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The Oracle Series: Vols. 4, 5, & Grave Endowments

Page 14

by Cynthia D. Witherspoon

  Connor must have decided to ignore my remark because he didn’t respond. Instead, he rubbed his hand over his mouth as he took in my current appearance. Finally, he broke the silence surrounding us.

  “By god, Eva. What have you done to yourself?”

  “Thought I’d lose a few pounds on the new hospital food diet. What better way to get it started than being in an actual hospital?” I lifted my chin to meet his eyes and dropped the sarcasm. “Listen, Connor. Despite what the media says, I didn’t try to commit suicide.”

  “Then why are you here? Why did you jump?”

  “I didn’t jump.” I snapped. “Yes, I feel horrible about my parents’ murder. But not bad enough to kill myself over it. I got into a fight and I lost. That’s all.”

  “A fight?” Connor glanced over at Joey. “Where you filming?”

  “Jesus.” I hissed as my temper flared. “No, we weren’t filming. I was here for my parent’s funeral. Not to shoot a damned episode.”

  “Ok.” Connor pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers. “I think we need to start over. I didn’t come here to make you upset.”

  I fell back against the pillows behind me and waited. But I was also debating how much I should tell Connor about Elliot. Don’t get me wrong. We had documented Elliot’s transformation during the Montana episode. But seeing it on television was quite different than experiencing the monster in the flesh. He had no idea that his co-worker was a murderer.

  “Elliot has disappeared.” Connor stuffed his hands in his pockets. “No one has seen him around the office in almost a month. As of yesterday, I was told to resume my duties to you as the senior producer of Grave Messages.”

  “What do you mean, he disappeared?” I sat back up. Cyrus reached for my hand but I ignored him. “He can’t disappear! By god, Connor! Every cell phone, every credit card purchase – hell, even those little cards you get at the grocery store - can be tracked. How do you not know where he is?”

  “Because Elliot is a grown man. It is not my job to hunt him down. He can come and go as he damn well pleases.” Connor rocked back on his heels. “Joseph is understandably…upset.”

  Joseph Lancaster was the sole owner and CEO of Theia Production. He was also Elliot's father. It was the family connection which allowed Elliot to get the green light on Grave Messages in the first place. But I was sure the show wasn't Joseph's main concern. He adored his son despite Elliot's disdain. My boss would be worried sick about him.

  I opened my mouth but closed it when the words I needed to say wouldn’t come. You would think that Elliot’s disappearance would have been a relief. I wouldn’t have to worry about working beneath the man so hell-bent on eliminating me. Yet, it wasn’t relief that washed over me.

  It was fear.

  “Is he still in L.A.?” I swallowed down the knot that had formed at the base of my throat. “What does this mean for Grave Messages?”

  “Grave has become Theia’s highest rated show. You aren’t going anywhere.” Connor glanced over at Joey. “As for Elliot, we have no idea. I don't believe he will be terminated. Joseph wouldn't allow it.”

  I glanced at the girl then back to Connor. I couldn’t focus on the fear in my heart. I had to think about something else.

  Something I could control.

  “Ok. So what’s our next move? Surely you’ve cooked up a way to handle the media firestorm.”

  “I plan on having you on every morning talk show in the country.” Connor shook his head. “With the murder of your parents and now the supposed suicide attempt, you’ve been a headline for a month. We need to capitalize on the free publicity.”

  “How?” I squeezed Cyrus’ hand before I released him. “There’s not much I can do from here.”

  “Interviews.” Connor interrupted me. “We can have make-up come in. Make you more presentable. The broadcasts can be done from this room. It will increase the sympathy factor of viewers.”

  “Oh, no.” I raised my hands up before he could finish. “I am not going to be filmed sitting in a damned hospital bed.”

  “You will. I wasn’t kidding when I said we need to capitalize on the free advertising these unfortunate instances have given Grave. Eva, I shouldn’t have to tell you that you’ve become a very hot commodity.” He gestured to the girl. “Show her the briefcase.”

