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Page 19

by Sierra Riley

  This had been the most intimate touch Justin ever had. It was so slow and exploratory; fascinated and affectionate. Justin didn’t even realize he was holding his breath until his lungs started to ache.

  “Where do you keep your lube?”

  “The bathroom up here,” Justin groaned. As soon as Calder was off the bed and out of the room, Justin flipped himself over onto his front.

  He wasn’t sure if he could handle maintaining eye contact the whole time, so this was the safest bet.

  Calder chuckled as he returned to the room with the lubricant and a condom, and no pants on. Justin’s eyes naturally flickered to Calder’s gorgeous cock, out there for all to see. He patted Justin’s ass once he approached the bed. “So that’s how you’re going to do it, huh?”

  “If you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all. Whatever makes you comfortable and hot.”

  Justin quivered as Calder ran a hand over his backside. He was so casual with it that it surprised Justin. He had no qualms with touching his ass out of the blue? Had he been thinking of it in the past?

  The thought was almost too much for Justin to handle.

  Then, those strong arms circled his waist, and Justin rose up onto his hands and knees. Justin glanced back over his shoulder to Calder. He was kneeling behind him, popping open the lubricant now.

  “I-If you want, I can do that,” Justin murmured.

  “I’ve got it,” Calder assured him.

  Justin wished that he had that confidence. How could he be so confident even if this was his first time with a guy? Well, he was probably drawing from his experience with women, so...

  Justin kept himself braced and stared as Calder poured the lubricant onto his fingers. While Justin had trouble with making eye contact, it seemed like every time he looked up into Calder’s eyes, Calder was already looking back.

  Calder definitely knew what he wanted in that moment, and it was him.

  Justin bowed forward against his forearms, pressing his forehead to the bed. Moments later, a wet finger slid along his crack.

  Holy shit, Calder was about to finger him. This sexy man that he had known ever since they were kids was finally going to give it to him that night.

  Was Justin dreaming?

  When the roaming fingertip pressed against his hole, Justin drew in a breath. Calder paused and it was only when Justin was relaxed again that he eased the finger inside Justin.

  Justin was delighted even to have the finger inside, although it was bizarre at the same time. His sexual contact with others was limited enough as it was because of his jitteriness. But with Calder, although he was still a little antsy, everything was much more pleasant.

  Justin burned with need.

  “How is it?” Calder questioned from behind him.

  “Good. Keep going,” Justin breathed as he moved his hips a little. Calder’s finger was nice but he wanted so much more. He was at the point now where nothing else would satisfy him except for Calder’s cock.

  Soon enough, two fingers were eased inside of him. Justin whimpered lightly and thrust against the fingers, working with Calder to get him nice and ready.

  It was almost too much to bear. There was a part of Justin that was still afraid that either of them, but especially he, would cop out at any moment.

  When Calder removed his fingers, Justin rubbed his forehead on the bed. He shifted and glanced behind him again, blushing as he grabbed the condom off the bed next.

  “I’m glad you had some condoms there my size,” Calder hummed, his voice low, casual, and dripping with sex.

  Justin licked his lips. “Come on... Please.”

  “I’m not going to leave you hanging,” Calder promised as he made short work of rolling the condom on. Justin couldn’t really get a good view of his cock from this angle because of how Calder was situated right behind him. He wanted to see that cock so badly but it’d be way too obvious if he shifted around now.

  Finally, Calder’s firm hand massaged over Justin’s ass once again before settling on his hip. Justin dug his fingers into the comforter as the tip of a cock was pressed against his opening.

  This was it.

  Slowly, Calder eased his plump head inside of his body. It was an amazing feeling, and Justin groaned as Calder sunk his cock deep inside of him. His motions were careful and slow, which Justin mostly appreciated. In reality, he wanted it so hard and fast that he wouldn’t know up from down.

  Justin eased himself fully onto his hands, enjoying this position a little more, although he wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to hold it. His cock was already pressed up along his stomach, bouncing lightly with the slow thrusts.

  That slow pace was driving him nuts. He needed more.

  “Calder. Harder, faster...” Justin wasn’t going to last long and he wanted it to be good.

  “Your wish is my command... sir.”

  Justin jolted with pleasure as the word reached his ears again. That title coming from Calder in such a heated moment was impossibly erotic.

  True to his words, both of Calder’s hands gripped Justin’s hips as he picked up the pace. That cock was so deliciously thick that it pressed firmly against Justin’s prostate with each stroke. So many ripples of pleasure coursed through Justin’s body.

  The demand to have his mind blown consumed Justin. He bucked against Calder, working with him so that each thrust of Calder’s mighty hips plunged that cock inside hard and deep. Sometimes Justin thrust his body so hard that he almost lost his balance but Calder gripped his hips all the more tight to hold him in place.

