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Dangerous Love

Page 15

by Casey Clipper

  “Do you need money? I’ll help, whatever you need, Mackenzie,” Grant said concerned. He leaned against the bar, facing her, his arms crossed over that wide chest that his suit strained against.

  “Mackenzie?” a soft feminine voice said from behind her boss.

  Grant spun and she blanched. “Mrs. Murphy?”

  “Hello,” Courtney said, a polite smile played at her lips as she scanned the bar.

  “What are you doing here?” Mackenzie looked around to see if Derk was nearby.

  “I came to speak with you. You didn’t show up last night at the book club meeting,” Courtney said, then furrowed her brow. “I didn’t realize what kind of bar this is.”

  “And what kind of bar is it?” Grant asked.

  Courtney glanced at Grant and gave him a once over, her features changing from polite to haughty. Her posture grew as she stood straight. “A place where someone like Mackenzie shouldn’t be working.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with her earning an honest living,” Grant ground out.

  “At what cost? Showing off her assets to every fifthly pervert in the city?” Courtney challenged.

  “Get out of my bar, you fucking judgmental bitch,” Grant snapped.

  Courtney cackled. “You do not get to kick me out of anywhere I choose to visit.” She turned to Mackenzie. “Can I speak to you in private?”

  “She’s working,” Grant spat.

  “I’m actually finished. You just let me go for the night,” Mackenzie said, putting an end to this squabble before it got too heated. She watched Grant’s eyes flash black with a fire behind them. Uh-oh, she pissed him off. Not the first time in the past month she’d angered a man. She collected a decent tally.

  “We can step out back,” Mackenzie said to Mrs. Murphy. She was positive Courtney wouldn’t have shown up unless she’d been truly offended by her obvious invite rejection.

  When they stepped through the back employee entrance of the bar, Mackenzie cringed at the oxymoron of Courtney dressed in a pair of designer form-fitted jeans, a pair of Louboutin heeled boots, a sheer ivory blouse that probably cost more money than Mackenzie earned last year, and a black blazer to top off the outfit. The woman didn’t belong outback near the dumpsters, cigarette butts, and the slew of empty Pepsi bottles.

  And for some reason, Grant followed them.

  “Mackenzie,” Courtney started, her eyes darting back and forth from Mackenzie to Grant. “I missed you the other night at the book club. I thought you’d be there. We had a seat for you at dinner.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said embarrassed. She’d really considered going but thought better of it since she’d ended her non-relationship with Derk. She didn’t know what kind of position that’d put Mrs. Murphy in.

  Courtney tilted her head. “Don’t be concerned about Derk. He has nothing to do with us becoming friends.”

  Was she that transparent?

  “Who’s Derk?” Grant demanded.

  Courtney eyed him but ignored him, as if he were an ant she was about to step on or over, like he was beneath her to consider staining her expensive boots. It was a side of Courtney she should have realized existed but was fascinated to watch. It wasn’t as if Mackenzie didn’t have experience with the insanely wealthy’s peon attitude, it was she’d never been first-hand witness to a woman who walked the walk and talked the talk. It was evident Courtney firmly believed Grant was a lower life form than her. That was how well the woman played the game.

  “Is Derk someone you’re seeing?” Grant asked. “Because I thought we were dating. Is he why you’ve been avoiding me?”

  The back door burst open and Kayla stepped outside. “Grant, I need change−ˮ

  She stopped when she obviously realized she interrupted a tense situation.

  “Mackenzie, are you happy working here?” Courtney asked, those stunning eyes narrowed and directed at Grant.

  He straightened. “Why wouldn’t she like working here?”


  “What are you saying?” Grant huffed.

  “Mackenzie, Derrick needs a secretary. You could work full time in a job that includes benefits and a great hourly rate. You’ll get paid holidays, vacation days, and sick days. You’ll know exactly what your income will be and you’ll get paid weekly. You won’t have to work evenings or late nights, and you’ll have weekends off. Monday through Friday. You won’t have men pawing at you, in front of or behind the bar,” Courtney said, her last point a direct hit to Grant.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Grant growled.

