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Sexy to Go Volume 5

Page 12

by Unknown

  “What, he wanted to sell that condo?” Anson raised an eyebrow. “I’d have gladly handed Mrs. Isner over to him.”

  Sondra fixed a look on me, though, and I caught the underlying meaning of her remark. It had never occurred to me that Deacon might be interested in me as more than a friend. My conversation with him last week made more sense now. Had Deacon been fishing, hinting to me of rushing into something with Anson? Maybe, but I wanted to be with the man. Still do.

  Deacon’s a friend, and will remain so if he doesn’t object. I glanced at the bar where he chatted up the people taking up the stools. If I could think of something to say to make him feel better I would, but I worried he might misinterpret me, or truly become hurt.

  We call Deacon the matchmaker of Sylvester Street, but somebody should return the favor.

  Anson reached over to squeeze my hand. I’d ask him later to help.

  We make a great team.

  I am Leigh Ellwood. I write smutty stories about people who like getting naked and having sex. Some have more sex than others, some have sex with people of the same gender, some have sex with more than one person, and still others have sex with toys and things that require the use of batteries.

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  SUNRISE (48-hours #2) - An Emerald City short story

  Sofia Grey

  Chapter 1

  Anton dragged a hand through his hair, messing up the short, spiky cut. Last night, Joel had been tugging on that, pulling Anton’s head back, while he kissed his neck. That was last night.

  It’d been a Friday night to remember, not least for finally hooking up with the guy he’d been crushing on for weeks. Waking up in bed with Anton felt good, and their Saturday together showed promise for another night of hot-action-with-not-much-sleep.

  Or at least, it had this morning.

  Joel had been busy today, sorting out a dozen mundane weekend things, but always with the prospect of seeing Anton this evening. This wasn’t quite the welcome he’d been hoping for.

  Anton stood in the doorway, looking decidedly frazzled. “Joel.” Was that surprise he read, or relief that flashed across his eyes? “It’s uh, a bit of an awkward time.”

  Joel’s blissed-out state of chill was dissolving as rapidly as sugar crystals in a hot mug of coffee. He forced a smile. “It’s okay. I’ll, uh, see you around.”

  “Don’t go. Let me explain.” Anton reached out and closed his hand around Joel’s forearm. “It’s Kelly,” he whispered. “My roommate. She’s been dumped.”

  “Is that the pizza?” Right on cue, a woman’s voice called from inside Anton’s apartment. Next thing, a blonde girl stepped into the hallway and peered at Joel. “You’re not our usual pizza guy.” Her blue eyes clouded with confusion, and she glanced up at Anton.

  Even with red rims to her eyes, and the pink nose of someone who’d recently been crying, she was still pretty. When Joel had been with chicks, he usually sought out girls who looked like this: petite, yet curvy, with rosebud lips and a cascade of yellow-gold hair. He didn’t do girls any more though. Not since he discovered guys.

  “No, sweetie. This is Joel.”

  “Oh.” She lifted her fingers to her mouth. “Your, um…” What would she say? Hook up? One nighter? “Hey, Joel.”

  “Hey.” Jeez, this was awkward. Retreat definitely looked like a good idea, and Joel took a step back, almost colliding with someone behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw a young guy in a red jacket, heat-retaining bag in hand.

  “Pizza delivery.”

  Yep, Joel could escape in the confusion while Anton took his food, only Kelly had other ideas. “Please, Joel. Don’t go. I feel bad about wrecking your plans this evening.” She gave him a brave-looking smile. “Stay and eat with us, and then I’ll, um, disappear.”

  Before he could come up with a decent argument, Kelly tugged him into the lounge and closed the door behind him. Anton unpacked two giant pizzas that smelled divine, and Joel’s stomach cramped. He hadn’t eaten since yesterday. He’d either been too busy or too distracted, and now he was starving.

  “Are you sure?” He had one last try at being polite.

  “Hell, yeah.” In front of his flatmate, Anton slid an arm around Joel’s waist and claimed a fast, hungry kiss. “I always order too much. And besides, I was looking forward to seeing you again.”

  How could he refuse? Just having Anton in such close proximity was making his heart race. He couldn’t wait for them to be alone together.


