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When the Dead Come a Knockin'

Page 26

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “That’s it! Sunshine, we’re out of here!” Dylan’s voice was cold. He was pissed, too. I pulled at his arm. I wanted that bitch's blood. Dylan lifted me off my feet and carried me back away from Trisha. Aaron and Thomas stepped between the girls and us. As if from far away, I heard a door open, my name being yelled.

  “Oh, no, I’m not done. I’m going to bash her face into a fucking table!” I shouted. “Then I’m going to break her fucking nose!” The guys were coming back outside, their jaws dropping. I struggled against Dylan. He put my feet back on the ground and wrapped his other arm around my upper chest, pinning my back to his chest.

  “I would love to see that babe, but the shit stain isn’t worth the bruised knuckles.” He countered. He had managed to get me back to the other side of the circle. He stopped pulling me now, and just simply held me. With all of Dylan’s friends standing between Trisha and me, I took a breath. “Come on Sunshine, let’s leave the bitches to explain this shit.” There was chaos on the patio, the two groups of guys were yelling at each other. I took a deep breath and nodded. He kept an arm around my waist as he pulled me off the patio and towards the parking lot. It was probably a good idea. I was fucking shaking to hit someone. I caught sight of Trisha’s pale face and wide eyes. Yeah, piss yourself you bitch. Dylan gave me a pull forcing me to turn away and move toward the parking lot. Asher was shouting my name. I kept walking, or I’d be going at Trisha again. I heard Aaron telling Asher to leave us alone, to let us go. Dylan’s friends kept my guys from coming after us. Dylan kept a firm hold on me as we walked through the parking lot. Dylan didn’t let go of me till we reached his truck, then it was only to get me in on the driver's side. Still furious, I scooted over the bench seat as he climbed in behind me. Dylan started the truck and pulled out of his spot, going well over what was smart in a parking lot. He peeled out onto the highway. I was shaking I wanted to hit Trisha so bad. I was taking deep breaths, trying to calm down.

  “Put your seatbelt on babe.” Dylan’s voice wasn't as hard as it had been at the bar. I did as he said. When I was calmer, at least enough to talk, I broke the silence.

  “Should have let me hit her,” I said my voice still angry. He snorted.

  “Really wanted to Sunshine. But this way is better, now they’re going to lie to the guys, and you're going to tell them the truth. It’ll be done.” His voice was still angry. I didn’t really want to tell the guys the truth. I just wanted to tell them it was girl drama and that I can’t hang out with the girls anymore. I didn’t want to make them choose. When I was silent, Dylan must have guessed what I was thinking. “You are telling them, right?” I looked out the window, that small part of me wasn’t so small anymore. It was a big tight knot in my chest. He cursed long and loud. He pulled off the highway into a scenic overlook and parked the truck. He turned to me, one arm along the back of the of the seat. His face was hard, his eyes burning as he frowned at me. “God damn it, Lexie, you need to tell them.” He all but shouted at me. “This bullshit needs to stop.” I really didn’t want to have this conversation right now; I was still boiling from earlier, and that fucking fear was too fucking close right now.

  “It’s my fucking decision.” I snapped back. He needed to stop. He needed him to let me figure this out. I needed him to stop pushing.

  “And it’s the wrong fucking one.” He snapped back. I was starting to shake again, only this time it wasn’t from anger. I jerked my seatbelt off me and opened the door as fear poured through me.

  “I want them happy, and those bitches make them happy!” I shot back before slamming the truck door. I heard Dylan curse from out here. I stepped onto the curb and took a couple of steps before I heard his door slam. I turned to meet him; my phone vibrated in my bra. I ignored it. He strode towards me, his face furious.

  “Do you understand what those bitches are going to do?” He asked his voice low and hard. “They are going to say you went after them for no reason.” His hand was shaking as he pointed at me. “And you’re what? Not going to defend yourself? You’re going to let the guys think those bitches are telling the truth?”

