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Wrecked Wedding Night, Wrecked Rectum (Luke Powers, Black Master Book 1)

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by Miriam Garrity

  When they finally arrived at the hotel around midnight, Bunni seemed quite excited. They had only made small talk on the ride over, talking about how beautiful the service was, the nice weather they had and how yummy the cake had been.

  Bunni never mentioned Luke and Chet wasn't about to bring it up himself. They had already put the whole ordeal behind him and Chet was perfectly happy with that.

  The limo driver let them out and got their bags from the trunk. Chet and Bunni went up to the Honeymoon Suite - they had it rented out for two months (being independently wealthy had its perks!). Chet unlocked the door then turned to pick up Bunni and carry her across the threshold, but she turned to the limo driver, who picked her up instead!

  For the first time, Chet looked up at the limo driver's face and saw it was Luke, the black wedding crasher from earlier in the evening!

  Luke shoved Chet aside and carried his bride across the threshold into the honeymoon suite. Flabbergasted, Chet followed them as Luke carried Bunni into the bedroom and threw her on the bed.

  Chet he watched in impotent paralysis as Luke held Bunni face down, grabbed her wedding dress by the seams and literally RIPPED it off of her!

  Yanking and pulling with no regard for the expense of the exquisite satin and taffeta white gown, no concern for Chet and Bunni's possible desires to have it as a keepsake of their union for all time, and certainly no concern for Bunni as he yanked and pulled, contorting her poor limbs this way and that.

  Then the black bastard tore off her bra and her lacy white panties, grabbing it from the back and ripping it from between her thighs.

  Bunni struggled as the black savage ravished the blonde bride, crying "Ow! ow!" But the black assailant shut her up by giving her several sharp open-palmed SMACKs on her ass reverberating loudly around the room and leaving large red handprints that covered her entire cheek.

  When Luke was done, she lay there exhausted and sweaty, roughed up and sore. She looked back over her shoulder at him as he stood back up by the side of the bed.

  Chet thought she would be livid, furious at Luke for destroying her dress and treating her so brutishly, but she had an entirely different expression on her face than he had expected to see. It looked more wild, wide-eyed and primal. She was heaving and had her eyes locked on Luke’s. Somehow she looked both challenging and submissive at the same time.

  Chet spoke up and broke the tension, "See here, now, um... driver, I don't think that was necessary! I think we won't be needing you anymore tonight, and I intend to lodge a complaint with the service..."

  Chet barely managed to eke out the end of the sentence as Luke had turned his gaze on him and Chet felt his courage drain away. He considered reaching for his wallet to offer the man a tip, hoping it might make him go away, but now Bunni spoke.

  "Well, don't just stand there, honey," her demeanor had completely changed, now she was all sunny and bubbly again.

  "Get naked! We've got some celebrating to do!" Bunni chirped as Luke stood at foot of the bed, watching.

  Chet was totally confused. How could Bunni act as if everything was normal? Was she really ready to consummate their marriage? And was the limo driver just going to stand there and watch?

  "Come on honey," Bunni pouted cartoonishly, "I'm getting bored... And when I get bored, I get distracted..." Bunni looked over at the big black driver appreciatively.

  Chet didn't like that look in her eye and immediately did as she wanted. He felt very self-conscious as took everything off except his boxer shorts and his bow tie which she instructed him to keep on because it was "cute".

  Then his beautiful bride pulled him over to the bed and, to his surprise, suddenly yanked down his boxer shorts! His small, skinny, pale penis hung flaccid from his patch of blonde pubic hair, barely peeking out. With the bizarre conditions, he couldn't bring himself to be aroused.

  Bunni's eyes opened wide and she gasped. Luke chuckled. Chet tried to protest, but Bunni cut him off.

  "I've HEARD of micropenises, but I've never seen one before!" she exclaimed to Chet's utter horror.

  Bunni couldn't believe it was so small.

  "Jesus, that's what I got for saving myself for marriage," Bunni complained, "you should have told me about... About this!" She pointed at his weenis in disgust, as if it were some gross deformity.

  "I... I didn't think it was that small..." Chet protested weakly.

  "What, you never looked down?" Bunni cried out, "didn't it seem weird to you that it didn't get any bigger when you hit puberty?!"

  "Oh, damn, that's cold..." Luke smirked.

