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When the Dead Come a Knockin'

Page 17

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “That sounds fun,” Trisha admitted. The other girls nodded.

  “Now let’s figure out rides to Northridge.” In the end, I was taking Faith, Ethan and Miles to Northridge and Zeke was going to taking Riley, Isaac, Cece and Trisha. Asher was driving himself up to Northridge early in the morning. And Dylan was going to meet us there. It was less of a drive for him.

  We called it a night early since Asher did have a playoff game in the morning. The guys, Dylan and I cleaned up before heading out. It was snowing lightly when Dylan and I walked to his truck holding hands.

  “So, did you have fun tonight?” I asked wondering. He smiled down at me.

  “I was with you, and you always make me laugh.” He said. “So, yeah, I had fun. But those guys were watching me like a hawk all night.”

  “Really?” I hadn’t noticed the guys watching us. Then again, I was kind of blissfully happy with him just being here.

  “Yeah, during the movie, anytime I moved at least one of them would look over.” He said. I raised an eyebrow.

  “Is that why you started tapping your knee, then my shoulder…” He gave me a mischievous smile as he began snickering.

  “Yeah, I was messing with them.” He admitted. I burst out laughing.

  “Give them some time, and they’ll back off,” I said, hoping I wasn’t lying. “If they don’t. I’ll have a chat with them.”

  “What about you? Did you have fun?” He asked. I looked up at him thoughtfully.

  “I had fun with you. I had fun with Riley, and I had fun with the guys.” I had to be honest.

  “It’s getting to the point where you can’t hang out with them anymore, isn’t it?” He asked his voice sympathetic. I sighed. I hated to admit it, but he was right.

  “Yeah, I think so. The three of them just jump on anything that shows I know the guys.” I shook my head, I didn’t understand it.

  “Well, the re-recording thing is a little weird, but once you explained why, it didn’t seem so bad.” He offered. I stopped, so he stopped. I looked up at him.

  “Does it bother you? The re-recording for my meditation guide?” My stomach knotted as he ran his gaze over my face.

  “No, not really.” He stepped closer and leaned down until his lips were near my ear. “But Ethan did basically tell me why you’ve been blushing.” He said in that husky low voice that ran down my spine and to my toes. I felt my face grow warm.

  “Shit,” I said with feeling. Dylan chuckled as he straightened and smiled down at me. “This is not a game we are going to play.” I declared. Dylan tugged my hand to get me walking again.

  “Maybe.” He hedged. I groaned painfully. My face was still burning by the time we reached the truck. “You are really embarrassed about this.” He said chuckling. How was I going to explain that he can’t use that voice on me in public without telling him why? Shit, I couldn’t. I shouldn’t be embarrassed about this. Everybody has a thing that hits their switch. It’s perfectly natural.

  “Okay, let me explain it this way.” I began as I felt my face cooling off. We stopped by the passenger door to the truck. “Everyone has a thing, that just does something for them.” I swallowed hard. “I like certain types of voices.” I forced myself to look up at his handsome face. He had a half grin again; his eyes had gone from warm to molten. My stomach did a low hard flip at that look on his face.

  “That’s not being an audiophile Sunshine; that’s something else.” He said smirking at me.

  “Well, I also like music so, I just clumped it together.” Then I narrowed my eyes at him. “And how do you know?” His cheeks started to turn pink.

  “You know that soft low voice you use sometimes?” He said, looking everywhere else but at me.

  “Uh-huh.” My smile was growing by the second. He cleared his throat.

  “Yeah, it does the same thing.” He admitted, his face now completely red. “I don’t know if it’s just the sound, or if it’s you, but it’s the same effect.” I ran my eyes over him.

  “I use that voice all the time on the phone.” I pointed out grinning. His eyes met mine.

  “I know.” He said emphatically. “You need to stop.” I snorted.

  “I only told you so you wouldn’t use that voice in public. I didn’t ask for your button pusher.” I pointed out. He snorted.

  “You were embarrassed I knew yours, so it seemed fair to tell you mine.” His color was going back to normal.

  “Thank you, honey,” I said in that low, soft voice. He took a breath and closed his eyes.

  “Lexie, that’s just mean.” He said, his voice pained. I snickered.