  “I haven’t thought that far ahead.” I shot back, pushing my hair out of my face. The fucking wind on the overlook was throwing it everywhere. “I don’t know what the fuck to do, Dylan!” I finally just gathered my hair in and held it in one hand. “I want them happy, and the bitches make them happy. Fucking Isaac’s been after Cece for two years! Ethan never really clicked with any of his girls, and now he has one he does click with! Asher... fuck! He deserves someone who thinks he hung the fucking moon. They all do. So, what the fuck am I supposed to do?” My eyes filled. I wasn’t yelling anymore, I couldn’t, my chest felt tight, and I was really at a fucking loss. I felt stuck. And in the back of my mind that nagging fear wouldn’t disappear. The one where they choose the girls over me. It was bigger than before, big enough now that I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I know I shouldn’t think it, or even worry about it. But everything in my life told me that this was going to happen. My phone vibrated again.

  “So, you're what? Going to keep taking their shit?” Dylan scoffed. He walked closer his face a weird mixture of horrified and pissed off. “You’re just going to let them pound on you? Just grin and take it?” He shook his head. He came closer forcing me to look up at him. “Lexie, you can’t sacrifice your happiness for other people's.” His voice wasn’t angry now; it was almost gentle. “You’re fucking happiness matters, you fucking matter. To those guys, and to me.” Tears fell down my face. I hated it because he was fucking right. The guys wouldn’t want me dealing with this bullshit. But what if…? The heat in his eyes melted away. He reached out and cupped my face in his hands, his thumbs wiping my tears away. “You don’t take shit, Lexie.” He leaned closer. “It’s one of the things I love about you.” My heart slammed in my chest for a different reason, but I didn’t have time to examine it right now. “My Sunshine doesn’t take shit.” All my anger was gone. I hated that he was right. I needed to tell them, but I really didn’t want to. Because then they’d have to choose.

  “You’re right.” I admitted, “I won’t take their shit.” I reached up and held onto his forearm, my thumb rubbing circles on his skin. I needed someone to tell me I was wrong. That what everything in my life was telling me to expect was wrong. That the guys would stay. My voice was thick and small when I asked. “But, what if they don’t pick me?” Understanding filled his eyes; he pulled me closer till I was in his arms against his chest. I pressed my face into his shirt and took deep breaths.

  “Sunshine,” His voice was gentle as he brought a hand up to hold the back of my neck, his fingers massaging. “Those guys love you.” He whispered down to me. My phone vibrated again. I swallowed hard trying to listen. “When Asher gave me your number he told me he’d been answering questions about me to the others until late the night before. They fucking voted on it.” I snorted at that. The tightness was easing in my chest. “When I’m around, they’ve started taking turns watching me with you.” Huh? I lifted my head from his chest and looked up at him.

  “What?” His warm eyes met mine as he half grinned at me. His fingers brushed my hair out of my face.

  “There’s those beautiful eyes.” He mumbled under his breath before I could process it he was talking again. “Anytime I touch you around them, at least one of them watches me for a couple of minutes. I think it’s one of the reasons those girls have an issue with you.” He admitted, his thumb stroking over my cheekbone. “They think their boyfriends are watching you, not me.” I didn’t know that. I knew they did it on game night but… I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and listened to what he was saying. I really fucking needed to hear it tonight. “They care about you. My phone has been going off since we left the bar and I’m damn sure that it’s them calling.” I snorted at the tone in his voice, half amused half irritated. He kept looking into my eyes as he continued. “Lexie,” His voice was quiet. “You trust those guys to take care of you when you have a s
eizure right?”

  “Yeah.” My voice was soft and quiet, but it was loud enough on the overlook for him to hear me.

  “You trust them with your life.” He pointed out gently. “And from what I’ve seen, they would trust you with theirs.” I thought about that. He was probably right. The guys were nuts that way. “Do you really think they would throw all that away for some girls?” When he put it that way, it sounded ridiculous. But it really didn’t feel ridiculous. He was right, though, how could I trust them to keep me alive but not trust them to stay with me? It wasn’t logical; it was fear. Bone deep, horrible fear that had no basis in the real world.

  “Well, if you’re going to bring logic into it,” I grumbled. He smiled down at me. He pulled me in against him, opening his jacket to wrap around me. I rested my cheek on his chest and listened to his heart beating. His fingers kept kneading at the back of my neck.

