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Royal Atlas

Page 11

by HJ Bellus

“Make this quick or I’ll cut you,” she hisses before I push open the door.

  I know the point of a surprise party is to actually surprise the birthday girl, but I can’t hold this from her any longer. My knuckles go white as I clutch the handle of the door, I look down at her, and smile.

  “Happy Birthday, Princess.”

  I rip open the door and we’re assaulted with loud screams and cheers.


  Molly steps back, but I hold her close to me. She looks up in my eyes with a huge smile across her face and then slaps my chest. Her arms link around my neck.

  “You bastard. I thought everyone forgot.”

  “Never, Molly.” I kiss his lips. “And why would you think that?”

  She shrugs and it hurts my heart. “Amos.”

  “Oh baby.” I cup her cheeks and press my lips to hers. It’s not a quick kiss, I give her everything I have inside me. She’s the one who brought me back to life or as alive as I’ll ever get.

  When I pull away, I wipe the happy tears rolling down her face. “I’d never forget you, baby.”

  Molly is pulled away from me and wrapped up by her father, then mother, and of course her grandpa. They pass her around the bar with everyone wishing her happy birthday and loving on her.

  The smile that radiates off her is contagious. She’s looks genuinely happy for the first time in a very long while. She’s not twenty-one, but yet she sneaks down a few shots and winks my way.

  I wait for her to see it and when she does she squeals like a little kid.


  I walk up to her lacing my arms around her waist pulling her back to my chest.

  “It’s the best,” she coos while she stares at her birthday cake.

  “You like it?”

  She whirls around in my arms and I cringe from pain for a second. Royal Atlas nailed me in the side yesterday while working him. He’s come a long way, but still not willing to trust me. Molly only giggles telling me she can empathize with me. She always cracks the joke in a loving way.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “You’re my princess.”

  “And you’re my cowboy that came and saved me.”

  “Your mom helped a bit.”

  “I believe it.”

  We ordered a three-tiered birthday cake with a topper sitting on the very top. A princess and a cowboy with the quote “Forever type of love.” It seems her childhood dream is coming true a little bit at a time. It hasn’t been pretty, but it’s happening right before us.

  “I have a few more surprises,” I whisper.

  I signal the band up on the stage and they begin playing the song I requested. “H.O.L.Y.” by Florida Georgia Line begins playing. I usher Molly to the open dance floor. My palms are sweaty and my nerves are on high alert. Taking the spotlight or even being a bit exposed since returning home sends me straight into self-destruction mode.

  I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to shield myself from that mode in my life, but somehow Molly breaks through and saves me every single damn time. I grab her by the waist with one hand until her front is pressed against mine and then cup her face with my other hand. Automatically, her arms lace around my neck and we begin swaying together.

  I drop my forehead to hers and whisper loud enough for just her to hear me. “I can’t sing, but if I could I’d sing this song to every single night of my life. You’re saving me, Molly.”

  A lone tear escapes, rolling down her beautiful face. “Thank you for giving you to me.”

  I chuckle. “I don’t feel worthy of your love, Molly, but you make me feel it.”

  “You are and I love you so damn much Guy Webb.”

  “I’m so high on loving you.”

  We continue to sway back and forth to the song making our own sweet song with our bodies on the dance floor. The staring gazes and judgmental thoughts from the crowd disappear with Molly in my arms.

  I tuck her head to my chest, hold her tight, and finish swaying to the song. I feel whole in this moment and it’s a feeling I haven’t felt in forever. Losing my mother at such a young age, then having a father who put all of his energy into work, always made me feel broken. It was like a piece of me was always missing until Beartooth Ranch and my new family.

  The day I held my best friend dying in my arms shattered my entire soul. I know my life ended that day forever, but somehow this stubborn, gorgeous cowgirl has fought to save me. Molly has never given up on us. It’s an odd feeling to have someone fight so damn hard for you.

