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Mafia Daddy: A Cinderella Adult Fairy Tale

Page 5

by Henry, Jane

  I wanted so much more than a spanking .

  "Is this what you do to all the girls? All your girlfriends? You spank them into submission like that Christian whatever something guy in that movie?" I hadn't seen it, but my sisters raved about it, and I knew they found it hot .

  "If they're rude and bratty? Fuck yeah," he said .

  His hand smoothed over the thick bathrobe covering my ass, which stung despite the extra padding. "Ok! Ok, Dante, I'll be good," I said, and I didn't recognize my own voice. Filled with lust, it was husky and breathy, but he didn't seem to mind .

  "You gonna behave yourself?" he asked, his large palm smoothing over my robe again and beneath my belly, his cock twitched. God .

  "Yes," I whispered. "I honestly really do behave myself most of the time, you know. I don't break the rules. I don’t smoke or drink, and I even pay out-of-state tax, like if I cross the border and buy something? It only happened once, but I made sure I looked it up and paid it. And if I ever — "


  "And I won't give you a hard time. I just feel—guilty, is all. You've been so good to me and you don't even know me. I don't really know exactly what it is you need or want from me, but if you just want me to stay in this huge bed alone, then fine, I will — "

  "Gabriella ."

  Draped over his knee, still completely out of my mind with arousal, I sighed. "Yes ?"

  "Come here ."

  He lifted me up and placed me on his lap, then tapped my chin. "You need a hug ?"

  I nodded against his chest, oddly turned on even more by his tenderness than I had been by his spanking me, and that was saying something .

  "Yeah," I whispered. "A hug would be nice." He pulled me tighter against him, and I closed my eyes, allowing him to comfort me. It was sweet. No one had held me like this in so, so very long that tears came to my eyes .

  "God, this has been a long day, huh? Why are you so afraid of thunderstorms ?"

  Even though I was turned on and needed more than a hug, I felt... safe. So safe, which was ironic considering the fact that he'd just spanked me .

  "She used to lock me in the closet when I didn't do what she told me to," I whispered .

  His body tensed. "Who, baby?" The rumble of his voice showed me his protective instincts had kicked in again. "Your mom ?"

  I shook my head. "No. No, never my mom, definitely not. My stepmother. And one time, she locked me in the closet when I was little, and there was a terrible thunderstorm. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and I thought I was going to die. I screamed but she didn't come for me.” A shudder wracked my body and I burrowed closer. “She'd left me, and gone to bed, and forgotten all about me. My imagination ran wild, and I was so afraid that the lightning was going to electrocute me, and I was young enough that I managed to convince myself that the thunder was the footsteps of a huge giant ready to come and eat me ."

  "Jesus," he hissed. "My father's an asshole, but even he can't top that ."

  "Yeah," I mumbled. "She isn't a very nice person ."

  "This the stepmother you work for now?" he asked .

  I only nodded .

  "She sounds like a total bitch," he gritted out .

  "Well, she was good enough to hire me, though," I explained. "If she didn't, I'd have nowhere to go. No home. Nothing ."

  He didn't say anything for a while. "Well, I'm glad the thunderstorm's past," he finally said. "And it's not like you're the only one who gets scared of them. I just wanted to know why. And now I do. C'mon, let's get you to bed ."

  I didn't want to get to bed. I wanted him to kiss me. This was a night that would never be recreated, I knew that much. Even if he was the kind of guy I could be with, my stepmother would never allow it. I worked from dawn until dusk every day and I never had time for myself. If she saw something that would take me away from my work… something I liked… she'd end it .

  She always had. Always would .

  I'd considered finding a place out from underneath her thumb, but she'd been married to my father. She'd been his wife, and a sense of loyalty still tethered me to her .

  Tonight, though. Tonight, was not going to happen again .

  "Before I go to bed, may I thank you just one more time?" I whispered pleadingly. "Just once, Dante? Please ?"

  His eyes crinkled around the edges and his beautiful lips twitched. "The way you did before ?"