  The evening was nothing like Joel had expected when he’d set off, a couple of hours earlier. Anton and Kelly were a lot closer than he imagined. She told him about her previous terrible ex’s, and how Anton always came to the rescue. He was the one who held her hair when she vomited into the toilet. Who rescued her when she left without her phone, and had no way to pay for her lunch. It was Anton who painstakingly put her back together after each painful break-up. Anton who now passed her tissues and topped up her drink.

  Were they just good friends? Or was there something more between them? He’d certainly been into Joel the night before. That kind of interest couldn’t be faked. But now, sitting on opposite ends of the sofa, with Kelly in a nearby armchair, he wasn’t so sure.

  “So, Joel.” After several vodkas, Kelly’s voice was slurred. “Have you always been gay? Or like Anton here, do you go for dicks and chicks?”

  Shit. Was she a mind-reader?

  “Kel.” Anton’s voice held a warning note. He gave Joel an apologetic look. “You don’t have to answer her.”

  “Yes, you do.” Kelly stood, and picked her way carefully over the abandoned pizza boxes. “I’ll be right back.”

  The minute she disappeared from the lounge, Anton grabbed Joel’s T-shirt and hauled him forward, covering the gap between them. “God. I’m so sorry. I can’t abandon her, though. She’ll be going to bed soon, and then we can, you know.” His smile was dirty and tantalising all at once, and just like that, Joel was hard. All thoughts of leaving fled from his mind.

  “Get down and dirty in your bedroom?”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  “Hey.” Kelly leaned against the doorframe, a tub of ice cream in her hand. “It was nice to meet you, Joel. I can see why Anton likes you, and no, you don’t have to answer my nosy question.” She smiled, but it looked fragile, as though she was working hard to seem confident. “I’m heading for bed. See ya.”

  Without releasing his grip on Joel’s T-shirt, Anton turned to his flatmate. “You okay, sweets?”

  She nodded, and then blew him a kiss. “Have fun, boys.”

  Before they did anything, there was something Joel had to know. He waited until her bedroom door was closed before speaking. “Are you and Kelly more than just flatmates? I don’t want to get in the way of anything.” It was stupid how anxious he felt asking this. He’d known Anton less than twenty-four hours. He shouldn’t be so attached to him.

  Anton’s blue eyes were clear and honest. “We’ve fucked a few times, usually when we’re between partners. And only ever when we’re hammered. It’s not something we make a habit of.” He caressed Joel’s cheek, the gesture sending excited tingles across his entire body. “Is it a problem?”

  Was it? Joel wasn’t wired for casual sex. To him it was always more than the sum of its parts, but then again, his sister accused him of being a hopeless romantic. Maybe it was time to change.

  Anton was waiting for his answer. “No,” Joel replied softly, unable to tear his gaze away. “Not as long as I get to have you tonight.”

  Chapter 2

  Anton took Joel’s hand, led him into the bedroom, and closed the door behind them. “I’m glad you stayed.”

  “After last night? Try keeping me away.”
  Joel wasn’t sure who moved first, but a heartbeat later, they were in each others arms, lips pressed together, and hands roaming. Anton was almost as tall as him, and the perfect height for kissing. Their hard-ons bumped, and Joel’s desire ratcheted up another notch. Fuck, the man was hot. He curled one hand behind Anton’s neck, while the other tunneled into his hair. The resulting moan almost unhinged him.

  Last night’s sex had been wild. Fast, hard, and with an urgency that had taken Joel by surprise, and he looked forward to more of the same tonight. Anton was only the second guy he’d been with, but he didn’t feel as though he was floundering. He knew what to do, to make Anton feel good. To make him groan, and shudder, and moan his name.

  “I have to have you.” Joel spoke against Anton’s lips. “Now.” They tumbled to the bed in a tangle of limbs and clothes. Anton dragged his T-shirt over his head, while Joel did the same, jeans were unbuttoned, unzipped and abandoned, along with their boxers. Finally, Joel paused and took a steadying breath. Anton lay beneath him, chest heaving and hair disheveled, his firm chest a broad expanse of golden skin.