  Chet was flabbergasted, he didn't know what to say.

  "This isn't fair!" Bunni whined, "I got ripped off!"

  Chet tried his best to allay her concerns, "but, Hunni Bunni... They say it's not the size that matters, it's how you use it!" Chet thought he had a pretty valid point there.

  Both Bunni and Luke cracked up at that.

  "Can you use it to find me a REAL dick?!" Bunni flicked the little member with her nail dismissively.

  "Oh my God I think it's actually getting smaller!" Bunni recoiled in revulsion.

  It was true. All this humiliation was making Chet's already diminutive dinky retreat and shrink up into itself (plus, it was cold in the bedroom, Chet told himself). Now it looked like just a little white head sitting atop two marble-sized balls lightly lined by thin blond fuzz.

  "You honestly think size doesn't matter?!" Bunni yelled at Chet, "who the fuck told you that bullshit?!"

  "Yo, that's just what they tell the whiteboys," Luke chuckled.

  "Hey," Chet actually stood up for himself, and all white men, "there's no need to get racist, here!"

  "Oh, you wanna talk about racism, boy?!" Luke looked suddenly violent and took an aggressive step towards Chet that made the white groom flinch and step back reflexively. But his boxers were wrapped around his ankles and he fell backwards right on his skinny white ass.

  This just elicited another round of mocking laughter from his new wife and the uninvited black driver.

  "Hey, wait," Bunni reached out and grabbed Luke's nice to stop him from stomping her pathetic husband into paste. She didn't try to hide her admiration of his large, bulging muscle, feeling up appreciatively.

  "Umm... 'Driver'?" She questioned, looking up at the tall black man, wondering what to call him.

  Luke smiled, "yeah, I'm in the driver's seat tonight, sweet cheeks, but you can call me 'Daddy'."

  Bunni flushed and grinned broadly at that, "oh... I like that... Daddy!"

  Bunni and Luke shared a lustful gaze for far too long for Chet's liking.

  Chet started to protest and get back up, "Okay, I think we've had our fun now, but-OOF!" Luke put one foot on his chest and pinned him back down to the ground with ease. Chet tried to push the black man's heavy boot off with all his might, but he couldn't even budge it an inch.

  And it didn't even seem like Luke was exerting any effort at all to keep him pinned there. Luke was almost a foot taller than the scrawny, naked whiteboy and probably outweighed him by almost a hundred pounds. There was no way he was getting up until Luke was damn well ready to let him up.

  "Mmmm," Bunni appreciatively ran her hands up and down Luke's body, obviously admiring how easily the big black man dominated her wimpy white husband, "you're so big and strong..."

  "Damn straight I am, bitch," Luke reached back and gave her a firm, loud SMACK on her ass that made her yelp in surprise, but then moan in pleasure.

  Bunni reached down and felt up Luke's bulging crotch. Her eyes went wide with what she felt through the fabric.

  "Hey, honey, let's see if the rumors are true," she proffered as if she were suggesting they check out the new cafe down the street, "let's see just how big and strong black men really are!" She emphasized those words with husky tones and passionate squeezes of Luke's junk through his trousers.

  Luke smiled and happily obliged. But instead of just whipping it out, he slowly began to get completely undre

ssed, getting Bunni all worked up as she waited for the "big" reveal.

  When he took off his shirt, Bunni cooed audibly. He was built like a bodybuilder - each muscle bulging and perfectly sculpted. He looked like he had not an ounce of fat on him. And his dark brown skin gleamed in the bedroom's romantic lighting. Bunni bit her lip in yearning and her hips wriggled involuntarily.

  Next were the pants, and even before he took of his boxers, the newlyweds could see there was a monster lurking down below. It was semi-hard and tenting out the shorts that went almost down to his knees. From his angle beneath the black man's heel, Chet could look up the boxers and see the tip already... Huge and broad and throbbing with life!

  Finally, Luke pulled off the boxers, taking his foot off Chet, and the humiliated white groom rose to his knees, but then Luke threw the sweaty, smelly underwear right on his face. Chet reached up to pull them off, but Bunni slapped his hand away.

  "You keep those on until Daddy says you can take them off!" Bunni chided her pathetic husband.

  Then Chet heard a heavy, fleshy "slap" as if someone had slammed a thick porterhouse steak on a counter. He couldn't see anything, but he heard Bunni suddenly let out an audible squeal of shock and delight.

