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Scars of the Earth

Page 9

by C. S. Moore

  “Then it is no longer the future, it’s the present. Shouldn’t we make some sort of plan if we are going to be hunted down by the world’s most powerful beings?” He said bluntly. She knew that they needed a plan, but not more than they needed to find Madgie and ask her what to do. “Wait!” Amanda said quickly. “It’s Madgie!” She said in an excited whisper. He kept his warm fingers tightly wound with hers, and closed his eyes.

  “This way?” He pointed and she nodded her head slightly, afraid to speak because if they could feel Madgie she could feel them, and so could the other healer near them.

  “Carter.” He murmured.

  They began to slowly close the distance between them and the others. Cole keeping her behind him as he muttered spells of invisibility and stealth. She had never really used stealth spells and they were disorienting, even to her. One of them was an echo spell that threw their spiritual signatures out all around them. Up and down, left and right. First she felt them somewhere on a rocky ledge then they were crouching in the forest of bamboo shoots, but they never left the straight path that he had them on.

  We’re everywhere. She thought.

  It was making her dizzy and she knew where they stood. She couldn’t imagine that anyone would be able to pin point their exact location. She didn’t question Cole; she knew where he was going. He was taking the quickest path to Madgie. She knew this because she could feel Madgie the same as he did.

  Weird, her spirit feels muffled like a shout from under a pillow. They were out in the open now, nearing the middle of a clearing. I don’t like this. She thought.

  “Something is wrong here.” She said quickly to Cole.

  As she said the words, a cold vice tightened around her ankle. But when she glanced down there was nothing. She attempted to fight the unseen force but lost her footing and fell awkwardly to the ground. Cole turned to look at her, losing his focus. Their echo spell failed for one millisecond and she felt the sharp sting of an energy sphere rip the flesh from her shoulder. She cried out in pain unable to stifle it. Cole was at her side gently catching her slumping body.

  “Oh God please, please no. Amanda are you alright, talk to me.” His words sounded like marbles shaking in a jar and she couldn’t feel his touch.

  Shock, I am going into shock. But he needs me, Carter is here. She thought. She was able to choke out one word, a warning to Cole. He shouldn’t be coddling her; he should be running from…

  “Carter.” She whispered.

  Cole pulled out of his shocked state quick enough to block the next dark spell hurled at her. It erupted in a cloud of smoke inches from her face.

  That would have killed me. She thought groggily. He just saved my life.

  She looked up at Cole expecting to see the relief that she felt, but there was something else there. Something she had never seen on his face before, hatred. He took his cloak off in one fluid motion and put it on top of her shaking body. Jumping to his feet he shouted into the darkness.

  “CARTER!” He shouted. A cackle of laughter erupted at the edge of the clearing and a dark cloaked figure stepped into view.

  “You always were very passionate Cole. But in this case…” He gestured to the ground were she lay, clutching her shoulder and chattering her teeth. “As in all others, you must detach emotion. You and I had the same training you should know better. Feelings have nothing to do with the fact that she is tainted and the Ancients have put death upon her. Why fight it?” Carter asked.

  She tried to speak through the involuntary spasms of pain rippling through her body.

  “Maaadggie?” She asked.

  Carter tilted his head up to address her and Cole protectively put himself between the two. The shadowy figure smirked at the gesture as he spoke.

  “I’m surprised you don’t know where she is. After all, you two were always so attached.” Carter snapped his fingers and the grip on her tightened. She looked down and saw that what held her was no longer invisible. And it wasn’t a metal vice or cuff as she had thought, though it was just as cold as ever.

  Madgie’s hand held her tightly in a death grip. Her friend’s body appeared lifeless, stiff and unmoving. She heard sobs tear through the sky, her sobs, but quickly reined them back. She still felt Madgie’s spirit. She was alive just under some kind of binding spell. She studied Madgie’s face and saw nothing but pain. Cole’s anger spread to her and she no longer felt the sting of her shoulder. She only felt hatred for Carter.