  “You’ve been doing that to me all night.” I pointed out. He chuckled.

  “Yeah, I guess I have.” He admitted begrudgingly. He reached out, took my hands and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I rested my cheek on his chest. “I had an idea about tomorrow.” He said hesitating.

  “Oh?” He sighed.

  “I was thinking that instead of you having to drive back down here, then back to Dulcet. Why don’t you just come up after the game? It’s a shorter drive, and I’ll show you around town. Introduce you to my friends.” I pulled back a bit and smiled up at him. I really liked the idea except…

  “I have to drive Ethan, Miles, and Faith tomorrow.” I reminded him. He nodded.

  “And after the game, Asher can take them home.” He countered. I thought about it. It would work in theory.

  “I can ask if Asher’s okay with that, and I’ll have to ask Rory,” I said hoping they’d say yes. Then I thought of something else. I looked up at him, biting the corner of my lip. “I’ll probably want to take a shower before heading out to Vegabond.” He smiled down at me, a light dancing in his eyes.

  “You, naked, in my house.” He let out a breath. “Yeah, I’m okay with that.” I chuckled quietly at that. He smiled down at me. “There are three bathrooms in my house. You can use the one connected to my bedroom, and I’ll use the guest bathroom.” His smile was warm as his eyes ran over my face. “There’s even a lock on both doors if you're concerned about it.” That wasn’t it.

  “I’m not worried about you walking in. I just wanted to warn you that I’ll want to take a shower.” I explained. “Some people are weird about things like that, and I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have a problem with it.”

  “Oh, so you weren’t worried I’d try and take advantage of you being naked?” He asked playfully. I snorted. He smiled. “Don’t worry Sunshine. I have no problems with you being naked in my shower.” I snickered and shook my head at him. “Or anywhere else around me.” He kept grinning at me. I just smiled up at him. There was nothing else I could do. Snow started falling faster. I looked up and giggled as it hit my face. “Hold a second,” Dylan said. When he let go, I looked at him as he pulled his cellphone out of his pocket. “Lexie, pull your hood up a bit.” I did as he said, not really knowing what kind of photo he was trying to take. “Now, do that thing girls do. Their face is kind of down, and they look up with those big eyes.” I snickered. “And don’t smile.” I did the face he was talking about and waited. “Damn, I’m good.” He smiled looking at his phone. “Let me get one with a smile.”

  “Same face?” I asked not really sure what he wanted.

  “No, just be you.” I promptly flipped off the camera. I heard a click as he chuckled. “Come on. Less pissed off you.” I rolled my eyes and tilted my head a bit to the side. Then I gave him a smile like he wanted. I heard a click. He checked his phone and smiled.

  “Are you going to show me the photos or what?” I asked really wanting to see them. He came over and stood next to me. He flipped back to the first one. My red hair looked amazing on my black coat, and with the hood, it looked great. The snow on my jacket and behind me looked beautiful and went with my porcelain skin. My eyes looked bright green in the snow. It was really an amazing photo.

  “Wow. What filter did you use?” I asked before
he swiped to the next one. He chuckled.

  “I didn’t use one Sunshine. That’s all you.” My mouth dropped open. I saw the photo of me flipping off the camera. Then the next one with me smiling. They all looked great. For the first time in my life, I felt beautiful. It was way weird.

  “I think these are the best photos I’ve ever had taken,” I told him impressed. “Can you send them to me?”

  “Definitely.” He said putting his phone away. I pulled out my cellphone, his smile disappeared. “No.” I nodded.

  “Fair’s fair,” I told him going to the camera section. “I’m not nearly as good as you, but I still want a photo.” He shook his head. I started pouting. He cursed, and I knew I won.

  “Fine.” He grumbled before he stuck his hands in his pockets and gave me his half grin I was coming to love. I took the picture and figured I tortured him enough.

  “See, it only hurt for a second.” I teased. He snorted. I went back to his side and showed him the photo. It was a damn good picture. With the snow falling, and his blue jacket bringing out his eyes. I think it showed who he was. I smiled. “I like it.”

  “That's pretty good, send it to me.” He admitted. He kissed the top of my head. “Come on. It’s cold out here.” He opened my door and helped me into the truck before running to the other side. He banged twice on the hood before he climbed in and started the truck waiting for it to warm up.