  “She’s my wife,” a low menacing voice said from behind them.

  “Shit,” Courtney whispered.

  They all spun to find a caravan of vehicles flanked by a group of about fifteen men.

  “Mrs. Murphy,” Derrick said, holding out his hand. “My side…now.”

  Mackenzie scanned the intimidating group of men that stood next to and behind Mr. Murphy.

  “Holy hell,” Kayla gasped.

  Derk stood beside Mr. Murphy, casually leaning against the brick of the building, but his laser glare zeroed in on Grant.

  Courtney scooted to her husband. “I was just here to see Mackenzie.”

  “We’ll discuss this at home,” Mr. Murphy rebuked her.

  “Mackenzie,” Kayla whispered, shaking her head. She knew what her girlfriend was saying. It was one thing to look up this group online, it was an entirely different environment to have it smack dab in front of them.

  “You stay out of this, blondie,” Derk barked.

  “You don’t speak to her that way,” Grant bellowed and took a step his direction.

  Kayla jumped in front of him and placed a hand on his chest. “Don’t. Please.”

  Good lord, the last thing they needed was for Grant to get in over his head. The man had no idea who these people were and what they were capable of doing. Luckily, Grant stopped at Kayla’s plea. He looked down at her hand on his chest then up into her eyes, back down, then up, confusion written all over his features.

  Mackenzie needed to have a discussion with Grant but in a private setting. She needed to apologize to him and explain that her heart wasn’t in the right place for them to date. Maybe further down the road when she got her shit together. But not today, this week, or next.

  She looked to Derk. If she took Courtney’s job offer, she’d constantly see him. She’d be tortured day in and day out by his overbearing presence.

  “Mac,” Derk said, his tone pleading and placating. “I miss you.”

  Everything around them stopped, ceased to exist.

  “I know what you’re afraid of.” He pushed off the wall and pointed to Courtney and Derrick. “That’s what you want? That’s what I’ll give you. You want a safe home? You want stability? I’ll make sure you have it. You’ll never have to work in a place like this again. I love you, Mac. I’m fuckin’ sick of this shit-game we’ve got going on. Come home with me now and let’s start where we should have been months ago.”

  Mackenzie could have sworn her heart stopped and the air left her lungs. Stunned wasn’t an accurate enough description at Derk’s proclamation. Tears slid down her cheeks. Conflicted, she didn’t know what she wanted. Yes, she craved everything Derk offered. Yes, she wanted what the Murphy’s had. But Derk was on an entirely different level than any man she’d ever met, from a world she had no business entering.

  “What do you want, Mac? Do you want me to say we’ll be together forever? I can tell you this, I can’t ever see myself with another woman. You’ve fucked with my head. You’ve gotten under my skin. I can’t stop thinking about you, twenty-four seven. All I want is you.” He slowly approached her. “Can I promise you I won’t fuck up? No. Can I promise you I’m a hearts and flowers guy? No. You’ll get a gun and a wad of cash to go shopping. You’ll never get a diamond ring from me because I don’t believe in marriage, but you’ll get my fucking loyalty. That means more to me than a rock.” When he reached her, he brushed her hai
r off her shoulder.

  His less than stellar pronouncement got to her, but her mind raced with the possibilities of what could happen if she accepted him.

  “Mac, I’ll protect you. You’ll never worry about me sticking my dick in another woman. You’ll never worry about money. I’ll never let you worry about me. I’ll take care of you, baby. I love you. Do you understand what that means?” he said.

