Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2

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Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2 Page 30

by Aaron Hicks

  Trysha – Basam’s daughter 16 yrs old, 5 feet 8 inches twin of Fayth Blue hair red spiral tattoo

  Elysha – Basam’s son 14 yrs old, 5 feet 2 inches Blue hair red spiral tattoo

  Kayla – Basam’s daughter 13 yrs old, 5 feet 4 inches Blue hair red spiral tattoo

  Katy – Basam’s daughter 11 yrs old, 4 feet 5 inches Blue hair red spiral tattoo

  Robyn – Basam’s son 8 yrs old, 4 feet tall Blue hair

  Mychael – Basam’s son 4 yrs old, 3 feet 4 inches Blue hair

  Sy – Basam’s youngest daughter 1 yr old, Blue hair

  Lana – Basam’s wet nurse

  Myrtin – one of Tylors’ best friends – 6 feet even graying black hair (deceased)

  Baloce – The smart bully. 5 feet 10 inches long thin greasy brown hair

  Dekan – The stupid bully. 5 feet 2 inches short black hair

  Belial – Uktesh’s training friend, third best fighter in Uktesh’s class. 5 feet

  Beltin – Fifth best fighter in Uktesh’s class, ran from Belail. 4 feet 10 inches

  Belario – Second best fighter in Uktesh’s class. 5 feet 8 unchiae

  Essra – Fourth best fighter in Uktesh’s class, flirted with him while dating Belario

  Uktan – Grand master of Uktesh’s village.

  Uketess – Master Uktesh was to fight beat Ekir in a dual.

  Davyd, Waarn, and Toomi – The (deceased) men of Thulmann’s group.

  Jysh – The vicious talkative member of Thulmann’s group.

  Gelshaw – Beletarian running trainer.

  Gerwin – other tailor in Manori

  Mother Esrun – healer of Manori

  Sorn – Dekan’s father, Baloce’s uncle and the mayor of Manori’s brother 6 feet 6 inches muscular

  Lord Youreth – Triuvriate of Baenok 6 feet 6 inches, broad chest and shoulders, muscular.

  Irtith – murderer at the tournament 5 feet 5 inches gray skin sickly thin (deceased)

  Charis – unarmed second level dragon clan fighter 4 feet 9 inches

  Riu – final winner of mixed tied with Uktesh as winner of unarmed third level dragon clan fighter 5 feet 5 inches (deceased)

  Mother Ayah – healer of Baenok

  Bjorn – Mayor of Manori.

  Glenn – The widow with the lickmutt

  Marylla – Basam’s wife.

  Curiel – guy who likes Leilani, grandson of Holyt

  Mother Anjali – island healer

  Holyt – Director of the play and owner of the resort 6 feet graying thinning hair, still in good shape, grandfather of Curiel.

  Cimmie – boy who’s friends with Uktesh and Laurilli. 5 feet 5 inches

  Ayala – girl who’s dating Cimmie 5 feet 2 inches

  Byala – lady helping out with the play

  Cyala – girl who’s friends with Cimmie dating Aoen 5 feet 3 inches

  Aoen – boy who’s friends with Cimmie dating Cyala 4 feet 11 inches

  Triano – first fighter of the play

  Griano – brother of Triano, second fighter at the play

  Ulen – third fighter at the play, Pamfilo’s father.

  Hailsby – fourth fighter at the play son of Dayho

  Royn – fifth fighter at the play nephew of Dayho

  Dayho – grand master of fire of the dragons

  Ryth – grand master of water of the dragons

  Wyde – grand master of earth of the dragons

  Dusyd – grand master of spirit of the dragons

  Mycha - grand master of air of the dragons

  Yuros – one of Laurilli’s teachers

  Pippy – Pipianny – Leilani’s daughter

  Abrym – Jewelry store owner, Leilani’s father, Pippy’s grandfather

  Lord Astiau – person who beat Uktesh at Jubay

  Play names:

  Holyt - Director

  Renkanto – Uktesh

  Jemysha – Laurilli

  Haitra – Pamfilo: Renkanto’s mother

  Risaul – Esolc: Renkanto’s father

  Jraisa – Leilani: Jemysha’s mother

  Skoth – Curiel: Jemysha’s father

  Afflicted monster – Heathyr


  10 copper coins = 1 silver coin

  10 silver coins = 1 gold coin


  Pareo – see through wrap

  Ta’ovala – formal dress

  Kiekie – semiformal dress

  Dumpra – male formal dress pinned on one shoulder waistband (gyatomu)

  Gho – male knee length skirt tied at waist by cloth (kera)


  Raqs Sahrqi – dance Laurilli learned first, rotating hips

  Raqs Baladi – harder dance

  Mujra – dance passed down from mother to daughter

  People groups:

  Beletarians – Warrior people

  Beleshians – Elite Beleterian warriors.