  I’ll never be a carefree, loving man, but I’ll dedicate the rest of my life to loving this woman with everything I have left inside of me. I know if it was even an ounce of love my Molly would absorb it, accepting that small gift, but she’s worth so much more to me than that.

  The song ends. Molly raises her head from my chest. Her face is soaked with tears along with my shirt. She signals her hand to the band and hollers out, “One more time.”

  I look down at her and smile with a questioning look.

  “It was too short. I have to live this moment forever.”

  I kiss the tip of her nose and then tuck her head right back down against my chest where it belongs. I’ll protect and fight for this girl for the rest of my days. She’s made breathing easy, my days not quite so painful, and has given my life a reason to live again.

  We dance to the next handful of songs not caring one damn ounce we’re surrounded by loved ones watching our every move. Holding her close and showcasing my love heals my heart like I never thought it would.

  Her father grabs her when a fast paced Craig Morgan song begins to boom through the bar. He’s one of two men I’d let grab her from me to dance. Sadly, any other men I’d pound their face in and that’s going to be just a fact of life. It’s the thread of man that I am.

  I watch her dad swing her around the dance floor. I have no clue how to do that swinging shit. Amos tried teaching me several times, but I ended up getting a knee to the junk every time and finally gave up.

  Molly throws her head back with her long brown curls flying wildly around her as he swings her to and fro. There’s real, genuine happiness on her face, and it makes me smile as I take a pull from my beer. I realized the other day when working with Royal Atlas that not only did this family lose Amos forever, they also lost themselves in the process. I’ve watched the shells of their bodies fight to live from day to day with that loss.

  It gutted me when the realization dawned. I spent the whole afternoon with Royal Atlas reflecting on what to do and it hit me. I have to be the man my best friend would demand of me. It’s time to give this family back their life. Me, dealing with my shit, has been holding everyone back. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that they’d never turn their back on me. It’s their time.

  “Kissin’ Frogs” begins to play, I watch Molly kiss her dad, and rush over to her momma. She grabs her by the hand and pulls her to the dance floor. I chuckle watching her mom put down her heels and shake her head side-to-side. When Molly finally gets her out in the center they don’t break out into a choreographed swing dance. No, the two dance like two giddy school girls would in their pajamas.

  It takes a few moments for Molly’s mom to loosen up, but she finally does and floats around the floor with her daughter. I vow to keep those smiles there forever. The two women I love more than anything deserve the world. A world where they can love Amos and live as well.

  The band dives into a darker song, “Better Dig Two,” by The Band Perry and I watch Molly put her hands on her hips and begin strutting over to me. Damn, the girl looks sexy as fuck in her tank top she always wears under her western shirts, tight blue jeans with her huge ass buckle showing. She sings each word of the song as she stomps her way to me.

  When she gets close enough to me, she reaches out pulling me to her by my waist. She pumps one hand up in the air as she sings about only loving one man. Her sass heightens as she sways her head back and forth while belting out the song and thrust
ing her hips against mine. And all I can think is damn right…they’d better dig two.

  The song ends and I know Molly wants to dance more, but I have one more gift for her and then have to get her ass somewhere private before I fucking explode. She reaches down between us so no one can see and gropes my hardened dick.

  “You happy to see me?” She winks.

  “Always.” I bend down and give her a quick kiss not letting my lips linger on hers.

  “That was cheesy.”

  “Yes, it was.” I swat her ass. “Go sit by your grandpa.”

  “No.” She counters.


  “I want something else.” Her grip tightens around my hard on pressing through my jeans.

  “Patience, grasshopper. Go.” I give her another swat.

  Molly sticks out her bottom lip, but ends up listening to me.

  I rush out to my pick-up truck with my heart pounding hard in my ears. Tonight took a lot of courage up to this point. I felt my skin sting with all the eyes on me. I jumped at every loud clang in the bar, but found the courage to stay strong for my girl. The adrenaline of making her happy is surely becoming my favorite coping mechanism.