  He rumbled a laugh. "You can thank me all you want, honey ."

  And so I lifted my face to his, and when I did, just like it had before... magic happened .

  Shocks of arousal spiraled through my body, and my ass, still hot from the spanking he'd given me, ground into his cock. He wove one huge, strong hand through my hair until he reached the base of my neck, and tugged my head back. The pain spiked along my scalp and he swallowed my moan with another kiss, his lips around mine in a secret lover’s promise of so much more to come .

  I squirmed on his lap, completely out of my mind with lust, when his hand left my hair and trailed down to a shoulder, slipping the robe off and revealing bare skin. His rough, calloused thumb traced its way over my shoulder, and I gasped with the shock of his skin on mine. I needed more. I wanted to feel him. I had to .

  I let my legs part open and moved even closer to him, silently begging him to do more than kiss me. He heard my plea, and his hand snaked under the soft folds of the robe, gently caressing the swell of my breast. I felt his cock beneath me and his own moan mingled with mine as he slowly, tenderly, explored my breasts, weighing the fullness with his palm and gently kneading before his thumb grazed my hardened nipple .

  "Oh, God. Don't stop. Please, please, don't stop," I begged. I needed more, so much more .

  "The second you tell me to stop, we stop," he whispered in my ear. "But I won't stop until then. I want all of you, Gabriella. You're beautiful." His mouth went to my ear and he took the lobe in his mouth, gently biting down. I gasped then melted, as he continued to whisper, "So… fucking," a twitch of his fingers on my nipple. " Beautiful ."

  My head fell back as he worked me over with his tongue and his mouth, and the next thing I knew, I was on my back on the bed, the robe falling open as he gently unfastened the tie at my waist .

  "Dante, there's something you should know," I gasped, as his mouth went to my breast and he pulled a nipple in his warm, sensual mouth, his other hand going to my other breast and fondling gently .

  "Mmm?" he asked, as desire zinged through every inch of me .

  "I-I'm a virgin," I said, tossing my hand over my forehead and closing my eyes as the edge of his teeth grasped my sensitive bud. "I know, a woman my age, and that would be twenty-one, never having had sex in her life—it's awkward and maybe a little weird. But I just wanted you to know that… well, that I don't have any idea what I'm doing at all ."

  He chuckled .

  "You think being a virgin is a bad thing?" he asked. "God, no. I think it's awesome. You're pure. Untouched. And I can bring you to places you've never been, yeah, baby ."

  "I-I don't. I—well," I stammered, my eyes closed. "Sounds good," I finished stupidly, and his full-on rumble of laughter made me cautiously peek one eye open .

  "Alright, baby," he purred. "You took your spanking like a good girl. And God, that was so fucking hot having you over my lap like that ."

  "Hot? You thought it was hot? So it wasn't just me then. I thought I was weird, being turned on by being spanked like that, but I've never been spanked, so how would I know? You're just so strong and… and… sexy, and, God, I wish we
had some alcohol or something ."

  "Gabriella?" he asked, his breath now at my breasts as he lapped at the valley between them and I whimpered .

  "Yes?" I croaked .

  "You talk too much, baby. Way too much. It's adorable, but right now, you be quiet for Daddy, yeah ?"

  Daddy? Ooooooh, yes .

  "Mmmm," I said, needing to obey this man. "Mmmhmmm ."

  Yes, Daddy .

  "That's a very good girl. I love that you're such a very good girl. Now I won't fuck you, not tonight, though I want you to know it's not because I wouldn’t love every fucking minute. Yeah ?"

  I nodded, again not wanting to talk after he told me not to. "But let me pleasure you, baby. You’ve never had a man touch you like this ?"

  I shook my head from side to side. He shot me a lopsided grin that made my insides melt .

  "You wanna talk, don't you?" he asked, his mouth just over the middle of my belly now. Oh God, he was going lower. What was he going to do ?

  I nodded my head wildly up and down .

