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Loving Two Dragons (The Dragon Curse Book 2)

Page 1

by Ariel Marie

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  Loving Two Dragons

  The Dragon Curse 2

  Ariel Marie

  Copyright © 2017 by Ariel Marie

  Cover Design by GermanCreative

  Edited by: Dana Hook at Rebel Edit & Design

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, businesses, events, and incidents are a figment of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any similarities to real people, businesses, locations, history, and events are a coincidence.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher

  Created with Vellum

  WARNING: Due to the explicit language and graphic sexual scenes, this book is intended for mature (18 years +) readers only. If things of this nature offend you, this book would not be for you. If you like a good, steamy, menage MFF erotic romance, with dragon shifters, then you have chosen wisely…

  Ariel Marie


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  A Letter to the Reader

  Vampire Destiny

  About the Author

  Also by Ariel Marie

  Chapter One

  Twice a year, Jaggar Gilgen attended The Mating Ball, and twice a year, he left without a mate. He was beginning to think that they were not out there.

  Every dragon knew that the dragon curse would come for them if they did not bond with their mates. The curse was a vile one that dragons tried their best to avoid. If the talons of the curse captured a dragon, they would fall into a slumber until the end of time.

  Dragons were meant to live for centuries, if not millennia, but would do it only with their mates.

  Jaggar wanted that—a lifetime loving two dragons.

  He wanted what his good friend Colton had just received, which was both of his mates. Serni and Raven were an extension of his friend. The triad were newly mated and bonded, and they were safe from being claimed from the dragon curse.

  Jaggar was worried that he would run out of time. He and Colton had grown up together, since their dragons were too young to breathe fire. Jaggar was beginning to feel the slumber come for him, and he refused to just roll over and submit. He would fight to the death until he could find the two people that would fulfill his triad.

  “Thank you for inviting me to hear your presentation.” Jaggar held his hand out for his host. Cadun Mysad was one of the dragon ambassadors that were researching ways to put an end to the curse. Cadun and his team had been doing research for the past century, and were no closer to finding the cure.

  “We appreciate you coming to our island to hear the presentation. We’re hoping in the coming years to have a breakthrough. My team has been working tirelessly to find a way to beat the curse. I hear another dragon succumbed to it a few months ago, just here on Pleasant Island.

  Jaggar cursed. He could feel the sweat bead on his forehead with the thought of falling into a forever darkness.

  “Well, we trust you and your team. Colton will be pleased when I inform him of the data that you have.” Jaggar stood from his chair.

  “Why don’t you stay another night? Today is the anniversary of Pleasant Island. Five hundred years ago, this island was settled. It will be fun,” Cadun assured him as he came from behind his desk. “There will be single dragonesses at the party.”

  Jaggar paused at the thought. He hadn’t had any luck at The Mating Ball, so why would he have luck here at a random celebration? He looked to his host, whose face held a look of hope that he would accept the invitation. Jaggar sighed and ran a weary hand along his face. Cadun had found his mates, Pica and Rusten, a century ago, and all were happy in his triad.

  “Stay. One of them could be here,” his dragon begged.

  “I’d be honored to stay to celebrate the island’s anniversary,” Jaggar said. He silently hoped his dragon was right.

  His animal was restless and desperate; he wasn’t meant to spend forever alone. Dragon triads were commonly two males to a female, but his friend Colton had the rare chance to mate with two beautiful dragonesses.

  Jaggar longed to find his mates, and didn’t care what the combination was.

  “You would be an honorary guest,” Cadun boasted as he guided Jaggar out of his office. “The party has already commenced. Anything you should need, it shall be yours.”

  “I will graciously accept your generous offer.” Jaggar chuckled as they walked down the large hallway of the ambassador’s mansion.

  Cadun threw back his head and let loose a boisterous laugh.

  “I’m sure searching for your mate is weighing heavily on you. I’ve been in your shoes, so I know how it feels. Relax tonight. Have some fun and let whatever happens tonight happen,” Cadun advised him.

  Jaggar nodded his head as they walked out onto the veranda of the mansion. The party was already in full swing. The sun was setting, and the land behind Cadun’s home was decorated for the celebration. The land merged into the beach, but was dotted with tents, tables, and chairs throughout the yard. Music blared from unseen speakers, creating the perfect atmosphere Jaggar needed to unwind and relax.

  Natives of the island could be seen for miles down the beach, celebrating.

  “Some party,” Jaggar murmured as his eyes took in the view. His eyes were drawn to the beach, and his animal slammed into his chest.

  “The beach,” his beast growled.

  “Go. Relax and have a swell time,” Cadun commanded, jogging down the stairs to greet his mates.