  “Son of a bitch,” I growl, looking at all the tootsie roll shaped dog turds on my seat. “You little bastard.”

  The brown eyes of Corgi peer up at me. Yes, I bought her a fucking puppy and placed my nuts right in her purse. Man card revoked. I know she’s always wanted one of these little furry bastards and I have to admit he’s a cute little thing poop and all. He’s a light blond with a cream belt around his front legs. His damn ears are bigger than his head.

  He tilts his head analyzing me with curiosity.

  “Get over here you little Flea.”

  He piddles on the floorboard and then squirms his way over to me. Jesus, this dog is going to steal Molly’s heart and piss and shit everywhere. I shake my head and scoop him up in my arms. Before I enter the bar, I attach something to his collar and keep him tucked under my arm. I take a quick look at where Molly had parked her truck and trailer and see that it has already been taken back to the ranch. I know that Broker will be looked after and put back in his stall, one less thing for Molly to worry about.

  Grandpa has taken his job of keeping Molly occupied to heart. He has her attention drowned in a story he’s telling her. I watch her sneak her hand deep down in his pocket to grab a caramel from it while listening with all of her attention.

  I signal to the band and they begin playing the song Molly sang to me in the bar a while back. It’s the one where she told me she’d go a thousand miles just to get my love. I see her head bob up to the band and can only imagine her staring daggers in their directions since it’s our song. I chuckle at her damn over protective and defensive nature.

  She keeps her attention focused on them not even recognizing me going down on one knee in front of her. The hairs on the back of my neck prick up to life because I’m about to make Molly mine forever. This right here takes more damn courage than being a solider of war. I’m giving over my heart to her forever.

  “Hop.” I touch her knee gaining her attention.

  She peers down to me, gasping when the puppy comes into her line of view.

  “A puppy,” she squeals, reminding me of her on so many past Christmas mornings. She’d always get pissed when Amos would harass her about being a little kid, but the truth is Molly will always be young at heart. It’s what I love most about her.

  “Happy Birthday, baby.”

  “It’s mine?” She clutches her chest.

  “Well no shit, Sherlock.”

  I feel Grandpa’s hand slap me up the back of the head. I know it’s a warning not to ruin the romantic moment. I hold the fleabag out to her. She grabs him, cuddling him to her chest in one fell swoop. Her lips run over his damn ears or more like antennas.

  “Guy, I’ve always wanted one.”

  “I know.” I squeeze her leg staying on one knee.

  She inspects every inch of the puppy while cooing to him. Her grandpa leans forward appraising the dog. Hell, he’s the one who’s been keeping him hidden out in his place and I’m sure teaching him all sorts of bad habits.

  “He’s perfect. Just perfect.”

  I squeeze her knee once again wondering if she’ll ever notice it. Her mom comes in petting and kissing the dog. Yep, this damn pooch is going to be the stud of the ranch from now on taking my throne. Little bastard.

  After several long moments, I watch Molly run her finger around the neon Aztec collar on his neck. Her hand comes to a quick stop, eyes widen, and then she gasps nearly dropping the puppy. I freeze not believing this moment is finally happening. I feel her grandpa stiffen next to me while her dad stands behind her with a wide smile. Molly and her mom are the only two not in on this plan.

  “Guy,” she whispers, twisting the ring between her fingers.

  “Yes, Molly.”

  “It’s my grandma’s wedding ring.” She keeps her gaze glued to the golden diamond ring.

  “A special man gave it to me.” I send her grandpa a wink. He nods with tears dancing in his eyes.

  “Look at me,” I say.

  It takes her a long time to look up and when she does she has tears streaming down her face. She doesn’t even try to hide them this time. My heart lurches and I wonder for the briefest of moments if this is all a mistake. I know it’s soon and I don’t have to marry her tomorrow or hell even next month. It’s about the promise of having her forever, that’s what my heart needs in this moment.

