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Black Hills Blessing

Page 25

by A. C. Wilson

  “Saved by the phone.” Matt offered a half grin as he took out his cell. Raven balked sideways until the ringing ended and Matt answered. “Hey babe, what’s up?” The expression of love on Matt’s face made Garrett look away. “What? Are you sure?” Matt’s tone changed so unexpectedly that Garrett turned back to see shock on his brother’s face. “Um…yeah. That sounds like a good idea. I love you too.” Matt smiled as he hung up the phone. Garrett swallowed hard, his stomach in knots.

  “What happened?” Garrett asked, his heart pausing mid-beat until his brother answered him.

  “Nora called Andy a few minutes ago and said that Rayne got a letter from her father. It sounds like he explained her mother’s death and his regrets about not reaching out to her before now. Her father basically cleared some of the mysteries up.” Matt shook his head in confusion. Garrett’s brow furrowed. “Nora mentioned that they called the sheriff back to Rayne’s place. Something about knowing where the missing horse was being held.” Matt looked at Garrett for more information. Nodding Garrett rubbed a palm over his jaw, saying nothing.

  “She suspected Marshall Denton of taking the mare.” Matt threw the tidbit out there and watched his brother’s jaw firm. Blue eyes took in the disbelief in brown ones.

  “No shit? Did Nora say why they suspected him?” Garrett couldn’t quite believe that Denton was responsible. The man had been the local vet for a million years, or so it seemed.

  “Just something written in the letter. Andy didn’t say.” Matt shook his head. “She did mention that she was going to head over to Rayne’s and see if she could help.” Matt was careful not to look at his older brother. Garrett winced at the regret that sliced through him. Andy was going over to help Rayne. That should be his job. He should be holding that raven-haired beauty in his arms and keeping the wolves at bay. He wanted to be her shelter and help her weather this storm.

  Every storm from here on out. He looked out over the prairie and for the first time noticed how dark it was getting. It was a good thing they could see the ranch house from here. The brothers were quiet as they loped into the yard. Garrett was mulling over how he was going to get Rayne to listen to him. He couldn’t leave without saying what he felt. He didn’t want to wonder what might have happened had he the courage to lay it all out in the open. Matt halted Raven by the door of the barn and Garrett dismounted from Goliath. Swinging the door wide, Goliath walked forward followed by Raven. Miss Sioux whinnied from her stall in greeting. Pete stuck his head over the door and watched the commotion.

  “How about you stay tonight? We’ll go get a beer and wait for the girls.” Matt said casually as he took off the saddle and blanket from Raven’s back. Garrett put his own tack away.

  “Wait for the girls?” Garrett paused after setting the saddle to rights in the tack room. Matt nodded, offering a conspiratorial grin.

  “Yea. Well Andy mentioned they were going to have a girls’ night at the bar. I figure they are doing a bit of meddling on their own and maybe we should set things up.” Matt’s wife was a planner. There was no way Matt had thought of this on his own. It did sound like a good idea. A couple of beers would loosen him up and when Rayne arrived, he’d tell her everything. He’d put it all out in the open and pray to God she didn’t trample all over his heart.

  “Let’s do it.” Garrett grinned, hoping a couple of beers would be enough to steady the butterflies in his stomach.

  It’s now or never. He chose now.


  Royal had stayed to finish the report with the sheriff’s deputy. It had proven to be a pain in the neck just explaining what she knew about the missing mare and why she felt that way. Without her father’s letter, she might not have even suspected the local veterinarian of hiding the pregnant mare. All the focus had been on Valentine as her father’s lawyer and then Rodriguez, her father’s previous foreman. Both had been suspects on her list. Rayne walked around the living room once more. She was too keyed up to sit still and wait for news to come.

  If it came. She reminded herself harshly. Marshall Denton had some nerve taking her to the sheriff’s office and making a statement about how he cared for the horse. He’d been clever in throwing all scent off his trail, if there ever might be any questions. She felt duped, but not quite as much as her father had been. Ripley Randall had trusted Marshall Denton in caring for his stock. So had many others in the Hot Springs area. Denton was highly regarded and throwing mud at one of their own would not go well if it proved to be wrong.