  Jaggar’s feet moved on their own toward the beach. He weaved in and out of the crowd as he made it to his destination. His eyes lingered on a few triads that were together, and a small hint of jealousy bloomed in his chest. He beat it down with the thought that soon, his mates would show themselves.

  Chapter Two

  Ady’s dragoness was going downright crazy. Amongst all the people of Pleasant Island, her body decided to awaken. She gasped as the material of her silk dress slid across her beaded nipples.

  What is wrong with me? she thought with a groan. The hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention as her eyes slowly looked around the beach, but she didn’t see anyone watching her.

  “Go into the woods,” a voice whispered in her head.

  She turned toward the woods and followed the sandy path. It wasn’t because she was listening to her dragon, but because she needed to hide herself until she could get her traitorous body under control.

  She had been searching for her mates for centuries and had yet to find them. Her past relationships were all failures. Trying to create a mating that fate had not designed never worked. Sure, a dragoness could have relations with whomever she pleased, but eventually, the mating fever would call for the dragon.

  Too bad when the fever called, it didn’t deliver two mates immediately.

  Ady hurried along, carrying her sandals in her hand as her feet sunk into the warm sand.

  Someone was watching her, she was sure of
it. Her heart skipped a beat with the thought that it could be one of her mates.

  Hidden from the view of the crowd, she leaned her forehead against a large palm tree and let loose a deep sigh. Instead of relaxing though, her body drew tense.

  Someone had followed her.

  She leaned back away from the tree and tossed her long dark hair over her shoulder. Turning, she saw a tall, broad-shouldered man making his way toward her, his intense eyes locked on her.

  “Mate,” her dragoness screamed.

  Ady’s breath caught in her throat as he drew closer to her. The moon rays broke through the trees and provided just enough light to see him.

  “So pretty.” His deep baritone voice made her shiver as he stopped in front of her.

  “Hi,” she whispered. She couldn’t form any other word as she drunk in the sight of her mate. He was everything that she could have imagined him to be. She could feel his animal’s power radiating from him and course straight into her, calling her animal. He would be a strong mate to have, to provide protection for her and any little dragons they would have.

  His jawline was rugged, and the hair that covered it made her fingers ache to feel how rough it would be. Just imagining his face in-between her legs and the feel of his beard on her legs, caused her pussy to grow slick with need.

  He drew in a deep breath as he moved closer to her. He braced himself against the tree, entrapping her. Not that she would be fleeing.

  This was one of her mates.

  She smiled as she cocked her head back to look at him.

  “Finally,” she breathed. His scent was overwhelming. Her nipples ached even more as they pushed against the silk material of her dress. She watched as his eyes dropped to them, and she prayed that he would put her out of her misery and free them. It would only take one swipe of his finger.

  “I’m Ady.”

  “Jaggar,” he growled. It was an unusual name for her mate, and she loved it. “I’ve searched for centuries for you, and this one little trip to meet with Cadun has led me to you. Where have you been all this time?” The corner of his mouth lifted in a small smile as his eyes made their way back up to connect with hers.

  “Waiting for you.”

  “Is that so?” he murmured. He reached up and trailed his fingers along her arms. Her body practically hummed with the feel of her mate’s hands on her. Sliding his hands over her shoulders, he hooked them in the front of her dress and freed her breasts. She could have shouted for joy. “Well, here I am.”

  Her breasts tingled as he slowly traced her areola with his finger, before pinching her nipples. She groaned as he tugged on her breasts. Her head fell back against the tree as he slammed his mouth on hers, his hands gripping both of her plump mounds as his tongue pushed its way into her mouth.

  She welcomed the feel of his hands on her, his tongue in her mouth, and the feel of his cock pressed up against her. She leaned into him as he massaged and molded her achy breasts.

  She had waited so long for this moment, that her hands went on a mission of their own.

  Free his cock.

  A growl escaped him as he realized her intent. She knew they were far enough into the woods that no one would see them. Dragons could be very territorial, and did not share outside their triads. She pitied anyone who dared interrupt them.

  His belt loosened and fell aside, allowing her to unbutton his pants. He nipped the skin along her neck, making her pussy clench. His hands slid beneath her dress and met the roundness of her ass.

  “Mine,” he growled against her lips. He tugged her little scrap of panties tight until the sound of the material ripping filled the air.

  “Mine,” she growled back as her fingers encircled the wide girth of his cock. A gasp escaped him as she freed his heavy length from his pants.

  “Are you ready for it?” His lips turned up in a small smile, causing her heart to skip a beat.

  Her eyes locked on his as she nodded her head. Her thighs were coated with the proof of her readiness. He gathered her dress up in one hand as he lifted her behind her knees. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist as he positioned himself and thrust forward.

  She squeezed her eyes shut as she cried out from the invasion of his thick cock. Her pussy walls burned slightly as he pushed fully into her.