  She didn’t. She had no clue what that meant to Derk. But she knew what it meant to her. Her entire life she’d been alone. No one fought for her. No one came after her. No one vowed to take care of her or protect her. No one promised to have her back no matter the situation. Her eyes swung to the group of people that came with Mr. Murphy, whose arm was wrapped around his wife, whose warm smile and own tears made her melt. Suddenly it occurred to her that it wouldn’t be only Derk she’d gain into her life. She’d also get Courtney, who showed up this evening to try and forge a friendship. Something women didn’t do with her. Mr. Murphy, who would have her back because she was friends with Courtney. Smith, who silently stood off to the side, because he was Derk’s best friend. Derk would give her the family she’d craved. She needed to accept what he did for a living and his lifestyle. She could demand he not bring it home, that wouldn’t be unreasonable. Maybe someday he’d leave that world, but until then, she would ask help from Courtney on how to accept and move forward and lead a full life with the man she loved. Because she did love him. No matter how much she’d fought it, he’d snaked his way around her heart and bit down to clamp a solid hold.

  “I love you,” she said softly.

  His handsome features transformed into a victorious smile. “Yeah, you do.”

  She smacked his chest.

  “Let me take you home. And you’re done working at this place, immediately. My woman will not be dancing on bars, I’ll tell you that right now,” he said snidely, shooting a daring glare over his shoulder.

  Grant looked crestfallen as he witnessed the scene. She left Derk and approached him. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with myself and with you.”

  “Are you sure this is what you want, Mackenzie. I can give you everything, without the obvious danger. I can give you safety, money, power, and a family. A very large family,” he said.

  She shook her head. “You don’t love me, Grant. I need to be loved.”

  “We can grow to love each other.”

  “No, I won’t live a life like that. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us,” she said.

  Kayla showed true loyalty by stepping in to relieve her from defending her decision to choose Derk. “Come inside, Grant. Mackenzie knows what she wants.”

  “Mac,” Derk said, grabbing her attention. “Let me take you home.”


  Derk watched Murphy’s mind work. When he got like that, it could be dangerous for everyone around the man. Except you wouldn’t know you’d signed a deal with the devil until it was too late. But Derk knew what he was asking. And he understood it would come with a price, he just didn’t know what Mr. Murphy would pull out of his bag o’ tricks.

  “You want me to accept my wife’s job offer to Mackenzie?” Murphy cocked a brow.


  Murphy slid Jack and Carl, who lounged on the sofa, a glance. “How do I know she’ll do a good job?”

  “Well, anyone will do a better job than Bridget,” Derk countered.

  “True.” Murphy tapped his chin. “Is she interested?”

  “She wants to work, even though she doesn’t need to. I get it. She doesn’t want to rely solely on me. It’s a self-preservation thing. She’s still protecting herself, in case we don’t work out.” He shrugged negligently. He didn’t take well to the idea and apparently it wasn’t a good idea to voice a dislike about a career to your woman. Defensive mode wasn’t a good enough word for what took place in his house. Their house. Their. Their, their, their. Damn it, he needed to keep saying that shit over and over again in his head. Who knew the day would have come when he’d identify himself as a couple?

  “Bring her in today and let me talk to her,” Murphy said.


  “And I’ll consider it, under one condition.”

  Here it went. A return favor payment.

  “You work for me full time.”

  Fuck. He never expected that stipulation.

  Derk valued his freelance freedom. He didn’t like to be tied down to one boss. What if things went downhill fast? Which was always a potential in their lifestyle. He’d be on the Titanic with a third class ticket.

  “I’ll need you to replace Jack.”

  “What?” Derk, Jack, and Carl said in unison.

  “Wait,” Jack protested. “What the hell did I do?”

  Murphy shot his number one guy a look that told him to shut it. Derk didn’t understand. Jack had been first Darren and then Derrick Murphy’s right hand man. The rumor was that Jack had been Darren Murphy’s original muscle guy.

  But replacing Jack was a job worth considering. He’d no longer pull the wet work. He’d take a high position in the Murphy organization. He wouldn’t have to go on stakeouts or runs. What would he be in charge of? Escorting Murphy everywhere. He’d hang out in the office all day−not exactly a perk. He’d be a fixture in the Murphy home, in business meetings and trips. He’d flank Murphy wherever the man went, to be his eyes, ears, and bulletproof vest. Okay, so he’d have to take a shot for the man if the situation presented itself, but his main job would be to make certain that never happened. If he took Jack’s job, where did that leave the man who’d been number one from the beginning, and what kind of retribution would come down on Derk?

