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Sexy to Go Volume 5

Page 9

by Unknown

  Tanner needed the money this kill would bring and was tired of wasting time. Okay, maybe he didn’t need the money, but he damn sure wanted it. A few more well-paying jobs and he could retire, become a beach bum, and sip margaritas all day. He snorted at that. While it sounded good, he knew he’d never completely give up the life. He’d been doing it for so long. It was in his blood, had become a part of him. Besides, he didn’t care all that much for margaritas.

  The more time that passed, the more agitated Tanner became. He wasn’t the patient wait-and-see type of guy. He preferred jobs that started and ended with action. The only thing keeping him together was the brief glimpses of the beauty across the room. He glanced at his watch again. Almost closing time. Just when he was about to give up for the night, he saw the demon weave his way through the drunks. Finally. His true form, complete with rat-like facial features, was hidden behind a glamor, making him look like a handsome human male, but Tanner saw right through it. Obviously fooled, the golden-haired goddess noticed him, and to Tanner’s dismay, she made a beeline for him. Major ego buster.

  She leaned back, elbows on the bar, her perky breasts pushed up and out. She said something to the demon as he crudely appraised her body, smiling a filthy smile before tossing back his drink. He stood and leaned in to whisper something in her ear. She laughed, and when he looped his arm around her waist, his hand sliding down to her perfect ass, Tanner’s gut dropped. Forcing himself to not run over there and rip the demon’s hand off was one hell of an exercise in self-control. This was an unexpected and unwelcomed turn of events.

  She’d never shown any real interest in the other males who’d approached her, so why him? Hell, why not Tanner? She’d winked at him and blown him a kiss, but that’d been it. Maybe the Mus had more than a glamor on his appearance. Maybe he’d also had some sort of lust glamor added to his aura. Fuck.

  The female said something in return, and Tanner was relieved to see the demon’s hand venture up a few inches from her ass, but the relief was short-lived when he led her through the crowd toward the exit. Seriously? She was leaving with that thing? Tanner reined in his disgust, disappointment, and bruised ego and followed them at a distance.

  Focused solely on the retreating couple, he ran straight into a waitress, sending a pitcher of beer and four glasses crashing to the floor. Son of a bitch. The pungent smell of draft beer smacked him in the nose as he grabbed the waitress around the waist, steadying her before she hit the floor.

  “Thanks,” she said as she bent to pick up the mess, but she sounded more than a little annoyed.

  He looked up and ran toward the exit, ignoring the angry curses as he shoved patrons out of his way. His mark and the golden-haired goddess had already made it outside, and if he didn’t hurry, he’d miss his chance. Lose his bounty.

  Bursting through the exit, he scanned the parking lot, but there was no sign of them. This couldn’t be happening. He was never this sloppy and totally blamed his dick for this failure. If he’d been paying less attention to her, he’d have been more in tune with his surroundings and would have sensed the demon before he walked through the door.

  After this, he’d definitely rethink the whole no-sex-during-a-job rule. Maybe if he’d sexed her up a few times, he’d have tired of her and been focused tonight.

  A red sports car peeled out of the parking lot. Could that be them? Like many demons, Tanner could flash from one location to another with barely a thought, but hitting a moving target was tricky and dangerous. He scanned the license plate, committed it to memory, and whipped out his cell phone, hitting the speed dial for Aiken.

  “Yeah.” Aiken’s voice greeted him on the first ring.

  “Need you to look up a plate for me.” He rattled off the numbers and letters.

  “When ya need it?”

  “Now.” This was serious shit, but Aiken didn’t take much seriously.

  “Of course, you need it now. Always so dramatic,” he teased. “Call you back in five minutes.”

  Tanner hung up without a word and paced around the parking lot. The bar was closing, and drunks were filing outside in droves. Their raucous laughter and stumbling gaits annoyed him more than usual. He wanted to kick his own ass for not bringing his car, but his flashing ability made the car unnecessary on most occasions.

  Two minutes later, his cell buzzed, Aiken’s name on the display. “What’s the address?” Tanner barked. Tanner was never one to waste much time on pleasantries.