  “Madgie did nothing wrong! Release her.” She shouted over the field, causing the tall meadow grass to sway. Carter looked confused as he watched the grass react to her, but only for a moment.

  “I have been ordered to bring all of you back, dead or alive. So be happy that she is among the living. I wasn’t sure I could take her alive. Old bat put up quiet a fight.” Carter said.

  In his nonchalance Amanda had almost forgot they were in the middle of a fire fight, until she saw another dark smoke cloud erupt against Cole’s shield.

  Good thing he still has an attention span. She thought.

  She could only focus on her anger and nothing else, anger at Carter was the only thing keeping her conscious.

  “If you try to hurt her again, I will kill you.” Cole said calmly.

  “Really? I didn’t think you liked using anything but defensive spells. I don’t seem to remember you having an interest in combat training.” Carter was trying to distract again, she could see the gears in his head turning and feel the slight pull of energy he was taking from the plants around him.

  If he is stealing energy from the plants Cole’s shield won’t hold, not with just his energy. She thought. Amanda tried to add to the shield, but she was too weak.

  “He’s pulling.” She warned. Cole took a deep breath.

  “I know, just stay behind me.” He said firmly.

  Again and again she threw up a shield that wouldn’t stick. She looked across the field and watched as the plant life around their adversary’s feet wilted, the leaves turning brown and falling slowly to the dirt. At first it was just an inch perimeter around Carter’s feet, then two. And before Amanda could blink, half of the lush green meadow was an ill looking orange brown. She closed her eyes focusing on the shield.

  Please, please work. She thought and her shield locked into place firmly in front of them. Her face stretched into a smile, she looked up at Cole who returned her surprised smile. She took in a breath and felt power, not air fill her lungs. She gulped in another and felt the tingling sensation of pins and needles work it way across her shoulder. When she opened her eyes she not only saw her restored flesh she also took in the bright light of her wolf.

  He towered over her with his silver fur on end. He bent down to Madgie and slowly touched the tip of his nose to her cheek then he looked back up to her nodding his head.

  He wants me to touch her too. She thought. She didn’t understand how she knew it, but she did. She quickly touched Madgie’s cheek which immediately flushed back to the rose color which was always perched there. Madgie fluttered to life and sprang to Cole’s side in one fluid movement, her eyes locking on Carter.

  Amanda slowly stood up and joined her friends. Carter took a step back recalculating his odds now that it was three to one, the gathered energy fleeing with his concentration. She exhaled in a sigh of relief.

  “What, you don’t want to fight anymore? Or is it that you only attack unconscious or injured women?” Cole said. Carter acted as if he hadn’t spoken.

  “How did you do that?” Carter demanded, pointing between her and Madgie. Cole and Madgie didn’t take their eyes off of Carter but she could sense that they were interested in the answer as much as Carter. Amanda felt a huff of warm breath on her arm as her great wolf stepped closer to her.

  They really can’t see you? Amanda shrugged her shoulders and planted her feet.

  “I don’t answer to you Carter.” She said in a strong voice. Carter rolled his head from side to side and righted himself into a ba
ttle stance and she spoke quickly.

  “We have no reason to fight each other. Even if you agree with the Ancients, let them come and fight if they want to. But you don’t need to get hurt over this. Just turn and go back home.” She said. Carter smiled at her.

  “Have you started calling the Hovel home? The place that you ran from for years, home? What changed I wonder?” He glanced at Cole with hateful eyes. “Oh a little romance? Now I understand why you so readily left.” He lifted his chin at Cole. “Just bring her back to the Hovel when you are done having your fun.” He said with a flick of his wrist.

  “Enough of this!” Cole shouted. “I believe in choices and you have one to make. You could choose to turn and leave now or…well that is the only choice that doesn’t end with you in a lot of pain. Quite a simple decision for anyone to make, even someone with as small an intellect as you.” He paused. “So what’s it going to be?” He asked.

