The Tulip
Page 25
17 John Harvey, Early Nurserymen, London (1974).
18 Minutes of the meetings can be seen at The Museum, Broad Street, Spalding.
19 Ruth Duthie, Garden History, Vol. 10 (1). In the northeast of England, tulip shows were held during the 1740s at Newcastle, Bishop Wearmouth and Sunderland.
20 John Cowell, Curious and Profitable Gardener, London, (1730).
21 James Justice, Scots Gardiners Director (1754).
22 Rev. Archibald Allen, History of Channelkirk, Edinburgh (1900).
23 Saltoun papers SB90 1758 quoted in Priscilla Minay’s article on James Justice in Garden History Vol. 4 (2) (1976).
Chapter IV The Dutch and Tulipomania
1 Translated from Petrus Hondius’s poem, Of de Moufe-Schans, Leiden (1621).
2 Nicolas Wassenaer, Historisch Verhaal (1625).
3 Ella Schaap, Dutch Floral Tiles in the Golden Age, Haarlem (1994).
4 Tile panel (c1630–1640) in the Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam.
5 J Huizinga, quoted in The Art of Botanical Illustration by Wilfrid Blunt and William Stearn, London (1950).
6 Paul Taylor, Dutch Flower Painting 1600–1720, London (1995).
7 National Gallery, London.
8 Museum Bredius, The Hague.
9 Rijksmuseum, The Hague.
10 Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
11 National Museum, Stockholm.
12 Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem.
13 Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam.
14 Private collection.
15 Articor Collection, Geneva.
16 Mauritshuis, The Hague.
17 Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
18 Private collection.
19 Private collection.
20 Prinsenhof, Delft.
21 National Gallery, London.
22 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
23 Cahier van de Verpandinghe (Register of owners of houses and gardens) Anno 1628, Haarlem State Archive reproduced in A van Damme, Aanteekeningen Betreffende de Geschiedenis der Bloembollen, Leiden (1976).
24 Outger Augerius Cluyt, Memorie der vreemulen blom-bollen, wortelen etc etc, Amsterdam (1631).
25 Jacob Marrell’s tulip book is in the Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam.
26 Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam.
27 Dr Sam Segal, The Tulip, A Symbol of Two Nations, Utrecht/Istanbul (1993).
28 Lindley Library, London.
29 Samenspraecken, Haarlem (1637).
30 Documents in the Gemeente Municipal Archive, The Hague, from Aanteekeningen Betreffende de Geschiedenis der Bloembollen, by A van Damme, Leiden (1976).
31 John Rea, Flora; seu de Florum Cultura (1665).
32 Paul Taylor, op. cit.
33 Record Office, Haarlem Solicitors’ Acts No 165 fol. 271.
34 Original documents in the Rijks Archief transcribed in A van Damme, op.cit.
35 Record Office, Amsterdam Solicitors’ Acts No 1269.
36 Record Office, Haarlem Solicitors’ Acts No 57 fol. 89.
37 Dordrecht’s Museum, The Netherlands.
38 Journal of Economic and Business History Vol. 1 No. 3 May 1929.
39 Zbigniew Herbert, Still Life with a Bridle, London (1993).
40 Originally painted by Pieter Nolpe (1613/14–1652/3), later engraved by Cornelis Danckerts, Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum (London).
41 First painted by Hendrik Pot (1585–1651), then engraved by Crispyn de Passe the Younger.
42 Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem.
Chapter V Dutch Dominance
1 Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem.
2 Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
3 Narodni Gallery, Prague.
4 Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem.
5 Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam.
6 Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem.
7 Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem.
8 See tapestries hanging at Doddington Hall, Lincolnshire.
9 Ronald Brouwer, ‘Turkish Tulips and Delft Flowerpots’, in The Tulip: A Symbol of Two Nations, edited by Michiel Roding and Hans Theunissen, Utrecht/Istanbul, (1993).
10 There is a fine example at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
11 Fragments of Delft pottery retrieved during the restoration of Het Loo have been reconstructed to make four flower holders, dated to around 1680, which makes them amongst the earliest in The Netherlands.
12 Gilbert’s book had run into many editions. So did van Oosten’s, being translated into English in 1703 with a second English edition appearing in 1711.
13 E H Krelage, Drie Eeuwen Bloembollenexport, ‘s’Gravenhage (1946).
14 Haerlemse Courant 14 May 1711.
15 Traité des Fleurs à Oignons contenant tout ce qui est nécessaire pour les bien Cultiver, Haarlem 1760, translated into English as The Dutch Florist, London 1763. An Italian edition (Trattato de’fiori) was produced in 1773.