  “Sunshine, was that the only reason you haven't told them?” Dylan asked gently.

  “No. I want them happy.” I explained honestly. “I just have this nagging fear in the back of my mind that just kept getting bigger.” I took a breath before continuing. “Everything in my life has taught me that people leave. That I have too many problems to deal with and they leave. Always.” I explained hoping I didn’t sound pathetic. “I just really needed to hear you tell me that I was wrong.” He gently kissed the top of my head.

  “You need to tell them, honey.” He whispered softly to me.

  “Hell, your friends probably already told them,” I grumbled. He snorted.

  “No, they would have kept their mouths shut. Jake might have called the girls bitches, but that’s about it.” I sighed. Great.

  “Just… give me a couple of days to think of something else besides just telling them.” His body grew tense against me. “I don’t want to take away someone else’s happiness if I don’t have to.”

  “Are you sure that’s not that scared part of you talking?” He asked, his voice soft again. I pulled back enough so I could look up at his face. His sapphire eyes ran over me, then focused on my eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” His hand on my neck moved to cup my face, his thumb ran over my cheekbone making warm shivers run through me. “You make too much sense not to tell them some of it at least.” He sighed deeply.

  “Too big a heart, Sunshine.” His voice was resigned. “Okay. A couple of days. But if the guys ask me what’s going on I’m telling them the fucking truth. I’m not going to watch you take those hits anymore, babe.” It was my turn to sigh.

  “Okay. Deal.” My phone vibrated again. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I realized I had just yelled at Dylan because of a stupid issue of mine.

  “I’m sorry, Dylan…” I began my voice pained. My phone vibrated again.

  “That’s what I’m here for, Sunshine.” Dylan began. I opened my eyes to see his half grin, his eyes still soft on my face. “You need me, and I’m here. I need you, and you’re there. That’s how it works.” I gave him a small smile. “Well, that’s how it’s supposed to work. I’ve never found someone who kept their side of the bargain before.” I snorted.

  “Me either,” I admitted. He raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Feel better?”

  “Yeah.” He gave me that half grin.

  “Good.” He whispered before leaning down and kissing me gently, thoroughly. It wasn’t a long one, but it still made my toes curl and my body warm. When he pulled back, he didn’t go far. He rubbed his nose along mine making me smile again. “Let’s get you back in the truck, it’s cold out here.” Now that I was calm again I realized how cold I was. My fingers were numb, and I had goosebumps all over.

  “Ooh, it’s fucking freezing.”

  “Come on Sunshine.” Dylan kept me at his side as he tried to block the wind for me. It was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for me. I grinned to myself as he opened the door and gave me a boost into the seat. Then he shut the door and hurried around the truck. When he got in, he started the engine and blasted the heater. I put my fingers on the heating vent to warm them when my phone vibrated again. I growled and pulled the damn thing out of my bra.

  “Those guys are going to give me a fucking tumor if they keep calling,” I snapped and put the phone on the seat.

  “Don’t fucking keep it in your bra.” Dylan countered. I smiled. I don’t know why but Dylan telling me that was funny to me. While I was laughing, and getting warm while Dylan picked up my phone and read my texts to me.

  “Red, what the hell happened? Lexie, answer your fucking phone. Beautiful, talk to me. Call me back Ally, why did Jake call our girlfriends bitches? Can you tell me what happened? The girl’s story is ridiculous.” I groaned. Dylan looked at me. “You’re not going to get a couple of days Sunshine; they want to know what happened now.” He handed me back my phone. I bit the corner of my bottom lip.

  “We’re having breakfast tomorrow. I can probably put them off till then.” I was thinking out loud. “I don’t have time to figure this out.” I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. The vinyl squeaked as Dylan moved. His hand took mine and gave me a tug towards him. I leaned against his chest, his arms wrapped around me. It sent another wave of emotion through me, and I didn’t bother to fight it or even identify it.

  “I know you don’t want to do this, but if they treat you like this; those bitches aren’t good enough for them.” Dylan had a point. I leaned back and looked up at him.

  “You just gotta keep being right tonight, don’t you?” I sighed. He smirked.