  Then, one of those hands glided up his back and to the back of his neck. Justin’s eyes were wide, his lips parted with a gasp as Calder pushed down against his neck. Without complaint, Justin sunk down into a bowed position, held in place by Calder’s hand on his neck.

  Justin was in heaven.

  “Stay like that,” Calder rumbled as he drew the hand away and back to Justin’s hips.

  Now things really heated up as Calder went all in.

  Justin couldn’t bite back the sharp moans, groans, and whimpers if he tried. He gripped the comforters hard, his knees digging deep into the mattress as Calder pounded him. The bed shook and creaked beneath them as Calder took Justin for the best ride of his life.

  Although it was all physical right now, that extra connection with Calder as someone he knew and trusted brought the moment to new heights. Justin had never felt so good.

  Justin was too overwhelmed by everything. Even under normal circumstances, it was easy for him to be overstimulated. This was incredible, though, and Justin tried desperately to hold out but it was no use.

  Calder’s nails digging into his hips, skin wetly smacking against skin, the creaking of the bed and the groans that escaped them both. Calder seemed to be trying to hold back his moans but they escaped now and again.

  Why was Calder holding back, though? Justin wanted to hear his pleasure as well.

  Justin whimpered, his cock aching. He shifted and brought an arm beneath himself, curling his fingers around his throbbing shaft. The touch was electrifying and precum dribbled from the tip. Perfect for slicking himself up and making things easier.

  “Oh, Calder...!” Justin moaned as he stroked himself hard. Calder didn’t relent with his thrusts at all, plunging hard and deep inside Justin. Each powerful stroke across the prostate made the pressure building up inside all the more intense.

  “Come for me, Justin,” Calder commanded, his voice lower and rougher than anything Justin had ever heard before.

  That was all he needed to spill him over the edge. Justin groaned loudly as jets of his sticky juice squirted from his cock. His whole body was hot, his muscles convulsing as he rode out his orgasm. His head spun and it was like he was transported to a whole other place for those few blessed moments.

  Then, he sunk back down to the bed, panting and pressing his cheek against the comforter. He released his hold on his cock after he had milked himself
dry, not caring about the mess he had made.

  As Justin collected himself and enjoyed his bliss, Calder rubbed a hand over his back and ass. Appreciating him? Soothing him? Either way, Justin didn’t mind.

  He was also still so very aware of the cock embedded deep within him.

  He blew out a breath and relaxed. “Keep going... I want to hear you cry, too.” For Justin, this was a bold thing to say.

  Calder groaned and set himself back into motion. Although Justin was all the more sensitive because of his release, having Calder ramming him was still amazing. Now Justin was able to concentrate more on Calder’s pleasure. He tried to push back into the cock but his exhaustion limited his movements.

  It was only another minute before Calder drew out of Justin. Justin relaxed all the more and glanced back over his shoulder to try and see what Calder was doing. The sound of the condom being removed was unmistakable, as well as the quick, wet sounds that followed afterward.

  “Do you mind?” Calder gasped, his breath ragged and his eyes hazy.

  Justin quivered. “I don’t mind at all,” he responded. If Calder wanted to come on him, Justin was perfectly fine with that. There was something so dirty and sexy about it. To have Calder release on him meant that for that one precious moment, Justin was his.

  Justin wet his lips; the sounds of Calder jerking off behind him was hot. He intently watched Calder’s face, entranced by the rush of emotions that passed over it. Calder’s head was tilted back, his thin lips parted and his eyes squeezed shut...

  Then it was all over. With a loud moan that made Justin twitch with surprise and pleasure, Calder came. Justin shivered as Calder unloaded onto his backside, each squirt leaving behind a warm trail of his seed.

  Calder looked incredible. He was magnificent in that moment, kneeling up straight with his head tipped back. It looked like he was in the clouds.

  Knowing that it was him that brought Calder such pleasure in that moment...

  “Mm...” Justin sounded, wiggling his ass for Calder’s viewing pleasure. Judging by the flicker of Calder’s hazy eyes, the move had been appreciated.

  “Let me get something to clean you up,” Calder murmured as he climbed off the bed.

  “Tissues are over there on the dresser,” Justin murmured as he closed his eyes and rested for a moment. Then, when Calder returned, Justin was surprised by the gentle touch to his ass. He blushed as he laughed sheepishly. He hadn’t been expecting Calder to actually clean him up. That alone was more intimate than Justin could ever imagine.

  “You don’t have to—” Justin uttered.

  “It’s fine,” Calder responded. His own voice was still low and breathless. “I don’t mind.”

  Justin remained still and let Calder do this. His eyes were filled with nothing but love and admiration for Calder. This had been the most incredible experience in his life.