16 The tulip was named after Dr Martinus van Thol who raised it and it was first listed in Dutch bulb catalogues in 1722.
17 E H Krelage, op. cit.
18 John Slater, Descriptive Catalogue of Tulips, London (1843).
19 Traité de la Culture des Tulipes, Paris (1846).
Chapter VI The English Florists’ Tulip
1 Ipswich Journal 21 April 1750.
2 Journal 16 April 1767.
3 William Hanbury, Whole Body of Planting and Gardening (1770–1771).
4 E D Burrowes, ‘The Huguenot Colony at Portarlington Ulster’, Journal of Archaeology 3 56–7.
5 Philip Miller, Gardener’s Dictionary, London (1747).
6 The Florist’s Delight was issued in three sets from 1790 onwards by James Sowerby (1757–1822). Each set contained six engravings of florists’ flowers. Business cannot have been brisk, as the project foundered after Plate XVIII.
7 Thomas Hogg, A Concise and Practical Treatise, Paddington Green (1820).
8 Clark’s obituary appeared in the Gardener’s Magazine (1831).
9 ‘It is chiefly to the exertions of Dutch, French and Flemish florists, that we are indebted, for the perfection to which this flower is at present arrived.’
10 William Howitt, Rural Life in England, London (1844).
11 Minute Book of the Paisley Florists’ Society.
12 Norwich Mercury 11 July 1829.
13 Thomas Hogg, op. cit.
14 There are good examples in the V&A Museum, London.
15 William Pegg’s Sketchbook c1813 at the Royal Crown Derby pottery’s museum.
16 This was a boom time for magazines: 845 titles were launched in London alone during the 1840s.
17 W M Thackeray, Ravenswing London (1837).
18 Gardener’s Magazine Vol. 1 1826.
19 Thomas Hogg, op. cit.
20 George Glenny, The Culture of Flowers (1860).
21 Horticultural Cabinet, May 1838.
22 Horticultural Cabinet, April 1840.
23 Midland Florist (1847).
24 Cottage Gardener 12 June 1851.
25 Midland Florist (1849).
26 James Douglas, ‘Introduction’ to Hardy Florists’ Flowers, London (1880).
27 I am grateful to Mr Trevor Mills of the Wakefield and North of England Tulip Society for sharing his knowledge of Dr Hardy.
28 Gardeners’ Chronicle 28 April 1883.
Chapter VII The Last Hundred Years
1 The Garden 6 May 1893.
2 Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener Vol. 62 1911 page 457.
3 The Garden Vol. 59 1901.
4 Journal of Horticulture and Home Farmer Vol. 58 1909.
5 Gardener’s Chronicle Vol. LXXXIV 3 November 1928.
6 The Garden Vol. LXXV 10 June 1911.
7 Journal of Horticulture 1894 page 4.
8 Gardener’s Magazine Vol. LIII 1910.
9 Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener, 4 June 1896.
10 The Garden 20 May 1893.
11 The Garden 27 May 1893.
sp; 12 Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener 1893 page 446.
13 Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener Vol. 62 1911 page 458.
14 Horticultural Advertiser, 10 October 1934.
15 14 June 1844.
16 9 July 1849.
17 The Modern Miller 19 June 1909.
18 R W Adlam in the Gardener’s Chronicle (23 January 1888) called Roozen’s list ‘a model of what a descriptive bulb list should be’.
19 Gardener’s Chronicle 21 April 1877.
20 Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener (1893).
