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Black Hills Blessing

Page 27

by A. C. Wilson

  “Ruger, you behave now.” Rayne didn’t know why she felt she had to instruct Ruger on his manners. He immediately rolled onto his back and let Harper pat his belly. Rayne shook her head.

  “Fast friends already!” Andy chuckled as she came up onto the porch and took a seat in one of the old rockers. It squeaked when she sat and Rayne made a mental note to buy two new ones this summer.

  “Ruger’s never met anyone he didn’t like, especially kids.” Rayne took up her seat in the other rocker and adjusted her coat. Harper giggled as Ruger licked her face. “He didn’t make such a good guard dog anyway.” Rayne chuckled at the display of affection from child to dog. Andy nodded.

  “All children should have a dog, I think. I’ve been trying to talk Matt into getting a puppy this summer. I don’t think he’s come out of the baby shock yet.” Andy laughed and laid a hand over her belly. It was still flat, but Rayne could imagine a glowing and happy mother in Andy.

  “I think it’s wonderful that he’s so excited. He dotes on Harper and I’m sure this little one will have hung the moon too.” Rayne smiled, her heart clenching with the deep want to be in such a position.

  “Matt’s amazing and so is his brother.” Andy lifted a brow softly, her eyes slowing meeting Rayne’s.

  “Smooth, very smooth, Andy.” Rayne teased gently and clasped her hands in her lap. Rayne knew her friend couldn’t help but meddle. It seemed like the whole family thought Garrett had met his match in her.

  “He hasn’t called at all?” Andy twisted her lips in a grimace and her green eyes held pity. Rayne hated pity as much as she hated not having any answers.

  “No, nor is he likely too. I made a mess of things again, I’m afraid.” Rayne sighed and leaned back into her chair. Harper squealed as she crawled down the porch stairs and raced back and forth with Ruger at her heels. “I said some things I shouldn’t have and I jumped to conclusions.” Rayne pressed her lips together and held her fists to her stomach. It churned with regret.

  “Oh, sweetie, I’m sure he knows that. It was easy to do! Geez, I wasn’t sure it was all so innocent on his part with Lena either.” Andy wrinkled her nose in disgust at remembering Garrett being pawed on by Lena McCoy.

  “Even if he does, Andy, I hurt him.” Rayne looked at Andy honestly, her heart in her mouth. “I saw it in his eyes. He told me he loved me and I walked away.” Rayne felt her reserve crumbling. She couldn’t help reliving that night at the bar. It played over and over in her head like a bad dream, a nightmare if truth were to be told. Just when she thought things were going to be ok and she’d be able to commit, just seeing Lena there with Garrett brought all of the insecurities she’d ever had to the surface. In that moment, it wasn’t Garrett standing there with Lena, but Royal. The man she’d promised to honor and be faithful to until death parted them. She’d been bitter and angry at first, but she understood now that Royal wasn’t the faithful kind. Garrett was though. Garrett would be with her now if she hadn’t had the moment of panic. One minute of failure had led to her sitting out on this porch wondering if he was thinking of her too.

  “I know it feels that way now. It hurts unlike anything ever will, but I firmly believe you and Garrett are meant to be together. I saw the way he looked at you and that, my dearest friend, is worth everything!” Andy touched Rayne’s arm and smiled courageously. “Besides, he is a Johnson and Johnson’s fight for what they want. If he wants you, nothing will keep him away.”

  Rayne appreciated Andy’s confidence and support, but she didn’t think Garrett would get past this. He hadn’t forgiven Lena for doing much the same thing. That was over a decade ago! The future was rather dark when she looked at it from this rough patch. Perhaps it was a bit brighter than she’d first thought. Her mind returned to the letter on her kitchen counter.

  “Andy, have you ever heard of the Black Hills Legacy Group?” Rayne changed the subject and from Andy’s look, she didn’t mind. Green eyes blinked carefully and then met her’s. “Is that a yes?” Rayne asked. Andy looked out over Harper and Ruger playing in the yard.

  “I’ve heard of it. How do you know of them?” Andy kept her voice noncommittal and kept her gaze out over her daughter playing tag with Rayne’s collie.

