Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2

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Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2 Page 29

by Aaron Hicks

  Uktesh continued, “Rasam, you take two kids with you and go in Esolc’s wagon, he’s the one waving at you. Fayth and Trysha pick one of your brothers or sisters and you’re in my wagon. Basam I think you and Lana should go up front to Tylor’s wagon.” Uktesh looked back at the ships that were already slowing to dock! How are they so fast? Everyone quickly got in a wagon and they started rolling out of town as fast as they could maneuver around the people staring at the ships.

  Suddenly one of the twelve ships that had docked at the Isle de Tramonto exploded! Then another was destroyed by a geyser of water. Three more were quickly destroyed and Uktesh realized that the grand masters were attacking the boats!

  Thulmann’s wagon didn’t hit anything, but it suddenly lurched to the side, and started to tip over. Uktesh Stepped next to it and used spirit to enhance his muscles to right the wagon before it fell. He saw that one of the wheels had broken and said, “Leave it! Everyone get out of the wagon and move into one of the other two wagons!”

  Thulmann rushed over to Uktesh, “We can’t leave this cart, it has all the money! And I mean all the money from all of you that hasn’t already been spent on the compound!”

  Uktesh looked at the approaching ships, “Okay, dig it out and we’ll move it, but if we can’t do it quick enough, it’s not worth people’s lives.”

  Thulmann said, “It was purposefully buried. It’ll be quicker just to change the wheel.” Repus, Esolc, Larut, and Tylor join the conversation. Thulmann said, “You four need to lift the wagon, while Uktesh and I change the wheel.”

  Uktesh said, “I don’t know how to do that, but I can lift more than I look like I should be able to.”

  Esolc said, “I’ve changed wagon wheels before.” As the other two wagons rolled out of town they hurried to fix the wheel before the ships landed. Grunting, the four of them lifted the wagon as Esolc and Thulmann worked quickly to remove the broken wheel, and put on the spare. Uktesh had to use spirit from the beginning to help hold the weight. He saw that it was going to be close as to whether they could fix the wheel before the ships docked.

  Uktesh struggled to hold the weight as the cart seemed to get heavier. He shut his eyes and fell into a standing meditative trance where he envisioned his spirit flowing throughout his body. Slowly, though, his vision of his spirit flow was more like a raging fire than a gentle stream. “Done!” Thulmann’s cry was met by groans as the men slowly put weight back on the wheel. It held. Uktesh noticed that Laurilli and Leilani had returned with weapons.

  Laurilli shrugged and said, “Just in case. These were in our wagon. Yours are here.” She reached into the wagon as the first of the ships docked.

  Uktesh saw men pour out of the ships. They had metal rings in their bottom lips like the two he’d seen at Leilani’s bar after he’d killed the shark. They were also armed with massive crossbows! Laurilli stepped in front of him, blocking the men from his view, as she handed him his swords. She lurched into him and slid down his body. Dozens of crossbow bolts hit the wagon around him.

  Uktesh said, “Laurilli?” Then he saw the crossbow bolt sticking out of her left arm. It punched through minotaur hide armor! She stood up with his help and he saw the crowd panicking as more and more soldiers left the ships. Uktesh glanced toward the Isle to Tramonto and saw that three of their ships still floated. He knew that meant that the grand masters had exhausted themselves or had died, although that didn’t seem likely to him. Laurilli turned to look at the ships and Uktesh felt her fall against him again. Dozens more bolts landed around him. This time a bolt stuck out from her armor between her breasts. No! “No, no, no, no, no, this can’t be happening, oh god, oh god, oh god.” He felt tears instantly fill his eyes as he ripped her armor off and tried to slow her bleeding. Her shirt was already soaked with blood.

  She looked at him and said, “I never doubted that you’d cry if I died.” She reached up to touch his cheek. A single tear fell from her left eye as she said, “I shouldn’t have argued with you. The real thing is much worse.” Then she lost consciousness.

  Uktesh, I don’t think she passed out.

  She is not dead! I just got her back! But Uktesh felt the dragons’ uncertainty and doubt.

  He lifted her into the seat next to Thulmann, who had a bolt in his boot. “Everyone get in! We’re getting out of here!” He turned, wiped the tears from his eyes, and on instinct used the balanced Sun Awakens the Sky and dodged under a bolt that would have hit his head or chest. Bolts were flying in at them like rain now.