  I’d forgotten about his companion, but she had my full attention as she lifted up the briefcase Connor had carried in and placed it on the foot of my bed. Her thin fingers pressed against the clasps. When the lid popped open, I could see that it was full of paper.

  No. Not paper. Books bound together in flimsy cardstock.

  “What is all this?”

  I frowned as I reached for the first page. Turned out, it wasn’t a single page. It was a script for a movie. I flipped it open to see a personal note from the director that begged for me to audition for the lead role.

  “The scripts that have been pouring into my office over the past month.” Connor raised his eyebrow. “That one in particular is for the movie adaptation of Vigor.”

  “Vigor? Is that supposed to be important?” I muttered. “Never heard of it.”

  Cyrus leaned over my shoulder as I flipped through the pages. When I got about a third of the way in, I snapped my head up with my mouth open.

  “This isn’t a normal movie. This is porn.”

  “You need to pay more attention to the world around you.” Connor smirked. “Vigor has been on the New York Times bestseller list for over a year. Though I will admit, I’m not sure why they are so interested in having you play the lead when so many notable actresses are clamoring for the part.”

  “Would you like for me to burn this?” Cyrus tugged the script out of my hands before he turned to Connor. “I am surprised you would insult Eva in such a way, Garrison. You should have ripped this trash to pieces when you first saw it.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” I shrugged. “I’m not an actress. I’m not going to be in a movie or join up with a struggling sitcom. My own show keeps me busy enough as it is.”

  For his part, Joey was doing an excellent job of playing the spectator. But I didn’t miss how he began to snicker at the Vigor offer. He gestured to the briefcase and Cyrus tossed the script back into its place. My friend snapped it closed before he decided to weigh in.

  “A few interviews won’t hurt, Evie. It might do some good to show the world you’re still as mean as ever. But, um, if you don’t mind me asking, who’s your friend, Connor?”

  For the first time since he arrived, Connor’s grin seemed genuine. “Ah, yes. Eva, meet Jaclyn Williams. Your new personal assistant.”

  Once again, I felt my mouth drop open. I stared at Connor as if he’d lost his mind. Maybe he had. California had that effect on people.

  “No.” I looked at the girl. “Look, I’m sorry that he brought you all the way out to Charleston, but I don’t need a personal assistant. I’m doing just fine on my own.”

  “Jaclyn is an employee of Theia Productions.” Connor took the briefcase from Joey as he continued. “And I, for one, am tired of having my own assistant distracted by your calendar. Jaclyn has already begun to take over those duties.”

  “My calendar,” I gritted my teeth. “Is full of nothing but going all over the country filming your top rated show. I don’t need help to know when I have to be somewhere.”

  “If I may,” The girl spoke up for the first time. She pulled out her phone and swiped her fingers across the screen. “Miss McRayne, you’ve received over forty requests for magazine interviews. Thirty of which will have you on the cover, which means scheduling photo shoots along with the interviews. Not to mention the numerous requests to have you appear on the talk show circuit. My job will be to accept those offers. Or politely decline them. It all depends on what Connor wants you to do.”

  “Or her doctors.” Cyrus crossed his arms as he faced our visitors. “Eva is in no condition to respond to any of this nonsense right now. Her duty is to Apo
llo and to Apollo alone.”

  “Eva signed a contract with Theia Productions.” Connor shot back. “As such, she has her responsibilities to the show which has been instrumental in her work for Apollo. Without Grave Messages, her role as the Sibyl would be nothing.”

  “Um, hello?” I waved my free hand to get their attention. “I’m still sitting right here, you know. I should have a say in what I will or won’t do.”

  Cyrus kept his back to me, but I could tell he wasn’t pleased with the new developments Connor had brought to the table. I leaned back against the pillow with a sigh.

  “Look, I know we need to do damage control. And I know you’re right. I do need to make appearances and tell the world that I’m not about to go jump off a building. But I would prefer to do it without the help of a personal assistant.”