  "No talking, baby. No moving. You do what Daddy says or Daddy'll take that tie around your waist, tie your hands to the bedpost, and whip your pretty little ass with his belt. Yeah ?"

  Eeeeeeep . I felt my eyes widen, my thighs dampen with arousal and my pelvis literally twitched. He chuckled. "That's what I thought, baby. Now you stay right there. You keep your hands where I put them. The only thing you can say is, Please, Daddy . You got that ?"

  I nodded .

  I felt like royalty, the way his gaze traveled appreciatively over my virgin skin .

  "I'm gonna have my way with you now, Gabriella. But I promise I won't fuck you." He shook his head slowly from side to side, his lips quirking up at the edges, the warmth of his breath heating my skin. My pelvis rose, silently begging him to do whatever he was going to do that I was gonna love. I stared at him and realized I'd stopped breathing, watching his tongue slowly lap at the sensitive skin right around the tops of my thighs. "You taste delicious," he rasped against my bare skin. "And I haven't even gotten to the good part yet." I saw him shift, one of his hands dipping below where I could see, and I suspected then he'd taken his cock into his hand. Just the thought made me whimper with need .

  The very edge of his tongue tickled my skin, heading lower and lower still. Without warning, he sank his teeth into the sensitive skin. I gasped and writhed. My hands reached for his hair and I buried my fingers in the thick, coarse tresses, tugging as he licked and teased and made his way to my clit. I needed more, I needed his mouth on me so damn bad .

  Another lazy trail of his tongue along the edge of my belly had me near-frenzied with desire, and then ever so slowly, he dragged his tongue along my slit. My hips bucked and I moaned so loudly I felt as if the sound had been wrenched from me .

  "Please! Dante. Oh, God, stop torturing me!" I gasped, and before I knew what I was doing, I yanked his hair .

  And then suddenly, his teasing stopped .

  He rose, fastening his towel around his waist. His jaw clenched and his eyes were aflame .

  Uh. Oh ....

  I scrambled back on the bed .

  "I wasn't supposed to do that, was I?" He stalked over to me, shaking his head from side to side .

  "You, um, maybe told me to be quiet, right?" I whispered, still scrambling backward so that my back slammed against the headboard and I had nowhere to go, but he was still advancing on me, his powerful body tensed with a controlled anger that made my mouth grow dry .

  "What'd I tell you I'd do if you moved?" he asked, reaching for my chin and holding me in place so that all I could do was stare into his eyes .

  My heart hammered so crazily I was afraid it'd leap out of my chest. Oh, God !

  "Um, you said if I—ohhhhh…" I lost my bravado as his hand tightened in my hair. "You said if I moved you’d tie me up and spank me with your belt." The last words came out in a squeak, as he held my hair in his hands and nodded. His mouth came to my ear then and he whispered to me, "Have you ever been spanked with a belt, little girl ?"

  I shook my head. "Nooooooo, and I'm not really, um, so sure that I—eeeee !"

  He'd lifted me straight off the bed, and with a firm tug, removed the belt from my robe .

  "Dante! Oh my God! What are you going to do? I don't really—oh my goodness !"

  I was on my knees, my hands out in front of me, and he was tying them together. His mouth came to my ear and he whispered in a low growl. "This is about you, baby. This is about your pleasure. But tonight, I'm in charge, and you'll learn what it means when you disobey me. Daddy's gonna whip your ass. But I promise you, baby. You'll like it .”

  "You keep your hands right here," he whispered in my ear. "I have reasons for wanting you to do what I say, Gabriella. You'll see that following my lead will make it that much better for you. I like knowing you'll do what I say. I like control ...”

  I nodded as the soft folds of the robe tie trailed over my wrists, and he cinched them tight. "Stay here," he said, all tenderness gone from his voice as he commanded me in place. "You stay right there ."

  Um, where was I going to go ?

  I craned my neck to look over my shoulder and gasped as he lifted his jeans. With a tug, his belt came loose and dangled in his hand. Tucking the buckle into his palm, he wound the belt over his hand until he left a strap dangling. I squirmed a bit but a slow shake of his head told me to stop .