  As if reading his mind, Murphy said, “I’m giving Jack a desk job. He deserves it. He’s the one who helped launch the business. It’s time he gets to sit in a chair and dictate. Will he still answer to me? Absolutely, but he deserves the promotion.”

  Derk looked to Jack, whose mouth fell open. Carl’s eyes darted from Murphy to Jack and back again. Well, well, well. Who knew Murphy knew how to thank the men that helped build his empire and keep it running day in and day out?

  “Derrick,” Jack said, clearing his throat. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You have nothing to say yet because Derk hasn’t accepted,” Murphy reminded him.

  “Derk, if you don’t take the position, I’ll personally haunt your ass and make your life a living hell,” Jack snarled.

  “And that’s different from every other day how?”

  “Fucking Derk,” Carl laughed. “Are you sure you want that kind of torture, Mr. Murphy?”

  Jack punched his good friend in the arm. “Shut the hell up.”

  “Wouldn’t it be nice to work closely with your girlfriend?” Murphy baited. “To keep an eye on her and know she’s safe and guarded? Bring her into the fold. Allow Courtney to shower her with friendship and love. You’ll know who’s coming and going from her daily life. There’ll be nothing that you aren’t privy to when it comes to Mackenzie because you’ll be here, not in some car, seated in front of a house, wondering what the men, who visit every day, are propositioning to her?”

  “You would never allow that?” Derk challenged. Fucking bastard went right for his weak spot.

  “I can’t stop what’s said in the lobby, out of earshot.” Murphy sat back in his chair, a twitch of his lips his only tell that he knew he’d nailed Derk to the wall.

  “Fucking asshole,” Derk muttered.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Murphy slapped his hands off the desk and turned to Jack. “Find yourself an office on the West side of the city and set up shop immediately. Derk’s working for me starting tomorrow. We’ll move the West leader to the vacant Eastern spot.”

  “Hey,” Carl chimed in. “I want an office job.”

  “As soon as Smith decides to fall in love, you’re in.”

  “Damn it to hell,” Carl moaned. “I’ll never get a desk.”

Ignoring the idiots in the room, Derk texted Mac to get ready to be interviewed by Murphy in an hour. Why the man was playing that game, he didn’t know. As part of the deal, Murphy planned to hire her.

  When he looked up from his phone, Mr. M stared at him for a long moment. “I’ll take care of her, Derk. She’s family now.”

  She was. She was his family. The only one that mattered. The only one that he’d ever given his heart to. The only person who’d ever own the damn thing. Fuck, he was screwed, going all sappy over Mac.


  “He hired me!” Mac squealed as she bounced out of the office and into his waiting arms as he leaned against his car. “I’ve never had a real job before.”

  He cocked a brow. “Bartending isn’t a real job?”

  “You know what I mean. One that gives me paid vacations, retirement, sick days, paid holidays. I’ll get weekends off. I haven’t had a weekend off in forever,” she said excited.

  Yeah, he gave that to her. A small price for making her happy.

  “Come on, Mac. Let’s go out to dinner, then we can go home and you can show me how happy you are by sucking my dick.”


  He shrugged. That’s what he wanted, why keep his mouth shut about it?


  Mackenzie’s back was killing her. For two weeks she’d slowly moved boxes of her stuff into Derk’s home. Which was now their home. Once she had everything moved in, she took on the task of rearranging his house to make room for her few items. Derk didn’t care what she did with the place, but there wasn’t enough closet or drawer space for both of them. Upon her search, she came across the oddest thing. A panic room, of sorts.

  “Derk,” she’d called.


  “What is this?”


  “This…crawl space.”

  That got him to the bedroom quickly. He stood next to her with the small door open. It was located behind the dresser she moved to make room for her new chest of drawers that’d been delivered earlier in the day.


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