  “Hey, man, ease up on the tone. It’s not like you offered to pay for this info.” Demons, even friendly ones, rarely did favors without attaching a price tag to it.

  “Aiken, it’s critical. Don’t be a bitch.”

  Aiken’s chuckle grated on his nerves. He liked the guy, but he didn’t have time for Aiken’s “jovial, take-nothing-serious attitude.”

  “Your momma’s a bitch. Anyway, you can fork over one thousand for my speedy service. I’m texting you a map so you can flash to it.”

  “Thanks,” Tanner said and hung up on his annoying friend. He pulled up the text with the map on it, studied the Houston address for a moment, and flashed there. It was a gray-brick, two-story townhouse in a swanky neighborhood. A six foot tall, black-iron fence, covered with flowering vines and greenery, surrounded the townhouse affording him privacy from neighbors’ prying eyes. There were no lights on, and the red sports car wasn’t in the driveway, but considering the condo was at least fifteen miles from the bar, they wouldn’t have had time to get there yet—if that’s even where they were going.

  Forty-five minutes later, Tanner’s jaws ached from gritting his teeth. Still no sign of them. Dammit all to hell. He hadn’t failed a job in years and could imagine the shit D would give him about failing this one. Just as he was about to flash away, headlights had him jumping back into the shadows along the fence.

  Yes! It was the red sports car, but he was surprised the female was the only one who got out of it. The way she’d let the Mus demon hang on her, he figured they’d be sexing it up for hours. He cringed at the image that presented and choked back the urge to puke. A Mus demon had no business putting his hands on that female. Tanner didn’t like thinking of anyone putting their hands on her, except him.

  If the demon was still where she’d dropped him off, he still had a chance to finish the job, but he’d have to get the information out of her first.

  The sway of her full hips as she walked the red brick path to the bright red front door mesmerized him, and he had to shake his head to regain focus. He came out of the shadows as she closed the door behind her. Should he knock or just barge in? Because he desperately wanted—no, needed—to fuck her in the near future, he decided to try to gain entrance without scaring the shit out of her, so he stepped up and knocked.

  She opened the door without looking out the window or asking who it was. Careless female. Her eyes widened as recognition set in.

  “Well, now, this is a surprise,” she said, unabashedly staring him down from head to toe. “Is this a coincidence, or did you follow me home from the bar?”

  She seemed oddly relaxed, not at all concerned she might have a stalker on her hands. Great for him, but stupid for her, and her nonchalance annoyed him. Didn’t she have any common sense?

  He always carried a fake police badge and ID with him when working a job. Never knew when it could come in handy dealing with humans. He whipped it out and held it in front of her.

  “Mind if I come in, miss?” he asked in the most congenial tone he could muster. “I need to speak with you about the man you left with tonight.”

  Her eyes scanned the badge and ID, and she laughed. The magical sound seemed to swirl through his body and caress his organs, the urge to smile and curl up at her feet in a contented ball almost overwhelmed him.

  “Sure, but call me Lydie.”

  She stood back and flourished her arm in a welcoming gesture. He entered the townhouse and looked around. It was sparsely but elegantly furnished. All white furnit
ure with shining gold accents and white marble tile floors. He was surprised to see one entire wall covered with a water fountain. He wouldn’t decorate that way, but its elegance suited her. More proof she hadn’t belonged in that dump of a bar.

  She sat on the couch, pulled off her heels, and patted the cushion beside her. “Have a seat.”

  “Nice place,” he said as he accepted her offer to sit.

  “Thanks.” She treated him to a dazzling smile that formed a lump in his throat. The urge to reach out and touch her golden hair and lick her pink lips deluged him. “Can I get you anything?”

  Had he imagined the suggestiveness in her tone? Probably. As much as he wanted her, he was probably projecting his wants onto her. He cleared his throat and tried to keep from ogling her. “No thanks. The man you left with tonight, I need to know where you dropped him off.”

