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The Magical Forest (Box Set)

Page 3

by Marteeka Karland

  Damn, damn, damn!

  Taking a deep breath, she gritted her teeth and bunched her fists tightly. She had to keep going. One mishap couldn’t color the rest of the job. Carefully, she backed off a bit before venturing higher into the tree between the branches. It was challenging in her larger human form but she managed. Lilly fluttered her secondary “dust” wings to spread the magical, sparkly green faery dust over the next section.

  “Come on, little ones. It’s time to wake up,” she murmured. Almost immediately, the delicate blooms opened, releasing a fragrant scent. Lilly inhaled deeply and smiled.

  And promptly sneezed again.

  Thankfully, she was ready for it this time and covered her mouth with both hands. The newly wakened blooms swayed in her wake, their laughter delicate on the soft breeze. Yes, the flowers found her predicament amusing, even as some of their numbers drifted to the ground.

  Lilly tried to continue as though nothing had happened, but as she looked from one branch to the next, she noticed something she hadn’t expected. The blooms she’d worked with today looked… fuller. Happier. Healthier. Puzzled, Lilly floated back slowly and looked around her. Yes. Her work today was definitely an improvement over yesterday’s.

  What was the difference? This was some of her best work ever. The crabapples would certainly put on a show this year. And their fragrance was simply out of this world! Lilly had no doubt that, when the wind caught the scent, it would blanket the whole forest with the sweet smell.

  Still, Lilly was troubled. She had no idea how today was such a success for the flowers -- other than her sudden allergy -- where other days had been moderate. It wasn’t only the crabapple trees, either. Every flower she touched seemed more brilliant and more fragrant than it had ever been. All of them were highly amused, and they all seemed to be anticipating something. It almost seemed as if the entire flora of the forest were holding its collective breath.

  “It’s not really hard to figure out, you know.”

  Lilly started, releasing a shower of faery dust all around her. The rich, deep voice belonged to none other than Glendon, the Faery King.

  “Your Majesty!” Lilly fluttered to the ground and hastily curtsied. “What are you doing here?” She winced. What a stupid question.

  “Well, I am the king.” His chuckle warmed her, and she smiled before she fully realized what she was doing. Glendon had that effect on just about everyone. The Faery King and his Queen, Tiffany, were two of the happiest people Lilly had ever met. “I’m allowed to be here to supervise my favorite Flower Faery.”

  “Yes, but I’d have thought you’d have better things to do.” Lilly was acutely aware of the flower blossoms scattered around her that should have been on the tree.

  “Normally, yes, my dear.” Glendon fluttered off the ground slightly and moved closer to her. “But it looks like you’re having a little trouble. The flowers are talking about it on the other side of the forest.” He showed nothing but genuine, good-natured amusement. He didn’t seem upset or annoyed with her in any way. Nevertheless, she felt the need to explain herself.

  “I’m sorry, your majesty. I just can’t seem to get it together.” She glanced around, more than a little embarrassed at admitting the next part. “I seem to have picked up a little allergy to the flowers. How am I supposed to do my job when I sneeze every time I get close to a flower blossom?”

  Saying it out loud hurt more than she could have ever guessed. Flowers were her whole reason for existing. If she couldn’t work with all the forest flowers and other vegetation, she wasn’t sure she could ever be truly happy. It was an important part of who she was.

  “Ah, Lilly.” Glendon opened his arms and Lilly automatically went to him. He wrapped her in a warm, comforting embrace and Lilly let go all her pent up emotion. Helping creatures of the forest work through their buried emotions was Glendon’s gift. He could always do it in such a way that it was a healing experience and not a violation.

  Lilly sobbed like a newborn baby. Had Glendon not been there to support her, she would probably have fallen to the ground and cried into the soil. The grassy forest floor was where she should have shed her tears, but for some reason, Glendon didn’t feel the same.

  “You know --” He patted her back and smoothed her hair soothingly, “-- this is more my fault than anyone’s.” All teasing and playfulness were gone from his voice. This was a loving father speaking to his beloved daughter. “I shouldn’t have let those Tygers initiate things, and I damned sure shouldn’t have left you alone for so long. They should have come to you a long time ago.”