  “The Gods above,” he cursed as he held still inside of her.

  “Jaggar,” she growled, fighting the descent of her incisors. Her gums burned as they tried to make their way out.

  “Bite him,” her animal snapped.

  She knew she shouldn’t. Together, her and Jaggar would search for their third mate, to claim each other, together— as a triad.

  Her eyes opened to find his locked on hers as he continued to thrust deep within her. Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt her emotions swirl in her chest. Her muscles began to tighten as his lips enclosed around her nipple, sucking her mound deep into his mouth.

  “Ady, come with me,” he demanded against her skin.

  Her fingers threaded their way into the hair at the nape of his neck as she leaned back against the tree.

  “Yes,” she hissed as she completely fell apart in Jaggar’s arms. Tears flooded her vision as she rode the waves of her orgasm, and not long after, his shout filled the quiet night air around them. He rested his forehead against her chest as their bodies grew still.

  Her lips curved up into a smile at the thought that finally, she had found one of her mates.

  Chapter Three

  “I just want to feel complete,” Lini Danala admitted as she turned to her mother.

  Kay Danala looked at her daughter with concern and sighed as she approached Lini.

  “It will happen, Lini. Fate always has a plan.”

  Lini paced the floor of her bedroom, becoming lost in her thoughts on how she could find at least one of her mates. Her heart ached with the thought of never finding them. She knew the dragon’s curse was upon her, and just getting out of bed in the mornings was a job. Her body had begun to ache in ways that a dragon shouldn’t feel.

  She was a strong shifter, but the curse had chosen her. She had yet to find her mates, and because of that, the curse was going to try to claim her. She refused to just fall into an eternal sleep without a fight.

  She hadn’t said a word to anyone. She refused to have everyone look at her with pity in their eyes. She didn’t want to be one of the first females to succumb to the curse in a century.

  “What if I put out an ad or something?”

  “And have every unmated dragon shifter in the world come knocking at your door?” Kay shook her head and moved in front of Lini. She gripped Lini by the shoulders as she stared into her eyes. “No, that’s not the way to find your mates. The Riddick’s boy just found his, so there’s hope for you too.”

  “Isn’t it wonderful?” Lini would never be upset that someone else had found their mates, but she was a little jealous that Colton Riddick had found his. The latest news from the Riddick family was that both of Colton’s mates were expecting.

  Lini sighed as she placed her hand on her soft belly, aching to have it filled by her mate’s babe. She prayed that she would be able to find them soon, because she was ready to experience the joys of motherhood.

  “It is. We will get you mated off, okay?” Her mother’s eyes pleaded for her not to give up. Lini didn’t want to make her mother feel guilty, so she just nodded her head. “I love you, Lini.”

  Her mother placed a kiss on her forehead and exited Lini’s bedroom, leaving her alone.

  Lini’s dragon had become restless, as though she knew the curse was moving in on them. The last week or so, her beast had been downright irritated, wanting to break free.

  “Settle down,” she snapped at her animal. She walked over to her desk in the corner of her room and sat down at her computer. She pulled up the internet and looked at the latest dragon shifter news that was plastered on the shifter sites. Scrolling through, she looked at an announcement of ano
ther triad finding each other.

  “When will it be my turn?” she grumbled as she continued searching the internet.

  Could it be as simple as placing an ad? What could it hurt if she put a discrete ad on some of the shifter dating websites, or shifter message boards? She’d heard of mates finding each other on those boards before.

  An ad for a psychic caught her eye.

  Looking for your mate? I can help you now!

  Lini read the ad with a skeptical eye, but the longer she sat and stared at it, she couldn’t help but wonder what she had to lose. She glanced at the address and found that it wasn’t far from her home. Even if nothing came from a visit with the psychic, she would at least be entertained.

  Mistress Zora sat across from Lini, staring down into her crystal ball. Lini tried to hide her smirk as she sat in the elder woman’s establishment. Mistress Zora was the epitome of a witch—psychic and gypsy, all rolled into one. Her weathered skin hinted at her age, while her long black hair was sprinkled with gray. Lini could scent the witchcraft coming off the woman, but knew that making a living as a psychic was a front for the humans.

  “So, do you see my future?” Lini asked as she sat back in her chair. Her curly dark hair fell around her shoulders, and she pulled it to one side.

  “This is a waste of time,” her dragon growled.

  “Be patient. What else do we have left?” she asked her animal, who went silent.

  “Finding mates takes time,” Zora murmured as she continued staring into the ball. “Your animal seems restless and impatient.”

  “You would too if you were in my shoes,” Lini muttered, crossing her arms in front of her. She didn’t have much time left and needed to find her mates, like yesterday.


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