  He slapped the closest horse on its hindquarters and he saw that Leilani was lying on the ground. He went to her side and saw her face was frozen in shock. A bolt was lodged between her breasts; she had been wounded in the same way as Laurilli. Uktesh picked up her body and Walked to the wagon and put her in it. A bolt hit the back of his head and he pitched forward into the wagon. He slowly slid out the back of the wagon as it moved forward. He felt a hand on his wrist and saw that Repus had a strong grip on him. As Uktesh felt himself dragged along behind the wagon, he reached back expecting to find a bolt, but instead his hand came away bloody. It must’ve hit at a lucky angle and bounced off!

  No, I’m strengthening your skin, but don’t let that happen again. Even with my help that almost ended you.

  Uktesh stood, took a few steps and nodded to Repus that he was okay. Just then a bolt sliced through Repus’s cheek. He fell back, but Uktesh saw that he would be fine, although scarred. Uktesh looked back and saw Esolc get hit by a bolt in the calf. He began to limp after them just as a second bolt hit him in the same leg’s thigh. Uktesh Walked to Esolc as a third bolt shattered his skull.

  Uktesh reached out with shaking hands to deny what he’d just seen. I was right there! How could I be seconds too late!

  Hundreds were down, but the attack seemed concentrated on their area. They were trying to stop us! Uktesh picked up Esolc’s body and Walked back to the bolt-covered wagon. He laid it next to Leilani’s body and a weeping Repus. “Keep going, no matter what! I’ll catch up! They’re targeting us! I’m going to give them something else to target!”

  He drew his swords and Walked to the front line of the enemy and began. First he used the perfect Serpent Strikes and stabbed through one man and into the man behind him. Then he used the god form. He had only figured out one attack, but he called it Thunder without Lightning. Suddenly a wave of attackers in the direction he’d slashed were dead or had severed limbs. He Walked down the line and repeated his attack pattern until he saw the wagon go up the lane out of town.

  Four of the twelve ships had landed and Uktesh hated these people who’d killed two, three kid. Uktesh growled and ignored the dragon.

  They killed my friends! They hurt my wife! They tried to kill me! They killed hundreds of people! They don’t just get to walk away with a few casualties! Uktesh gathered his spirit and air powers.

  Don’t do it! I’ve been strengthening your skin with earth! You won’t have enough strength to Walk back to your friends!

  I’ll leave enough!

  He Stepped again and used a perfect Palm Strike that blew apart the chest that he hit. He then attacked the six ships that hadn’t landed with his spirit and wind enhanced god form attack. He felt the power leave him as he attacked and saw, actually saw, the wave of destruction as it first hit the stone dock, then the docked ships, and then continued on to five of the six still moving ships. Where the god form attack hit, the dock and ships just disintegrated. He fell to his knees.

  You fool you didn’t leave anything!

  He was surrounded by men with copper rings in their bottom lip. Dozens of crossbows were leveled his way.

  Stall! Regain something for me to work with!

  Uktesh stayed kneeling as the circle around him parted. One of the soldiers saluted and said, “Lord Astiau, this is the one who caused all the damage.”

  The one called lord Astiau squatted several feet from Uktesh. He had a golden ring through his bottom lip. Lord Astiau said, “He
’s young to be so dangerous. You’re certain this is the one?”

  The same soldier said, “Yes my lord, I personally saw him kill dozens before he destroyed our ships.” Lord must mean leader or lord or maybe master.

  Lord Astiau said, “He doesn’t look so fearsome. Boy, stand up!” Uktesh did. Lord Astiau leaned forward and said, “I’ll give you one chance to save your friends. Yes, we all saw their heroic escape, but trust me when I say, if we want to we’ll catch them. But, I’m getting ahead of myself! If you can beat me in single combat not only will I let your friends go, but you can go with them!” Uktesh Walked away, and found Lord Astiau still standing before him.

  “Wow! That was a shock! You know the Split Step! No wonder you’re so formidable. Sadly for you though, I know it too, only I also know how to track the Split Step, so you might as well fight me. We’re away from my people. This is the best chance you’re going to get.”