  Lilly sniffed and wiped her nose on the back of her hand. It came away sticky with snot, and she grimaced. Short of wiping it on her skirt, wing, or Glendon’s shirt, she didn’t have any place to clean it off. After fiddling with it a moment, she clasped her hands behind her back and tried to act natural.

  Glendon raised an eyebrow and grinned. He fluttered his wings slightly over one leaf of a maple tree next to them and it turned into a handkerchief. He plucked it from the tree and handed it to Lilly. She smiled sheepishly, wiped her hand, and blew her nose.

  “Look,” Glendon continued. “Tiffany and I have had long discussions about you. She insisted you’d come around in your own time, but I knew you’d deny yourself in order to make the flowers and forest flora happy. It’s an important part of who you’ve always been, and I greatly respect that.” He stepped closer and gripped her shoulders, forcing Lilly to tilt her head up to look at him. “But it’s time for you to think about you, Lilly. Sometimes, your own happiness has to come first and everything else can just work itself out.”

  “But what about the flowers?”

  “What about them?” Glendon stepped away from her, leaned against the maple and crossed his arms. “You’re not the only Flower Faery in the woods. No one is going to let them be neglected, and you’ve always more than pulled your weight. Go after something you want, Lilly. Now. Before they get tired of the chase.”

  “They? You mean the Tyger twins? Your Majesty, they don’t want me. Well, they want me, but only in the physical sense. They’re under the impression you expect them to actually mate with me. As in forever. They don’t want that, and I don’t think my heart can handle losing them. They’re insanely annoying, and they make me crazy tying my hair in knots, but I’m not sure I want them out of my life.”

  “Even more to the point, you don’t want to share something as intimate as sex with them only to lose them to a tigress.” As usual, Glendon knew exactly what she was thinking and feeling. “There are no guarantees in life, sweet Lilly.” His smile was warm and caring. “Sometimes you have to just take it one step at a time and trust that everything will work out for the best. No one knows what the Great Mother has in store for anyone, but you can’t live your life afraid. Not only is it not healthy, but it’s just not you. Lilly, you’re the most vibrant, loving, kind, and spunky person I’ve ever met. If anyone can tame the Tygers, it’s you.”

  Lilly smiled. Glendon was truly a wonderful man. He wasn’t saying all this to boost her ego -- he was saying it because he meant it. She could see it in his eyes and the expression on his face. He honestly thought she had a chance to win the hearts of the two men she cared about most in the world.

  Well. If the king of the Faeries believed in her, she could damned well believe in herself.

  Chapter Three

  Lilly had never felt such determination in her life. Even working with the flowers had never inspired such a strong drive to succeed. She’d looked at and lusted after Jayden and Darren for most of her adult life. Faeries were notoriously famed for their loose attachments until they mated. They sought their pleasure often and vigorously until the day they took a mate. Looking back on her life, since the day she’d met the two Tygers, she’d had sex from time to time, but not like before.

  This latest dry spell was just another symptom for her to figure out. Until they’d said everyone had been forbidden to seek her out, she hadn�
��t even realized how long she’d been without sex. She sped over the forest, looking for the two men. It was time she threw caution to the wind and settled this once and for all.

  It didn’t take long to find them. She had known all along where they’d be this evening, and she’d been right. They were waiting on her in the tree where she slept. They’d come home to her.

  She trembled, faery dust scattering delicately in all directions. Her heart was racing and her stomach fluttered just like her wings. This was it. Was she ready for this? Could she take on these two and not lose her heart? One of her wing stems fluttered close to her in the breeze and she automatically grabbed it. She stuck the stem in her mouth and nibbled nervously. She hadn’t been nervous about sex since she was a young faery first exploring her sexuality. This was crazy!

  Spitting out her wing stem, she fisted her hands in the short skirt she’d fashioned. She planned on ending up naked, but she wasn’t about to start out that vulnerable. And if it didn’t work out, they weren’t going to ruin her favorite sleeping spot. If she was going to do this, she’d do it on her own terms. They could figure out the rules as they went along.