  The field fell silent everyone standing still, waiting for his answer. Amanda felt her heart drop as Carter let out a battle cry and sprinted across the field. Cole murmured something under his breath before breaking into a run himself. She couldn’t be sure but she thought it sounded like, ‘I’d hoped so.’

  Chapter 10

  Amanda tried to move her feet but they wouldn’t obey her. Watching Cole running at Carter, who had an energy ball black as an oil-slick in his hand, had her frozen in place. The darkness in her rose up threatening to break her down. First her hearing went, then her vision began to blur, but her wolf rubbed his muzzle against her back and she was herself again.

  The sounds of the battle rang out all around her and she screamed, caught off guard by their sudden noise. Carter’s face was wild with madness as he threw spells of destruction at Cole one after another. Madgie had positioned herself between Amanda and the fight.

  “Madgie stop! I don’t need help, Cole does.” She shouted. Everything in her was screaming for unconsciousness. She couldn’t see him in danger; it was too much to bear. As her mind tried to swirl into its cocoon of safety she fought the urge with all that she had. She shook her head furiously and turned to Madgie, who looked at her with every bit of concern a Mother would have.

  “Madgie didn’t you hear me? Cole needs help!” She said. She turned to run into the field but Madgie grabbed her arm. “Sorry S-B you are too weak to fight and besides you have had no combat training. Only men have that.” Madgie said gently. Amanda turned to her and spoke quickly.

  “I am not too weak. My entire life I have been too weak to fight. But I don’t want that, not anymore. Combat training or no it doesn’t matter. Look around us, we are in combat Madgie!” Amanda said and turned sprinting into the clearing, and the fight, with her wolf close on her heals.

  Cole was amazingly quick and fierce in battle. Carter’s clothes were in tatters and his nose bloodied, while Cole stood straight and unharmed. It was strange for her to think of him as a warrior, but that was what he looked like to her at that moment. Blocking Carter’s onslaught and throwing spells of his own. Amanda blocked a spell thrown at her from across the field and stood surprised; she hadn’t even felt him build it up.

  Her wolf’s fur rose up on end and a low rumble escaped his mouth. Carter was tired and broke down which made his moves more erratic and hard to block. Cole looked cool and confident but she was still worried about him. Carter was more frightful to her now with his face contorted into a strange mask that was so different than his usually cocky one.

  She stopped running once she got to the opposite side of the field. She didn’t like being so far from Cole but knew this was strategically better. Now they could attack from the front and the back. Amanda was feeling the world around her trying to think of a way to fight. She was getting a limitless supply of energy from her great silver companion but she didn’t know any offensive spells. He looked at her with questioning eyes but she had no answer to give him. Her confidence level was dropping.

  What can I do? The only thing that I have mastered is shields. She thought pitifully. Wait, that could work…

  An idea had occurred to her and she smiled. Crouched down and ready she waited for the opportunity to strike. Carter looked over his shoulder and saw her behind him. He quickly threw out a barrage of attacks at Cole and spun towards her. Cole, busy blocking the torrent spells, could do nothing but call out.

  “Amanda!” Cole shouted.

  Carter gathered up his remaining energy and in his hand appeared a dark ball of smoke. He cradled it in his palm delicate as a baby bird. Then he met her eyes, her scarlet eyes, and with a look of disgust he drew his arm back.

  Just as he released the spell she threw up a shield, not in front of her but directly in front of him. The dark energy exploded off the shield and ricocheted back into his face with violent speed. All was silent, or at least she perceived it that way, save one noise. A guttural scream tore through the clearing raising the hairs on the back of her neck.

  She couldn’t see anything through the grey fog that surrounded Carter. Cole began to cautiously cross the space between him and the swirling cloud. She fought back the urge to throw up as his screaming died into a bubbling gurgle.

  What have I done? She thought.

  Cole had almost reached the strange smoke cloud that almost seemed alive. It didn’t sway and move with the wind as it should have. It danced and moved as it desired. She choked back the rising vomit and guilt she couldn’t let him go in alone. So without a second thought she darted across the dry dying field.