  Uktesh Stepped, and then, with a spirit enhanced Palm Strike, Struck him, just so he was off balance. Then Uktesh poured the rest of his spirit into a god form attack right in lord Astiau’s face.

  Lord Astiau somehow blocked the unseen force and with a grunt either broke the attack or deflected it. Uktesh thought that the attack had most likely been destroyed. “Whew! I don’t know what you did, but that was a titanic attack if I’ve ever felt one!”

  Uktesh fell forward and didn’t use his hands to slow his fall. Lord Astiau scratched his chin and said, “That one attack used up all your chakra, I see. I’ve changed my mind, I’m not going to kill you and I’m not going to let your friends go free! Leverage! That’s what I’ll use them as. You, who single handedly destroyed my invasion. My father will not be pleased about that, I assure you! That should make you happy at least. No! You who destroyed my invasion will get to join my gladiators! The youngest gladiator in history could become the deadliest! Oh, I can hear the acclaim now. ‘Oh my lord where did you discover this deadly creature and how were you able to subdue it by yourself without killing him?’” Uktesh gathered all the spirit and air powers he could and lurched forward and up, and cut through the distracted lord Astiau’s face.

  Astiau stumbled back and shrieked. He lashed out with his foot and this time Uktesh wasn’t faking when he couldn’t lift his hands to block it. Uktesh sprawled on his back and looked at Astiau to and saw that his attack had cut through one of his eyes. Astiau fell to his knees, and his hands tried to stem the flow of blood. At least you won’t be able to go after my family.

  He’s certainly going to hold a grudge about that.

  You should leave me and go with Laurilli.

  You need to stop assuming she lived through that. Granted she was still alive when you put her on the wagon, but more bolts were flying at them for minutes. Then there’s the fact that there’s no healer for miles.

  You could fortify her body though, right?

  Yes, but that’s only if she’s still alive and that’s a big if. If she is, I still probably won’t be able to save her. If I stay with you we can just Walk back once you’ve rested.

  I’ll find a way to get back, but if she’s not there I have no reason for coming back! “Maybe” is still better odds than she currently has right?

  This is a stupid risk.

  But it’s my risk to take, right?

  Hey, do you realize you just made Laurilli’s argument to you, for yourself?

  It had crossed my mind. You agreed with her logic, so you should also agree with my logic.

  I doubt I’ll ever see you again. If I don’t, know that these last months have been the most fun I’ve had in centuries! Stay well.

  You too.

  Lord Astiau was unconscious on the ground next to him when Uktesh felt the dragon tattoo flow from his arm and into a giant dragon. Without the dragon, he could feel his consciousness slipping from him. The last thing he saw was, the several hundred feet long dragon vanished as it Walked to save Laurilli.

  I didn’t know someone that big could Walk.

  XV. An Epilogue in the Life of

  Wyde glanced at the bodies of his best friends in the world and the hundreds of islanders who were either dead or captured. Only Dusyd still fought, but it was a losing battle. Wyde coughed up blood and felt the sword that impaled him to the door of the shop shift around his body. He’d warned Uktesh as best he could. With what Uktesh knew of the prophesy he had a chance. Maybe the kid’s right, maybe the future isn’t set in stone. The first part of the prophesy seems to be true. He thought about the word of the prophesy, “On the eve of destruction, the five dragons of fire, air, water, earth, and spirit will die by the hand of the destroyer.”

  Dusyd was caught from behind and with one arm his giant of an attacker snapped the grand master’s neck. That certainly is coming true. “The destroyer will cage the dragon of sound.”

  I’m sorry that we did that to you Uktesh. Dayho and I had argued to make you the dragon of elements. Had we done that would this fate have befallen us? The prophecy continued, “Only to be consumed by the dragon’s rage at the death of his wife.”

  We were supposed to be your mentors. How did we let it come to this? To force a brave child into a role I would not wish on my worst enemy.

  The destroyer walked up to Wyde. His armor was beyond description; magnificent, full plate mail. Its weight didn’t seem to bother the over seven-foot tall destroyer. The armor was pearlescent with beautiful swirls of color against the primary white. The style of the armor made it look like a second skin, it had no frills, no edges; it just clung to the man and even seemed to shift to adjust for his movement.