  She was in control this time. And there would be no tying her hair in knots.

  * * *

  Jayden knew the exact moment Lilly approached the tree. Not only were the plants all buzzing about it, but he could smell her. She was a mixture of lustful curiosity, need, confusion, fear, and determination.

  And she was theirs. Of that, he was certain.

  Now, if he could only calm Darren down. His twin had shifted into his tiger form and, though he appeared peaceful and relaxed, his tail twitched and lashed every now and then. A sure sign he was agitated. Darren hated waiting.

  “She’s not coming.” Darren’s voice coming from the tiger’s mouth was distorted. Because he didn’t have a human mouth, he had a strange accent, too. But Jayden knew what he meant, and he had to smile. Rarely was Darren so distracted he missed his prey.

  “She’s already been here.” Jayden tried to suppress his smile when Darren started so badly, he nearly fell off the limb where he lay.

  “What? What are we waiting for, then? Come on!”

  “No.” Jayden listened to the trees and looked around him, moving as little as possible. “She wants us someplace else. Not here.”

  Darren shifted to his human form, naked as the day he was born. “Then why have we been sitting here for three hours waiting for her?”

  “Because it was what we had to do,” Jayden replied simply. “She’s coming to us. Isn’t that enough for you?” He tried to keep annoyance out of his voice. Now wasn’t the time. But the man was seriously trying his nerves. It seemed nothing was enough for him.

  “Sorry, Jayden.” Darren jumped down from the tree. Jayden scrubbed a hand through his hair before following. “I know I’m a pain. I’m just a bit on edge.”

  “Me too, but we’re almost there. It will be OK, Darren.”

  “She’s Fae, Jayden. Do you think she’s ready to mate? Because if she’s not --”

  Jayden was tired of reassuring his twin. It was time to stop worrying and simply do what they’d wanted to do for a very long time. Instead of words, he slapped the back of Darren’s head. “Snap out of it!”

  “Ouch! Was that really necessary?”

  “You’re getting on my nerves. Come on. She wants us at the Spring Glade.”

  “Now why didn’t I think of that? It’s a Flower Faery’s paradise.”

  Jayden grinned. This time of year, the glade would be full of fragrant flowers and soft, green grass. If they played this right, they could win every part of her soul. Even the part reserved for the forest.

  * * *

  Lilly sat cross-legged in the middle of her favorite glade. She was certain the plants of the forest had gotten the message to Jayden and Darren. Question was, would they follow her? A few moments later, she had her answer.

  Two very big, identical tigers approached from different areas of the glade. They filled the small area with their bodies as well as their presence. Normally, Lilly cringed any time she saw them looking at her like they were now -- like they wanted to eat her -- but this time, she felt only excitement. It was like she was finally welcoming home her family, and it was a relief to know they were back and safe…

  And not going anywhere ever again. They shifted into human form and stood before her, proud and naked.

  “It’s about time,” she said, not moving from her place on a cushion of moss and grass. “What took you so long?”

  “Jayden got turned around. He headed back to the pool when I informed him the flowers told me you’d be here. Ouch!” Jayden head-slapped Darren, and Lilly couldn’t quite smother the giggle.

  “We’re here now, Lilly.” Jayden knelt beside Lilly so she looked him directly in the eye. “What do you want us to do?”

  She wanted to answer him, but her mouth had gone dry, and she was hyperventilating in her excitement. This was it. This was really it. It wouldn’t be like at the pool. This time, when she came, they’d be deep inside her. She’d be able to return the favor, too.

  Wait a minute! That was it!

  “Come closer,” she breathed. “I want to look at you.”

  Neither man hesitated to do as she asked. Lilly got to her knees and gingerly placed a hand on each of them. The strong columns of their thighs were perfectly muscled. She ran her hands up and down, and the hairy skin abraded her palms. Their cocks bounced in front of her at eye level. Darren gripped the base of his and stroked it once, winking at her when she looked up at him.