  “Just remember I’m always right.” He said his voice cocky. My eyebrows went up.

  “And you just lost your winning streak.” I countered. He laughed softly as I smiled at him. “So, your phone’s been blowing up too?”

  “Yeah, my left ass cheek is numb from the vibrating.” He said matter-of-factly. I laughed as I texted the boys back in a group message.

  Alexis: I will talk to you guys about it tomorrow at breakfast.

  I was telling Dylan what I sent when my phone blew up again.

  Zeke: NOW Lexie!

  Asher: Where are you? We’ll come to you.

  Ethan: What happened?

  Isaac: I agree with Asher. Where are you?”

  Miles: Are you okay?

  I groaned and handed the phone to Dylan. He grinned. He did something, then gave me mine back. He leaned forward and pulled his out of his back pocket.

  “What did you do?” I asked suspiciously. He gave me that half grin of his.

  “I added myself to the group message. I’ll deal with the guys.” He said as he typed out a message. I smiled as I looked at my phone to watch the show.

  Dylan: I’ve got Sunshine, she’s calmed down and fine.

  Zeke: WHY wasn’t she calm in the first place?

  Ethan: What fucking happened?

  Asher: Where are you?

  Isaac: I want Red!

  Miles: A calm Lexie doesn’t mean she’s okay.

  I snickered. This was rather funny to watch when I wasn’t the one trying to handle the boys.

  Dylan: She wants to talk to you about it tomorrow. She’s sitting with me in my truck with the heater on, and she’s okay.

  “Oh, you just opened a can of worms.” I snickered. Dylan looked at his phone like it was an alien as it blew up again.

  Zeke: I want proof and why was she cold to begin with?

  Isaac: I’m with Zeke, a pic, phone call or I’m sending Zeke after you two.

  Ethan: Agreed! Send a pic of her, and we’ll believe you.

  Zeke: You can’t sic me on people, you’re not Lexie. But yeah, I will hunt you two down.

  Asher: That sounds reasonable, a pic works.

  Zeke: Why was she cold?

  Miles: I’m sorry Dylan, but majority rules. Send a pic, please.

  I was laughing my ass off. Dylan looked very much out of his element.

  “Oh, honey, you can’t give them any info or they jump on it.” I offered tr
ying not to laugh again. Dylan shook his head in disbelief.

  “Are they like this all the time?” He asked, looking over at me. I smiled gently.

  “Yeah, that’s my guys.” My voice was warm as he messed with his phone.

  “They want a pic,” Dylan mumbled as he held up his phone. “Smile Sunshine.” I flipped the camera off, with my smart-ass grin on my face. Dylan laughed and sent it to the boys.

  The phones blew up again.

  Ethan: Does anyone recognize where they are?

  Isaac: That better be a new fucking pic man.

  Miles: It is, that’s what she was wearing tonight.

  Isaac: How can you tell? She wears the same stuff all the time.

  Zeke: They’re in a parking lot somewhere, start driving.

  Asher: Can’t. I’m stuck here, with the girls all of you ditched looking for Ally.

  Ethan: And I’ve got another fucking set.

  Miles: By the way Dylan, I met your Dad. He’s very nice. Didn’t mean to wake him up, though.

  I was laughing my ass off again. I couldn’t help it. Dylan was in way over his head.

  “Would you like me to show you how it’s done?” I asked smugly. Dylan looked at me like I was crazy.

  “You can make them stop?” He asked not really believing me. I nodded. “Please, make them stop.” I snickered and texted the boys.

  Alexis: ENOUGH. I am perfectly fine. I will talk to you all about this tomorrow at breakfast and not a minute sooner. Zeke, don’t fucking come looking for me or I’ll rip your head off. I’m with Dylan. I’m safe. I’ll text you guys to tell you when I get home. Does everyone understand?

  “That’s going to work?” Dylan asked. Our phones blew up.

  Isaac: I’m happy.

  Asher: Okay, Ally.

  Ethan: Alright.

  Miles: We’ll see you tomorrow. Please make sure you are awake enough to drive.

  Zeke: Fine. I’ll stop looking. Drive safe and watch out for black ice tonight.


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