  "Oh my fucking GAWD!!!" Chet's wife cried out in astonishment, "Jesus fucking CHRIST, I didn't know they even came that big!!

  Chet's heart beat like a jackhammer. Bunni must have been overreacting... How big could it really be?!

  "Oh, FUCK, it's so THICK, too!" Bunni went on and on about the sheer prodigiousness of the black man's apparently legendary organ, "and so heavy... And hot...!"

  Chet knelt there before them, blinded by Luke's smelly boxers and whimpered pitifully, knowing that his wife must have been fondling this strange black bastard's giant nigger dick with her delicate little white hands...

  "Can you even fit this monster in a girl?!" Bunni asked in disbelief?

  "Oh, bitch, I can make it fit!" Luke growled, which made Bunni audibly moan in wonder at the thought of such a mountain of manhood forcing his enormous cock into tight little white holes all over the country.

  "Oh, honey, you gotta SEE this beast!" Bunni suddenly remembered her actual husband was still there, kneeling and disgraced, "can I show him, Daddy?"

  Luke chuckled and whispered something to Bunni that Chet couldn't hear. But then Bunni was taking the boxers off his face... And shoving them into his mouth! Their rank taste was now saturating his taste buds, Luke's copious sweat from hours of energetic dancing and booty grinding was being juiced out of the soaked fabric as Bunni squeezed and shoved the oversized boxers into her husband's mouth!

  "Suck on those real good, pookums," Bunni instructed Chet sweetly but firmly, "see what a real man tastes like while you take this awesome sight in!"

  It took a few moments for Chet's eyes to readjust to the lights in the room, but when his vision cleared, he got suddenly lightheaded and nearly fainted at the sight of the monstrous black dick Bunni was holding up right in his face.

  Luke's soda-can-thick 14-inch monster flopped around in front of Chet's face and Bunni dropped it to let swing down and smack obscenely against his muscular thigh.

  Bunni couldn't take her eyes off of the ebony monster dangling pendulously before them.

  Luke lifted his heavy cock in one hand and squeezed it tight, making it firmer. The he grabbed the top of Bunni's head and held it in place as he slapped her across the face with it several times.

  "Oh, YES!" Bunni panted, "slap me with that big, black dick, Daddy!"

  Chet watched impotently as this big, muscular brute of a nigger debased his pretty blonde wife with his fat, heavy cock - roughly violating her delicate white face with heavy phallic blows that reddened her cheeks and made her flinch in pain and surprise each time.

  Finally, Luke let her go and just stood there before the thoroughly subjugated bride, stroking his long, fat cock to firmness.

  It took Bunni several moments to come back to her senses, overwhelmed by the intense experience of being dick-slapped so roughly by such a beast of a man and his horsecock.

  Chet’s wife stared, hypnotically, at Luke's hardening cock and his long, slow, strokes. Chet couldn’t help but see the monster as Luke was stroking it right over his face. The chagrined groom could see a large dollop of precum building up on its tip, oozing from his piss-slit and threatening to drop right on his face.

  Finally Bunni seemed to snap out of it, looking down at Chet with renewed vigor.

  "Well, I guess that settles THAT debate!" she bubbled, comparing the two dicks before her. One looked like three little white grapes hiding in a blond bush; the other looked like a throbbing, veiny, dark brown zucchini with two large chocolate papayas dangling from its base!

  Chet felt extremely self-conscious being openly measured up in this way by his wife (and being found very, very lacking) and he tried to cover his shame, but Bunni slapped his hands away.

  “Hiding it isn’t going to make it any bigger, Baby,” Bunni helpfully informed him in a sweet but condescending tone, “accept yourself for what you are: a pimple-dicked little sissy wimp.”

  “Damn, girl,” Luke whistled, “you one cold ass bitch!”

  Bunni smiled up at Luke and looked back down at Chet with cool contempt, “Pretending you’re anything more is just deluding yourself and it’s kinda pathetic.”

  Chet couldn’t believe the verbal ice daggers his new bride was jabbing into his heart. His already shriveled little white penis tried to burrow itself up inside his crotch for safety from the deep freeze. His lower lip began to quiver.

  “Whiteboy here gonna cry!” Luke guffawed as he continued to stroke his massive black meat in Chet’s face. Seeing Chet’s eyes well up with tears only seemed to get the black man harder.