  “Give me a month, Miss. McRayne.” Jaclyn tucked her phone back into her purse. “If you aren’t happy with my services, I will request a transfer.”

  “Fine. One month.” I held up my hand when Connor began to protest. “Have you signed a confidentiality agreement yet?”

  “Of course.” The girl’s dark ponytail bounced as she nodded. “I am in no mood to get sued anytime soon. Your secrets are as safe as my own.”

  “Alright. Joey, will you pass me my bag?” I snagged the strap of my messenger bag when he handed it to me. “The first thing I need you to do is contact Detective Holston with Charleston County Sheriff’s Office.”

  “Splendid.” Connor clasped his hands together. “I am flying back to Los Angeles in the morning. Is there anything I can do to help with your recovery, Eva?”

  “Yes.” I muttered as I pulled out my own phone. “Tell Leyton and Elizabeth to start working with Research to find locations. I may be bedridden, but I’m not dead. I want to comb through the location lineup that Elliot started going crazy with.”

  Elliot. I swallowed as I said his name. He was still out there. He was still a threat to me. Now, I had to find him before he finished what he started. Especially now that he wasn’t being distracted with Grave Messages.

  “Consider it done.” Connor stepped over to my bedside to squeeze my arm. I looked up in surprise when he gave me a look of concern. “Listen, Eva, I know we don’t see eye-to-eye often, but know that Theia will support you. I can have Jaclyn pull together a list of the finest psychiatrists in Orange County to get you any help you need.”

  “I don’t need help. I need to keep busy.” I found the number I had saved in my contacts. “See you back in L.A., Connor.”

  Connor nodded before he left the room. The girl he had forced into my life reached into her purse to pull out her phone once more.

  “Alright, Jaclyn. Here’s the number. Get Detective Holston to meet me here at Bon Secours. I have some information he will be very interested in.”

  “Eva, what are you doing?” Joey tossed his Starbucks cup in the trash. “Surely you aren’t going to tell him about Elliot without any proof.”

  I ignored him as I gave my new assistant the number. I waited until she had stepped out of the room to make the call before I buried my face in my hands.

  “Little One,” Cyrus dropped down to tug at my arms. “You don’t have to do this. We will find Lancaster. You have nothing to be afraid of.”

  “Yes, I do.” I dropped my hands. “We have to find him, Cyrus. The police can help with that. Not to mention, I have to hurry up and heal. I have to help Hermes get a hold of his soul. I have to finish what he started.”

  “Hermes is well aware of your current condition.” My beloved studied me. “He will not push you to act if there is a chance you will lose.”

  I didn’t want to tell him the true source of my fear. It wasn’t the fact that I hadn’t managed to kill Elliot so that Hermes could take his soul to the Underworld. If Elliot succeeded in eliminating me, Cyrus would die as well. My keeper was a soul who had existed for a millennia. I would be damned if I was the reason he ceased to be.

  My beloved must have picked up on my train of thought because he stroked my jaw with his fingers. He started to respond when Jaclyn returned. She folded herself up in the chair next to Joey.

  “Detective Holston will be here within the hour. Should we use that time wisely and discuss your perspective appearances?”

  I nodded as Cyrus dropped his hand with a sigh. He collapsed in his own chair as we began to toss out the best talk shows to respond to. I needed popular ones with large audiences. I needed to dispel the rumor that I had gone crazy. And though I wasn’t thrilled with the prospect of being filmed in such a helpless state, I had to acknowledge the genius of Connor’s plan. I would appear wounded. Damaged. The outpouring of sympathy would be greater than what it had been when the news broke about my parents’ deaths.

  I lost myself in our discussion as Joey and Cyrus chimed in. It felt good to be in control again. To talk business instead of the misery and madness that had surrounded me for the past month.

  It was just what I needed.

  Chapter Three

  We were interrupted exactly one hour later by a knock on the door. Detective Andrew Holston was right on time. I adjusted the blanket over my lap as Joey let him in. The two shook hands before my newest visitor crossed the room.