  “I don’t wear cowboy boots and prefer my snapback, but I do know one thing for fucking certain.” I feel a slap on the back of my head from Grandpa, but continue. “I know for sure I want to be the cowboy to your princess for the rest of my life. Molly, I’ll be your cowboy and save you from the wild Indians. I’ll hold you tight and hell, if you even need me to wear boots and a hat I will for the rest of our days. Molly Marshall, will you marry me?”

  She doesn’t speak a word. I see the fleabag fly up over her head and then feel her leap in my arms. Her arms are a vice around my neck nearly making me topple back on the hardwood floor of the bar. I feel a vibration against my neck and know she’s talking into my bad ear.

  “Can’t hear you, baby.”

  She pulls back and tucks her head into the other side. “Shit, sorry. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  “Thank God.”

  “Forever yes.” Then she quickly scrambles from my lap.

  “Shit my dog.” She grabs the puppy from her mom’s arms. “I’m so sorry little guy.”

  I hold my chest feigning pain. “Molly, just like that?”

  She giggles holding her new fleabag to her chest and just simply blows me a kiss. And just like that folks, my world has become complete for the first time in my life.



  “In my defense, I was left unsupervised and horny.” -Amos

  “Flea bag!” I hear Guy roar in his room.

  I bust in letting the door bang on the wall. “His name is not flea bag.”

  Guy is in the middle of the room analyzing the bottom of his foot. “He pissed in here again.” I scoop him up in my arms and smile back at Guy.

  “He’s just a baby.” I kiss the top of his head.

  “You’ve said that for three weeks now.”

  “It’s okay, baby Rodney,” I whisper to him. “Don’t listen to the big bad guy.”

  I smile up at Guy and then whirl around back out into the barn. I hook Rodney to his harness and then a long tether. I’m still scared to death he’s going to get kicked by a horse or trampled by Guy when he’s working around the barn. Guy bitches about Rodney, but I see him secretly snuggling and kissing him. It’s just that when he’s working he has tunnel vision, stomping around the barn.

  “Sit here in the sunshine, buddy. I have about two hours left of work to do.”

  Rodney follows me to the end of his tether before being sidetr
acked by a butterfly flitting around the barn. I go back to exercising the horse I’m currently training. The barn is full and life is good. The gold ring shines on my ring finger as I work. I haven’t taken it off since the night Guy proposed.

  The two hours float by quickly, so I grab Rodney and practice calling his name and letting him roam outside the barn. His little legs crack me up as his tail waggles away. His huge ears go up on alert with every new sound or movement. His antennas work great.

  He spots Guy in the round pen working Royal Atlas and he darts for him. Thank God, I’m practically a giant compared to him so it’s easy to catch up to him. I hold him under my arms and climb up to the top wooden post of the round to watch Guy. He’s covered in sweat. It’s dripping from his forehead. He keeps using his forearm to wipe away the droplets of salty liquid.

  He looks up at me perched on the fence and offers me a defeated smile. I send him an encouraging nod to continue.

  “He’s not giving in. It’s damned near impossible.”

  I laugh at Guy’s words. “Sounds familiar.”

  “Not funny, Hop.”

  I shrug. “Sucks, eh?”

  Guy struts over to us while Royal Atlas races to the opposite side of the pen. He wipes his brow on the inside of my jeans.

  “Gross. Stop.” I kick him away with the tip of my boot.

  “You live in horse poop and are grossed out from my sweat?”

  “Yes,” I reply, defiantly.

  He steps back, resting his elbows up on the top of my thighs. “I get so close then ten steps back.”

  “Preaching to the choir, boy.”

  Guy reaches up to pinch my side and garners a light growl from Rodney when I scream.

  “Your new man is protective.” Guy smiles widely.

  “Can you saddle him yet?” I nod to the horse.

  “Fuck no. Some days I can halter him and others it’s like this.”

  I smile widely with a witty comment, but Guy is faster than me. He presses his pointer finger against my lips sending me a death glare. I hop down from the fence with Rodney safely tucked under my arm.


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