  She leaned in a little closer, giving him a better view of her ample cleavage. “Hmm. Are you sure you wouldn’t like a drink?”

  He needed to keep his cool, remain in character, but her nearness was driving him nuts. He couldn’t remember the last time a female had affected him so profoundly. She exuded an energy, a vibe, that made him want things he didn’t have a name for. “I’m sure. The man?”

  “He isn’t a problem. Forget him.” She reached out and gave his thigh a little squeeze as if to accentuate her words.

  His dick instantly hardened, and his thoughts muddied. What were they talking about? Rubbing his temples, he strained to remember. Oh yeah. The demon. His bounty for killing the demon. “Mi—Lydie,” he corrected, “it’s important you give me his location. He’s dangerous. You’re lucky you weren’t hurt.”

  That magical laugh drifted through his mind again, compelling him, mellowing him. “He didn’t seem all that dangerous to me. And see”—she stood, did a twirl, and sat back down next to him, closer than before—“I’m all in one piece.”

  Yeah, one exquisite piece she was. “You got lucky. Now where did you take him?”

  “You have sexy eyes...officer.” She leaned forward as if to get a better look. “I’ve always preferred dark eyes on a male, and yours are the darkest I’ve ever seen.”

  With her face so close to his, her sweet breath caressing his cheek, he barely fought back the desire to kiss her, ravage her. She affected him like no other. Her essence pulled at him, drew him in, but he had to fight it, just a little longer. When he got the information from her, he’d make quick work of killing the demon and delivering the body to D, and then he’d be back here to put out the fire that was obviously burning between them. “Thanks,” he choked out. “About the man...”

  “There’s no man but you, here, right now,” she said. Her voice raised an octave, the most melodic sound he’d ever heard, the trickling lull of the wall fountain a perfect backdrop to the melody.

  Brain feeling fuzzy, dick hardened to granite, he again fought to remember why he was there. “You, uh...” He couldn’t remember. All he knew, in this moment, was that a goddess sat next to him, and if he didn’t touch her soon, he’d die.

  “It’s just you and me now. Nothing else matters.” Her voice tranquilized him. “I’ve been watching you, wanting you. Do you want me, officer?”

  “Badly, for an entire week,” he said. The words were barely a croak.

  “Mmm. Then take me. I’m tired of waiting.”

  All rational thought was lost as she pressed her lips to his, his body and mind submitting to her sway.

  Tanner thrust his tongue into her welcoming mouth, her taste an erotic elixir, drugging him, making him high. She straddled his lap, arms wrapping around him, the heat between her legs pressing down on his dick. Every day for a week, he’d watched her, wanted her, had masturbated to her image, and now he would have her. Nothing else mattered but tasting her, teasing her, sinking into her.

  Palming her breasts through her thin top wasn’t enough. He ripped the fabric open, pulled her forward, and sucked a nipple into his mouth as he slid a hand between her legs. His fingers skimmed under her panties and were rewarded with the slippery wetness of her arousal. If he’d thought he was hard before, he was made of steel now.

  Releasing her nipple, he grazed a trail up her chest and neck until their lips met again. She moaned into his mouth as he eased a finger inside her, flicking her swollen nub with his thumb. She gasped, grabbed his T-shirt, pulled it up and over his head, and then tossed it to the floor. Rising up on her knees, she shivered as his finger slipped from her, and she hurried to free his erection from its jeans prison. He lifted up and helped her shuck the jeans below his balls.

  Lydie pressed her wet pussy to his bare shaft and slid against him a few times before grabbing his dick, holding it upright, and sinking down, taking all of him inside her in one smooth motion. Her sultry mouth dropped open, her head tossed back as she rode him. He groaned.

  He’d never felt anything as warm, wet, sensual as this golden-haired goddess riding him, pleasuring him, squeezing his shaft with her magical pussy. Had he known the intense pleasure she’d bring him, he’d never have been able to keep from touching her for an entire week.

  Wait. Week? Why had he come here? He racked his brain, trying to focus, but the onslaught of sensation made it near impossible. The Mus demon. He’d come here to find out his whereabouts, but instead, she’d seduced him, was seducing him, was fucking him to ecstasy.