  “I’ll clean up and be right back.” Calder chuckled as he drew off the bed and left the room. Within moments, he was back and crawling into bed with Justin. As soon as he did, Justin nuzzled in close. He wanted to be impossibly close with him.

  “Calder, I love you,” Justin uttered. After everything, now seemed like the perfect time to say it. Yet, as soon as it fell from his lips, he was worried that it somehow wouldn’t be returned.

  “I love you, too,” Calder murmured.

  Thank God that fear was short lived.

  “You do?”

  “I always have,” Calder assured Justin as he ran his fingers through his hair. “It just took us a long time to say it for real, didn’t it?”

  “Better late than never,” Justin laughed, his head in the clouds as he tucked his leg between both of Calder’s.

  As the two gazed to each other, a comfortable silence fell. While Justin wanted to proclaim his lover for Calder even more, he was exhausted. It had been a very trying day, although it had all ended wondrously.

  As he leaned in to kiss Calder on the lips and be kissed in return, he was hit with the fact that now they could finally live.



  “Come on, slowpoke,” Calder laughed. “They’re calling our gate!”

  “I’m coming!” Justin called as he rushed back to Calder after grabbing a drink from a vending machine.

  It was three months since Justin and Calder had come together after Justin had been fired. In the months following, Justin had mostly recovered from what had happened. Now and again, he was still startled more than he should have been at loud sounds, an effect which remained from when they had been raided—and when Wallace pointed a gun at them. Knowing that Justin still suffered in that way made Calder angry but things were looking up.

  Justin had also adopted the tabby from the cat café, Tiger. Well, in reality, they’d both adopted her. She was a huge help with helping Justin with his anxiety. Calder had to admit that she more than had a place in his heart, too. She was such a softie.

  Justin was still working away at getting the company off the ground. He had a lot of mentors helping him get everything right from the beginning. Despite the work Wallace had done to try and sabotage him, Justin had more friends and allies than ever before. Justin did odd jobs now and again to make some cash but both he and Calder were taking things easy between everything else. They had both been so absorbed in their work that now they were taking the time to do some traveling.

  For Calder, everything had been a big change as well. He had left the Los Angeles life behind and continued to live with Justin. He was done with the stress that came with such an intense job and lifestyle. The more easygoing pace of Portland was soothing, although Calder still wouldn’t be caught dead in a coffeehouse.

  As was to be expected, when Justin and Calder officially came out to their families as being together, there was no surprise. Everyone had always known that they were meant to be and teased them for taking so long.

  Although Calder and Justin had been friends for so long, learning and growing together as boyfriends was a whole new adventure. It had still taken Calder awhile to adjust but his love for Justin was stronger than anything and everything else.

  “I’m a bit nervous about flying...” Justin admitted as he grabbed his passport and boarding passes from his pockets.

  “I know, but I’ll be right there with you,” Calder assured him. “You can do it.”

  “With you, I can do anything,” Justin agreed with a smile as they made their way up to the counter together to board their plane.

  As the overhead speaker announced the final call for Lisbon, the two held hands and moved forward to their next great adventure together.

  ~ END ~

  Also by Sierra Riley


  “It’s not safe for anyone to be around me.”

  * * *

  Shane Carter couldn’t wait to see his daughter after returning home from Afghanistan. Even though the scars he collected overseas ran deep, her light always brought him through the darkness. But when his ex-wife denies him the chance, those scars bleed into every part of his life and Shane is forced to admit he needs help.

  * * *

  “You can’t fool me. I know who you really are.”

  * * *

  Aaron Hayes thought he’d found the perfect career as a service dog trainer. Until he realized speaking to crowds was part of the job description. He’s never felt safe in a crowd, but one-on-one? That’s a different story. And when a handsome and troubled veteran needs his help training a service dog, Aaron doesn’t hesitate.

  * * *

  “You’re the only one who sees me.”

  * * *

  Shane tries his best to keep Aaron at a distance, even though his attraction to the man is undeniable. Convinced a quick fling will get it out of his system, he seduces Aaron. But he soon realizes he’s the one falling under Aaron’s spell. As Aaron starts to become his light in the darkness, Shane fears their future together--or lack thereof. If he can't even win back his own daughter, how is
he ever going to fend off his demons long enough to find solace with Aaron?

  Find more titles by Sierra Riley on Amazon

  About the Author

  Sierra Riley was born and raised in a small town where she spent all her time reading under trees before she moved to the Bay Area to pursue her own love story.

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  She writes the kinds of books she loves to read: rollercoaster rides with happily-ever-afters. She's rarely at a loss for ideas, and credits her wonderfully supportive friends with helping her stories actually make it onto the page, as well as her husband and kids for giving her the chance to follow her dreams.

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  When Sierra isn't busy writing, she enjoys knitting, traveling, listening to the Pet Shop Boys, or just curling up with her dogs and cats and devouring a good book.

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