  He drew one finger down the smooth plains to his stomach, and down further to the happy trail of dark hair and the impressive cock straining toward him. What was it about this guy that revved his engine so much? Maybe the weeks of staring from afar and never having the courage to speak hadn’t gone to waste. It’d made them damn near combust the night before. He was surprised the sheets weren’t singed at the edges.

  “You’re staring at me as though you’ve forgotten what to do.” Joel glanced up, when Anton spoke, and he saw the teasing grin on his partner’s face.

  “Smart ass. I’m deciding where to start.” He fisted his own erection. God, he wouldn’t last long at this rate.

  “Lube and condoms in the drawer.” Anton smirked. “If you’ve made your mind up, that is.”

  Joel reached across to grab them. “I want you on your knees again. That was something fucking else last night.”

  Oh man. He’d thought Anton’s front to be gorgeous, but his ass was perfection. The kind of ass that deserved a song dedicated to it. An entire fucking opera. Smooth, and the same pale gold as the rest of his body, it was sculpted and taut, and firm enough to bounce a coin from, he was sure. Anton wiggled his ass now, and Joel had to grit his teeth, to focus on fitting the condom.

  Take it slow tonight, Joel told himself. Yeah right. He knew as soon as he’d lubed up, he wouldn’t be able to hold back. His pulse raced at the thought, and his balls tightened in eager anticipation.

  He managed to stroke lube over Anton’s pucker, and slid first one, then two slippery fingers inside the tight hole.

  “Joel, man. You’re killing me, down here.” Anton sounded in pain. “Don’t wait.”

  It was all the encouragement he needed. On his knees behind his lover, he eased his cock into Anton, an inch at a time. So fucking tight. The iron-like grip on his dick made his head spin, it was so delicious. He swallowed, his mouth parched, and continued to push forward all the way.

  Holy fuck. His heart pounded so hard, he might even be having a heart attack. Breathe. Must remember to breathe.

  Anton moaned, and clenched even tighter, and black spots danced briefly in front of Joel’s eyes. “Do that again,” he whispered.

  He did, and Joel whimpered in pleasure. He needed to take control back. Sucking in an unsteady breath, through heaving lungs, he dug his fingers into Anton’s hair and tugged his head back. It was Anton’s turn to whimper.

  “You are so fucking hot.” Joel thrust hard, and again, his hips snapping, each move driving him deeper. “I like you like this. Mine for the taking.” He slid his free hand to Anton’s front, and wrapped his fist around his cock. “This is mine, while I’m fucking you.”

  “Yours,” gasped Anton, his back arching. A thin sheen of perspiration gleamed on his shoulders, and Joel couldn’t resist it. He leaned forward and licked it away. Salt and heat, and the intoxicating taste that was pure Anton. Another lick, and then he closed his mouth over the tender spot at the base of his neck, and bit.

  “Fuck.” Anton cried out, his whole body jerking at the contact, and Joel found he couldn’t wait any longer. With a muffled shout, he thrust one last time and then came, long and hard. He kept his wits long enough to squeeze Anton’s cock and felt hot cum over his hand a moment later.


  Anton was a cuddler. After they’d cleaned up, to Joel’s delight they stayed tangled in the bed, hands linked, stealing kisses and sharing confidences. His other boyfriend had hated the intimacy, and would leap from the bed as though it had become toxic. To lie here together, with the musky smell of their fucking in the air, was bliss.

  Hang on. Anton wasn’t his boyfriend. It was only their second night, way too early to be making claims. Tracing a gentle finger down Anton’s stubbled cheek, Joel imagined doing this every night. He liked the idea. It was still too soon though.

  He tried to pull his mind back to safer waters. “You’re tanned all over. Skinny dipping on a beach somewhere?”

  “Naw.” Anton stretched, his abs rippling at the movement. “I’m always this colour. My mother is Spanish.” He batted his eyelashes at Joel. “You should see me when I’ve been skinny dipping over there. This is pale in comparison.”

  Christ. Just the idea of Anton swimming in the nude, was enough to make him hard again.

  Anton noticed, but it would have been difficult to miss the cock bumping his hip. He grinned at Joel. “How do you feel about switching? Or do you always top?”