  Was it going to hurt badly? What had I done to deserve this ?

  Oh, yeah. I pulled his hair. And maybe I talked a little bit when he told me not to. Alrighty, then .

  Standing behind me, he pointed to the bedframe and twirled his finger. "Face the headboard ."

  His low, raspy voice made my heart patter in my chest .

  Trembling, I obeyed .

  "Good girl," he said. "Daddy will take it easy on you. You're new to this, aren't you, baby ?"

  I could only nod, not sure if I was allowed to speak or not .

  His voice deepened. “Grab the headboard .”

  It was my only warning. I anchored myself just in time, as seconds later I heard the whizz through the air before his belt snapped against my bare ass. I yelped. It hurt, but not badly, more like a zing followed by warmth. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, as heat rose in my chest. My clit throbbed, my ass throbbed, my whole damn body was one big pulse .

  He reared back and snapped the belt again, taking my breath away with the intensity. "When I tell you to stay put and behave, I mean it," he said, in a low, husky tone that made my belly quiver. “Do you understand ?”

  A whizz of his belt zinged through the air. "Yes, Daddy !"

  Oh, God. Just saying the words had me shaking with want .

  "You're new, honey, so tonight, let's call this a reminder. No need for your ass to be welted when you sit on the back of my bike ."

  A spike of delicious fear pulsed through me seconds before his belt snapped against my ass again. My eyes shut tight, I could only feel. My body begged to be touched, my mind on nothing more than how his mouth had teased and tortured me, as another smack of his belt landed. My ass was flaming hot, but somehow, the spanking made me more aroused than I ever thought possible. I couldn't take it, as one smack after another fell, and his hand trailed between my legs between smacks .

  I needed more .

  I heard the clink of his belt falling to the bed, and my mind was oddly above me, like I was floating, soaring .

  "You stay right where you are," he growled. "Don't you dare fucking move. You let Daddy do what he wants to, now, and I promise you, it'll be worth it. Yeah ?"

  I could only nod my head feverishly. Um, yeah, I'd take it. And I'd alread
y learned that disobeying him would get me spanked good and hard, which only made things worse because then I needed release more than anything .

  "Good girl," he said, laying himself down on the bed beneath me where I knelt, grasping the headboard, legs spread wide apart. Oh. My. God !

  "You stay right there, baby," he whispered .

  Again. Where was I gonna go ?

  He laid underneath me, as he propped himself up with pillows and grabbed my hips. I shook, knowing what he was going to do, knowing it was going to be unlike anything I'd ever experienced and that I couldn't stop him .

  "That's a good girl," he crooned. "Such a good girl. Daddy whipped her ass, but she learned her lesson," he said, his raspy voice tickling the sensitive skin between my legs. I shook and whimpered, but he grasped my hot, stinging ass with his hands and anchored onto me, before he pulled my pussy right toward his mouth. He sucked my clit and my whole body jerked from the intensity .

  "Dante!" I gasped, as he suckled my sensitive bud before swirling his tongue in delicious, sensuous circles .

  "Good girl," he repeated, lazily taking me into his mouth, warm and sensual and soooo amazingly good. I couldn't take it. I writhed, near frenzied with the feel of his mouth on me, sweet, delectable torture. He pulled his mouth off my sex just long enough to remind me, "What do you say, Gabriella ?"

  "Please, Daddy!” I begged, tears pricking my eyes I was so desperate .

  He grinned, nodded his head, and rasped, “You come for me, babe .”

  He brought me back to his mouth, gently suckling my clit before lapping again, and with the second brush of his tongue, I came. I shattered, every delicious spasm of pleasure shooting through me until I thought I'd burst with it, wave after wave taking over my body as I screamed his name, completely undone, totally at his mercy. I didn't even know who or where I was, as I felt nothing but blinding rapture, riding my climax while he drew every last drop of pleasure from my body .


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