  “I got a certified letter today, actually moments before you got here.” Rayne leaned back in her chair and rocked back and forth a couple of times.

  “Really? What did it say?” Andy was intrigued now and she looked over at Rayne.

  “They paid off the ranch. All of the back taxes and the mortgage, they paid it all in full.” Rayne nodded as Andy’s mouth dropped open. Rayne had mirrored that look upon reading the letter.

  “That’s an amazing gift, Rayne!” Andy exclaimed, her eyes widening as she giggled with glee. Rayne agreed that it was unexpected, but Andy’s reaction was a bit over the top. Rayne felt bemused by it all.

  “Does this mean you know who they are or where I could find them?” Rayne asked, prodding her friend for answers. “I’d really like to thank them for their kindness.” She added to sweeten the pot.

  “Oh, I’m sure they know, Rayne. It’s quite a blessing they have bestowed. Now you can stay here in Hot Springs!” Andy clapped her hands, sitting forward in her chair. Rayne wasn’t sure about that. She hadn’t even thought that far ahead in the past week. It had all been about Garrett and then trying to save her father’s dream. The question did insert itself though.

  Now what? She’d spent so long living in the present that she’d barely thought about the future.

  “I’m on the fence, Andy. If I stay here, I’ll surely run into Garrett. If I go, will there ever be a chance to have what I have now?” Rayne gestured to the house, the barn and the surrounding land. She very much wanted to sit here in the summer and listen to the cricket’s symphony. She wanted to look out over this place and see the handiwork of planning and hard work.

  “Stay here. You’ll regret leaving if you do go.” Andy spoke softly. “Besides I’m selfish. I want my new friend to be with me and to be happy. Garrett will come around in time.” Andy hugged her middle once more and Rayne turned away from the sight.

  “I need to make this place work, but first, I need to make some money.” Rayne rested her chin in her palm. She sighed at the little girl and the dog in the yard. It was a very intriguing sight.

  “You became a vet. I’d imagine you could take over Denton’s clients. He won’t be around for quite some time. You’d have a job and the people of this area won’t have to go looking for a new vet.” Andy smiled and got up from her chair to stand at the railing. Harper had went on an adventure and Ruger was right behind her.

  “It might just work.” Rayne murmured and got up for her chair too. “Ruger, come back.” She called to the dog who effectively turned Harper back in the direction of the house.

  “Of course it will work. You’ve just got to give everyone a chance to embrace you.” Andy turned her head and smiled encouragingly. Rayne returned the smile.

  “Maybe it isn’t as difficult as I thought it was.” Rayne said, watching Ruger trail Harper. Andy lifted a brow to question her statement. “Being a part of something. I’ve gotten so used to being on the outside looking in. I never imagined having roots and a family.” Rayne turned her back to the yard and rested her lower back against the railing. Andy nodded in agreement.

  “You must have imagined it once with Royal. You were married after all.” Andy mused, her eyes never leaving her daughter’s little form. Rayne took a deep breath.

  “I suppose so, but I never felt I belonged. I want to stay here.” Rayne felt the conviction of her words. She was staying. She’d make things work here with the very generous help of the mysterious group. She’d find out who they were someday and be sure to express her gratitude fully.

  “Good, because we want you to stay.” Andy smiled and then giggled with happiness. Rayne smiled in return, her spirits lifted. It felt good to have a plan. She’d make something out of her time here and if she were very lu
cky, someone would want to share it with her. Her foolish heart gave her pause.

  Garrett. It spoke the name as if it were the beginning and end of a prayer. Rayne looked out over the ranch and silently prayed that she be granted a chance to change.

  “Well, I’d better get Harper home and get dinner started. Will you come over for lunch tomorrow?” Andy asked as she walked down the stairs to retrieve Harper. Ruger trailed the little girl who kept reaching out for him. Rayne smiled as Andy put her daughter into the car seat and closed the door.

  “Sure. Should I bring Ruger?” Rayne asked, smiling at Andy.

  “Please. She’ll be talking about him all the way home.” Andy jerked her head in Harper’s direction. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Andy hugged Rayne firmly and waved as she got back into her car. Rayne stepped away and called Ruger to the porch.