  “What was with hitting the hood?” I asked.

  “Oh, um. Sometimes outside cats like to crawl onto an engine while it's warm so if you don’t bang on the hood, then you might start the motor with cats on it.” He explained. I winced. “Yeah, pretty much.” But he hit the hood to scare the cats away. I felt my heart grow warm.

  “Let me text Asher and see if he’ll take the others home tomorrow.” I pulled out my cellphone and texted Asher.

  Alexis: Hey, do you think after the game you can take Ethan, Faith and Miles home? Dylan asked me to go to Dulcet to meet his friends.

  I didn’t have long to wait, hell, I watched Asher heading up the porch now.

  Asher: Yeah, no problem.

  Alexis: Thank you.

  “Well, Asher’s in,” I said looking over at him. Dylan’s eyes were warm again running over my face. “What?” He gave me a half grin then reached out and brushed a strand of hair from my cheek.

  “You’re just... beautiful.” His voice was that husky low one that ran down my spine. But I don’t think it was on purpose this time. I smiled at him, heart racing.

  “You’re kinda cute yourself, honey.” I pointed out. His cheeks started to turn pink. I smiled at him. He leaned over to me, and his lips brushed mine only for a moment before pressing down. My mouth moved with his as everything turned fuzzy. The kiss moved deeper, still soft and slow. My heart raced as his hand cupped my jaw. I loved that he did that every time we kissed. I floated in a world of warmth and feeling until we both pulled back. I opened my eyes and smiled at him. His thumb traced my cheekbone, sending those butterflies flying.

  “I wanted to get a proper goodbye kiss before I took you home. I don’t think I can kiss you like that at your door.” He admitted grinning. I snickered.

  “I would not suggest it,” I admitted. He smiled. The heater was finally warming up the cab of the old truck. Dylan drove me home then walked me to my door. We hugged briefly; he kissed my forehead and waited until I got inside to head back to the truck. The whole thing left me feeling beautiful and like I meant something to him. It was a new feeling. I locked the door and turned to see Rory at the front window by the TV. I raised an eyebrow.

  “Like you expected anything else.” Rory shot at me. I chuckled. “How’d it go?” I smiled.

  “It was different.” I hedged, still thinking about the way Dylan made me feel tonight.

  “Good different or bad different?”

  “Good different,” I said quietly. I looked back at Rory. “I ran into two ghosts at the same time tonight. They had joined up to try to bully me into helping them cross.” Rory frowned. “I told them I had a way and that I just needed time to set it up. They backed off.”

  “Were you sick?”

  “Nosebleed, head pain, and major nausea but I didn’t puke. So, my barriers are holding stronger now.” Rory jerked his chin toward the door.

  “How’d he take it?” I smiled remembering him sitting next to me on the bathroom floor holding my hair back.

  “He thinks it’s a seizure disorder,” I admitted. “He has a kit now, though, and thinks it’s medicine from some drug trials.” Rory shook his head.

  “You sure about that kid?” He asked. “If you care about him, you’ll need to tell him.”

  “We’ve been talking for two months, but only dating a few days Rory. I’m going to wait a while.” He nodded. He knew it was my decision, he’d respect it. “By the way, can I head to Dulcet after the football game tomorrow? Dylan wants to introduce me to his friends, and then I have to go sing tomorrow night.” I gave him my sweet begging smile. He frowned at me.

  “His parents going to be home?”

  “His dad should be. His moms passed.” I answered instantly. Rory sighed and nodded. I ran to him and threw my arms around him.

  “Thank you! Thank you!” He gave me a squeeze back. I ran upstairs and got ready for bed. I was almost asleep when I realized that that was the first time I’d hugged Rory since I was eight. Huh. I rolled over and fell asleep.