  “It’s not wrong.” Rayne told herself. “I’m not wrong.” She was firm in her convictions.

  “Did you say something?” Nora asked, putting her cell phone back into her pocket.

  “I’m just talking to myself again. I don’t think I’m wrong about Denton. No one would suspect him.” Rayne paced in front of the hearth. The cold ashes tugged at her memory.

  Warm, naked bodies. Arms entwined. Lips meshed together. Rayne clung more tightly to the distraction of the missing horse, but not before every fiber in her reached out for Garrett.

  “It would be the perfect mystery. I just can’t think why he’d lie about your father’s mare.” Nora sighed as she plopped onto the lumpy couch. Garrett’s sister wrinkled her nose and pulled a throw pillow out from behind her back.

  “It’s too hard to wonder why people do the things they do.” Rayne bit her lip and watched her feet move across the wood floor. Her throat tightened in regret.

  “We’ve all got our crosses to bear. Denton has his too, I’m sure.” Nora’s soft voice was more inner musings than an all-out conviction. Rayne could only nod. It was ironic that she and Nora were more alike than even they thought. In another life, she and Nora might have been good friends. Rayne regretted that too. If things didn’t work out with Garrett and her, Nora could hardly stay friends with her brother’s ex-girlfriend.

  Girlfriend. She loved the sound, but she longed for the permanence of a more worthy title. A title she had held once, but never believed. Her change of mind had little to do with the title and more to do with the man involved. She hoped she’d remember to thank Garrett for that.

  Both girls jumped when they heard a couple of short honks from the yard. Rayne raised her brows to Nora and Garrett’s sister shrugged. They both went to the kitchen and looked out the window. A black Ford Escape had pulled up next to the porch and Andy climbed out. Nora smiled and went to the front door. Rayne was confused by Andy’s appearance at her house.

  “Hey! Come inside.” Nora ushered her sister-in-law into the kitchen where Rayne waited.

  “Sorry. I had to drop Harper off with your mom before I came over.” Andy explained. Rayne couldn’t help but smile at the blonde woman who came inside with such a cheerful smile.

  “That’s ok. I didn’t tell her you were coming over.” Nora offered an apologetic smile and shrugged. Andy shook her head and turned back to Rayne.

  “Have they found anything yet? I can’t believe Denton would do such a thing!” Andy’s pretty green eyes stormed in outrage. Rayne was relieved by the show of support and nearly laughed out loud in spite of her jumpy nerves.

  “Nothing yet. If my luck holds out, they won’t find anything and then they’ll blame me for sending them on a wild goose chase.” Rayne raised her palms up and shook her head. “If I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.” She grimaced as she led Nora and Andy into the living room. The last had been true, at least until she met Garrett. Her luck had changed then. Sadly it had changed again.

  Fickle, bitch! She rolled her eyes and sat down in one of the old chairs.

  “That’s sad to hear, but I understand what you mean. I felt that way for a long time too.” Andy answered back as she sat in the opposite chair. Rayne remembered what Andy had shared with her about being a single mother and her family not wanting anything to do with either of them. “It was bumpy when Matt came along, but it got better.” Andy grinned at Nora. “So much better.” Andy’s grin brightened and Nora laughed ou
t loud.

  “Oh, come now. My brother was lucky to find you and Harper.” Nora smiled back. Rayne missed feeling accepted and included. Andy and Nora could have been such wonderful friends. She tried not to let the sadness show in her eyes. Maybe for just tonight they could pretend to be.

  “Well at least we can agree on that.” Andy smiled and looked expectantly at Nora. Rayne was confused by the look that passed between the two women. Nora cleared her throat. Andy pressed her lips together and looked at the floor. Rayne was about to ask what was going on when Nora sighed and gave into whatever the unspoken message was.

  “Andy and I thought it would be fun to have a girls’ night. I think we all need a distraction and the local bar is usually just that.” Nora smiled brilliantly and her blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “What do you say, Rayne? Want to paint the town with me?” Nora danced around the room, twirling in carefree abandon. Rayne laughed when Andy waved Nora off.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I should wait here for the sheriff to call.” Rayne hedged, uncertain if going out would be a good idea. She had to admit that she was tempted to have some fun.