  The man had a golden ring through his bottom lip. He put a finger to the tip of his sword’s hilt and like liquid it rolled up his finger until it became small enough to wrap around his finger. When it was done moving it molded itself into a normal looking ring. Wyde, no longer pinned to the door, fell to the ground and slid onto his side. From the ground he was able to see that the fleet that had docked at Jubay had met much more destruction as only one ship remained. Way to go Uktesh! Bloody their nose, blacken their eye, just keep fighting!

  The destroyer squatted in front of the dying grand master, “You put up a good fight; better than I’ve had in years.” As he spoke his armor began to liquefy and roll across his body, becoming bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces. Underneath his armor he was dressed in golden robes.

  He put both hands in the sleeve of the opposite hand and said, “My poor brother seems to have come across stiffer resistance. To think this barbarous land destroyed twenty Imperial ships; not to mention the thousands of Imperial soldiers that were killed, and all in the first minutes of contact! I think I’m going to like it here! Maybe there are more people with your level of skill to play with! The emperor, may he live forever, knows there are few enough with your level of skill in our lands that to kill any of them is a crime punishable by death. Sadly, the magistrate will force us to return home after this defeat. And don’t you worry. It was your victory!”

  The destroyer took a deep breath and said, “But I think I’ll like it here. So, I’m bound to return someday just you wait!” He looked around and shook his head, “I thought that Dungeons were hell, but this place puts them to shame! My own elite guards are dead to a man! That is so impressive! They all knew the True form and all were veterans of dozens of battles.” He looked Wyde in the eyes and said, “You must want to know why I’m wasting my time talking to a dying man! That’s just the thing, I’m not.” He stood and said, “I’m talking to whoever’s watching me through his eyes!” Then he lashed out with his foot to Wyde’s head and Wyde knew no more.

  * * *

  The dragon broke the connection in shock! He can tell I’m watching? Ahead he saw the wagon he’d been looking for. He took a mental deep breath to prepare himself for the shock and pain that entering Laurilli would cause him, but he couldn’t help himself and he roared, “Humans! I’ve come for the girl!”

  Index of words, people, places, and f


  Uktesh (aka Tesh) - sword winner, archery winner, mixed lost to Riu quarter finals and unarmed tied winner with Riu 5 feet (at beginning) 5 feet 4 inches tall (at tournament) 16 years old birthday during recovery after tournament

  Laurilli (aka Li) – Uktesh’s love blue eyes blonde hair 5 feet, 4 inches tall 15 years old birthday after saber rabbit.

  Heathyr – Li’s mother. 6 feet tall

  Thulmann – Li’s father – spared Uktesh’s life twice. 6 feet, and 3 inches

  Uncle – Heathyr’s uncle

  Belesh – God of the sword.

  Uktar – God of the bow.

  Edih – First boy born of the Beletarians (deceased)

  Elah – First girl born of the Beletarians (deceased)

  Ekir – Uktesh’s father (deceased)

  Bela – Uktesh’s mother (deceased)

  Uktan – Weapons grand master

  Uketess – Weapons master, one of the Beleshian

  Tylor Taylor - 32 sword, axe, and pole weapon Final four – sword, Final four – Axe 6 feet 2 inches red head

  Larut - axe, pole weapons, unarmed, mixed, and sword Won Axe final 8 mixed 6 feet 8 inches bald

  Sara – woman that Larut is marrying – chandler

  Repus - sword, axe, mixed, pole weapon - winner pole, Final four – Axe 6 feet 4 inches

  Leilani – woman that Repus likes, 5 feet and 8 inches, brown eyes, long jet black hair, tan

  Esolc - sword, and mixed 2nd best in sword final 8 mixed 5 feet 11 inches

  Pamfilo – woman that Esolc likes, 5 feet, dark skin, shoulder length straight black hair, well endowed

  Basam – final four sword lost to Esolc 6 feet 1 inch muscular red spiral tattoo on the left side of his face, and blue hair

  Marylla – Basam’s wife.

  Myranda – Basam’s oldest daughter 19 yrs old, 6 feet 2 inches Blue hair red spiral tattoo

  Rasam – Basam’s eldest son, 17 yrs old, 6 feet 4 inches Blue hair red spiral tattoo

  Fayth – Basam’s daughter 16 yrs old, 5 feet 8 inches twin of Trysha Blue hair red spiral tattoo, scar at hairline


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