  With a sigh, Rayne headed towards the barn. It was time to get lost in some chores and work off the excess energy that kept her from sleeping. Maybe tonight she’d get that rest she needed to make future plans.

  Chapter 27

  Garrett cracked one eyelid when he heard his phone ringing on the couch cushion beside him. He groaned as he stirred from his half laying, half sitting position. Blindly he patted the leather cushion to find his phone, clicked it on and waited for someone to speak.

  “About damn time you answer the phone!” The voice squawked in his ear. Garrett gave the phone a dirty look, or rather the person on the other end of the line. “Are you going to answer your front door, or do I have to call your mother?” He heard the voice say on the other end of the line and he grinned at the empty threat. Well maybe it wasn’t all entirely empty. Margaret would do it if he dared call her bluff.

  “Be there in a minute.” He grouched as he hung up the phone and got up off the couch. He hadn’t slept a wink in nearly a week and he’d been filling the hours up with work. Physical, manual work. His muscles were sore, but not nearly as sore as his head. Garrett tried to pop his back as he came down the hallway towards the front door. Sighing as he touched his palm to the door knob, Garrett opened it.

  “What brings you over this way, Margaret?” Garrett leaned against his door jamb, his arm still across the threshold. Margaret stood there in her black pant suit and sunglasses. He chuckled when she raised an aged brow at him.

  Margaret was his secretary and some days his mother too. Margaret had worked for him as long as he’d had the company, even though she joked about retiring any day. She knew the boys couldn’t have made it all work without her. She thought they needed more supervision and she might be right on that account. Thanks to her meddling, Matt took more chances with Andy. Margaret had also been the voice of reason on many occasions when Garrett had found himself wavering over one woman or another. She’d told him to look long term and as it would happen, none of those girls were long term material.

  Too bad she hasn’t met Rayne. Garrett couldn’t escape her name. Rayne haunted him at every turn.

  “The guys are complaining that you’re working them too hard.” Margaret narrowed her eyes as she shifted her sunglasses to the top of her head. It was a very motherly look. “You’re not sleeping, dear boy, and you’re working your butt off. A candle can only burn at both ends for so long.” Margaret looked up into his face and he was sure she noted the dark circles under his eyes. His hands were more calloused and blistered than normal too. He lowered his arm from the door, which left the entrance wide open.

  “Well one is the cure for the other. As a matter of fact, I was sleeping before you called me.” Garrett stood up straight as Margaret walked past him and into his house. The very same house he and Matt had built together several years ago. It was large with a full upstairs and full downstairs. Almost two separate living quarters for two bachelors, except for the kitchen that was downstairs. Now it was so quiet and so empty.

  “I figured as much when you didn’t answer the door.” Margaret walked into the den and took the seat across from the leather couch. Garrett figured she wasn’t leaving too soon. “I ordered pizza. You can at least eat while I lecture you.” Margaret offered a devious smile and then leaned back in her chair.

  “I’d really rather go back to sleep.” Garrett yawned and sank back onto the couch. Nothing in this house reminded him of Rayne and he thought that was such a loss. As much as he wanted to forget her, his heart wanted to remember her too.

  “What’s going on, Garrett? This isn’t like you.” Margaret turned her shrewd eyes to his face and he swore she could see right through him to the core. “You’ve fallen for someone, haven’t you?” She tisked under her breath. Garrett rolled his eyes and barely controlled a groan.

  “Margaret, I really don’t feel like talking about this. It’s over now and that’s that.” He tried to mean it. He tried to sound stern and in control, but he wasn’t. Since the night at the bar when he’d walked away, he felt like he was free-falling. No parachute and no safety gear to keep him from making a wicked splat on the earth below.

  “That’s a load of bluff! It’s not over until you say that it is. Obviously you are not finished with that girl and that’s ok.” Margaret held up her aged hands. “If it’s over, finish it. If there is more to say, then you need to say it. You’ll never have closure if you leave it this way.” Wizened eyes held him pinned firmly in their sights. Garrett knew that what she was telling him was the truth. He’d been trying to convince himself that Rayne wouldn’t want to hear the rest.