  Maybe a certain cowboy would be there too. Her stomach flipped at the thought.

  “Oh come on! You have a cell phone. They’ll reach you if something comes up.” Nora shook her own cell phone at Rayne to make her point. Rayne chuckled at her friend.

  “It does sound fun and I could use a drink.” Rayne laughed out loud and then covered her mouth. “Uh, maybe not Crown though.” That made all of them laugh until their sides ached. Rayne felt exhilarated by the camaraderie in the room.

  Ironic that I should find this when I’m on the brink of losing everything! She tried not to dwell on it. It did curb the humor though. Nora tilted her head, her blue eyes understanding. Andy sighed and shifted to the end of her chair. Her cheeks bloomed a rose and her green eyes sparkled. Rayne couldn’t remember when she had seen someone so happy with all life had to offer.

  “We’re going to the bar and the first thing I’m doing is ordering a round of margaritas! Tequila is just the thing we need to start this night off right!” Nora whooped in anticipation. Andy rolled her eyes. Nora primped in the reflection of one of the windows. She checked her makeup and reapplied lipstick.

  “I don’t think tequila would be a good idea, Nora. We aren’t exactly single ladies anymore.” Andy joked, but Nora’s face fell a fraction before she jerked it back into place. Rayne saw the phantom pain and wanted to ask about it. Quickly she reminded herself that it wasn’t her position to intrude.

  “We just need to blow off some steam. Besides that, how am I going to get that little niece or nephew, if you don’t seduce my brother?” Nora giggled at the end as she wiggled her shapely brows with innuendo. Rayne covered her mouth when she laughed out loud at Andy’s mock horror. They all had red faces to match.

  “It doesn’t seem like I need the help of Mr. Cuervo on that matter.” Andy shared and then looked expectantly at her sister-in-law. It took a moment before Nora caught on and then she was all shock and joy. Nora danced around with a cheer and then wrapped Andy in a hug. Rayne smiled in congratulations, but her stomach felt sick. A baby was a precious thing and something that she wanted for her own. She wanted it with the right person.

  Will I ever get my own family? Rayne wondered how long that would haunt her. How long would the very idea torment her? Luckily Andy and Nora didn’t seem to notice her moment of heartache.

  “So no drinks for her, but Rayne, we are going to have some fun! Let’s get ready! I’m starting this party!” Nora danced around, a definite lightness in her step. “Oh! Andy’s driving tonight!” Nora raised her hands in the air and twirled. Rayne and Andy laughed, exchanging disbelieving glances. Garrett’s sister had totally fallen off her rocker.

  Good thing I wanted a distraction. Rayne busied herself with getting ready. She curled her long hair, applied makeup with the help of Nora and Andy picked out her best jeans with a purple plaid, low cut top. A spritz of her favorite body spray and they were out the door in an hour. Tamping all of the anxiety down, Rayne let herself be just one of the girls for tonight.

  Chapter 25

  On their way into Hot Springs, Andy drove, Nora sat shotgun just to blast Luke Bryan and Rayne sat in the back of the Escape. Every time Andy would turn the volume down on the radio, Nora would turn it up that much louder. Rayne liked Luke Bryan. Who didn’t like such a sexy, silky voice? Rayne sat back in the seat and closed her eyes. A slow song came over the speakers in the car and Nora flipped to the next track. Andy switched it back.

  “No, please, I love this song. Jason Castro has a voice like an angel.” Andy begged Nora to leave it and with a huff, she did. Rayne loved the sweet melody and the sound of the guitar strumming. It compelled her to sway a bit in her seat.

  I know we barely even started but I fully believe you could have been the one for me.

  And I miss what we might have had. Baby, I miss what we could have done.

  Rayne felt the tears prick her eyes as her heart identified so desperately with this song. She could almost hear Garrett’s voice in the song. It wasn’t even his fault that they weren’t together this very minute. She felt so wrong about not accepting his presence and his strength. Somewhere in her soul she knew that he would stay if she had asked it of him. Rayne swallowed hard.

  He made a mistake and it cost him what he loved. But he knows what he’s done.

  He’s sorry for it now. Oh, he’s never gonna leave you again.