  “I’ve wanted to do this for a very long time,” Lilly mumbled, just before she enveloped Darren’s thick cock between her lips. He groaned and let go to fist his hands in her hair. He didn’t guide her, only held on. It was as if she were his anchor, and he had to cling to her.

  She let Darren go with a loud “pop” and moved to Jayden. His cock was equally impressive. They were both thick and long and perfectly sculpted. Veins ran the length and wound around, enticing her to trace their progress with her tongue. Which she did.

  Lilly swirled her tongue around the big head of Jayden’s cock before taking it deep into her mouth. She moved back to Darren then. Both men groaned, and Lilly wasn’t exactly sure but she thought she might have, too.

  The wild, masculine taste of them drove her on. Their skin was smooth, except for the veiny ridges, and every now and then a drop of precome exploded onto her tongue.

  She went from one to the other with every few strokes, wetting them, getting them hard, making them ready for her. Lilly wasn’t unaffected, either. Her belly was coiled tight, and her pussy contracted every so often, as if seeking something to grip and ride.

  Saliva dripped from Jayden and Darren’s cocks as well as her chin. She took them deep, relaxing her throat as best she could and taking as much of them as she could. They pumped their hips at her, each in his turn, and groaned loudly. Jayden bent forward to tweak one of her nipples, and her wings fluttered just like her stomach.

  “Ah, so good,” Jayden murmured. “Seems you know just how to please us.”

  Lilly let Darren’s cock slip from her mouth. It bobbed against her lips, seeking entrance once more. “Just returning the favor. Besides, I really like having you at my mercy.” She gave him what she hoped was a sexy wink and a smile, but she was sure she looked more strained than relaxed. She really needed one, or both, of these cocks inside her. Her cunt wept. Her intimate moisture trickled down the inside of one thigh, and her lips were puffy and swollen.

  “Enough,” Darren growled and pulled her to her feet. He immediately found her mouth and kissed her thoroughly, his tongue plunging inside, not to dance with hers but to conquer. He lifted her slightly and urged her to wrap her legs around him, trapping his cock between her cunt and his belly.

  Lilly thrust her hips at him, her wet outer lips sliding easily over his cock and nestling it between them. His dick brushed her clit with every stroke,
and she knew it wouldn’t take much to get her off, but she held back. When she came this time, it would be with both of them buried deep inside her. If this turned out to be a one-time thing, she’d damned well get as much as she could. These memories might have to last her a lifetime.

  Chapter Four

  Darren held Lilly tightly. He loved the feel of her skin, so soft and silky. It was the color of rich, dark soil and soft as a flower’s petal. Her hair came just past her shoulders in soft, curly rings, giving her face the perfect frame. The blend of pink, blue, and green combined to give her wings a light, spring-like color. Perfect for a Flower Faery. Everything about her was perfect.

  As he took the few steps to the center of the glade, Darren gripped her fleshy buttocks and pulled them apart. He wanted to do it exactly like that so Jayden could slide between her cheeks and seat himself deep inside her pussy. Would she let them do that? Sweat broke out all over him at the thought. His cock twitched between himself and Lilly, and he had to use all his strength just to keep from coming.

  He lay her down on a bed of moss and grass surrounded by pink, blue, yellow, and purple hyacinths. Their sweet fragrance encouraged him to inhale deeply, but even still, Lilly’s own wild, slightly musky, feminine smell came through above it all. Darren buried his nose in her neck and inhaled.

  “By the Mother, you smell good, Lilly.” His voice sounded too gruff, too needy by his standards, but he couldn’t find it in him to really care.

  He laid her down gently, never breaking contact with her. Their lips met again, and he continued to kiss her, tangling his fingers in her mass of unruly hair so he could position her mouth where he wanted her. No matter what he did, though, he couldn’t get close enough.

  Darren thrust his hips at Lilly, his cock sliding erotically between them. He knew he needed to slow down, to back off and collect himself before he blew his wad all over her like a cub having sex for the first time, but he couldn’t. She wrapped her legs around him and thrust back at him, and that was it. He knew he’d reached the point of no return.


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