  Sinians – People south of Beletria

  Armeans – People east of Beletria

  Cratoans – People north of Beletria

  Grangers – People west of Beletria

  Endevarian – Insect-like creatures in the northern part of Arme

  Voukidists – Necromacer Afflicted


  Sinai – Capitol; Baenok in the west.

  Beletaria – Capitol; Ukrech slightly east of the center.

  Granger - Capitol; Pernatu slightly south of the center.

  Cratoa – Capitol; Croatoa in the west.

  Arme – Capitol; Stross in the east

  Manori – Home of Laurilli, Heathyr, and Uktesh

  Balten – Uktesh’s village

  Jubay – Coastal town in the southwestern part of Sinai

  Isles of Idej – Place where monsters roam, thought to be birth place of Affliction

  Isle de Tramonto – resort island.

  Red Lake – Town in Croatoa

  Helsbay – Port town in Croatoa

  Afflicted People

  Necrolan – Control over the dead, masters can control vast numbers of dead, and are called Voukidists

  Tree-speaker – Control over plants, masters can grow plants instantly

  Beast Tamer – Control over animals, masters can control Afflicted animals

  Banshee – Control over emotions, masters can render people unconscious

  Siren (Mind Flayer) – Control over weak minded people, master can force death

  Afflicted animals

  Wosn – Flying snake.

  Lion fish – Fish that’s mane is worth a good amount of money.

  Turtledove – Flying turtles.

  Saberrabbit – Saber toothed rabbit the size of a tiger.

  Boacat – Furry elongated cat with a long tail

  Spider wolf – Poisonous wolf, more dark red more deadly the poison, hairless eight eyes

  Centaur – body of a horse, where horses hear would be torso, arms, and head of a man or woman.

  Minotaur – Large humanoid, head of a cow or bull, hooved feet humanoid hands

  Wyvern – large flying dragonkin

  Hine – fast flying small lizard that breathes fire.

  Mudhounds – canine animals that are covered with a protective layer of mud.

  Lickmutt – canine with long, sticky, strong tongues.

  Blade birds – flying fish that have razor sharp fins.

  Humming bees – bees that are fast, infinite stingers, make the best honey.

  Leviathans – Giant sea creatures that prefer the water, but can breathe above and below the water. Webbed feet for swimming or walking.

  Dragon – Massively giant elemental creatures

  Combat moves

  Balanced (2nd form):

  Willow Bending – Offensive unarmed throw with the opponent behind

  Colt springs into the Air – Offensive foot attack.

  Dove on the Winds – Defensive sword.

  Crescent Moon – Offensive axe.

  Cricket Springs – Crouching o
ffensive pointed weapons; lunge.

  Sun Awakens the Sky – Defensive; limbo type move.

  Bull Rushes Down – Offensive all weapons.

  Leaf on the Wind – Offensive unarmed; foot stomp.

  Crescent Kick – unarmed top to bottom heel kick.

  Moth to the Flame – Offensive sword; weaving diagonal slash

  Shield of Air - Defensive/Offensive sword; circular spin

  Dances with Bull – Defensive all weapons; spinning sway

  Glide Under the Fence – Defensive all weapons; a duck under a chest high horizontal attack.

  Look to the Sky – Backwards head slam

  Subtle Twist – Unarmed knee to the side

  Imperfect (3rd form):

  Lightning Flashes – sword.

  Crane in the Weeds – sword.

  Matador Sways – axe.

  Sword Raises the Sky – sword; down to up vertical or diagonal cut.

  Hawk Soars – all weapons.

  Leaf Falls – all weapons; spinning to ground slash at legs

  Rainbow Kick – unarmed flip in the air kicking the opponent.

  Spinning Elbow – unarmed spinning elbow attack

  Wooden Post – unarmed front kick

  Instep – unarmed foot stomp

  Tornado Path – two handed weapon, spinning attack.

  Ram’s Hello - headbutt

  Perfect (4th form):

  Thunder Rolls in the Hills - Defensive sword.

  Bear Rushes down the Hill – Offensive sword.

  Woodsman's Work – Offensive axe straight down.

  Farmer Scythes the Wheat – Offensive sword; horizontal slash.

  Serpent Strikes – Offensive one legged pointed weapons; lunge.

  Crescent Moon – Offensive all weapons; two handed spinning.

  Cat Landing on Fence – Defensive all weapons; evasive leap from crouched position.

  Sweep the Leg – Offensive unarmed; low spinning kick to the kneecap

  Cat Pounces – Offensive two legged pointed weapons; lunge

  Palm Strike – Offensive unarmed; palm strikes the opponents anywhere

  Rising Knee, Offensive unarmed; jump into the air, grab his attacker behind his head, and bring it down forcefully into his knee.

  Crane Snaps – Defensive all weapons quick parry or unarmed used to grab thrown weapons

  Cannonball Surge – Offensive piercing weapon, two feet jump point leading.

  From Below – Offensive unarmed uppercut.

  Saber Rabbit’s Charge – Fast sustainable run




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