  “Miss McRayne.” The detective stopped beside Cyrus. “You asked to meet with me?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “I have something that may help you with your investigation into the deaths of my parents.”

  Detective Holston tilted his head as he studied me. I’m sure he was trying to gauge how reliable the words of a crazy girl could be. I reached over, took out a slender plastic cover from my bag, and passed it over to him. He turned it in his hands before he looked up at me.

  “A video?”

  “Yes. My parents had a surveillance system. Their killer was captured on film when he went to their house.”

  The detective went quiet for a moment before he spoke again. “How long have you had this?”

  “Since the house sold.” I lied. “I had forgotten about the system until the realtor brought this to the hospital a few days ago.”

  “Miss McRayne, I warn you that withholding evidence has very serious consequences.”

  “I have been in no condition to contact you regarding this video. And my companions have been too preoccupied with my welfare to do it for me.” I broke in before he could say anything else. “Their killer was Elliot Lancaster. The same man who tried to kill me at the Carriage House.”

  Detective Holston took a deep breath before he pulled out a phone. I saw him push a few buttons before he held it up for me to see.

  “You are not under arrest, Miss McRayne, but I want the truth from you. I cannot help you if you continue to withhold information from me.”

  “How much of the truth are you looking for?” I bit my lip as he hit ‘record’. “Because you might just think I’m insane after I tell you this story.”

  “Start from the beginning.” The detective sat down in Cyrus’ chair as he placed his phone on the bed. “Once I hear your story, then I will view the video. Do you know if the television has a DVD player in it?”

  “I don’t want to see it.” I twisted the blanket between my fingers. “Please. I…I don’t think I can handle seeing him there.”

  “You haven’t watched it?”

  “No.” I lifted up my chin. “Please. Take it. But don’t make me watch the footage on it.”

  “Very well. I’ll take it back to my office.” Detective Holston pointed to his phone. “Tell me how you came to suspect Elliot Lancaster as being the murderer.”

  What else could I do? I started from the beginning. I told the Detective how I had become the Sibyl. How Elliot had become a Skinwalker. I told him about the postcard Elliot had sent to me and how he attacked me after the funeral at the Carriage House. I was proud of myself. I kept my voice level. I stayed calm as I described the fight with him.

  Most of all, I was proud of the fact that I didn’t cry. Not o
nce. I felt as if I were talking about someone else. I fell into the role I portrayed on Grave and talked about the violence I’d experienced as I would have on the show. Finally, I reached the end of my tragedy. I fell silent as the detective studied me with an unreadable expression.

  “So you believe that Lancaster is responsible for the deaths in California?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “Detective Holston, Elliot has become extremely dangerous. Please understand that he will not be stopped by normal means. You will have to be careful. If he knows I’ve talked to you, then you are in danger as well.”

  The man nodded as he hit the ‘stop’ button on his phone. “I will need a statement from you. Your companions as well.”

  “Alright.” I relaxed my hold on the blanket when I realized my knuckles had turned white. “I am not sure how long I will be in Charleston. I plan on returning to Los Angeles as soon as the doctors release me.”

  “That’s fine.” The detective stood and tucked the disk into his jacket pocket. “What is the best way to contact you? I am sure I will need to speak to you sooner rather than later.”

  “Through my personal assistant.” I gestured to the newest member of Grave Messages. “Jaclyn Williams will give you her contact information.”

  “I’ll show you out.” The girl stepped forward from the corner she had been standing in to open the door. “Detective Holston, if you please.”

  The man nodded as he moved to follow her. I watched them leave as Cyrus returned to his spot by my side.

  “Do you truly believe that the police will be of use to you, Little One?”

  “No.” I sighed. “But there is strength in numbers. The police will be out looking for Elliot while I'm holed up here. Besides, it was only right that I talked to him before I started going on television. I am going to be honest no matter what the consequences of that may be for Elliot.”


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