  “Oh Jesus,” Bunni sighed and shook her head, “don’t be such a pussy, Chet.”

  Bunni grabbed her hubby by the wrist and pulled him up onto the bed. Chet looked confused... were they going to still have sex, after all of that incredibly belittling talk? Did she really expect him to be in the mood after all of that?

  “C’mon, honey, your baby dick make you useless as a man,” Bunni laid him down on the bed with his head near the edge and his feet toward the headboard, “but you might still be good for something.”

  The pretty blonde bride then squatted over Chet facing him, with her cunt in his face. "Let's see if your tongue can reach places your little dickie can't!"

  She settled her wet pussy over Chet's mouth and though he was shocked, he was thrilled to finally be getting some action with his hot wife. And the view from down where he laid was pretty spectacular – her flat tummy, large but firm breasts and an angelic face that was pretty and sweet even was she was being as intolerably cruel as she was in the moment.

  So Chet obliged her demand, licking away and tasting her for the first time. She was sweet and clean-tasting. Bunni moaned and began to gyrate a little. She closed her eyes and licked her lips, he head falling back. Chet finally felt a stirring in his loins and completely forgot about Luke as he felt his wedding night had, at last, begun in earnest.

  But he made the mistake of opening his eyes.

  Not only was Luke still there, but he was standing extremely close, his massive black cock dangling mere inches from Chet's face as he watched Chet eating Bunni out.

  Luke's eyes hungrily roamed over the voluptuous body of the moaning and squirming bride, running his dark gaze up and down her toned curves, he skin covered in a sheen of perspiration. Her perfect breasts rising and falling with her heavy breathing.

  She opened her eyes and locked them with Luke. As they leered at each other, she began to grind her cunt into Chet's mouth harder and harder, faster and faster. Chet's heart began to beat so hard he could feel it. This wasn't going to end well, he thought.

  Suddenly, Bunni began bucking and convulsing. Chet could taste her wetness really flowing now and watched as all the muscles up and down her torso rippled.

Bunni reached out and grabbed Luke by the neck and came with a vengeance in Chet's mouth. Chet lapped and licked obediently as she flooded his mouth with her juices. Luke and Bunni's faces were as close as they could be without kissing and she smiled.

  Bunni let Luke go and rose up off of Chet, his face soaked with her cum. Chet went to sit up, but she held him down, "whoa, whoa, stay right there," she said as she turned around, sitting over him again, but now facing away with her ass in his face.

  "Let's see what that tongue of yours can do with THIS end!" She teased as she lowered her asshole onto his mouth.

  Chet was shocked at what she was suggesting, but did as she wanted. He was fully in her sway, now, and was powerless beneath her. He flicked his tongue along her chocolate starfish, taking a few tentative little tastes.

  She cooed and, encouraged, he wriggled his well-lubricated tongue into her quivering anus only to be rewarded with a rude-sounding and foul-tasting fart that made Luke chuckle and Bunni giggle.

  But Chet was not dissuaded, in fact he felt a sense of accomplishment as he pushed his tongue in further and she sighed and gyrated her hips on his face.

  As he darted his tongue in-and-out, tasting her salty insides, he watched as she reached back and pulled Luke towards her. She leaned back against his broad, sweaty chest and used him as leverage to grind her ass down on Chet's face.

  "Wow, honey, how long IS that tongue of yours?" Bunni marveled as she felt the wriggling protuberance massaging her anal cavity.

  "Shit, homeboy's a real Roto-Rooter up in there, ain't he?" Luke mused.

  "MMm, yeah, he's really digging around up in my dirty little pooper!" Bunni giggled, then moaned as Chet hit a sensitive spot, "Oh, that feels GOOD, honey..." she started breathing heavier and wrapped her arm back around Luke's thick, trunk like neck.

  Chet soaked up the encouragement and thrust his tongue deeper and waggled it more vigorously causing Bunni to let out a little yelp, "OH! He's REALLY in there!"

  "My man's diggin' for gold, yo," Luke joked.

  "Mmm, careful, sweetie, you go any further and you might find a little butt-muffin in the oven waiting for you!" Bunni gave a little "tee-hee" at her own clever quip and adjusted herself, getting comfortable for what seemed like was going to be a marathon rim job.


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