21 Gardener’s Magazine Vol. LIV 1911.
22 Gardener’s Chronicle 10 April 1926.
23 Dolf Straathof and Wim Eikelboom, ‘Tulip Breeding at CPRO-DLO’ in Daffodil and Tulip Yearbook 1997–8.
(Note: Where more than one edition of a book exists, the edition listed is the edition that has been used)
Amherst, Hon. Alicia A History of Gardening in England London 1895
Ardène, le Père d’ Traité des Tulipes Avignon 1760
Baytop, Turhan Istanbul Lalesi Ankara 1992
Belon, Pierre Les Observations de Plusieurs Singularités Paris 1555
Bentley, J W et al The English Tulip and its History (Messrs Barr & Sons 1897) reprinted by the Wakefield and North of England Tulip Society Wakefield 1973
Besler, B Hortus Eystettensis facsimile edition London 1994
Blunt, William Tulipomania Harmondsworth 1950
Blunt, Wilfred and Stearn, William The Art of Botanical Illustration London 1950
Botschantzeva, Z P (trs. H Q Varekamp) Tulips Rotterdam 1982
Brenninkmeijer-de Rooij, Beatrijs Roots of Seventeenth-century Flower Painting Leiden 1996
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Clusius, Carolus Rariorum aliquot Stirpium Antwerp 1576
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Cordus, Valerius Annotationes in Pedacii Strasbourg 1561 bound with Conrad Gesner’s Caspari Collino Pharmocopoeo
Cowell, John The Curious and Profitable Gardener London 1730
Damme, A van Aanteekeningen betreffende de geschiedenis der bloembollen Haarlem 1899–1903 reprinted Leiden 1976
Davis, Dr P H (ed) Flora of Turkey Edinburgh 1965–68
Desmond, Ray (ed) Dictionary of British and Irish Botanists and Horticulturists London 1994
Dodoens, Rembert Florum et Coronarium Odoratumque Nonnularum Antwerp 1568
Douglas, James Hardy Florists’ Flowers London 1880
Duthie, Ruth Florists’ Flowers and Societies Aylesbury 1988
Dykes, W R Notes on Tulip Species London 1930
Fisher, John Mr Marshall’s Flower Album London 1985
Gerard, John Herball London 1597
Gesner, Conrad Caspari Collino Pharmocopoeo bound with Valerius Cordus’s Annotationes in Pedacii Strasbourg 1561
Gilbert, Samuel Florist’s Vade mecum London 1682
Gobelius, S Plantarum seu Stirpium Icones Antwerp 1581
Hall, A D The Book of the Tulip London 1929
Hall, A D The Genus Tulipa London 1940
Hanbury, Rev William A Complete Body of Planting and Gardening 1770
Hanmer, Sir Thomas Garden Book (edited by Eleanour Sinclair Rohde) London 1933
Hartland, Baylor Original Little Book of Irish Grown Tulips Cork 1896
Harvey, John Early Nurserymen London 1974
Hendrix, Lee and Vignau-Wilbert, Thea Nature Illuminated London 1997
Herbert, Zbigniew Still Life with a Bridle London 1993
Hogg, Thomas A Concise and Practical Treatise on the Growth and Culture of the Carnation, Pink, Auricula, Polyanthus, Ranunculus, Tulip, Hyacinth, Rose and Other Flowers Paddington Green, Middx 1820
Howitt, William Rural Life in England London 1844
Hulton, Paul The Work of Jacques le Moyne de Morgues London 1977
Jacob, Rev Joseph Tulips London 1912
Jardine, Lisa Worldly Goods London 1996
Jeffers, Robert H The Friends of John Gerard Falls Village, Connecticut 1967
Johnson, G W A History of English Gardening London 1829
Justice, James The British Gardener’s Director Edinburgh 1764
Kampen, Nicholas van The Dutch Gardener London 1763
Komarov, V L (ed) Flora of the USSR translated from the Russian by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations Jerusalem 1968
Kouwenoorn, Pieter van Verzameling van Bloemen 47 folios containing c200 drawings c1630 Lindley Library, London
Krelage, E H Bloemenspeculatie in Nederland Amsterdam 1942
Krelage, E H Drie Eeuwen Bloembollen Export ‘s-Gravenhage 1946
Landos, David The Wealth & Poverty of Nations London 1998
Levier, E Les Tulipes de l’Europe Neuchâtel 1884
Lobelius, Matthias Plantarum seu Stirpium Historia Antwerp 1576
Loudon, John Encyclopaedia of Gardening London 1822
Maddock, James The Florist’s Directory London 1792
Mathew, Brian The Smaller Bulbs London 1987
Mathew, Brian and Baytop, Turhan The Bulbous Plants of Turkey London 1984
Mattioli, pier Andrea Commentarii in sex libros Pedacii Dioscoridis Venice 1565
Miller, Philip The Gardener’s Dictionary (ed Martyn) London 1805