  Chapter 7

  Saturday Morning

  I woke up almost screaming three times that night, I got maybe four hours of sleep, Zeke wasn’t going to be happy, the shit head could always tell how little sleep I’ve had. So, when my alarm went off, I wasn’t thrilled. I groaned as I rolled out of bed. I wanted to kill Asher for getting to the playoffs; no one should be up this early on a Saturday. I went into the bathroom took a shower and did my usual morning routine. I went back into my bedroom and got dressed. I pulled on black bootcut jeans, a black cami and my hunter green oversized sweater that reached my hips. This one had a regular neckline, so I wasn’t too worried about it sliding off my shoulder as much as light making it see through. I used my usual leave in conditioner and old hair dryer to dry my hair into its long curly mass. I learned back in November what happens if you walked outside with wet hair in winter around here. Not fun. I did my usual light makeup and pulled my boots on. Then I realized I was going to have to take a bag with me. I grabbed my book bag and put fresh clothes I wanted to wear tonight, including everything I’d need to get the look I wanted. I used my rosemary oil and slipped that in the bag too. I also made a point of putting my bracelets in my pocket. I still needed to build my shields up, but I wanted the backup. I was zipping up my little bathroom bag to put in my bag when my phone vibrated. I finished with my stuff and picked it up. Dylan sent me the pictures he took last night, and they still made me feel beautiful. Then he texted me.

  Dylan: Morning Sunshine, see you soon.

  I smiled at that and wanted to send him a heart emoji, I hesitated. Was this too early for a heart emoji? Nah, I’ll send him a pink one, besides I loved my photos.

  Alexis: See you soon.

  I put my phone in my pocket, got my wallet, my keys, my bag and headed downstairs. I quickly ate breakfast and pulled on my wool jacket. I grabbed my bag and headed out. It took a while for my Blazer to heat up but when it did, I blasted the heater. I drove over to the twins’ house where everyone was going to meet. I left my bag in the car and hurried up to the door. Since I’d never been inside, I knocked. It wasn’t long before a woman answered. She had lovely brown skin, the boys’ beautiful chocolate eyes, and thick black hair. She looked like she was in her late forties, and she still looked fit. She was also still in her jammies which made me love her instantly. When she saw me, her eyes lit up.

  “You must be Lexie.” Her voice was smooth and sweet to my ears. I bet she had a killer signing voice.

  “Yeah, you must be Maria,” I said smiling. She smiled at me and wav
ed me inside.

  “Guilty as charged, honey.” She closed the door behind me. Then turned to me still smiling. “The terrors aren’t up yet.” I rolled my eyes. Everyone was going to be here in, like ten minutes. Her eyes narrowed at me playfully. “I understand you and Ethan have a prank war going?” I smirked and nodded. She smiled mischievously; it was the same smile the boys got when they were up to no good. “Okay, here’s your choices. A pitcher of water, ice or start plucking on his guitars. Anyone of those will wake his butt up fast.” I snickered. I loved this woman.

  “I’ll take ice water,” I offered getting excited.

  “Ooh. Good choice. Come on.” She led me into the house, which oddly had the same layout as Asher’s. She pulled a pitcher down and passed it to me. I went to the fridge and filled it a quarter of the way with ice. Maria was giggling to herself as she filled her own pitcher with ice and water. I couldn’t help giggling too. When we were ready, we tiptoed upstairs. I was practically bouncing with happiness when we reached the boys’ doors. “Okay, go in and on the count of six dunk ‘em.” I looked at her smiling.

  “You are my favorite mom ever,” I whispered emphatically. She snickered, and we both opened the doors. I counted off in my head as I tiptoed over the clothes on Ethan’s floor. I didn’t bother to look around; I didn’t have time. I was next to Ethan’s bed. He was stretched out wearing his gray sweats, shirtless and dead to the world. On six, I poured. Ethan jerked awake.

  “¡Mierda! That’s fucking cold Ma!” Ethan shouted as he woke up. The same was coming from Isaac’s room.

  “Morning lazy bones! Get your ass up!” I managed, laughing my ass off. Ethan pushed his wet hair out of his face and glared at me. I backed up a step, but it wasn’t far enough. Ethan dove off the bed, tackling me to the floor. I grunted as I landed with his weight on top of me.

  “Think that’s funny, Lexie? Huh!” He shouted as I kept laughing, he wrung his hair out at my face.

  “Hell yeah!” I shouted back, still laughing my ass off. Ethan realized the water didn’t bother me, so he went for my ribs. Oh shit! I dropped the pitcher and tried to shove him off me, but he had me pinned. His fingers tickled along my sides, making me jump. I couldn’t stop laughing now.


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