  “What if she won’t listen to me?” His tone was soft and shaky. His brown eyes pleaded for answers. Margaret smiled softly and leaned forward in her seat. Her wrinkled hands pressed together.

  “I’ve known you for some time now, Garrett. You’re charming and persuasive. If you mean as much to her as she does to you, she’ll listen.” They sat there with only the clock ticking on the wall to make noise. This six bedroom house was so empty. That little farmhouse of Rayne’s had more character than his home in Rapid City. It also had Rayne.

  Garrett considered Margaret’s words. She’d always been honest and open with him. He valued her opinion and her boldness to tell him things that he might not want to hear.

  “I spent a great deal of time trying not to become attached to any one girl.” He began telling her as he shifted forward in his seat. “Can you imagine in the middle of a snow storm, the love of my life found me? Rescued me.” Garrett could see Rayne clearly in his mind’s eye. He smiled thinking he had ever mistook her for a man on that horse.

  “Love is often sneaky, my boy. Many of us would take off for the hills if we saw it coming.” Margaret smiled at him and picked up her purse. Garrett looked at her frankly and shook his head.

  “What will I do if it stays the same?” His brown eyes widened fractionally. Margaret stood up and put her purse over her shoulder. Stepping forward, she cupped his chin in her hand.

  “What will you do if it doesn’t?” She asked him, her fingers squeezing gently. The softness in her face made him feel her meaning. He could spend all his time worrying about what might not happen or he could spend all his time making it happen. It came down to what he wanted and what he would do to get it.

  “Thanks.” His heartfelt words hung in the air between them. She wrinkled her nose at him as she let go of his face. She offered a cheeky grin.

  “It’s why you pay me the big bucks!” Margaret waved at him over her shoulder as she left the house. Garrett sat on the couch smiling.

  Not two minutes after Margaret left, the pizza delivery man knocked on the door and as promised, Margaret had ordered pizza. To his surprise she’d picked up the check too, but he tipped the man a bit more. He couldn’t let his secretary have the last word. He felt his stomach rumble as he walked with the pizza box to the kitchen. Setting it on the island, he found a paper plate and a napkin. Just as he was about to bite into the pepperoni and extra cheese slice, his phone rang again. Groaning at the interruption, Garrett pulled his phone from his pocket and answered it.

  “Checking up on me, little brother?” Garrett asked before he sank his teeth into the hot pizza. He winced as the hot sauce burnt his mouth.

  “Someone has too. You haven’t talked to any of us in a week, Garrett. Trust me, I’ve been checking with everyone.” Matt snapped into the phone. Garrett furrowed his brow and took another bite. The silence of his answer must have been too much, because Matt continued on. “Aren’t you going to say something? We are all worried sick about you here.” Matt huffed over the phone. Garrett swallowed his bite and shook his head.

  “If you were all worried, you’d have sent someone up here already.” Garrett paused and raised a brow. “Unless you already did.” He pressed his lips firmly together and shook his head again.

  “She’s fast. I only called her an hour ago.” Matt said more to himself than to his brother.

  “You called Margaret. She led me to believe the guys were complaining about my work ethic this week.” Garrett wiped his mouth and tossed the napkin onto the island. “I should have known.”

  “Contrary to what you think, she actually called me. Margaret didn’t know how to approach the topic with you and yes, the guys were hollering a bit louder than usual.” Matt interjected. Garrett fostered his irritation, but it was no good. Margaret had said the things he needed to hear. It was hard to deny that he’d needed that push.

  “How is she? Has anyone seen her?” Garrett lowered his voice, his questions slipping from his mouth. He looked around the spotless kitchen and felt like a guest in his own home.

  “Andy saw her today. They’ve been talking off and on this week.” Matt shared, but it wasn’t quite what Garrett was wanting to know.

  She was still there. Rayne hadn’t taken off yet.

  “And?” Garrett prodded as he walked down the hall to his bedroom.

  “She got the papers today about the payoff. Andy said she was shocked and determined to find out who the Black Hills Legacy Group was. I don’t think that is anything to worry about. Our lawyer won’t talk.” Matt carried on as if Rayne’s identification of their group would be the end of the world. Garrett shook his head as he slid his closet doors open. He looked through his shirts and pulled out a couple.


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