  Oh. There was an honest answer, or there was a painfully honest one. “I’ve only ever topped.” He swallowed down his nerves. “I’ve only been with one other guy, and that’s what he wanted. And it worked for me.”

  Anton’s eyes widened, and he cupped Joel’s cheek in his palm. “So what do you want?”

  It felt as though he had sand in his mouth. “I’m not sure. I might, but I’m not ready.” Scared, more like. It seemed a huge step. He preferred to be in control. Joel huffed out a tight breath. “Is that okay with you?”

  “The idea of being the first one to fuck you is melting my brain. I’m surprised I’m not drooling at the prospect.” He swiped at his mouth. “I’m not, am I?” His lips curled up at the corners. “But I’m happy to wait. I think you’re worth it. I mean, you are sticking around, aren’t you? Staying the night again?”

  Joel nudged him with his hard-on. “You up for another round?”

  “Fuck, yes.”


  After another delicious night of fucking, Joel was in no hurry to wake the next morning. He was awfully warm though, and the bed seemed strangely crowded. Anton must be hogging all the space, as Joel was now perched on the very edge of the mattress. With his eyes still closed, he rolled over, and threw one arm across Anton’s chest.

  Or not.

  When he last checked, Anton didn’t have breasts.

  Holy. Fuck.

  Joel snatched his hand back, and opened his eyes, blinking in the light filtering through the part-open blinds. What the fuck was Kelly doing there? She lay on her side, facing Anton, and was quite clearly naked. Or at least, topless. Joel averted his eyes, his heart racing.

  Was this normal for Anton?

  It wasn’t for Joel.

  Chapter 3

  As quietly as he could, Joel slid out of the bed, and tried to find his abandoned boxers. Fuck. He couldn’t see them, but at least he found his jeans. He dragged them up his legs, and then bent to find his T-shirt. His morning hard-on pushed at the zipper, and he willed it to subside.

  He wriggled into his shirt, paused, and stared at the couple in the bed. Kelly lay there, her blonde hair strewn across the pillows, and with one hand on Anton’s chest. They looked good together. She was even prettier at close quarters, and his dick agreed.

  No. He didn’t do chicks any more, and he wasn’t attracted to Kelly. Regret wormed into Joel’s chest. Hands down, it’d been the best sex
he’d ever had, but he wasn’t sure about sharing Anton.

  His socks were nowhere to be seen, but he’d manage without. He snagged his boots, and then on tiptoes, crept out of the bedroom, and pulled the door closed behind him.

  He needed a drink of water before he went anywhere, and headed for the kitchen. The coffee maker mocked him as he ran the faucet for cold water, and took a glass from the shelf. Yesterday morning, Anton had made a strong and fragrant brew for him, and they’d teased each other about morning drink preferences. Joel insisted on harking back to his English roots with tea first thing, but he had to admit, Anton’s coffee had been something else.

  Should he leave a note? And what could he say? Thanks for the hot sex, but I don’t want to get in the way of your relationship with Kelly.

  No, too wordy. And a little bit whiny.

  Anton’s words danced in his head. We’ve fucked a few times, usually when we’re between partners.

  So what did that make Joel? A partner or a temporary acquisition?

  The chiller unit had a notepad on the front, and he picked up the stylus, still unsure what to say. Whatever he wrote would be seen by Kelly. He took a sip of water, and then another. Keep it simple.

  Thanks for a great night. ~Joel

  He’d text as well, later, when there was no chance of the message waking his sleeping lover. Emptying the glass, he added it to the dirty crockery already waiting in the dishwasher, and then sat, to put on his boots.

  “Don’t go. Please.”

  The husky female voice from the doorway made him jump. He raised startled eyes to see Kelly, wearing Anton’s T-shirt from the night before.

  Joel’s erection had been on the verge of subsiding, but now it roared back to life. At least he was sitting, and she wouldn’t see the bulge in his jeans.

  She stepped into the kitchen, and lifted one hand to fiddle with her hair, drawing it back from her face. “At least, don’t go on my account.” She smiled, but it looked as awkward as Joel felt. He also couldn’t leave without pushing past her.


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