  Rayne could hear the lyrics in her head. She substituted “he” for “I.” I made a mistake and it cost me what I loved. But I know what I’ve done. I’m sorry for it now. Oh, I’m never gonna leave you again. The identification was breath-taking and it was as if the song was written just for her. A stubborn side of her asked if she was certain she loved him. Am I? Without thought, the answer was yes. The answer alone lifted an enormous weight from her shoulders and the next breath she took in was refreshing. It restored a hope she thought she’d lost. Garrett Johnson was the reason she’d found it again.

  “Do you hear that?” Nora asked as she looked this way and that. “Someone’s cell phone.” Nora looked first at Andy and then Rayne. Snapping out of her trance, Rayne checked her purse and noticed the screen lit up in the dark.

  “It’s mine.” Rayne felt her heart beat a bit faster. Her finger hesitated a moment before she hit the call button. “Hello?” The Escape was suddenly quiet except for the voice on the other end of the line. Rayne listened with as much attention as she could muster. “Please give me a moment.” She pulled the phone from her ear and looked to see Nora watching her carefully.

  “Who is it?” Nora asked, looking at Andy and then looking back to Rayne.

  “Denton had the mare. Sheriff’s office wants to know where to take her.” Rayne was justified in her suspicions but now the sense of responsibility for her father’s dream made the occasion daunting. “The barn is hardly fit for a pregnant mare. Is there anywhere that would board her until I can figure something out?” Rayne asked of Nora and Andy. Nora was the first to answer.

  “Crossing Pines. My dad can pick her up and take her out to the ranch.” Nora and Andy nodded in encouragement. “I’ll give him a call right now. Just tell them we’ll send Travis Johnson to pick her up.” Nora pulled out her cell phone and started dialing. Rayne smiled gratefully, although it was dark. They directed the sheriff’s department on what to do and Nora gave her father the rundown. Within minutes everything was handled.

  “I can’t thank you guys enough. I’ll have to get the barn fixed up in order to house the mare.” Rayne bit her lip in thought. “That is if I can figure out how to keep the ranch.” She took a deep breath and tried not to let everything overwhelm her. She’d promised herself a night of fun. Tomorrow would be soon enough to start making some calls and figure some things out. Rome wasn’t built in a day after all.

  “We are here for you. If there’s anything you need all you ha
ve to do is ask.” Andy said over her shoulder and Rayne nodded. Nora took the opportunity to crank the stereo again. Eric Church came on and Rayne could only laugh. She needed Nora’s prodding for a good time. Tonight would be fun!


  Garrett ordered another beer. He couldn’t remember being this nervous about events that hadn’t even taken place yet. Matt laughed at his older brother as he handed him another brown bottle. Garrett rolled his eyes and took a swallow from the rounded edge of the longneck.

  “You have to relax, brother. It will all be fine.” Matt took a drink from his Bud Light and leaned back in his chair. Garrett envied his brother at the moment. Matt looked as if everything were right with the world and that nothing could shake his good humor. Garrett wanted that. He wanted the knowledge that come hell or high water, nothing was going to shake him. He was hard pressed not to pin all of his future dreams on a dark haired, golden eyed siren.

  Rayne. Her name should have inspired the soft sounds of water on a rooftop. He fought an errant grin. Instead Rayne made him think of a fiery beauty insistent on a strong grip and an insatiable sex drive. Matt caught Garrett’s grin and laughed out loud. A couple of younger guys at the counter turned to look at them and then turned back around. Garrett smacked his brother’s arm and in the process spilled some of his beer.

  “Damn it, Garrett. Watch what you are doing!” Matt complained and shifted his chair in the opposite direction. Taking a sip of his own beer, Garrett looked at the clock on the wall one more time. It had only been five minutes since he’d looked the last time.

  “What time did Andy text you and tell you they were on their way?” Garrett asked, turning back to Matt. Huffing at the question, Matt pulled his cell phone out and flipped through his messages.

  “Twenty minutes ago. They should be here soon.” Matt said as he slipped it back into his pocket. When he looked up, he saw the frozen look of disbelief on Garrett’s face. “What is it?” Matt followed his brother’s gaze and he groaned out loud.


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