”

  “Don’t… It’ll be okay, and this is your day. Never feel that you have to hide your friendship with him because of what happened between us. Give us time, and things will work out,” I say. In my heart, I know those words are true, but when I take the chance to glance back, I worry it might take longer than expected. We just have to find a way for him to forgive me and retire his Superman persona. He saved me in a way he’ll never understand. It just took Evan coming into my life to see just how much Brody did. It’s crazy that the last twenty-four hours has shifted us the way it has. I guess when you let someone go, you never truly let go the way you explain. The difference between Brody and me is that I meant the words I said to him. It took him witnessing what transpired on the labor and delivery floor for it to sink in to just how much things have changed.


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