Monstereul, de la Chesnee Le Floriste Français Caen 1684
Morin, Pierre Remarques Nécessaires pour la Culture des Fleurs Paris 1678
Nelson, C and Brady A (eds) Irish Gardening and Horticulture Dublin 1979
Oosten, Henry van The Dutch Gardener London 1703
Parkinson, John Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris London 1629
Pasinli, Alpay and Balaman, Saliha Turkish Tiles and Ceramics Istanbul 1991
Passe Crispyn de Hortus Floridus Utrecht 1614
Payne, C. Harman The Florist’s Bibliography London 1908
Platt, Sir Hugh The Garden of Eden London 1655
Punch, Walter (ed) Keeping Eden Boston 1992
Rea, John Flora, Ceres and Pomona London 1665
Roding, Michiel and Theunissen, Hans (eds) The Tulip: A Symbol of Two Nations Utrecht/Istanbul 1993
Roman, A Samenspraecken Haarlem 1637
Sanders, John The Select Florist Derby 1829
Schaap, Ella B Dutch Floral Tiles in the Golden Age Haarlem 1994
Segal, Sam Tulips Portrayed Amsterdam 1992
Sievert Hortus Florum Imaginum (volume of paintings c1720 in the Lindley Library, London)
Slater, John A Descriptive Catalogue of Tulips London 1843
Slikke, C M van der Tulpenteelt op Kleigrond Berlikum 1929
Sowerby, James The Florist’s Delight London 1790
Stafleu, Frans A and Cowan, Richard S Taxonomic Literature Utrecht 1976
Step, Edward and Watson, William Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse 1897
Stevenson, Rev Henry The Gentleman Gardener’s Director 1769
Stork, A L Tulipes Sauvages et Cultivées Geneva 1984
Sweert, Emmanuel Florilegium Frankfurt 1612
Taylor, Paul Dutch Flower Painting 1600–1720 London 1995
Thornton, Peter Seventeenth Century Interior Decoration in England, France and Holland New Haven 1978
Thornton, Robert Temple of Flora London 1807
Titley, Norah and Wood, Frances Oriental Gardens London 1991
Tournefort, J P de The Compleat Herbal 1719–30
Wakefield and North of England Tulip Society The English Florists’ Tulip
Wassenaer, Nicolas Historisch Verhaal 1625
Weinmann, Johann Wilhelm Phytanthoza-Iconographia 1745 (Lindley Library, London)
Tatler 1710 (No. 218) essay by Sir Richard Steele
Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 1787–1983
Beauties of Flora (ed. Samuel Curtis) 1806–1820
l Cabinet (ed. Conrad Loddiges) 1817–1833
British Flower Garden (ed. R Sweet) 1823–1838
Botanic Garden (ed. B Maund) 1825–1850
Gardeners’ Magazine 1826/1831/1907/1910/1911/1912
Florist’s Guide (ed. R Sweet) 1827–1832
Horticultural Register and General Magazine 1831–1836
Floricultural Cabinet and Florist’s Magazine 1833–1859
Floricultural Magazine 1839/1840/1841
Midland Florist 1847/1848/1849/1850/1855 (especially articles by Dr G W Hardy in 1847 and 1855)
Florist (see also Florist and Garden Miscellany) 1848
Cottage Gardener (founded and edited by G W Johnson) 1848–1861
Florist and Garden Miscellany (see also Florist, Fruitist etc) 1849–1850
Florist, Fruitist and Garden Miscellany (see also Florist and Pomologist) 1851–1861
Gossip for the Garden conducted by E S Dodwell and John Edwards printed in London and Derby 1856
Botany 1874 Journal of the Linnaean Society (especially article by J G Baker ‘Revision of the Genera and Species of Tulipa’ Vol. IX 1874)
Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener 1881/1890/1893/1894/1895/1897/1909/1911/1912 (especially the list of tulips published by J W Bentley in 1894–5)
Florist and Pomologist 1877/1881/1883
The Garden 1872/1876/1893/1900/1901/1908/1911/1912/1926
Gardeners’ Chronicle 1881/1883/1886/1893/1899/1911/1912/1926/1928 (especially 22 May 1886 ‘Tulips in the nursery of E.H. Krelage & Son, Kleinen, Haarlem’ and Weizen und Tulpe by von H Grafen zu Solms-Laubach, Professor at Strasburg University, translated in 1899)
Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 1879/1892/1896/1909/1925/1931 (especially the articles published by H J Elwes in Vol. V 1879, F D Horner in Vol. XV 1892, J G Baker in Vol XX 1896, W S Murray in Vol. XXXV 1909, W R Dykes in Vol. L 1925 and A Baker in Vol. LVI 1931)
Gardeners’ Magazine 1907
Journal of Botany 1899
Daffodil and Tulip Year Book 1913/1914/1915/1947/1960/1968/1969 (especially Walter Blom ‘Tulips in our Gardens of Today’ 1968 and S Unver ‘History of Tulips in Turkey’ 1969)