  As if sensing his confusion, she said, “Relax, Tanner, our pleasure is all that matters. Forget the rest. You’ve wanted it. I’ve wanted it. Enjoy it.”

  Again her voice soothed him, fogged his brain, and he felt compelled to comply, even though his mind fought to gain focus, but it was futile with her rocking back and forth on his cock.

  She pressed a nipple to his mouth. “Suck it,” she demanded, once again throwing her head back, her silken mane dancing around her shoulders. She rocked faster, ground herself on him with violent gyrations. He obeyed, wanting nothing more than to please her, fulfill her every desire.

  Sitting beneath her was heaven, but he needed more. He needed control. He needed leverage.

  Grabbing her by the ass, he stood, her legs wrapped around him, and set her on the back of the couch. He thrust against her, into her, hard, fast, urgent as her nails dug into his back. His dick pulsed, rocked inside her molten heat. Had anyone ever made him feel so good, so crazed with desire that it threatened to make him insane? No. Definitely not.

  He leaned in, kissing her throat, taking in her scent—sunshine and silk.

  Fisting his hair, she demanded, “Harder.” He obliged. “Yeah, that’s it. Oh God, yes,” she wailed.

  His balls tightened as she clenched, her female muscles contracting around his cock. Her sexy cries of pleasure, her pink lips forming an “o” as she climaxed, pushed him over the edge. He roared as vibrations thundered from his balls up his shaft as he unleashed inside her.

  Her pussy squeezed him, milked him until he had nothing left. They slumped against each other, their labored breathing and the trickle of the fountain the only sounds in the room. He lifted her and carried her back to couch, lying down with her draped over his chest.

  Satisfaction and contentment engulfed him. He’d never been much of a cuddler, but at this moment, there was nothing he wanted more than to hold her in his arms. The need to protect her, cherish her, seemed odd to him, but he didn’t dare question it and ruin the moment.

  Her soft, warm body fit him perfectly, the light weight of her on top of him a pleasing pressure. He could lie there forever like that or at least until his cock was ready for round two. She was a prize. His prize. His.

  He growled when she sighed and sat up, his skin chilling, protesting the loss of her warm, smooth skin pressed against his. Grabbing her, he pulled her back down, wrapping his arms tightly around her. “Where do you think you’re going?” He wasn’t anywhere near done with her yet—just needed a moment to recharge. She shivered when he sucked her earlobe between his teeth, but she placed her hands firmly
on his chest and pushed away from him.

  “Well,” she said, brushing a silky strand of hair from her face, her dazzling green eyes boring into his, “that was fantastic, don’t you think?”

  “Absolutely but let’s try for even better.” He reached for her again, but she waved him off.

  He thought he saw regret in the deep green of her eyes when she said, “It’s best if you go home now.”

  As much as he wanted to disagree, wanted to wrap her in his arms and give her a repeat performance, he couldn’t. Standing, he pulled up and zipped his pants and followed her to the front door, where she opened it for him.

  “Goodnight,” she said as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. “We should do this again sometime.” Then she closed and locked the door behind him.

  Tanner took five steps before it hit him, the nagging pricking at his brain again. Dammit. How the hell could he keep forgetting the job? He spun on his heel, intending to break down the door if he had to, but realized it would do him no good. Either she wasn’t human, and he couldn’t sense it, or she was a witch—a powerful one. He needed to regroup, strategize, before tangling with her again. And tangle, he would. Definitely.

  The End

  Thanks for reading! If you’d like to read more about Lydie and Tanner, check out the full story here…

  Demon’s Bounty, Hunting Hell, Book 1

  About the Author

  Jocelyn was born in Iowa and currently resides in hot-as-hell Texas. She shares her home with her very own 6'4" alpha male and varying numbers of spoiled cats and dogs. Jocelyn writes paranormal and contemporary romances that include humor, lust, love, and four-letter words on the way to a Happily-Ever-After.

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