  As she neared the haze the smoke became darker. Her wolf ran in front of her, blocking her path, but she moved around him. She paused before the wall of smoke; it looked so solid she wasn’t even sure that she could step into it. She was scared of the first step but was so desperate to find Carter alive that she closed her eyes and plunged in. She felt a kiss of moisture cool her face as she crossed the barrier.

  I never thought that I would kill someone. She thought as she walked on. She was surrounded by the dark mist now. The smoke smelled sickly sweet and it hung on her like a wet blanket.

  “Amanda!” Cole screamed from the other side. “Get back! Get out of there!”

  She was startled and tried to back out of the cloud, but it seemed to follow her. Not finding a way out she searched for her wolf but he was no where near her. Breathing in the fumes left her with a syrupy residue on her tongue that made her choke. Her hands began to sting and she looked down at them.

  They’re beet red! She thought beginning to panic. She didn’t know what was happening but she knew that it wasn’t good.

  “Murdererrrr.” A haunting voice gurgled.

  “Hello.” She shouted. Her eyes were stinging so badly that tears were streaming down her face, making it impossible to see where the chilling voice had come from.

  “You did this to meee…cough, cough.” The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as the last coughing turned into a bubbling sputter.

  “Cole help!” She cried.

  She attempted to shout for him but began coughing violently. She tripped over something and fell hard but continued moving on her hands and knees, attempting to find the exit. Salty tears ran down her cheeks like a river stinging her already burning flesh. Just as her fingers made contact with something that felt like gelatin a strong thin hand pulled her back to her feet.

  “S-B! Don’t breath or speak you will be out in a second.” Amanda had never been happier to hear Madgie’s voice, though she was wishing Madgie wouldn’t hold her so tightly. Her skin felt like the worst sun burn imaginable. “Amanda!” Cole exclaimed in worry when he found the two in the smoke.

  “Don’t worry she’s fine, she is probably in a lot of pain but…” Madgie said. Amanda wanted to say, ‘Ya think?’ but obeyed her orders. They never stopped their brisk almost running pace as Cole and Madgie talked.

  “Well get her out of here as quick as you can. I’ll keep scanning for him.” Cole said.

  It was silent for a good while and
her lungs where on fire by the time that Madgie gave her the okay to breathe again. When she took in the first gulp of fresh air her head began to clear.

  “Are you and Cole alright?” Amanda asked in a rushed breath, her eyes still closed.

  “Don’t worry we are fine. He was searching for you in there same as me, but we had the forethought to use protective spells before running into a cloud of acid.” Madgie said. Amanda’s brain stopped working for a second.

  “A cloud of acid!” She replied. Madgie had her hands above Amanda going over her body with healing and pain relief spells.

  “Yes. That was quite a nasty spell; I haven’t ever seen anything like it. It kills me that he knew a spell like that.” She paused. “Why would they teach such things at the Hovel? I mean I’ve heard what they did to the Guard, but still…” Madgie was there in body, but her mind was a thousand miles away puzzling on all of the locked doors in the Hovel; all of the places that she, as a woman, had never been granted permission to enter. And all of the dark gossip that she hoped wasn’t true.

  “Madgie?” She said pulling her out of her daze.

  “Yes child?” Madgie replied. Amanda was terrified to ask the question, but it came tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop it.

  “Is Carter alive?” She asked thinking of the terrible voice calling out to her in the smoke. A moment went by, then another. She peeled her eyes open to look up at her friend. “Madgie?” The old woman’s face was distraught and she knew the answer. Madgie took in a deep breath.

  “I don’t see how he could be. Look at you,” She gestured to Amanda’s clothes that had holes eaten through them. “And that was after it had dissipated.” Madgie saw the look of anguish on her face and kept talking.

  “S-B, if he is dead it isn’t your fault. It’s not like he was throwing a cupcake at you. You just made his actions literally blow up in his face. He’s the one that chose that awful dark spell, not you.” Madgie said.


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